def connect(self): self.ssl_socket.connect((, self.port)) self.recv_handle_thread.start() self.recv_thread.start() EventController.fire_event('irc_server_connect', self) return True
def close(self): if not self.closing: EventController.fire_event('irc_server_disconnect', self) self.send_method("QUIT :bye") self.force_close() else: Logger.print("Already closed") pass
def set_error(self): self.error = True for server in self.irc_servers: EventController.fire_event('irc_server_disconnect', server) server.send_method("QUIT :Got an error :(")
def receive(self, message): try: is_message = False if message[0] == ":": is_message = True message = message[1:] args = [] message_args = message.split(' ') for i, v in enumerate(message_args): if v != str(): if v[0] == ":": args.append(' '.join(message_args[i:])[1:]) break else: args.append(message_args[i]) if is_message: if len(args) > 1: sender = args[0] msgtype = args[1] if msgtype == "001": # RPL_WELCOME # :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network <nick>!<user>@<host> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "002": # RPL_YOURHOST # :Your host is <servername>, running version <ver> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "003": # RPL_CREATED # :This server was created <date> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "004": # RPL_MYINFO # :<servername> <version> <available user modes> <available channel modes> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "005": # _ NOT SPECIFIED # :<server modes> # {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "200": # RPL_TRACELINK # Link <version & debug level> <destination> <next server> V<protocol version> # <link uptime in seconds> <backstream sendq> <upstream sendq> noop() elif msgtype == "201": # RPL_TRACECONNECTING # Try. <class> <server> noop() elif msgtype == "202": # RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE # H.S. <class> <server> noop() elif msgtype == "203": # RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN # ???? <class> [<client IP address in dot form>] noop() elif msgtype == "204": # RPL_TRACEOPERATOR # Oper <class> <nick> noop() elif msgtype == "205": # RPL_TRACEUSER # User <class> <nick> noop() elif msgtype == "206": # RPL_TRACESERVER # Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> <nick!user|*!*>@<host|server> V<protocol version>" noop() elif msgtype == "207": # RPL_TRACESERVICE # Service <class> <name> <type> <active type> noop() elif msgtype == "208": # RPL_TRACENEWTYPE # <newtype> 0 <client name> noop() elif msgtype == "209": # RPL_TRACECLASS # Class <class> <count> noop() elif msgtype == "210": # RPL_TRACERECONNECT # Unused. noop() elif msgtype == "211": # RPL_STATSLINKINFO # <linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> <sent Kbytes> <received messages> <received Kbytes> # <time open> noop() elif msgtype == "212": # RPL_STATSCOMMANDS # <command> <count> <byte count> <remote count> noop() elif msgtype == "219": # RPL_ENDOFSTATS # <stats letter> :End of STATS report noop() elif msgtype == "221": # RPL_UMODEIS # <user mode string> noop() elif msgtype == "234": # RPL_SERVLIST # <name> <server> <mask> <type> <hopcount> <info> noop() elif msgtype == "235": # RPL_SERVLISTEND # <mask> <type> :End of service listing noop() elif msgtype == "242": # RPL_STATSUPTIME # :Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d noop() elif msgtype == "243": # RPL_STATSOLINE # O <hostmask> * <name> noop() elif msgtype == "250": # _ NOT SPECIFIED # Server stats: {args[2]} noop() elif msgtype == "251": # RPL_LUSERCLIENT # :There are <integer> users and <integer> services on <integer> servers # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "252": # RPL_LUSEROP # <integer> :operator(s) online # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "253": # RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN # <integer> :unknown connection(s) # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "254": # RPL_LUSERCHANNELS # <integer> :channels formed # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "255": # RPL_LUSERME # :I have <integer> clients and <integer> servers # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "256": # RPL_ADMINME # <server> :Administrative info # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "257": # RPL_ADMINLOC1 # :<admin info> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "258": # RPL_ADMINLOC2 # :<admin info> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "259": # RPL_ADMINEMAIL # :<admin info> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "261": # RPL_TRACELOG # File <logfile> <debug level> noop() elif msgtype == "262": # RPL_TRACEEND # <server name> <version & debug level> :End of TRACE noop() elif msgtype == "263": # RPL_TRYAGAIN # <command> :Please wait a while and try again. # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "265": # _ NOT SPECIFIED # Local users with stats: {args[3]} of max {args[4]}: {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "266": # _ NOT SPECIFIED # Global users with stats: {args[3]} of max {args[4]}: {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "301": # RPL_AWAY # <nick> :<away message> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "302": # RPL_USERHOST # :[<reply>{<space><reply>}] # <reply> ::= <nick>['*'] '=' <'+'|'-'><hostname> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "303": # RPL_ISON # :[<nick> {<space><nick>}] # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "305": # RPL_UNAWAY # :You are no longer marked as being away # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "306": # RPL_NOWAWAY # :You have been marked as being away # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "311": # RPL_WHOISUSER # <nick> <user> <host> * :<real name> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} {args[6]} {args[7]} noop() elif msgtype == "312": # RPL_WHOISSERVER # <nick> <server> :<server info> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "313": # RPL_WHOISOPERATOR # <nick> :is an IRC operator # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "314": # RPL_WHOWASUSER # <nick> <user> <host> * :<real name> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} {args[6]} {args[7]} noop() elif msgtype == "315": # RPL_ENDOFWHO # <name> :End of WHO list # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "317": # RPL_WHOISIDLE # <nick> <integer> :seconds idle # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "318": # RPL_ENDOFWHOIS # <nick> :End of WHOIS list # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "319": # RPL_WHOISCHANNELS # <nick> :{[@|+]<channel><space>} # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "322": # RPL_LIST # <channel> <# visible> :<topic> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "323": # RPL_LISTEND # :End of LIST # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "324": # RPL_CHANNELMODEIS # <channel> <mode> <mode params> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "325": # RPL_UNIQOPIS # <channel> <nickname> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "330": # _ NOT SPECIFIED # User {args[3]} is logged in as {args[4]} # = User {args[3]} {args[5]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "331": # RPL_NOTOPIC # <channel> :No topic is set # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "332": # RPL_TOPIC # <channel> :<topic> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "333": # _ NOT SPECIFIED # Topic on channel {args[3]} set by {args[4]} at time {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "341": # RPL_INVITING # <channel> <nick> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "342": # RPL_SUMMONING # <user> :Summoning user to IRC # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "346": # RPL_INVITELIST # <channel> <invitemask> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "347": # RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST # <channel> :End of channel invite list # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "348": # RPL_EXCEPTLIST # <channel> <exceptionmask> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "349": # RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST # <channel> :End of channel exception list # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "351": # RPL_VERSION # <version>.<debuglevel> <server> :<comments> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "352": # RPL_WHOREPLY # <channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][@|+] :<hopcount> <real name> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} {args[6]} {args[7]} {args[8]} {args[9]} noop() elif msgtype == "353": # RPL_NAMREPLY # [=|*|@]<channel> :<nicks> # <nicks> ::= [[@|+]<nick>[ <nicks>]] # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "364": # RPL_LINKS # <mask> <server> :<hopcount> <server info> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "365": # RPL_ENDOFLINKS # <mask> :End of LINKS list # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "366": # RPL_ENDOFNAMES # <channel> :End of NAMES list # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "367": # RPL_BANLIST # <channel> <banid> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "368": # RPL_ENDOFBANLIST # <channel> :End of channel ban list # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "369": # RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS # <nick> :End of WHOWAS # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "371": # RPL_INFO # :<string> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "372": # RPL_MOTD # :- <text> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "374": # RPL_ENDOFINFO # :End of INFO list # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "375": # RPL_MOTDSTART # :- <server> Message of the day - # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "376": # RPL_ENDOFMOTD # :End of MOTD command # = {args[3]} EventController.fire_event('irc_server_successfully_connected', self) noop() elif msgtype == "381": # RPL_YOUREOPER # :You are now an IRC operator # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "382": # RPL_REHASHING # <config file> :Rehashing # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "383": # RPL_YOURESERVICE # You are service <servicename> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "391": # RPL_TIME # <server> :<string showing server's local time> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "392": # RPL_USERSSTART # :UserID Terminal Host # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "393": # RPL_USERS # :<username> <ttyline> <hostname> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "394": # RPL_ENDOFUSERS # :End of users # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "395": # RPL_NOUSERS # :Nobody logged in # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "401": # ERR_NOSUCHNICK # <nickname> :No such nick/channel # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "402": # ERR_NOSUCHSERVER # <server name> :No such server # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "403": # ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL # <channel name> :No such channel # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "404": # ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN # <channel name> :Cannot send to channel # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "405": # ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS # <channel name> :You have joined too many channels # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "406": # ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK # <nickname> :There was no such nickname # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "407": # ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS # <target> :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "408": # ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE # <service name> :No such service # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "409": # ERR_NOORIGIN # :No origin specified # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "411": # ERR_NORECIPIENT # :No recipient given (<command>) # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "412": # ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND # :No text to send # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "413": # ERR_NOTOPLEVEL # <mask> :No toplevel domain specified # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "414": # ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL # <mask> :Wildcard in toplevel domain # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "415": # ERR_BADMASK # <mask> :Bad Server/host mask # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "421": # ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND # <command> :Unknown command # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "422": # ERR_NOMOTD # :MOTD File is missing # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "423": # ERR_NOADMININFO # <server> :No administrative info available # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "424": # ERR_FILEERROR # :File error doing <file op> on <file> # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "431": # ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN # :No nickname given # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "432": # ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME # <nick> :Erroneus nickname # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "433": # ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE # <nick> :Nickname is already in use # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "436": # ERR_NICKCOLLISION # <nick> :Nickname collision KILL from <user>@<host> # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "437": # ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE # <nick/channel> :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "441": # ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL # <nick> <channel> :They aren't on that channel # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "442": # ERR_NOTONCHANNEL # <channel> :You're not on that channel # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "443": # ERR_USERONCHANNEL # <user> <channel> :is already on channel # = {args[3]} {args[4]} {args[5]} noop() elif msgtype == "444": # ERR_NOLOGIN # <user> :User not logged in # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "445": # ERR_SUMMONDISABLED # :SUMMON has been disabled # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "446": # ERR_USERSDISABLED # :USERS has been disabled # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "451": # ERR_NOTREGISTERED # :You have not registered # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "461": # ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS # <command> :Not enough parameters # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "462": # ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED # :Unauthorized command (already registered) # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "463": # ERR_NOPERMFORHOST # :Your host isn't among the privileged # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "464": # ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH # :Password incorrect # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "465": # ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP # :You are banned from this server # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "466": # ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED # No message. noop() elif msgtype == "467": # ERR_KEYSET # <channel> :Channel key already set # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "471": # ERR_CHANNELISFULL # <channel> :Cannot join channel (+l) # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "472": # ERR_UNKNOWNMODE # <char> :is unknown mode char to me # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "473": # ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN # <channel> :Cannot join channel (+i) # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "474": # ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN # <channel> :Cannot join channel (+b) # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "475": # ERR_BADCHANNELKEY # <channel> :Cannot join channel (+k) # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "476": # ERR_BADCHANMASK # <channel> :Bad Channel Mask # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "477": # ERR_NOCHANMODES # <channel> :Channel doesn't support modes # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "478": # ERR_BANLISTFULL # <channel> <char> :Channel list is full # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "481": # ERR_NOPRIVILEGES # :Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "482": # ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED # <channel> :You're not channel operator # = {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "483": # ERR_CANTKILLSERVER # :You cant kill a server! # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "484": # ERR_RESTRICTED # :Your connection is restricted! # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "485": # ERR_UNIQOPPRIVSNEEDED # :You're not the original channel operator # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "491": # ERR_NOOPERHOST # :No O-lines for your host # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "501": # ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG # :Unknown MODE flag # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "502": # ERR_USERSDONTMATCH # :Cant change mode for other users # = {args[3]} noop() elif msgtype == "671": # _ NOT SPECIFIED # User {args[3]} is using a secure connection # = User {args[3]} {args[4]} noop() elif msgtype == "PRIVMSG": # User {sender} sends message to {args[2]}: {args[3]} EventController.fire_event('irc_privmsg_received', self, sender, args[2], args[3]) noop() elif msgtype == "NOTICE": # User {sender} sent the notice {args[3]} to {args[2]} if sender == EventController.fire_event('irc_server_notice', self, args[2], args[3]) else: EventController.fire_event('irc_user_notice', self, sender, args[2], args[3]) noop() elif msgtype == "JOIN": # User {sender} joined channel {args[2]} EventController.fire_event('irc_user_channel_join', self, sender, args[2]) noop() elif msgtype == "PART": # User {sender} left channel {args[2]}. Part message: {args[3]} EventController.fire_event('irc_user_channel_part', self, sender, args[2], args[3]) noop() elif msgtype == "QUIT": # User {sender} quit. Quit message: {args[2]} EventController.fire_event('irc_user_quit', self, sender, args[2]) noop() elif msgtype == "NICK": # User {sender} changed nick to {args[2]} EventController.fire_event('irc_user_nick_change', self, sender, args[2]) noop() elif msgtype == "MODE": # User {sender} changed modes on {args[2]} to {args[3]} EventController.fire_event('irc_mode_change', self, sender, args[2], args[3]) noop() else: Logger.print("Unknown message:") Logger.print(" " + message) EventController.fire_event('irc_message_plain', self, sender, msgtype, *args) else: Logger.print("Weird empty message:") Logger.print(" " + message) else: if len(args) > 0: if args[0] == "PING": self.send_method("PONG :" + args[1]) elif args[0] == "ERROR": msg = ' '.join(args[1:]) if args[1] == "Closing": self.force_close() else: EventController.fire_event('irc_server_error', self, msg) Logger.print("Error: " + msg) else: EventController.fire_event('irc_command_plain', self, *args) else: Logger.print("Weird empty command:") Logger.print(" " + message) except IndexError as err: Logger.print("Cought an error:", err) traceback.print_tb(err.__traceback__)