Example #1
def sub_replace(match, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    Naive substitution regular expression on previous message.
    global_flag = False

    parts = match.group(0).split('/')
    old, new = None, None
    old = parts[1]
    new = parts[2]
    if len(parts) >= 4:
        if parts[3].lower() == 'g':
            global_flag = True

    # Now, find the last message in the same channel that
    # contains `old`
    orig_packet = None
    output = ''

    print('looking for "{}"'.format(old))
    for p in reversed(shared['recent_messages']):
        if p.target == packet.target:
            if p.msg_public and (p.text.find(old) != -1):
                output = str(p.text)
                orig_packet = p
        return packet.reply('Could not find a suitable substitution target.')

    print('replacing "{}" with "{}"'.format(old, new))
    print('original: "{}"'.format(output))
    # patch in italics
    new = CLR_ITLCS + new + CLR_RESET

    if global_flag:
        output = output.replace(old, new)
        output = output.replace(old, new, 1)

    return packet.reply('<{}> {}'.format(orig_packet.sender, output))
Example #2
def matched_url(match, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict):
    ''' Match the url regex '''
    # At the moment this only cares about the first link in a message
    matched = match.group(0)
    print('matched url: {}'.format(matched))
        title = link_info(matched)
        if title is not None:
            return packet.reply(title)
    except Exception:
        print('Failed to parse link: {}'.format(matched))
Example #3
def sub_replace(match, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    Naive substitution regular expression on previous message.
    global_flag = False

    parts = match.group(0).split('/')
    old, new = None, None

    old = parts[1]
    new = parts[2]
    if len(parts) >= 4:
        if parts[3].lower() == 'g':
            global_flag = True

    # Now, find the last message in the same channel that
    # contains `old`
    orig_packet = None
    output = ''

    print('looking for "{}"'.format(old))
    for p in reversed(shared['recent_messages']):
        if p.target == packet.target:
            if p.msg_public and (p.text.find(old) != -1):
                output = str(p.text)
                orig_packet = p
        return packet.reply('Could not find a suitable substitution target.')

    print('replacing "{}" with "{}"'.format(old, new))
    print('original: "{}"'.format(output))
    # patch in italics
    new = CLR_ITLCS + new + CLR_RESET

    if global_flag:
        output = output.replace(old, new)
        output = output.replace(old, new, 1)

    return packet.reply('<{}> {}'.format(orig_packet.sender, output))
Example #4
def convert_command(arg: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict):

    if len(arg) < 5:
        return (packet.notice('You need to specify an amount, original current, and output currency!'),
                packet.notice('For example - :convert $50 USD to Pounds'))

    conversion = get_conversion(arg[1:], shared)

    if conversion == '' or conversion is None:
        return None
        return packet.reply('{}: {}'.format(packet.sender, conversion))
Example #5
def whatis_command(arg: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict):
    if len(arg) < 2:
        return ircp.make_notice('You must specify a type of currency!', packet.sender)

    orig_currency = (' '.join(arg[1:]))
    currency = str(orig_currency).upper()

    if currency in ALIASES:
        currency = ALIASES[currency]

    if currency not in CURRENCIES:
        return ircp.make_notice('I don\'t know what "{}" is!'.format(currency), packet.sender)
        return packet.reply('{} is {}'.format(orig_currency, CURRENCIES[currency]))
Example #6
def hello_world(arg: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict):
    ''' Hello, world!

    This is an example template command

    arg - the tuple of keywords
    packet - the packet object to receive
    shared - the shared data dictionary

    # arg[0] is always the command name (in this case 'hello', or 'h').
    # You can use this to assign multiple commands to the same function.
    # Different indexes are parsed similarly to how sys.argv is parsed,
    # paying attention to quotes and backslash-escapes.

    return packet.reply('Hello, there!')
Example #7
def hello_world(arg: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict):
    ''' Hello, world!

    This is an example template command

    arg - the tuple of keywords
    packet - the packet object to receive
    shared - the shared data dictionary

    # arg[0] is always the command name (in this case 'hello', or 'h').
    # You can use this to assign multiple commands to the same function.
    # Different indexes are parsed similarly to how sys.argv is parsed,
    # paying attention to quotes and backslash-escapes.

    return packet.reply('Hello, there!')
Example #8
def calc_command(arg: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Evaluate a mathematical expression

    :calc <expression>
    :calc 1 + 1 == 2
    :calc 3^3
    problem = (''.join(arg[1:])).replace('^', '**')
    print('solving for {}'.format(problem))
        result = evaluate_expression(problem)
        if result is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid result')

        reply = 'Result: {}'.format(result)
        return packet.reply(reply)
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        return packet.notice('Error: Divide by zero.')
    except Exception as e:
        return packet.notice('Sorry, but that expression was invalid. Please try again.')
Example #9
def calc_command(arg: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Evaluate a mathematical expression

    :calc <expression>
    :calc 1 + 1 == 2
    :calc 3^3
    problem = (''.join(arg[1:])).replace('^', '**')
    print('solving for {}'.format(problem))
        result = evaluate_expression(problem)
        if result is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid result')

        reply = 'Result: {}'.format(result)
        return packet.reply(reply)
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        return packet.notice('Error: Divide by zero.')
    except Exception as e:
        return packet.notice(
            'Sorry, but that expression was invalid. Please try again.')
Example #10
def respond_greeting(matched, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Respond to a nice greeting '''
    return packet.reply('Hello to you too, {1}{0}{2}!'.format(
        packet.sender, CLR_NICK, CLR_RESET))
Example #11
def uptime_command(__: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict):
    """ Print current uptime """
    start_time = shared['stats']['starttime']
    uptime = _uptime(start_time)

    return packet.reply(uptime)
Example #12
def respond_bad(matched, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Respond to an ugly, mean message '''
    return packet.reply('F**k you too, {1}{0}{2}!'.format(packet.sender, CLR_NICK, CLR_RESET))
Example #13
def respond_greeting(matched, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Respond to a nice greeting '''
    return packet.reply('Hello to you too, {1}{0}{2}!'.format(packet.sender, CLR_NICK, CLR_RESET))
Example #14
def uptime_command(__: tuple, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict):
    """ Print current uptime """
    start_time = shared["stats"]["starttime"]
    uptime = _uptime(start_time)

    return packet.reply(uptime)
Example #15
def respond_good(matched, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Respond to a good message '''
    return packet.reply('Thanks, {1}{0}{2}!'.format(packet.sender, CLR_NICK,
Example #16
def respond_bad(matched, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Respond to an ugly, mean message '''
    return packet.reply('F**k you too, {1}{0}{2}!'.format(
        packet.sender, CLR_NICK, CLR_RESET))
Example #17
def respond_good(matched, packet: ircp.Packet, shared: dict) -> str:
    ''' Respond to a good message '''
    return packet.reply('Thanks, {1}{0}{2}!'.format(packet.sender, CLR_NICK, CLR_RESET))