Example #1
def test_tuple():
    tup = (lambda x: x, 1)
    bufs = serialize_object(tup)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned, tuple)
    t2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equal(t2[0](t2[1]), tup[0](tup[1]))
Example #2
def test_list():
    lis = [lambda x:x, 1]
    bufs = serialize_object(lis)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned, list)
    l2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equal(l2[0](l2[1]), lis[0](lis[1]))
Example #3
 def set_value(self, name, value):
     """Set the value of a variable"""
     ns = self._get_reference_namespace(name)
     value = deserialize_object(value)[0]
     if isinstance(value, CannedObject):
         value = value.get_object()
     ns[name] = value
Example #4
def test_list():
    lis = [lambda x: x, 1]
    bufs = serialize_object(lis)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned, list)
    l2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equal(l2[0](l2[1]), lis[0](lis[1]))
Example #5
 def set_value(self, name, value):
     """Set the value of a variable"""
     ns = self._get_reference_namespace(name)
     value = deserialize_object(value)[0]
     if isinstance(value, CannedObject):
         value = value.get_object()
     ns[name] = value
def test_list():
    lis = [lambda x: x, 1]
    bufs = serialize_object(lis)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned, list)
    l2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert l2[0](l2[1]) == lis[0](lis[1])
Example #7
def test_tuple():
    tup = (lambda x:x, 1)
    bufs = serialize_object(tup)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned, tuple)
    t2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equal(t2[0](t2[1]), tup[0](tup[1]))
def test_tuple():
    tup = (lambda x: x, 1)
    bufs = serialize_object(tup)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned, tuple)
    t2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert t2[0](t2[1]) == tup[0](tup[1])
Example #9
    def _handle_data_message(self, msg):
        Handle raw (serialized) data sent by the kernel

        We only handle data asked by Spyder, in case people use
        publish_data for other purposes.
        # Deserialize data
            data = deserialize_object(msg['buffers'])[0]
        except Exception as msg:
            self._kernel_value = None
            self._kernel_reply = repr(msg)

        # Receive values asked for Spyder
        value = data.get('__spy_data__', None)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, CannedObject):
                value = value.get_object()
            self._kernel_value = value

        # Receive Pdb state and dispatch it
        pdb_state = data.get('__spy_pdb_state__', None)
        if pdb_state is not None and isinstance(pdb_state, dict):

        # Run Pdb continue to get to the first breakpoint
        # Fixes 2034
        pdb_continue = data.get('__spy_pdb_continue__', None)
        if pdb_continue:
Example #10
def test_list():
    lis = [lambda x:x, 1]
    bufs = serialize_object(lis)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned, list)
    l2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert l2[0](l2[1]) == lis[0](lis[1])
Example #11
def test_tuple():
    tup = (lambda x:x, 1)
    bufs = serialize_object(tup)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned, tuple)
    t2, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert t2[0](t2[1]) == tup[0](tup[1])
Example #12
def test_namedtuple():
    p = point(1,2)
    bufs = serialize_object(p)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned, point)
    p2, r = deserialize_object(bufs, globals())
    assert p2.x == p.x
    assert p2.y == p.y
Example #13
def test_namedtuple():
    p = point(1,2)
    bufs = serialize_object(p)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned, point)
    p2, r = deserialize_object(bufs, globals())
    nt.assert_equal(p2.x, p.x)
    nt.assert_equal(p2.y, p.y)
Example #14
def test_roundtrip_memoryview():
    b = b'asdf' * 1025
    view = memoryview(b)
    bufs = serialize_object(view)
    nt.assert_equal(len(bufs), 2)
    v2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equal(remainder, [])
    nt.assert_equal(v2.tobytes(), b)
Example #15
def test_roundtrip_memoryview():
    b = b'asdf' * 1025
    view = memoryview(b)
    bufs = serialize_object(view)
    assert len(bufs) == 2
    v2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert remainder == []
    assert v2.tobytes() == b
Example #16
def test_roundtrip_memoryview():
    b = b'asdf' * 1025
    view = memoryview(b)
    bufs = serialize_object(view)
    nt.assert_equal(len(bufs), 2)
    v2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equal(remainder, [])
    nt.assert_equal(v2.tobytes(), b)
def test_namedtuple():
    p = point(1, 2)
    bufs = serialize_object(p)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned, point)
    p2, r = deserialize_object(bufs, globals())
    assert p2.x == p.x
    assert p2.y == p.y
Example #18
def test_namedtuple():
    p = point(1, 2)
    bufs = serialize_object(p)
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned, point)
    p2, r = deserialize_object(bufs, globals())
    nt.assert_equal(p2.x, p.x)
    nt.assert_equal(p2.y, p.y)
def test_roundtrip_memoryview():
    b = b'asdf' * 1025
    view = memoryview(b)
    bufs = serialize_object(view)
    assert len(bufs) == 2
    v2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert remainder == []
    assert v2.tobytes() == b
Example #20
def test_roundtrip_buffered():
    for obj in [
            dict(a=b"x" * 1025), b"hello" * 500, [b"hello" * 501, 1, 2, 3]
        bufs = serialize_object(obj)
        nt.assert_equal(len(bufs), 2)
        obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
        nt.assert_equal(remainder, [])
        nt.assert_equal(obj, obj2)
def test_roundtrip_buffered():
    for obj in [
            dict(a=b"x" * 1025), b"hello" * 500, [b"hello" * 501, 1, 2, 3]
        bufs = serialize_object(obj)
        assert len(bufs) == 2
        obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
        assert remainder == []
        assert obj == obj2
Example #22
def test_class():
    class C(object):
    bufs = serialize_object(dict(C=C))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned['C'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    C2 = d['C']
    nt.assert_equal(C2.a, C.a)
Example #23
def test_class():
    class C(object):
    bufs = serialize_object(dict(C=C))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned['C'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    C2 = d['C']
    assert C2.a == C.a
Example #24
def test_class_oldstyle():
    class C:
        a = 5

    bufs = serialize_object(dict(C=C))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned['C'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    C2 = d['C']
    nt.assert_equal(C2.a, C.a)
Example #25
def test_roundtrip_buffered():
    for obj in [
        [b"hello"*501, 1,2,3]
        bufs = serialize_object(obj)
        nt.assert_equal(len(bufs), 2)
        obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
        nt.assert_equal(remainder, [])
        nt.assert_equal(obj, obj2)
def test_class_oldstyle():
    class C:
        a = 5

    bufs = serialize_object(dict(C=C))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned['C'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    C2 = d['C']
    assert C2.a == C.a
Example #27
def test_roundtrip_buffered():
    for obj in [
        [b"hello"*501, 1,2,3]
        bufs = serialize_object(obj)
        assert len(bufs) == 2
        obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
        assert remainder == []
        assert obj == obj2
Example #28
def test_numpy():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in DTYPES:
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)
            bufs = serialize_object(A)
            bufs = [memoryview(b) for b in bufs]
            B, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
def test_numpy():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in DTYPES:
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)
            bufs = serialize_object(A)
            bufs = [memoryview(b) for b in bufs]
            B, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
            assert_array_equal(A, B)
Example #30
def test_numpy_in_dict():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in DTYPES:
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)
            bufs = serialize_object(dict(a=A,b=1,c=range(20)))
            canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
            assert isinstance(canned['a'], CannedArray)
            d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            B = d['a']
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
Example #31
def test_numpy_in_seq():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in DTYPES:
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)
            bufs = serialize_object((A,1,2,b'hello'))
            canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
            assert isinstance(canned[0], CannedArray)
            tup, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            B = tup[0]
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
def test_numpy_in_seq():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in DTYPES:
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)
            bufs = serialize_object((A, 1, 2, b'hello'))
            canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
            assert isinstance(canned[0], CannedArray)
            tup, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            B = tup[0]
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
            assert_array_equal(A, B)
def test_numpy_in_dict():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in DTYPES:
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)
            bufs = serialize_object(dict(a=A, b=1, c=range(20)))
            canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
            assert isinstance(canned['a'], CannedArray)
            d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            B = d['a']
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
            assert_array_equal(A, B)
def test_recarray():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in [
            [('f', float), ('s', '|S10')],
            [('n', int), ('s', '|S1'), ('u', 'uint32')],
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)

            bufs = serialize_object(A)
            B, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
            assert_array_equal(A, B)
Example #35
def test_recarray():
    import numpy
    from numpy.testing.utils import assert_array_equal
    for shape in SHAPES:
        for dtype in [
            [('f', float), ('s', '|S10')],
            [('n', int), ('s', '|S1'), ('u', 'uint32')],
            A = new_array(shape, dtype=dtype)

            bufs = serialize_object(A)
            B, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
            assert r == []
            assert A.shape == B.shape
            assert A.dtype == B.dtype
def test_class_inheritance():
    class C(object):
        a = 5

    class D(C):
        b = 10

    bufs = serialize_object(dict(D=D))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned['D'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    D2 = d['D']
    assert D2.a == D.a
    assert D2.b == D.b
Example #37
def test_class_inheritance():
    class C(object):

    class D(C):

    bufs = serialize_object(dict(D=D))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    assert isinstance(canned['D'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    D2 = d['D']
    assert D2.a == D.a
    assert D2.b == D.b
Example #38
def test_class_inheritance():
    class C(object):
        a = 5

    class D(C):
        b = 10

    bufs = serialize_object(dict(D=D))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned['D'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    D2 = d['D']
    nt.assert_equal(D2.a, D.a)
    nt.assert_equal(D2.b, D.b)
Example #39
def test_class_inheritance():
    class C(object):

    class D(C):

    bufs = serialize_object(dict(D=D))
    canned = pickle.loads(bufs[0])
    nt.assert_is_instance(canned['D'], CannedClass)
    d, r = deserialize_object(bufs)
    D2 = d['D']
    nt.assert_equal(D2.a, D.a)
    nt.assert_equal(D2.b, D.b)
Example #40
    def _handle_data_message(self, msg):
        Handle raw (serialized) data sent by the kernel

        We only handle data asked by TRex, in case people use
        publish_data for other purposes.
        # Deserialize data
            data = deserialize_object(msg['buffers'])[0]
        except Exception as msg:
            self._kernel_value = None
            self._kernel_reply = repr(msg)

        # We only handle data asked by TRex
        value = data.get('__spy_data__', None)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, CannedObject):
                value = value.get_object()
            self._kernel_value = value
Example #41
    def _handle_data_message(self, msg):
        Handle raw (serialized) data sent by the kernel

        We only handle data asked by Spyder, in case people use
        publish_data for other purposes.
        # Deserialize data
            data = deserialize_object(msg['buffers'])[0]
        except Exception as msg:
            self._kernel_value = None
            self._kernel_reply = repr(msg)

        # We only handle data asked by Spyder
        value = data.get('__spy_data__', None)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, CannedObject):
                value = value.get_object()
            self._kernel_value = value
Example #42
def roundtrip(obj):
    """roundtrip an object through serialization"""
    bufs = serialize_object(obj)
    obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert remainder == []
    return obj2
Example #43
def roundtrip(obj):
    """roundtrip an object through serialization"""
    bufs = serialize_object(obj)
    obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equals(remainder, [])
    return obj2
def roundtrip(obj):
    """roundtrip an object through serialization"""
    bufs = serialize_object(obj)
    obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    assert remainder == []
    return obj2
Example #45
def roundtrip(obj):
    """roundtrip an object through serialization"""
    bufs = serialize_object(obj)
    obj2, remainder = deserialize_object(bufs)
    nt.assert_equals(remainder, [])
    return obj2