Example #1
def test_and_set_nested(host, timeout=600):
    Verifies that the host has nested virtualization set for kvm module

    :param host:
    :param timeout:
    :return: ProcessResult
    cmd = "cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested"
    res = Command(cmd, host=host)(showout=False)
    if res.output.strip() != "Y":
        # Reboot the masters machine
        glob_logger.info("rebooting {} to set nested param".format(host))
        rebooter(host, timeout=timeout)
        time.sleep(45)  # Fudge factor here...
        pinger(host, timeout=timeout)

        # After reboot, make sure nested support is there
        path = "/sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested"
        cmd = "cat {}".format(path)
            res = Command(cmd, host=host)(showout=False)
            if res.output.strip() != "Y":
                glob_logger.error("{}={}".format(path, res.output.strip()))
                raise sce.ConfigException("Nested support still not enabled")
        except CommandException:
            raise sce.ConfigException("Nested support still not enabled")
    return res
Example #2
def verify_modprobe(host, proc_type="intel", set=False):
    Checks if nested option is set for kvm_intel|amd, and optionally
    set it in /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf

    :param host: (str) IP address of host
    :param proc_type: one of 'intel' or 'amd'
    :param set: (bool) chose to create dist.conf or not
    :return: ProcessResult of setting dist.conf or match from regex
    line = "options kvm_{} nested=y".format(proc_type)

    def set_options(cfg):
        cmd = "echo {} >> /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf".format(cfg)
        res = Command(cmd, host=host)(showout=False)
        return res == 0

    # /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf may not exist
        res = Command("cat /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf",
    except CommandException:
        r = False
        if set:
            r = set_options(line)
        return r
        patt = re.compile(line)
        m = patt.search(res.output)
        if not set or (set and m):
            return m

        return set_options(line)
Example #3
def rebooter(host, timeout=360):
    Reboots a machine  and pings the host periodically until it is up

    :param host: IP address of machine to reboot
    :param timeout: timeout in seconds
    :return: None
    res = Command("reboot", host=host)(throws=False)

    # Wait until pings are unsuccessful
    start_time = time.time()
    end_time = start_time + timeout
    while True:
        pinger = Command("ping -W 4 -c 4 {}".format(host), stderr=PIPE)
        result = pinger(showout=False, throws=False)
        if result != 0:
        if time.time() > end_time:
            raise Exception("Machine did not reboot")
Example #4
def check_kvm_file(host):
    Checks of the /dev/kvm special file exists on host

    :param host: (str) IP address of machine
    :return: ProcessResult object (or throws ConfigException)
    glob_logger.info("Checking /dev/kvm")
    res = Command("file /dev/kvm", host=host)()
    if "cannot open" in res.output:
        raise sce.ConfigException("no /dev/kvm on {}".format(host))
    return res
Example #5
def set_host_model(hyper_ip, dom_name, user="******"):
    Can be used as fn arg to set_nested_vm_support

    :param hyper_ip: the IP address of hypervisor machine
    :param dom_name: the libvirt domain name
    :param user: user to connect to libvirt as
    :return: ProcessResult of executing virt-xml command
    glob_logger.info("Setting host_model mode for {}".format(dom_name))
    cmd = "virt-xml --connect=qemu+ssh://{}@{}/system {} --edit --cpu " \
    cmd = cmd.format(user, hyper_ip, dom_name)
    return Command(cmd)()
Example #6
def test_and_set_kvm_module(bare_m):
    Checks if kvm_intel|amd is loaded.  if not will try to modprobe it

    :param bare_m: address of baremetal machine
    :return: (str) cpu type intel or amd
    p = verify_nested_kvm(bare_m)
    if p is None:
        # kvm is not loaded
        Command("modprobe kvm", host=bare_m)()
        p = verify_nested_kvm(bare_m)
        if p is None:
            raise sce.ConfigException("Can not load kvm module")
    return p
Example #7
def set_host_passthrough(hyper_ip, dom_name, user="******"):
    Sets a domain'nova_tests <cpu> element to use mode host-passthrough

    :param hyper_ip: (str) IP address of host with hypervisor
    :param dom_name: (str) the libvirt domain name
    :param user: (str) user to connect to libvirt hypervisor
    :return: ProcessTresult
    # FIXME: How do we do this just using libvirt?  This adds a dependency
    # on virt-xml
    # Edit the domain'nova_tests xml to use host-passthrough mode
    glob_logger.info("Setting host-passthrough mode for {}".format(dom_name))
    cmd = "virt-xml --connect=qemu+ssh://{}@{}/system {} --edit --cpu " \
          "host-passthrough,clearxml=yes".format(user, hyper_ip, dom_name)
    res = Command(cmd)()
    return res
Example #8
def pinger(host, timeout=300):

    :param host: IP address of machine to ping to
    :param timeout: timeout in seconds
    :return: None
    ping = Command("ping -W 4 -c 4 {}".format(host), stderr=PIPE)

    start_time = time.time()
    end_time = start_time + timeout
    while True:
        glob_logger.info("waiting for {} to come back up...".format(host))
        res = ping(showout=False, throws=False)
        if res == 0:
            glob_logger.info("{} is back up".format(host))
        if time.time() > end_time:
            err = "Machine did not come back after {} seconds".format(timeout)
            raise Exception(err)
Example #9
def verify_nested_kvm(host):
    Goes through loaded modules to see if kvm_intel or kvm_amd is loaded

    :param host: (str) IP Address of host
    :return: The CPU type (str) intel or amd
    glob_logger.info("Checking is kvm and kvm-intel or kvm-amd is running...")
    lsmod = Command("lsmod", host=host)(showout=False)
    patt = re.compile(r"kvm_(intel|amd)")

    out = lsmod.output

    for line in lsmod.output.split("\n")[1:]:
        m = patt.search(line)
        if m:
            proc = m.groups()[0]
        raise sce.ConfigException("kvm module is not loaded")

    return proc
Example #10
 def set_options(cfg):
     cmd = "echo {} >> /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf".format(cfg)
     res = Command(cmd, host=host)(showout=False)
     return res == 0