def __create_rectangle(self, bounds, default_class=None): rectangle = Rectangle(bounds=bounds, color="red", fill_color="red") rectangle.on_click(self.__handle_click) mid_h = bounds[0][0] + (bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]) / 2 mid_w = bounds[0][1] + (bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]) / 2 #rectangle.popup = self.__create_popup((mid_h, mid_w), default_class) return rectangle
def add_rectangle(self, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y): if self.rectangle: self.rectangle = Rectangle( bounds=((min_y, min_x), (max_y, max_x)), color="#fa6814", fill=True, fill_color="#fabd14", fill_opacity=0.2, weight=1 ) self.bbox = BBox(((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)), CRS.WGS84).transform(CRS.POP_WEB) # self.out.append_display_data((min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)) size_x = abs(int((self.bbox.max_x - self.bbox.min_x) / self.resolution)) size_y = abs(int((self.bbox.max_y - self.bbox.min_y) / self.resolution)) self.size = size_x, size_y
def add_rect(*args, **kwargs): r = Rectangle(*args, **kwargs) return m.add_layer(r)
def plot_bounds(bounds, receiver_locations=[], receiver_info=pd.DataFrame(), node_locations=[]): """ Construct a map view widget for the given region with further info. The map widget displays inside IPython notebooks. :param bounds: Dictionary containing the keys 'north', 'east', 'south', 'west'. Each value should be a latitude or longitude in degrees. :type bounds: dict :param receiver_locations: List of tuples containing the locations (lat, lon) of receivers. :type receiver_locations: list :param receiver_info: A dataframe containing receiver information to be displayed on the map. :type receiver_info: pandas.DataFrame :param node_locations: Set of tuples containing the locations (lat, lon) of data nodes. :type node_locations: set """ # Create the Map # ************** center = ((bounds['north'] + bounds['south']) / 2, (bounds['east'] + bounds['west']) / 2) m = Map(center=center, zoom=8) # Add a rectagle for the Bounds # ***************************** rectangle = Rectangle(bounds=((bounds['north'], bounds['east']), (bounds['south'], bounds['west'])), color='#2e4053', opacity=0.5, weight=3, fill_color='#2e4053', fill_opacity=0.1) m.add_layer(rectangle) # Add markers for Receiver Locations # ********************************** receiver_markers = [] for lat, lon in receiver_locations: # Create Icon for the Marker icon = AwesomeIcon(name='microphone', marker_color='darkblue') # Create Popup message if receiver_info is not None: r_info = receiver_info[(receiver_info[''] == lat) & (receiver_info['Receiver.lon'] == lon)] r_info = r_info.drop(['', 'Receiver.lon'], axis=1) message = HTML() message.value = r_info.to_html(index=False) # Add Marker receiver_markers.append( Marker(location=(lat, lon), draggable=False, icon=icon, popup=message)) # Group the markers into a cluster receiver_cluster = MarkerCluster(markers=receiver_markers) # Add marker cluster to the map m.add_layer(receiver_cluster) # Add markers for Node Locations # ****************************** node_markers = [] for lat, lon in node_locations: # Create Icon for the Marker icon = AwesomeIcon(name='info', marker_color='lightred') # Add Marker node_markers.append( Marker(location=(lat, lon), draggable=False, icon=icon, size=10, opacity=0.8)) node_cluster = MarkerCluster(markers=node_markers) # Add marker cluster to the map m.add_layer(node_cluster) # Display the map # *************** display(m) return m
def draw_map(lat_ext=None, lon_ext=None): """ Description: Create an empty map with a blue rectangle of given <lat_ext>, <lon_ext> to be used to manually draw a polygon or rectangle ----- Input: lat_ext: latitude extent lon_ext: longitude extent Output: m: empty map ti interact with dc: draw control Usage: Draw a polygon or a rectangle """ # check options combination assert not((lat_ext is None) or (lon_ext is None)), \ 'lat_ext and lon_ext are required' assert lat_ext[0] < lat_ext[1], 'lat_ext values are in the wrong order' assert lon_ext[0] < lon_ext[1], 'lon_ext values are in the wrong order' # Location center = [np.mean(lat_ext), np.mean(lon_ext)] # source: margin = -0.5 zoom_bias = 0 lat_zoom_level = _degree_to_zoom_level(margin=margin, *lat_ext) + zoom_bias lon_zoom_level = _degree_to_zoom_level(margin=margin, *lon_ext) + zoom_bias zoom = min(lat_zoom_level, lon_zoom_level) m = Map(center=center, zoom=zoom, scroll_wheel_zoom=True) # Layers # esri = basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.Esri.WorldImagery) m.add_layer(esri) terrain = basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.Stamen.Terrain) m.add_layer(terrain) mapnik = basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) m.add_layer(mapnik) rectangle = Rectangle(bounds=((lat_ext[0], lon_ext[0]), (lat_ext[1], lon_ext[1])), color='red', weight=2, fill=False) m.add_layer(rectangle) m.add_control(LayersControl()) # Controls dc = DrawControl(rectangle={'shapeOptions': { 'color': '#0000FF' }}, polygon={'shapeOptions': { 'color': '#0000FF' }}, marker={}, polyline={}, circle={}, circlemarker={}) m.add_control(dc) return m, dc