Example #1
from ircbuilder import open_irc
from ircbuilder.building import Building

from minetest_irc import ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel, player_z

b = Building()

# player_z has been imported from the configuration file you created in first task
ref_z = player_z
glass = "default:obsidian_glass"

for y in (13, 14, 15):
    b.build(99, y, ref_z - 1, glass)
    b.build(99, y, ref_z, glass)
    b.build(99, y, ref_z + 1, glass)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Example #2
    x = x1 - i
    y = y1 - i
    z = ref_z - tunnel_width // 2
    # Build 5 x 7 blocks of glass at position i for walls, roof, and centre
    range_y_ext = range(y, y + tunnel_height)
    range_z_ext = range(z, z + tunnel_width)
    b.build(x, range_y_ext, range_z_ext, glass)
    # Build 3 x 1 blocks of stone at position i for floor
    range_z_floor = (z + 1, z + 2, z + 3)
    b.build(x, y, range_z_floor, floor)
# hollow out the tunnel because now we are sure that lava and water can't flow in the ends
for i in range(num_segments):
    # Use air to hollow out the tunnel
    x = x1 - i
    y = y1 - i
    z = ref_z - tunnel_width // 2
    range_y_air = range(y + 1, y + tunnel_height - 1)
    range_z_air = (z + 1, z + 2, z + 3)
    b.build(x, range_y_air, range_z_air, air)
    if i % 4 == 0:
        # Place torches down the right hand side of the tunnel
        b.build(x, y + 1, ref_z + 1, torch)
# Send all blocks to minetest but send air and torches last to ensure tunnel is built
# before adding these extras. If air is sent before the glass then adjacent lava and water could
# flow into the void left by the air

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:
    b.send(mc, end_list=(air, torch))

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt