Example #1
    def setUp(self):
        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB)
        self.session = CounterSession()

        self.disp_pub = ZMQDisplayPublisher(session=self.session,
    def setUp(self):
        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB)
        self.session = CounterSession()

        self.disp_pub = ZMQDisplayPublisher(
            session = self.session,
            pub_socket = self.socket
class ZMQDisplayPublisherTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests the ZMQDisplayPublisher in zmqshell.py

    def setUp(self):
        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB)
        self.session = CounterSession()

        self.disp_pub = ZMQDisplayPublisher(
            session = self.session,
            pub_socket = self.socket

    def tearDown(self):
        We need to close the socket in order to proceed with the
        TODO - There is still an open file handler to '/dev/null',
        presumably created by zmq.

    def test_display_publisher_creation(self):
        Since there's no explicit constructor, here we confirm
        that keyword args get assigned correctly, and override
        the defaults.
        self.assertEqual(self.disp_pub.session, self.session)
        self.assertEqual(self.disp_pub.pub_socket, self.socket)

    def test_thread_local_default(self):
        Confirms that the thread_local attribute is correctly
        initialised with an empty list for the display hooks
        self.assertEqual(self.disp_pub.thread_local.hooks, [])

    def test_publish(self):
        Publish should prepare the message and eventually call
        `send` by default.
        data = dict(a = 1)

        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 1)

    def test_display_hook_halts_send(self):
        If a hook is installed, and on calling the object
        it does *not* return a message, then we assume that
        the message has been consumed, and should not be
        processed (`sent`) in the normal manner.
        data = dict(a = 1)
        hook = NoReturnDisplayHook()

        self.assertEqual(hook.call_count, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 0)


        self.assertEqual(hook.call_count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 0)

    def test_display_hook_return_calls_send(self):
        If a hook is installed and on calling the object
        it returns a new message, then we assume that this
        is just a message transformation, and the message
        should be sent in the usual manner.
        data = dict(a=1)
        hook = ReturnDisplayHook()

        self.assertEqual(hook.call_count, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 0)


        self.assertEqual(hook.call_count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 1)

    def test_unregister_hook(self):
        Once a hook is unregistered, it should not be called
        during `publish`.
        data = dict(a = 1)
        hook = NoReturnDisplayHook()

        self.assertEqual(hook.call_count, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 0)


        self.assertEqual(hook.call_count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 0)

        # After unregistering the `NoReturn` hook, any calls
        # to publish should *not* got through the DisplayHook,
        # but should instead hit the usual `session.send` call
        # at the end.
        # As a result, the hook call count should *not* increase,
        # but the session send count *should* increase.
        first = self.disp_pub.unregister_hook(hook)

        self.assertEqual(hook.call_count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.session.send_count, 1)

        # If a hook is not installed, `unregister_hook`
        # should return false.
        second = self.disp_pub.unregister_hook(hook)
class ZMQDisplayPublisherTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests the ZMQDisplayPublisher in zmqshell.py

    def setUp(self):
        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB)
        self.session = CounterSession()

        self.disp_pub = ZMQDisplayPublisher(session=self.session, pub_socket=self.socket)

    def tearDown(self):
        We need to close the socket in order to proceed with the
        TODO - There is still an open file handler to '/dev/null',
        presumably created by zmq.

    def test_display_publisher_creation(self):
        Since there's no explicit constructor, here we confirm
        that keyword args get assigned correctly, and override
        the defaults.
        assert self.disp_pub.session == self.session
        assert self.disp_pub.pub_socket == self.socket

    def test_thread_local_hooks(self):
        Confirms that the thread_local attribute is correctly
        initialised with an empty list for the display hooks
        assert self.disp_pub._hooks == []

        def hook(msg):
            return msg

        assert self.disp_pub._hooks == [hook]

        q = Queue()

        def set_thread_hooks():

        t = Thread(target=set_thread_hooks)
        thread_hooks = q.get(timeout=10)
        assert thread_hooks == []

    def test_publish(self):
        Publish should prepare the message and eventually call
        `send` by default.
        data = dict(a=1)
        assert self.session.send_count == 0
        assert self.session.send_count == 1

    def test_display_hook_halts_send(self):
        If a hook is installed, and on calling the object
        it does *not* return a message, then we assume that
        the message has been consumed, and should not be
        processed (`sent`) in the normal manner.
        data = dict(a=1)
        hook = NoReturnDisplayHook()

        assert hook.call_count == 0
        assert self.session.send_count == 0


        assert hook.call_count == 1
        assert self.session.send_count == 0

    def test_display_hook_return_calls_send(self):
        If a hook is installed and on calling the object
        it returns a new message, then we assume that this
        is just a message transformation, and the message
        should be sent in the usual manner.
        data = dict(a=1)
        hook = ReturnDisplayHook()

        assert hook.call_count == 0
        assert self.session.send_count == 0


        assert hook.call_count == 1
        assert self.session.send_count == 1

    def test_unregister_hook(self):
        Once a hook is unregistered, it should not be called
        during `publish`.
        data = dict(a=1)
        hook = NoReturnDisplayHook()

        assert hook.call_count == 0
        assert self.session.send_count == 0


        assert hook.call_count == 1
        assert self.session.send_count == 0

        # After unregistering the `NoReturn` hook, any calls
        # to publish should *not* got through the DisplayHook,
        # but should instead hit the usual `session.send` call
        # at the end.
        # As a result, the hook call count should *not* increase,
        # but the session send count *should* increase.
        first = self.disp_pub.unregister_hook(hook)

        assert hook.call_count == 1
        assert self.session.send_count == 1

        # If a hook is not installed, `unregister_hook`
        # should return false.
        second = self.disp_pub.unregister_hook(hook)