def __init__(self, ctu): self.ctu = ctu self.ipc = IPC(self.ctu) ipcbridge.start(self.ctu) self.mutexes = {} self.semaphores = {} for i in xrange(0x80): ctu.hookinsn(0xD4000001 | (i << 5), (lambda i: lambda _, __: self.svcDispatch(i))(i))
def __init__(self, parent, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, pos=(150, 150), size=(200, 150)) # instance of the IPC we control. self._ipc=IPC("COM1") # Create the menubar menuBar = wx.MenuBar() # and a menu menu = wx.Menu() # add an item to the menu, using \tKeyName automatically # creates an accelerator, the third param is some help text # that will show up in the statusbar menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Exit this simple sample") # bind the menu event to an event handler self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnTimeToClose, id=wx.ID_EXIT) # and put the menu on the menubar menuBar.Append(menu, "&File") #add help menu help_menu = wx.Menu() help_menu.Append(menu_ABOUT, "&About\tAlt-A", "About this application") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, id=menu_ABOUT) menuBar.Append(help_menu, "&Help") self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) #self.CreateStatusBar() # Now create the Panel to put the other controls on. self.panel = wx.Panel(self) # and a few controls text = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Power On Off") text.SetFont(wx.Font(14, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) text.SetSize(text.GetBestSize()) self.on_btn = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "On") self.off_btn = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "Off") # bind the button events to handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnONButton, self.on_btn) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOFFButton, self.off_btn) # Use a sizer to layout the controls, stacked vertically and with # a 10 pixel border around each sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL, 10) sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer2.Add(self.on_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 1) sizer2.Add(self.off_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 1) sizer.Add(sizer2, 0, wx.ALL| wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(sizer) self.panel.Layout() #add icon _icon = wx.Icon('resources\\acc.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.SetIcon(_icon)
class PooFrame(wx.Frame): ''' This is MyFrame. It just shows a few controls on a wxPanel, and has a simple menu. ''' def __init__(self, parent, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, pos=(150, 150), size=(200, 150)) # instance of the IPC we control. self._ipc=IPC("COM1") # Create the menubar menuBar = wx.MenuBar() # and a menu menu = wx.Menu() # add an item to the menu, using \tKeyName automatically # creates an accelerator, the third param is some help text # that will show up in the statusbar menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Exit this simple sample") # bind the menu event to an event handler self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnTimeToClose, id=wx.ID_EXIT) # and put the menu on the menubar menuBar.Append(menu, "&File") #add help menu help_menu = wx.Menu() help_menu.Append(menu_ABOUT, "&About\tAlt-A", "About this application") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, id=menu_ABOUT) menuBar.Append(help_menu, "&Help") self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) #self.CreateStatusBar() # Now create the Panel to put the other controls on. self.panel = wx.Panel(self) # and a few controls text = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Power On Off") text.SetFont(wx.Font(14, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) text.SetSize(text.GetBestSize()) self.on_btn = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "On") self.off_btn = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "Off") # bind the button events to handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnONButton, self.on_btn) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOFFButton, self.off_btn) # Use a sizer to layout the controls, stacked vertically and with # a 10 pixel border around each sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL, 10) sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer2.Add(self.on_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 1) sizer2.Add(self.off_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 1) sizer.Add(sizer2, 0, wx.ALL| wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL, 10) self.panel.SetSizer(sizer) self.panel.Layout() #add icon _icon = wx.Icon('resources\\acc.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.SetIcon(_icon) def OnTimeToClose(self, evt): '''Event handler for the button click.''' print "See ya later!" self._ipc.close() self.Close() def OnONButton(self, evt): '''Event handler for the button click.''' print "IPC on" self._ipc.powerOn() self.on_btn.Disable() self.off_btn.Enable() self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(wx.GREEN) self.panel.Refresh() def OnOFFButton(self, evt): '''Event handler for the button click.''' print "IPC off" self._ipc.powerOff() self.off_btn.Disable() self.on_btn.Enable() self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(wx.RED) self.panel.Refresh() def OnAbout(self, evt): ''' Respond to the "About" menu command. ''' dialog = wx.Dialog(self, -1, "About Power On Off" , style=wx.DIALOG_MODAL | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) dialog.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) panel = wx.Panel(dialog, -1) panel.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) panelSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) boldFont = wx.Font(panel.GetFont().GetPointSize(), panel.GetFont().GetFamily(), wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD) logo = wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, wx.Bitmap("resources/acc.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) lab1 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Power On Off") lab1.SetFont(wx.Font(36, boldFont.GetFamily(), wx.ITALIC, wx.BOLD)) lab1.SetSize(lab1.GetBestSize()) imageSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) imageSizer.Add(logo, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) imageSizer.Add(lab1, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) lab2 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "A simple program to control IPC device") lab2.SetFont(boldFont) lab2.SetSize(lab2.GetBestSize()) lab3 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Power On Off is completely free " + \ "software; please") lab3.SetFont(boldFont) lab3.SetSize(lab3.GetBestSize()) lab4 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "feel free to adapt or use this " + \ "in any way you like.") lab4.SetFont(boldFont) lab4.SetSize(lab4.GetBestSize()) lab5 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, __info__) #"Author: Ilan Finci " + \ #"([email protected])\n") lab5.SetFont(boldFont) lab5.SetSize(lab5.GetBestSize()) btnOK = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK, "OK") panelSizer.Add(imageSizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) panelSizer.Add((10, 10)) # Spacer. panelSizer.Add(lab2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) panelSizer.Add((10, 10)) # Spacer. panelSizer.Add(lab3, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) panelSizer.Add(lab4, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) panelSizer.Add((10, 10)) # Spacer. panelSizer.Add(lab5, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) panelSizer.Add((10, 10)) # Spacer. panelSizer.Add(btnOK, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, 5) panel.SetAutoLayout(True) panel.SetSizer(panelSizer) panelSizer.Fit(panel) topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) topSizer.Add(panel, 0, wx.ALL, 10) dialog.SetAutoLayout(True) dialog.SetSizer(topSizer) topSizer.Fit(dialog) dialog.Centre() btn = dialog.ShowModal() dialog.Destroy()
class SvcHandler(object): def __init__(self, ctu): self.ctu = ctu self.ipc = IPC(self.ctu) ipcbridge.start(self.ctu) self.mutexes = {} self.semaphores = {} for i in xrange(0x80): ctu.hookinsn(0xD4000001 | (i << 5), (lambda i: lambda _, __: self.svcDispatch(i))(i)) def svcDispatch(self, svc): if svc in handlers: print '[%i] %s' % (, svcToName(svc)) handlers[svc](self) return False print 'Unhandled: SVC %s 0x%02x @ %s' % (svcToName(svc), svc, raw(self.ctu.pc)) self.ctu.debugbreak() return False def ipcDispatcher(self, handle, addr, size): self.ctu.dumpmem(addr, 0x80) buffer = struct.unpack('<' + 'I' * (size >> 2), self.ctu.readmem(addr, size, check=False)) ret, buffer = self.ipc.recv(handle, buffer) self.ctu.writemem(addr, '\0' * 0x100, check=False) self.ctu.checkwrite(addr, 0x100, unset=True) if buffer is not None: obuf = '' for i, x in enumerate(buffer): if x is not None: self.ctu.write32(addr + i * 4, x) self.ctu.dumpmem(addr, 0x80) return ret @handler(0x01) def SetHeapSize(self, _, size): self.ctu.usHeapSize = size addr = 0xaa0000000, size) return 0, addr @handler(0x03) def SetMemoryAttribute(self, addr, size, state0, state1): return 0 @handler(0x04) def MirrorStack(self, dest, src, size): print 'Mirror stack: %x %x %x' % (dest, src, size), size) self.ctu.writemem(dest, self.ctu.readmem(src, size)) return 0 @handler(0x05) def UnmapMemory(self, dest, src, size): print 'UnmapMemory %x %x %x' % (dest, src, size) self.ctu.unmap(dest, size) return 0 @handler(0x06) def QueryMemory(self, meminfo, pageinfo, addr): print 'QueryMemory %x (%x %x)' % (addr, meminfo, pageinfo) for begin, end, perms in self.ctu.memregions(): if begin <= addr < end: print 'Found region at %x-%x' % (begin, end) self.ctu.write64(meminfo + 0x00, begin) self.ctu.write64(meminfo + 0x08, end - begin) self.ctu.write64(meminfo + 0x10, 0 if perms == -1 else 3) # FREE or CODE if perms == -1: cperm = 0 else: offset = self.ctu.read32(begin + 4) if begin + offset + 4 < end and self.ctu.readmem( begin + offset, 4) == 'MOD0': cperm = 5 else: cperm = 3 self.ctu.write64(meminfo + 0x18, cperm) break return 0, 0 @handler(0x07) def ExitProcess(self): print 'EXIT PROCESS' self.ctu.debugbreak() return 0, 0 @handler(0x08) def CreateThread(self, out, pc, x0, sp, prio, proc): print 'Creating thread at %s' % raw(pc) thread = self.ctu.threads.create(pc, sp, x0) self.ctu.write64(out, thread.handle) return 0, thread.handle @handler(0x09) def StartThread(self, handle): thread = self.ctu.handles[handle] print 'Starting thread %i at %s (SP=%s)' % (, raw(thread.regs[0]), raw(thread.regs[1])) = True self.ctu.threads.running.append(thread) return 0 @handler(0x0A) def ExitThread(self): print 'Exiting thread %i' % self.ctu.threads.exit() @handler(0x0B) def SleepThread(self, ns): sec = ns / 1000000000. print 'Sleeping thread for %f seconds' % sec thread = self.ctu.threads.current timer = Timer() @timer.wait def waiter(trigger): while time.sleep(0.01) thread.resume() return True timer.signalIn(sec) thread.suspend() @handler(0x0C) def GetThreadPriority(self, handle): return 0, 0 @handler(0x0D) def SetThreadPriority(self, handle, priority): return 0 @handler(0x0E) def GetThreadCoreMask(self): return 0, 0xFF, 0xFF @handler(0x0F) def SetThreadCoreMask(self): return 0 @handler(0x10) def GetCurrentProcessorNumber(self): return 0 @handler(0x11) def SignalEvent(self, handle): print 'SignalEvent %x' % handle #print self.ctu.handles[handle] return 0 @handler(0x12) def ClearEvent(self, handle): print 'ClearEvent %x' % handle print self.ctu.handles[handle] return 0 @handler(0x13) def MapMemoryBlock(self, handle, addr, size, perm): print 'Map memory block: %x %x %x %x' % (handle, addr, size, perm) obj = self.ctu.handles[handle] assert obj.size == size assert obj.addr is None, size) obj.addr = addr return 0 @handler(0x15) def CreateTransferMemory(self, addr, size, perm): print 'CreateTransferMemory %x %x %x' % (addr, size, perm) return 0, 0 @handler(0x16) def CloseHandle(self, handle): self.ctu.closeHandle(handle) return 0 @handler(0x17) def ResetSignal(self, handle): print 'ResetSignal %x' % handle return 0 @handler(0x18) def WaitSynchronization(self, out, handles, numHandles, timeout): print '[%i] WaitSynchronization %x %i %x' % (, handles, numHandles, timeout) objs = [ self.ctu.handles[self.ctu.read32(handles + i * 4)] for i in xrange(numHandles) ] print objs for i, obj in enumerate(objs): if isinstance(obj, Thread) and obj.terminated: return 0, i """for obj in objs: if isinstance(obj, Port) and != 0: print 'Waiting for ports on non-zero thread? Nope.' objs = [Waitable()] break""" for obj in objs: obj.acquire() for i, obj in enumerate(objs): if isinstance(obj, Pipe) and (obj.closed or len(obj.queue) > 0): obj.waitable_presignaled = False, None, None for sobj in objs: sobj.release() return 0, i triggered = [False] setup = False thread = self.ctu.threads.current def waiter(trigger, canceled=False): if triggered[0]: return False triggered[0] = True while time.sleep(0.01) thread.blockers = [] print 'WaitSynchronization done! Canceled == %r' % canceled thread.regs[0 + 2] = 0xec01 if canceled else 0 # X0 = 0 thread.regs[1 + 2] = 0 if canceled else objs.index( trigger) # X1 = index of handle thread.resume() return True thread.blockers = objs for obj in objs: obj.wait(waiter) obj.release() thread.suspend() @handler(0x19) def CancelSynchronization(self, handle): print 'CancelSynchronization %x' % handle thread = self.ctu.handles[handle] for blocker in thread.blockers: blocker.signal(True) return 0 def ensureMutex(self, ptr): if isinstance(ptr, Mutex): return ptr elif ptr not in self.mutexes: print 'Making new mutex for %x' % ptr self.mutexes[ptr] = Mutex(self.ctu, ptr) return self.mutexes[ptr] def ensureSema(self, ptr): if isinstance(ptr, Semaphore): return ptr elif ptr not in self.semaphores: print 'Making new semaphore for %x' % ptr self.semaphores[ptr] = Semaphore(self.ctu, ptr) return self.semaphores[ptr] @handler(0x1A) def LockMutex(self, curthread, mutexAddr, reqthread): print 'LockMutex %x %x %x' % (curthread, mutexAddr, reqthread) mutex = self.ensureMutex(mutexAddr) owner = mutex.value & 0xBFFFFFFF thread = self.ctu.threads.current if owner != 0 and owner is not reqthread: print 'Could not get mutex lock. Waiting.' mutex.hasWaiters = 1 @mutex.wait def waiter(trigger): while # In case we haven't finished suspending when the mutex releases time.sleep(0.1) if mutex.owner is None: mutex.owner = reqthread thread.regs[0 + 2] = 0 thread.resume() return True else: mutex.hasWaiters = 1 if thread.suspend() else: mutex.owner = reqthread if not thread.regs[0 + 2] = 0 thread.resume() else: return 0 @handler(0x1B) def UnlockMutex(self, mutex): print 'UnlockMutex %x' % mutex mutex = self.ensureMutex(mutex) owner = mutex.owner assert mutex.owner is None or mutex.owner is self.ctu.threads.current mutex.guestRelease() @handler(0x1C) def WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic(self, mutexAddr, sema, threadHandle, timeout): print 'WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic %x %x %x %i' % (mutexAddr, sema, threadHandle, timeout) thread = self.ctu.handles[threadHandle] print 'WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic on thread', mutex = self.ensureMutex(mutexAddr) sema = self.ensureSema(sema) # Mutex should always be locked on wait! assert mutex.owner is thread if sema.value > 0: sema.decrement() return 0 @sema.wait def waiter(trigger): while # In case we haven't finished suspending time.sleep(0.1) sema.decrement() print 'Attempting to wake thread to get mutex back:', self.LockMutex(0, mutexAddr, threadHandle) return True mutex.guestRelease() thread.suspend() @handler(0x1D) def SignalProcessWideKey(self, sema, target): print 'SignalProcessWideKey %x %x' % (sema, target) sema = self.ensureSema(sema) sema.increment() if target == 1: sema.signalOne() elif target == 0xFFFFFFFF: sema.signal() return 0 @handler(0x1F) def ConnectToPort(self, out, name): handle = self.ipc.connectToPort(self.ctu.readstring(name)) self.ctu.write64(out, handle) return 0, handle @handler(0x21) def SendSyncRequest(self): return self.ipcDispatcher(self.ctu.reg(0), self.ctu.threads.current.tlsbase, 0x100) @handler(0x22) def SendSyncRequestEx(self): return self.ipcDispatcher(self.ctu.reg(2), self.ctu.reg(0), self.ctu.reg(1)) @handler(0x24) def GetProcessID(self, out, handle): print 'GetProcessID %x %x' % (out, handle) process = self.ctu.handles[handle] self.ctu.write32(out, return 0, @handler(0x25) def GetThreadId(self, p_threadid): self.ctu.write64(p_threadid, return 0 @handler(0x26) def Break(self, X0, X1, info): print 'svcBreak HIT!' print 'X0=%016x' % X0 print 'X1=%016x' % X1 print 'X2=%016x' % info self.ctu.debugbreak() return 0 @handler(0x27) def OutputDebugString(self, ptr, size): print 'Debug string:', self.ctu.readmem(ptr, size).rstrip('\0') @handler(0x29) def GetInfo(self, out, id1, handle, id2): res = None print 'Get info: %i:%i %x -> %x' % (id1, id2, handle, out) process = self.ctu.handles[ handle if handle != 0 else 0xFFFF8001] # Assume current process for faking if id1 == 0 and id2 == 0: res = 0xF elif id1 == 1 and id2 == 0: res = 0xfffffffff0000000 elif id1 == 2 and id2 == 0: res = 0x7100000000 elif id1 == 3 and id2 == 0: res = 0x1000000000 elif id1 == 4 and id2 == 0: res = 0xaa0000000 # Heap base? elif id1 == 5 and id2 == 0: res = self.ctu.usHeapSize # Heap region size elif id1 == 6 and id2 == 0: res = 0x100000 elif id1 == 7 and id2 == 0: res = 0x10000 elif id1 == 12 and id2 == 0: res = 0x8000000 elif id1 == 13 and id2 == 0: res = 0x7ff8000000 elif id1 == 14 and id2 == 0: res = self.ctu.loadbase elif id1 == 15 and id2 == 0: res = self.ctu.loadsize elif id1 == 18 and id2 == 0: res = 0x0100000000000036 elif id1 == 11: res = 0 if res is None: print 'Unknown getinfo!' self.ctu.write64(out, 0) return 1, 0 else: self.ctu.write64(out, res) return 0, res @handler(0x40) def CreateSession(self, clientOut, serverOut, unk): print 'Creating session %x %x %x' % (clientOut, serverOut, unk) a, b = ah, bh = self.ctu.newHandle(a), self.ctu.newHandle(b) self.ctu.write32(clientOut, ah) self.ctu.write32(serverOut, bh) return 0, ah, bh @handler(0x41) def AcceptSession(self, out, port): port = self.ctu.handles[port] print 'Accept session on', port pipe = port.pop() pipe.accept() handle = self.ctu.newHandle(pipe) self.ctu.write32(out, handle) return 0, handle @handler(0x43) def ReplyAndReceive(self, out, handles, numHandles, replySession, timeout): #print 'ReplyAndReceive %x %x %i %x %x' % (out, handles, numHandles, replySession, timeout) addr = self.ctu.threads.current.tlsbase if replySession != 0: handle = self.ctu.handles[replySession] print 'Writing outgoing IPC message:' self.ctu.dumpmem(addr, 0x100) handle.push(self.ctu.readmem(addr, 0x100, check=False)) if numHandles == 0: return 0xf601, 0 objs = [ self.ctu.handles[self.ctu.read32(handles + i * 4)] for i in xrange(numHandles) ] assert len(objs) == 1 and isinstance(objs[0], Pipe) print objs[0] objs[0].acquire() if objs[0].closed: print 'Pipe is closed.' return 0xf601, 0 self.ctu.write32(out, 0) # Index into handles data = objs[0].pop() objs[0].release() if data is None: return 0xf601, 0 self.ctu.writemem(addr, data) print 'Read incoming IPC message:' self.ctu.dumpmem(addr, len(data)) return 0, 0 @handler(0x45) def CreateEvent(self, clientOut, serverOut, unk): print 'Creating event? Totally fake %x %x %x' % (clientOut, serverOut, unk) a, b = ah, bh = self.ctu.newHandle(a), self.ctu.newHandle(b) self.ctu.write32(clientOut, ah) self.ctu.write32(serverOut, bh) return 0, ah, bh @handler(0x4E) def ReadWriteRegister(self, out, reg, rwm, val): print 'ReadWriteRegister %x %x %x %x' % (out, reg, rwm, val) robj = None for pbase, vbase, size, obj in self.ctu.mmiomap: if pbase <= reg < pbase + size: robj = obj break if robj is None: print '!Unknown physical address!' self.ctu.debugbreak() return 0, 0 if rwm == 0xFFFFFFFF: obj.write(reg, 4, val) elif rwm == 0x00000000: val =, 4) else: tval =, 4) tval &= (0xFFFFFFFF ^ rwm) val |= tval obj.write(reg, 4, val) return 0, val @handler(0x50) def CreateMemoryBlock(self, out, size, perm): print 'Attempting to create memory block: %x %x' % (size, perm) handle = self.ctu.newHandle(MemoryBlock(size, perm)) self.ctu.write64(out, handle) return 0, handle @handler(0x51) def MapTransferMemory(self, handle, addr, size, perm): print 'MapTransferMemory %x %x %x %x' % (handle, addr, size, perm), size) return 0 @handler(0x52) def UnmapTransferMemory(self, handle, addr, size): print 'UnmapTransferMemory %x %x %x' % (handle, addr, size) self.ctu.unmap(addr, size) return 0 @handler(0x53) def CreateInterruptEvent(self, out, irq): print 'CreateInterruptEvent %x %x' % (out, irq) interruptWaitable = Waitable() print interruptWaitable return 0, self.ctu.newHandle(interruptWaitable) @handler(0x55) def QueryIoMapping(self, out, physaddr, size): print 'QueryIoMapping %x %x' % (physaddr, size) res = None for pbase, vbase, msize, obj in self.ctu.mmiomap: if pbase <= physaddr < pbase + msize: res = physaddr - pbase + vbase break if res is None: print '!Unknown physical address!' self.ctu.debugbreak() res = 0 self.ctu.write64(out, res) return 0, res @handler(0x56) def CreateDeviceAddressSpace(self, out, base, size): print 'CreateDeviceAddressSpace %x %x %x' % (out, base, size) obj = DeviceMemory(base, size) handle = self.ctu.newHandle(obj) self.ctu.write32(out, handle) return 0, handle @handler(0x57) def AttachDeviceAddressSpace(self, handle, dev, addr): print 'AttachDeviceAddressSpace %x %x %x' % (handle, dev, addr) return 0, 0 @handler(0x59) def MapDeviceAddressSpaceByForce(self, handle, phandle, paddr, size, maddr, perm): print 'MapDeviceAddressSpaceByForce %x %x %x %x %x %x' % ( handle, phandle, paddr, size, maddr, perm) return 0, 0 @handler(0x5c) def UnmapDeviceAddressSpace(self, unk0, phandle, maddr, size): print 'UnmapDeviceAddressSpace %x %x %x %x' % (unk0, phandle, maddr, size) return 0 @handler(0x74) def MapProcessMemory(self, dstaddr, handle, srcaddr, size): print 'MapProcessMemory %x %x %x %x' % (handle, dstaddr, srcaddr, size), size) self.ctu.writemem(dstaddr, self.ctu.readmem(srcaddr, size)) return 0 @handler(0x75) def UnmapProcessMemory(self, dstaddr, handle, srcaddr, size): print 'UnmapProcessMemory %x %x %x %x' % (handle, dstaddr, srcaddr, size) self.ctu.unmap(dstaddr, size) return 0 @handler(0x77) def MapProcessCodeMemory(self, handle, dstaddr, srcaddr, size): print 'MapProcessCodeMemory %x %x %x %x' % (handle, dstaddr, srcaddr, size), size) return 0 @handler(0x78) def UnmapProcessCodeMemory(self, handle, dstaddr, srcaddr, size): print 'UnmapProcessCodeMemory %x %x %x %x' % (handle, dstaddr, srcaddr, size) self.ctu.unmap(dstaddr, size) return 0