def validate(test_set, scale_z, obj_file='./prediction', save=True): with torch.no_grad(): unet.eval() all_pred = np.array([], dtype=int) valLabels = np.array([], dtype=int) val_dt = data.kits_dataset(test_set) print("val size:", len(val_dt)) print("batch size:", data.batch_size) val_data_loader =, batch_size=data.batch_size, collate_fn=data.val_point_transform, # collate_fn=data.val_point_transform, shuffle=False) num_batches = len(val_data_loader) for i, batch in enumerate(val_data_loader): print(">>>Processing batch: {}/{}".format(i + 1, num_batches)) if use_cuda: batch['x'][1] = batch['x'][1].cuda() predictions = unet(batch['x']) predictions = predictions.cpu().numpy() predictions = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) all_pred = np.concatenate((all_pred, predictions)) valLabels = np.concatenate((valLabels, batch['y'])) # save predicted obj if save == True: xyz = batch['x'][0].cpu().numpy() rgb = batch['x'][1].cpu().numpy() inds = (xyz[:, 3] == 0) # get 1st scene in the batch xyz = xyz[inds] xyz[:, 0] = (xyz[:, 0].astype(np.float32) / scale_z).astype( rgb = rgb[inds] pred = predictions[inds] out_file = obj_file + str(i) + '.obj' save_to_obj(xyz, rgb, pred, out_file) class_ious = iou.evaluate(all_pred, valLabels) return class_ious
loss.backward() optimizer.step() print(epoch, 'Train loss', train_loss / (i + 1), 'MegaMulAdd=', scn.forward_pass_multiplyAdd_count / len(data.train) / 1e6, 'MegaHidden', scn.forward_pass_hidden_states / len(data.train) / 1e6, 'time=', time.time() - start, 's') scn.checkpoint_save(unet, exp_name, 'unet', epoch, use_cuda) if epoch % 100 == 1: with torch.no_grad(): unet.eval() store = torch.zeros(data.valOffsets[-1], 20) scn.forward_pass_multiplyAdd_count = 0 scn.forward_pass_hidden_states = 0 start = time.time() for rep in range(1, 1 + data.val_reps): for i, batch in enumerate(data.val_data_loader): if use_cuda: batch['x'][1] = batch['x'][1].cuda() batch['y'] = batch['y'].cuda() predictions = unet(batch['x']) store.index_add_(0, batch['point_ids'], predictions.cpu()) print(epoch, rep, 'Val MegaMulAdd=', scn.forward_pass_multiplyAdd_count / len(data.val) / 1e6, 'MegaHidden', scn.forward_pass_hidden_states / len(data.val) / 1e6, 'time=', time.time() - start, 's') iou.evaluate(store.max(1)[1].numpy(), data.valLabels)
def evaluate(save_ply=False, prefix=""): with torch.no_grad(): unet.eval() store = torch.zeros(data.valOffsets[-1], 20) scn.forward_pass_multiplyAdd_count = 0 scn.forward_pass_hidden_states = 0 start = time.time() for rep in range(1, 1 + data.val_reps): locs = None for i, batch in enumerate(data.val_data_loader): if use_cuda: batch['x'][1] = batch['x'][1].cuda() batch['y'] = batch['y'].cuda() predictions = unet(batch['x']) predictions = predictions.cpu() store.index_add_(0, batch['point_ids'], predictions) # print(len(predictions)) # print(len(batch['x'][0])) # print('batchchhhhh', i) # xyz = data.val[idx][0] #from original ply file # from distorted xyz used when training batch_locs = batch['x'][0].numpy() print(len(batch_locs)) if locs is None: locs = batch_locs else: np.concatenate((locs, batch_locs)) print('infer', rep, 'Val MegaMulAdd=', scn.forward_pass_multiplyAdd_count / len(data.val) / 1e6, 'MegaHidden', scn.forward_pass_hidden_states / len(data.val) / 1e6, 'time=', time.time() - start, 's') predLabels = store.max(1)[1].numpy() print(predLabels) iou.evaluate(predLabels, data.valLabels) if save_ply: label_id_to_color = batch['label_id_to_color'] unknown_color = [1, 1, 1] colors = np.array( list( map( lambda label_id: label_id_to_color[label_id] if label_id in label_id_to_color else unknown_color, predLabels))) ori_points = [] for idx, idx_val in enumerate(data.val): # print(len(idx_val[0])) ori_points.extend(idx_val[0]) idx_data = {} for loc, color, ori_point in zip(locs, colors, ori_points): idx = loc[3] point = loc[0:3] if idx not in idx_data: idx_data[idx] = {} idx_data[idx]['points'] = [] idx_data[idx]['colors'] = [] idx_data[idx]['ori_points'] = [] idx_data[idx]['points'].append(point) idx_data[idx]['colors'].append(color) idx_data[idx]['ori_points'].append(ori_point) for idx, datum in idx_data.items(): points = datum['points'] colors = datum['colors'] ori_points = datum['ori_points'] pcd = PointCloud() # pcd.points = Vector3dVector(points) #the ordering seems to be wrong :/ pcd.points = Vector3dVector(ori_points) pcd.colors = Vector3dVector(colors) write_point_cloud( "./ply/{prefix}batch_{rep}_{idx}_.ply".format( prefix=prefix, rep=rep, idx=idx), pcd)
# save predicted obj if save == True: xyz = batch['x'][0].cpu().numpy() rgb = batch['x'][1].cpu().numpy() inds = (xyz[:, 3] == 0) # get 1st scene in the batch xyz = xyz[inds] xyz[:, 0] = (xyz[:, 0].astype(np.float32) / data.scale_z).astype( rgb = rgb[inds] pred = predictions[inds] data.save_to_obj(xyz, rgb, pred, './pred_epoch' + str(epoch) + '_batch' + str(i) + '.obj') s = 'EPOCH: {}, validation: time = {:.3f}, timestamp = {}'. \ format(epoch, time.time() - start,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) print(s) class_ious = iou.evaluate(all_pred, valLabels) if data.num_cl == 2: ious = str(class_ious['tissue'][0]) + ', ' + \ str(class_ious['kidney'][0]) elif data.num_cl == 3: ious = str(class_ious['tissue'][0]) + ', ' + \ str(class_ious['kidney'][0]) + ', ' + \ str(class_ious['tumor'][0]) logfile.write(s + '\nclass ious: ' + ious + '\n') writer.add_scalar("iou/tissue", class_ious['tissue'][0], iteration) writer.add_scalar("iou/kidney", class_ious['kidney'][0], iteration) if data.num_cl == 3: writer.add_scalar("iou/tumor", class_ious['tumor'][0], iteration)