Example #1
    def execute(self, csr, **kw):

        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        principal = kw.get('principal')
        add = kw.get('add')
        request_type = kw.get('request_type')
        service = None

        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        bind_principal = getattr(context, 'principal')
        # Can this user request certs?
        if not bind_principal.startswith('host/'):

            subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr)
            extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr)
            subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or ()
        except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error), e:
            raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") % e)
Example #2
    def execute(self, csr, **kw):

        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        principal = kw.get('principal')
        add = kw.get('add')
        request_type = kw.get('request_type')
        service = None
        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        bind_principal = getattr(context, 'principal')
        # Can this user request certs?
        if not bind_principal.startswith('host/'):

            subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr)
            extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr)
            subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or ()
        except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error), e:
            raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") %
Example #3
    def execute(self, csr, **kw):

        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        add = kw.get('add')
        request_type = kw.get('request_type')
        profile_id = kw.get('profile_id', self.Backend.ra.DEFAULT_PROFILE)
        ca = '.'  # top-level CA hardcoded until subca plugin implemented

        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        principal_string = kw.get('principal')
        principal = split_any_principal(principal_string)
        servicename, principal_name, realm = principal
        if servicename is None:
            principal_type = USER
        elif servicename == 'host':
            principal_type = HOST
            principal_type = SERVICE

        caacl_check(principal_type, principal_string, ca, profile_id)

        bind_principal = split_any_principal(getattr(context, 'principal'))
        bind_service, bind_name, bind_realm = bind_principal

        if bind_service is None:
            bind_principal_type = USER
        elif bind_service == 'host':
            bind_principal_type = HOST
            bind_principal_type = SERVICE

        if bind_principal != principal and bind_principal_type != HOST:
            # Can the bound principal request certs for another principal?

            subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr)
            extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr)
            subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or ()
        except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error), e:
            raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") % e)
Example #4
    def execute(self, csr, all=False, raw=False, **kw):

        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        add = kw.get('add')
        request_type = kw.get('request_type')
        profile_id = kw.get('profile_id', self.Backend.ra.DEFAULT_PROFILE)

        # Check that requested authority exists (done before CA ACL
        # enforcement so that user gets better error message if
        # referencing nonexistant CA) and look up authority ID.
        ca = kw['cacn']
        ca_obj = api.Command.ca_show(ca)['result']
        ca_id = ca_obj['ipacaid'][0]

        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        principal = kw.get('principal')
        principal_string = unicode(principal)

        if principal.is_user:
            principal_type = USER
        elif principal.is_host:
            principal_type = HOST
            principal_type = SERVICE

        bind_principal = kerberos.Principal(
            getattr(context, 'principal'))
        bind_principal_string = unicode(bind_principal)

        if bind_principal.is_user:
            bind_principal_type = USER
        elif bind_principal.is_host:
            bind_principal_type = HOST
            bind_principal_type = SERVICE

        if (bind_principal_string != principal_string and
                bind_principal_type != HOST):
            # Can the bound principal request certs for another principal?

            self.check_access("request certificate ignore caacl")
            bypass_caacl = True
        except errors.ACIError:
            bypass_caacl = False

        if not bypass_caacl:
            caacl_check(principal_type, principal, ca, profile_id)

            subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr)
            extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr)
            subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or ()
        except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error, ValueError) as e:
            raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") % e)

        # self-service and host principals may bypass SAN permission check
        if (bind_principal_string != principal_string
                and bind_principal_type != HOST):
            if '' in extensions:
                self.check_access('request certificate with subjectaltname')

        dn = None
        principal_obj = None
        # See if the service exists and punt if it doesn't and we aren't
        # going to add it
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](principal_string, all=True)
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](
                    principal.hostname, all=True)
            elif principal_type == USER:
                principal_obj = api.Command['user_show'](
                    principal.username, all=True)
        except errors.NotFound as e:
            if add:
                if principal_type == SERVICE:
                    principal_obj = api.Command['service_add'](
                        principal_string, force=True)
                    princtype_str = PRINCIPAL_TYPE_STRING_MAP[principal_type]
                    raise errors.OperationNotSupportedForPrincipalType(
                        operation=_("'add' option"),
                raise errors.NotFound(
                    reason=_("The principal for this request doesn't exist."))
        principal_obj = principal_obj['result']
        dn = principal_obj['dn']

        # Ensure that the DN in the CSR matches the principal
        cn = subject.common_name  #pylint: disable=E1101
        if not cn:
            raise errors.ValidationError(name='csr',
                error=_("No Common Name was found in subject of request."))

        if principal_type in (SERVICE, HOST):
            if cn.lower() != principal.hostname.lower():
                raise errors.ACIError(
                    info=_("hostname in subject of request '%(cn)s' "
                        "does not match principal hostname '%(hostname)s'")
                        % dict(cn=cn, hostname=principal.hostname))
        elif principal_type == USER:
            # check user name
            if cn != principal.username:
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                    error=_("DN commonName does not match user's login")

            # check email address
            mail = subject.email_address  #pylint: disable=E1101
            if mail is not None and mail not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                        "DN emailAddress does not match "
                        "any of user's email addresses")

        # We got this far so the principal entry exists, can we write it?
        if not ldap.can_write(dn, "usercertificate"):
            raise errors.ACIError(info=_("Insufficient 'write' privilege "
                "to the 'userCertificate' attribute of entry '%s'.") % dn)

        # Validate the subject alt name, if any
        for name_type, desc, name, der_name in subjectaltname:
            if name_type == nss.certDNSName:
                name = unicode(name)
                alt_principal = None
                alt_principal_obj = None
                    if principal_type == HOST:
                        alt_principal = kerberos.Principal(
                            (u'host', name), principal.realm)
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](name, all=True)
                    elif principal_type == SERVICE:
                        alt_principal = kerberos.Principal(
                            (principal.service_name, name), principal.realm)
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](
                            alt_principal, all=True)
                    elif principal_type == USER:
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                            error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                                "for user principals") % desc
                except errors.NotFound:
                    # We don't want to issue any certificates referencing
                    # machines we don't know about. Nothing is stored in this
                    # host record related to this certificate.
                    raise errors.NotFound(reason=_('The service principal for '
                        'subject alt name %s in certificate request does not '
                        'exist') % name)
                if alt_principal_obj is not None:
                    altdn = alt_principal_obj['result']['dn']
                    if not ldap.can_write(altdn, "usercertificate"):
                        raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
                            "Insufficient privilege to create a certificate "
                            "with subject alt name '%s'.") % name)
                if alt_principal is not None and not bypass_caacl:
                    caacl_check(principal_type, alt_principal, ca, profile_id)
            elif name_type in [
                (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_UPN),
                (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME),
                if name != principal_string:
                    raise errors.ACIError(
                        info=_("Principal '%s' in subject alt name does not "
                               "match requested principal") % name)
            elif name_type == nss.certRFC822Name:
                if principal_type == USER:
                    if name not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                                "RFC822Name does not match "
                                "any of user's email addresses")
                    raise errors.ValidationError(
                        error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                            "for non-user principals") % desc
                raise errors.ACIError(
                    info=_("Subject alt name type %s is forbidden") % desc)

        # Request the certificate
            result = self.Backend.ra.request_certificate(
                csr, profile_id, ca_id, request_type=request_type)
        except errors.HTTPRequestError as e:
            if e.status == 409:  # pylint: disable=no-member
                raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                    error=_("CA '%s' is disabled") % ca)
                raise e

        if not raw:
            self.obj._parse(result, all)
            result['request_id'] = int(result['request_id'])
            result['cacn'] = ca_obj['cn'][0]

        # Success? Then add it to the principal's entry
        # (unless the profile tells us not to)
        profile = api.Command['certprofile_show'](profile_id)
        store = profile['result']['ipacertprofilestoreissued'][0] == 'TRUE'
        if store and 'certificate' in result:
            cert = str(result.get('certificate'))
            kwargs = dict(addattr=u'usercertificate={}'.format(cert))
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                api.Command['service_mod'](principal_string, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                api.Command['host_mod'](principal.hostname, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == USER:
                api.Command['user_mod'](principal.username, **kwargs)

        return dict(
            value=pkey_to_value(int(result['request_id']), kw),
Example #5
    def execute(self, csr, all=False, raw=False, **kw):

        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        add = kw.get('add')
        request_type = kw.get('request_type')
        profile_id = kw.get('profile_id', self.Backend.ra.DEFAULT_PROFILE)

        # Check that requested authority exists (done before CA ACL
        # enforcement so that user gets better error message if
        # referencing nonexistant CA) and look up authority ID.
        ca = kw['cacn']
        ca_obj = api.Command.ca_show(ca)['result']
        ca_id = ca_obj['ipacaid'][0]
        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        principal = kw.get('principal')
        principal_string = unicode(principal)

        if principal.is_user:
            principal_type = USER
        elif principal.is_host:
            principal_type = HOST
            principal_type = SERVICE

        bind_principal = kerberos.Principal(getattr(context, 'principal'))
        bind_principal_string = unicode(bind_principal)

        if bind_principal.is_user:
            bind_principal_type = USER
        elif bind_principal.is_host:
            bind_principal_type = HOST
            bind_principal_type = SERVICE

        if (bind_principal_string != principal_string
                and bind_principal_type != HOST):
            # Can the bound principal request certs for another principal?

            self.check_access("request certificate ignore caacl")
            bypass_caacl = True
        except errors.ACIError:
            bypass_caacl = False

        if not bypass_caacl:
            caacl_check(principal_type, principal, ca, profile_id)

            subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr)
            extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr)
            subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or ()
        except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error, ValueError) as e:
            raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") %

        # self-service and host principals may bypass SAN permission check
        if (bind_principal_string != principal_string
                and bind_principal_type != HOST):
            if '' in extensions:
                self.check_access('request certificate with subjectaltname')

        dn = None
        principal_obj = None
        # See if the service exists and punt if it doesn't and we aren't
        # going to add it
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](principal_string,
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](principal.hostname,
            elif principal_type == USER:
                principal_obj = api.Command['user_show'](principal.username,
        except errors.NotFound as e:
            if add:
                if principal_type == SERVICE:
                    principal_obj = api.Command['service_add'](
                        principal_string, force=True)
                    princtype_str = PRINCIPAL_TYPE_STRING_MAP[principal_type]
                    raise errors.OperationNotSupportedForPrincipalType(
                        operation=_("'add' option"),
                raise errors.NotFound(
                    reason=_("The principal for this request doesn't exist."))
        principal_obj = principal_obj['result']
        dn = principal_obj['dn']

        # Ensure that the DN in the CSR matches the principal
        cn = subject.common_name  #pylint: disable=E1101
        if not cn:
            raise errors.ValidationError(
                error=_("No Common Name was found in subject of request."))

        if principal_type in (SERVICE, HOST):
            if cn.lower() != principal.hostname.lower():
                raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
                    "hostname in subject of request '%(cn)s' "
                    "does not match principal hostname '%(hostname)s'") %
                                      dict(cn=cn, hostname=principal.hostname))
        elif principal_type == USER:
            # check user name
            if cn != principal.username:
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                    error=_("DN commonName does not match user's login"))

            # check email address
            mail = subject.email_address  #pylint: disable=E1101
            if mail is not None and mail not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                    error=_("DN emailAddress does not match "
                            "any of user's email addresses"))

        # We got this far so the principal entry exists, can we write it?
        if not ldap.can_write(dn, "usercertificate"):
            raise errors.ACIError(
                info=_("Insufficient 'write' privilege "
                       "to the 'userCertificate' attribute of entry '%s'.") %

        # Validate the subject alt name, if any
        for name_type, desc, name, _der_name in subjectaltname:
            if name_type == nss.certDNSName:
                name = unicode(name)
                alt_principal = None
                alt_principal_obj = None
                    if principal_type == HOST:
                        alt_principal = kerberos.Principal((u'host', name),
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](name,
                    elif principal_type == SERVICE:
                        alt_principal = kerberos.Principal(
                            (principal.service_name, name), principal.realm)
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](
                            alt_principal, all=True)
                    elif principal_type == USER:
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                            error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                                    "for user principals") % desc)
                except errors.NotFound:
                    # We don't want to issue any certificates referencing
                    # machines we don't know about. Nothing is stored in this
                    # host record related to this certificate.
                    raise errors.NotFound(reason=_(
                        'The service principal for '
                        'subject alt name %s in certificate request does not '
                        'exist') % name)
                if alt_principal_obj is not None:
                    altdn = alt_principal_obj['result']['dn']
                    if not ldap.can_write(altdn, "usercertificate"):
                        raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
                            "Insufficient privilege to create a certificate "
                            "with subject alt name '%s'.") % name)
                if alt_principal is not None and not bypass_caacl:
                    caacl_check(principal_type, alt_principal, ca, profile_id)
            elif name_type in [
                (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_UPN),
                (nss.certOtherName, x509.SAN_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME),
                if name != principal_string:
                    raise errors.ACIError(
                        info=_("Principal '%s' in subject alt name does not "
                               "match requested principal") % name)
            elif name_type == nss.certRFC822Name:
                if principal_type == USER:
                    if name not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                            error=_("RFC822Name does not match "
                                    "any of user's email addresses"))
                    raise errors.ValidationError(
                        error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                                "for non-user principals") % desc)
                raise errors.ACIError(
                    info=_("Subject alt name type %s is forbidden") % desc)

        # Request the certificate
            result = self.Backend.ra.request_certificate(
                csr, profile_id, ca_id, request_type=request_type)
        except errors.HTTPRequestError as e:
            if e.status == 409:  # pylint: disable=no-member
                raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                    error=_("CA '%s' is disabled") % ca)
                raise e

        if not raw:
            self.obj._parse(result, all)
            result['request_id'] = int(result['request_id'])
            result['cacn'] = ca_obj['cn'][0]

        # Success? Then add it to the principal's entry
        # (unless the profile tells us not to)
        profile = api.Command['certprofile_show'](profile_id)
        store = profile['result']['ipacertprofilestoreissued'][0] == 'TRUE'
        if store and 'certificate' in result:
            cert = str(result.get('certificate'))
            kwargs = dict(addattr=u'usercertificate={}'.format(cert))
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                api.Command['service_mod'](principal_string, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                api.Command['host_mod'](principal.hostname, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == USER:
                api.Command['user_mod'](principal.username, **kwargs)

        return dict(
            value=pkey_to_value(int(result['request_id']), kw),
Example #6
File: cert.py Project: msrb/freeipa
    def execute(self, csr, **kw):

        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        add = kw.get('add')
        request_type = kw.get('request_type')
        profile_id = kw.get('profile_id', self.Backend.ra.DEFAULT_PROFILE)
        ca = '.'  # top-level CA hardcoded until subca plugin implemented

        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        principal_string = kw.get('principal')
        principal = split_any_principal(principal_string)
        servicename, principal_name, realm = principal
        if servicename is None:
            principal_type = USER
        elif servicename == 'host':
            principal_type = HOST
            principal_type = SERVICE

        bind_principal = split_any_principal(getattr(context, 'principal'))
        bind_service, bind_name, bind_realm = bind_principal

        if bind_service is None:
            bind_principal_type = USER
        elif bind_service == 'host':
            bind_principal_type = HOST
            bind_principal_type = SERVICE

        if bind_principal != principal and bind_principal_type != HOST:
            # Can the bound principal request certs for another principal?

            self.check_access("request certificate ignore caacl")
            bypass_caacl = True
        except errors.ACIError:
            bypass_caacl = False

        if not bypass_caacl:
            caacl_check(principal_type, principal_string, ca, profile_id)

            subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr)
            extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr)
            subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or ()
        except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error) as e:
            raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") % e)

        # self-service and host principals may bypass SAN permission check
        if bind_principal != principal and bind_principal_type != HOST:
            if '' in extensions:
                self.check_access('request certificate with subjectaltname')

        dn = None
        principal_obj = None
        # See if the service exists and punt if it doesn't and we aren't
        # going to add it
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](principal_string, all=True)
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](principal_name, all=True)
            elif principal_type == USER:
                principal_obj = api.Command['user_show'](principal_name, all=True)
        except errors.NotFound as e:
            if principal_type == SERVICE and add:
                principal_obj = api.Command['service_add'](principal_string, force=True)
                raise errors.NotFound(
                    reason=_("The principal for this request doesn't exist."))
        principal_obj = principal_obj['result']
        dn = principal_obj['dn']

        # Ensure that the DN in the CSR matches the principal
        cn = subject.common_name  #pylint: disable=E1101
        if not cn:
            raise errors.ValidationError(name='csr',
                error=_("No Common Name was found in subject of request."))

        if principal_type in (SERVICE, HOST):
            if cn.lower() != principal_name.lower():
                raise errors.ACIError(
                    info=_("hostname in subject of request '%(cn)s' "
                        "does not match principal hostname '%(hostname)s'")
                        % dict(cn=cn, hostname=principal_name))
        elif principal_type == USER:
            # check user name
            if cn != principal_name:
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                    error=_("DN commonName does not match user's login")

            # check email address
            mail = subject.email_address  #pylint: disable=E1101
            if mail is not None and mail not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                        "DN emailAddress does not match "
                        "any of user's email addresses")

        # We got this far so the principal entry exists, can we write it?
        if not ldap.can_write(dn, "usercertificate"):
            raise errors.ACIError(info=_("Insufficient 'write' privilege "
                "to the 'userCertificate' attribute of entry '%s'.") % dn)

        # Validate the subject alt name, if any
        for name_type, name in subjectaltname:
            if name_type == pkcs10.SAN_DNSNAME:
                name = unicode(name)
                alt_principal_obj = None
                alt_principal_string = None
                    if principal_type == HOST:
                        alt_principal_string = 'host/%s@%s' % (name, realm)
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](name, all=True)
                    elif principal_type == SERVICE:
                        alt_principal_string = '%s/%s@%s' % (servicename, name, realm)
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](
                            alt_principal_string, all=True)
                    elif principal_type == USER:
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                            error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                                "for user principals") % name_type
                except errors.NotFound:
                    # We don't want to issue any certificates referencing
                    # machines we don't know about. Nothing is stored in this
                    # host record related to this certificate.
                    raise errors.NotFound(reason=_('The service principal for '
                        'subject alt name %s in certificate request does not '
                        'exist') % name)
                if alt_principal_obj is not None:
                    altdn = alt_principal_obj['result']['dn']
                    if not ldap.can_write(altdn, "usercertificate"):
                        raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
                            "Insufficient privilege to create a certificate "
                            "with subject alt name '%s'.") % name)
                if alt_principal_string is not None and not bypass_caacl:
                        principal_type, alt_principal_string, ca, profile_id)
            elif name_type in (pkcs10.SAN_OTHERNAME_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME,
                if split_any_principal(name) != principal:
                    raise errors.ACIError(
                        info=_("Principal '%s' in subject alt name does not "
                               "match requested principal") % name)
            elif name_type == pkcs10.SAN_RFC822NAME:
                if principal_type == USER:
                    if name not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                                "RFC822Name does not match "
                                "any of user's email addresses")
                    raise errors.ValidationError(
                        error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                            "for non-user principals") % name_type
                raise errors.ACIError(
                    info=_("Subject alt name type %s is forbidden") %

        # Request the certificate
        result = self.Backend.ra.request_certificate(
            csr, profile_id, request_type=request_type)
        cert = x509.load_certificate(result['certificate'])
        result['issuer'] = unicode(cert.issuer)
        result['valid_not_before'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_before_str)
        result['valid_not_after'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_after_str)
        result['md5_fingerprint'] = unicode(nss.data_to_hex(nss.md5_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0])
        result['sha1_fingerprint'] = unicode(nss.data_to_hex(nss.sha1_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0])

        # Success? Then add it to the principal's entry
        # (unless the profile tells us not to)
        profile = api.Command['certprofile_show'](profile_id)
        store = profile['result']['ipacertprofilestoreissued'][0] == 'TRUE'
        if store and 'certificate' in result:
            cert = str(result.get('certificate'))
            kwargs = dict(addattr=u'usercertificate={}'.format(cert))
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                api.Command['service_mod'](principal_string, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                api.Command['host_mod'](principal_name, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == USER:
                api.Command['user_mod'](principal_name, **kwargs)

        return dict(
Example #7
    def execute(self, csr, **kw):

        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        add = kw.get('add')
        request_type = kw.get('request_type')
        profile_id = kw.get('profile_id', self.Backend.ra.DEFAULT_PROFILE)
        ca = '.'  # top-level CA hardcoded until subca plugin implemented
        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        principal_string = kw.get('principal')
        principal = split_any_principal(principal_string)
        servicename, principal_name, realm = principal
        if servicename is None:
            principal_type = USER
        elif servicename == 'host':
            principal_type = HOST
            principal_type = SERVICE

        bind_principal = split_any_principal(getattr(context, 'principal'))
        bind_service, bind_name, bind_realm = bind_principal

        if bind_service is None:
            bind_principal_type = USER
        elif bind_service == 'host':
            bind_principal_type = HOST
            bind_principal_type = SERVICE

        if bind_principal != principal and bind_principal_type != HOST:
            # Can the bound principal request certs for another principal?

            self.check_access("request certificate ignore caacl")
            bypass_caacl = True
        except errors.ACIError:
            bypass_caacl = False

        if not bypass_caacl:
            caacl_check(principal_type, principal_string, ca, profile_id)

            subject = pkcs10.get_subject(csr)
            extensions = pkcs10.get_extensions(csr)
            subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(csr) or ()
        except (NSPRError, PyAsn1Error, ValueError) as e:
            raise errors.CertificateOperationError(
                error=_("Failure decoding Certificate Signing Request: %s") %

        # self-service and host principals may bypass SAN permission check
        if bind_principal != principal and bind_principal_type != HOST:
            if '' in extensions:
                self.check_access('request certificate with subjectaltname')

        dn = None
        principal_obj = None
        # See if the service exists and punt if it doesn't and we aren't
        # going to add it
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](principal_string,
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](principal_name,
            elif principal_type == USER:
                principal_obj = api.Command['user_show'](principal_name,
        except errors.NotFound as e:
            if principal_type == SERVICE and add:
                principal_obj = api.Command['service_add'](principal_string,
                raise errors.NotFound(
                    reason=_("The principal for this request doesn't exist."))
        principal_obj = principal_obj['result']
        dn = principal_obj['dn']

        # Ensure that the DN in the CSR matches the principal
        cn = subject.common_name  #pylint: disable=E1101
        if not cn:
            raise errors.ValidationError(
                error=_("No Common Name was found in subject of request."))

        if principal_type in (SERVICE, HOST):
            if cn.lower() != principal_name.lower():
                raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
                    "hostname in subject of request '%(cn)s' "
                    "does not match principal hostname '%(hostname)s'") %
                                      dict(cn=cn, hostname=principal_name))
        elif principal_type == USER:
            # check user name
            if cn != principal_name:
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                    error=_("DN commonName does not match user's login"))

            # check email address
            mail = subject.email_address  #pylint: disable=E1101
            if mail is not None and mail not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                raise errors.ValidationError(
                    error=_("DN emailAddress does not match "
                            "any of user's email addresses"))

        # We got this far so the principal entry exists, can we write it?
        if not ldap.can_write(dn, "usercertificate"):
            raise errors.ACIError(
                info=_("Insufficient 'write' privilege "
                       "to the 'userCertificate' attribute of entry '%s'.") %

        # Validate the subject alt name, if any
        for name_type, name in subjectaltname:
            if name_type == pkcs10.SAN_DNSNAME:
                name = unicode(name)
                alt_principal_obj = None
                alt_principal_string = None
                    if principal_type == HOST:
                        alt_principal_string = 'host/%s@%s' % (name, realm)
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['host_show'](name,
                    elif principal_type == SERVICE:
                        alt_principal_string = '%s/%s@%s' % (servicename, name,
                        alt_principal_obj = api.Command['service_show'](
                            alt_principal_string, all=True)
                    elif principal_type == USER:
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                            error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                                    "for user principals") % name_type)
                except errors.NotFound:
                    # We don't want to issue any certificates referencing
                    # machines we don't know about. Nothing is stored in this
                    # host record related to this certificate.
                    raise errors.NotFound(reason=_(
                        'The service principal for '
                        'subject alt name %s in certificate request does not '
                        'exist') % name)
                if alt_principal_obj is not None:
                    altdn = alt_principal_obj['result']['dn']
                    if not ldap.can_write(altdn, "usercertificate"):
                        raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
                            "Insufficient privilege to create a certificate "
                            "with subject alt name '%s'.") % name)
                if alt_principal_string is not None and not bypass_caacl:
                    caacl_check(principal_type, alt_principal_string, ca,
            elif name_type in (pkcs10.SAN_OTHERNAME_KRB5PRINCIPALNAME,
                if split_any_principal(name) != principal:
                    raise errors.ACIError(
                        info=_("Principal '%s' in subject alt name does not "
                               "match requested principal") % name)
            elif name_type == pkcs10.SAN_RFC822NAME:
                if principal_type == USER:
                    if name not in principal_obj.get('mail', []):
                        raise errors.ValidationError(
                            error=_("RFC822Name does not match "
                                    "any of user's email addresses"))
                    raise errors.ValidationError(
                        error=_("subject alt name type %s is forbidden "
                                "for non-user principals") % name_type)
                raise errors.ACIError(
                    info=_("Subject alt name type %s is forbidden") %

        # Request the certificate
        result = self.Backend.ra.request_certificate(csr,
        cert = x509.load_certificate(result['certificate'])
        result['issuer'] = unicode(cert.issuer)
        result['valid_not_before'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_before_str)
        result['valid_not_after'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_after_str)
        result['md5_fingerprint'] = unicode(
            nss.data_to_hex(nss.md5_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0])
        result['sha1_fingerprint'] = unicode(
            nss.data_to_hex(nss.sha1_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0])

        # Success? Then add it to the principal's entry
        # (unless the profile tells us not to)
        profile = api.Command['certprofile_show'](profile_id)
        store = profile['result']['ipacertprofilestoreissued'][0] == 'TRUE'
        if store and 'certificate' in result:
            cert = str(result.get('certificate'))
            kwargs = dict(addattr=u'usercertificate={}'.format(cert))
            if principal_type == SERVICE:
                api.Command['service_mod'](principal_string, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == HOST:
                api.Command['host_mod'](principal_name, **kwargs)
            elif principal_type == USER:
                api.Command['user_mod'](principal_name, **kwargs)

        return dict(result=result)
Example #8
class cert_request(VirtualCommand):
    __doc__ = _('Submit a certificate signing request.')

    takes_args = (File(
    ), )
    operation = "request certificate"

    takes_options = (
            _('Service principal for this certificate (e.g. HTTP/test.example.com)'
             doc=_("automatically add the principal if it doesn't exist"),

    has_output_params = (
            label=_('Not Before'),
            label=_('Not After'),
            label=_('Fingerprint (MD5)'),
            label=_('Fingerprint (SHA1)'),
            label=_('Serial number'),
            label=_('Serial number (hex)'),

    has_output = (Output(
        doc=_('Dictionary mapping variable name to value'),
    ), )

    def execute(self, csr, **kw):
        ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2
        principal = kw.get('principal')
        add = kw.get('add')
        del kw['principal']
        del kw['add']
        service = None
        Access control is partially handled by the ACI titled
        'Hosts can modify service userCertificate'. This is for the case
        where a machine binds using a host/ prinicpal. It can only do the
        request if the target hostname is in the managedBy attribute which
        is managed using the add/del member commands.

        Binding with a user principal one needs to be in the request_certs
        taskgroup (directly or indirectly via role membership).

        bind_principal = getattr(context, 'principal')
        # Can this user request certs?
        if not bind_principal.startswith('host/'):

        # FIXME: add support for subject alt name

        # Ensure that the hostname in the CSR matches the principal
        subject_host = get_csr_hostname(csr)
        (servicename, hostname, realm) = split_principal(principal)
        if subject_host.lower() != hostname.lower():
            raise errors.ACIError(
                info=_("hostname in subject of request '%(subject_host)s' "
                       "does not match principal hostname '%(hostname)s'") %
                dict(subject_host=subject_host, hostname=hostname))

        dn = None
        service = None
        # See if the service exists and punt if it doesn't and we aren't
        # going to add it
            if not principal.startswith('host/'):
                service = api.Command['service_show'](principal,
                dn = service['dn']
                hostname = get_host_from_principal(principal)
                service = api.Command['host_show'](hostname,
                dn = service['dn']
        except errors.NotFound, e:
            if not add:
                raise errors.NotFound(reason=_("The service principal for "
                                               "this request doesn't exist."))
                service = api.Command['service_add'](principal, **{
                    'force': True
                dn = service['dn']
            except errors.ACIError:
                raise errors.ACIError(
                    info=_('You need to be a member of '
                           'the serviceadmin role to add services'))

        # We got this far so the service entry exists, can we write it?
        if not ldap.can_write(dn, "usercertificate"):
            raise errors.ACIError(
                info=_("Insufficient 'write' privilege "
                       "to the 'userCertificate' attribute of entry '%s'.") %

        # Validate the subject alt name, if any
        request = pkcs10.load_certificate_request(csr)
        subjectaltname = pkcs10.get_subjectaltname(request)
        if subjectaltname is not None:
            for name in subjectaltname:
                name = unicode(name)
                    hostentry = api.Command['host_show'](name,
                    hostdn = hostentry['dn']
                except errors.NotFound:
                    # We don't want to issue any certificates referencing
                    # machines we don't know about. Nothing is stored in this
                    # host record related to this certificate.
                    raise errors.NotFound(reason=_(
                        'no host record for '
                        'subject alt name %s in certificate request') % name)
                authprincipal = getattr(context, 'principal')
                if authprincipal.startswith("host/"):
                    if not hostdn in service.get('managedby', []):
                        raise errors.ACIError(info=_(
                            "Insufficient privilege to create a certificate "
                            "with subject alt name '%s'.") % name)

        if 'usercertificate' in service:
            serial = x509.get_serial_number(service['usercertificate'][0],
            # revoke the certificate and remove it from the service
            # entry before proceeding. First we retrieve the certificate to
            # see if it is already revoked, if not then we revoke it.
                result = api.Command['cert_show'](unicode(serial))['result']
                if 'revocation_reason' not in result:
                    except errors.NotImplementedError:
                        # some CA's might not implement revoke
            except errors.NotImplementedError:
                # some CA's might not implement get
            if not principal.startswith('host/'):
                api.Command['service_mod'](principal, usercertificate=None)
                hostname = get_host_from_principal(principal)
                api.Command['host_mod'](hostname, usercertificate=None)

        # Request the certificate
        result = self.Backend.ra.request_certificate(csr, **kw)
        cert = x509.load_certificate(result['certificate'])
        result['issuer'] = unicode(cert.issuer)
        result['valid_not_before'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_before_str)
        result['valid_not_after'] = unicode(cert.valid_not_after_str)
        result['md5_fingerprint'] = unicode(
            nss.data_to_hex(nss.md5_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0])
        result['sha1_fingerprint'] = unicode(
            nss.data_to_hex(nss.sha1_digest(cert.der_data), 64)[0])

        # Success? Then add it to the service entry.
        if 'certificate' in result:
            if not principal.startswith('host/'):
                skw = {"usercertificate": str(result.get('certificate'))}
                api.Command['service_mod'](principal, **skw)
                hostname = get_host_from_principal(principal)
                skw = {"usercertificate": str(result.get('certificate'))}
                api.Command['host_mod'](hostname, **skw)

        return dict(result=result)