Example #1
class NotificationBase(base.IronicObject):
    """Base class for versioned notifications.

    Subclasses must define the "payload" field, which must be a subclass of
    # Version 1.0: Initial version
    VERSION = '1.0'

    fields = {
        'level': fields.NotificationLevelField(),
        'event_type': fields.ObjectField('EventType'),
        'publisher': fields.ObjectField('NotificationPublisher')

    # NOTE(mariojv) This may be a candidate for something oslo.messaging
    # implements instead of in ironic.
    def _should_notify(self):
        """Determine whether the notification should be sent.

        A notification is sent when the level of the notification is
        greater than or equal to the level specified in the
        configuration, in the increasing order of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING,

        :return: True if notification should be sent, False otherwise.
        if CONF.notification_level is None:
            return False
        return (NOTIFY_LEVELS[self.level] >=

    def emit(self, context):
        """Send the notification.

           :raises NotificationPayloadError
           :raises oslo_versionedobjects.exceptions.MessageDeliveryFailure
        if not self._should_notify():
        if not self.payload.populated:
            raise exception.NotificationPayloadError(
        # NOTE(mariojv) By default, oslo_versionedobjects includes a list
        # of "changed fields" for the object in the output of
        # obj_to_primitive. This is unneeded since every field of the
        # object will look changed, since each payload is a newly created
        # object, so we drop the changes.
        event_type = self.event_type.to_event_type_field()
        publisher_id = '%s.%s' % (self.publisher.service, self.publisher.host)
        payload = self.payload.obj_to_primitive()

        notifier = rpc.get_versioned_notifier(publisher_id)
        notify = getattr(notifier, self.level)
        notify(context, event_type=event_type, payload=payload)
Example #2
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestNotificationLevelField, self).setUp()
     self.field = fields.NotificationLevelField()