Example #1
def DynamicRTILE(rtile, TILE_VLD_ext, n, cl, vars, RFS):

    RFS = isl.Map(RFS).coalesce()

    I0 = rtile.domain()
    text_file = open("Output.txt", "w")

    for i in range(0, 10000):
        if (i == 0):
            J0 = rtile.range()
            FS0 = I0.subtract(J0).coalesce()
            L0 = FS0
            L0 = Lay0.apply(rtile)
            J0 = J0.subtract(Lay0)

        D0 = J0.apply(rtile)

        Lay0 = L0.subtract(D0).coalesce()

        if (Lay0.is_empty()):

        Lay = Lay0.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, 2 * n, 2 * n)
        Lay = Lay.intersect(TILE_VLD_ext).coalesce()

        Lay = Lay.apply(RFS).coalesce()

        Lay = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(Lay)

        loop = iscc.isl_ast_codegen(Lay)
        loop = loop.split('\n')
        if 'for' in loop[0]:
            if ((('int c1') in loop[0]) or (('int c3') in loop[0])
                    or (('int c5') in loop[0])):
                loop.insert(0, "#pragma omp parallel for")

        loop_str = RestoreStatements2(loop, cl, n, vars)


        # for line in loop_str:
        #     if '#pragma' in line:
        #         print colored(line, 'green')
        #     else:
        #         print line

Example #2
def fs_new(rel, rel_plus, rtile, LPetit, dane, plik, SIMPLIFY, rap, exact,
           isl_TILEbis, sym_exvars, maxl, step, isl_tilevld, vars):

    codegen = 'isl'

    # compute rtile_plus

    # podmien exact, rel na tile, rel_plus na rtile_plus

    #wq = rtile.transitive_closure()[0]

    #print wp.subtract(wq).coalesce()
    #print wq.subtract(wp).coalesce()

    if (exact):
        print 'R+ exact!'
        print 'R+ approximated. Iterate way...!'

        r0p_plus = relation_util.oc_IterateClosure(rel)
        rel_plus = r0p_plus

        isl_relclosure = rel_plus
        isl_ident = rel.identity(rel.get_space())
        isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure.union(
            isl_ident).coalesce()  # R* = R+ u I

        print 'Checking (the Pugh method)'

        # R = R compose RINV

        if (rel_plus.subtract(
            print ' .... OK !!'
            print 'R+ failed.'

        #file = open('lu_rplus.txt', 'r')
        #isl_relclosure = isl.Map(file.read())
        #print isl_relclosure

    wp = GetRTilePlus(rel_plus, isl_tilevld, sym_exvars, vars).coalesce()
    rel = rtile
    rel_plus = wp

    print '## R'

    print rel

    print '## R+'

    print wp

    rel = rel.subtract(rel_plus.apply_range(rel))

    print '### R = R - R+ compose R'
    print rel

    global_size = rel.dim(isl.dim_type.in_)

    UDS = rel.domain().subtract(rel.range()).coalesce()
    UDD = rel.range().subtract(rel.domain()).coalesce()
    DOM_RAN = rel.range().union(rel.domain()).coalesce()

    cl = clanpy.ClanPy()
    cl.loop_path = plik

    IS = DOM_RAN
    for i in range(0, len(cl.statements)):
        IS_ = isl.Set(cl.statements[i].domain_map).coalesce()
        print IS_
        set_size = IS_.dim(isl.dim_type.set)

        for j in range(set_size, global_size - 1):
            IS_ = IS_.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, j, 1)
            IS_ = IS_.set_dim_name(isl.dim_type.set, j, 'i' + str(j))
            c = isl.Constraint.eq_from_names(
                IS_.get_space(), {
                    IS_.get_dim_name(isl.dim_type.set, j): -1,
                    1: -1
            IS_ = IS_.add_constraint(c).coalesce()

        set_size = IS_.dim(isl.dim_type.set)

        IS_ = IS_.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, set_size, 1)
        IS_ = IS_.set_dim_name(isl.dim_type.set, set_size, "v")

        #print cl.statements[i].body
        c = isl.Constraint.eq_from_names(IS_.get_space(), {
            "v": -1,
            1: int(dane[i])
        IS_ = IS_.add_constraint(c).coalesce()

        if i == 0:
            IS = IS_
            IS = IS.union(IS_).coalesce()

    print "IS"
    print IS

    IND = IS.subtract(DOM_RAN).coalesce()

    print "IND"
    print IND

    n = rel.dim(isl.dim_type.in_)

    inp = []
    outp = []
    for i in range(0, n):
        inp.append("i" + str(i))
        outp.append("o" + str(i))

    # Rlex
    rlex = "{[" + ",".join(inp) + "] -> [" + ",".join(
        outp) + "] : " + tiling_v3.CreateLex(outp, inp) + "}"
    rlex = isl.Map(rlex)

    rip = rel_plus.fixed_power_val(-1)

    re_rel = isl.Map.from_domain_and_range(IS, IS)

    #print re

    print "### RE"

    re_rel = re_rel.intersect(rlex.subtract(rel_plus).subtract(rip)).coalesce()

    print re_rel

    # oblicz Re1
    #Re1 = GetRe1(re_rel, rel_plus)

    #print "### RE2"
    #re_rel = re_rel.subtract(Re1).coalesce()
    #print re_rel
    re2 = re_rel

    W = re_rel.domain().union(re_rel.range()).coalesce()
    D = re_rel.domain().subtract(re_rel.range()).coalesce()

    rel_inv = rel.fixed_power_val(-1)

    print "R^-1"
    print rel_inv

    # R = R compose RINV

    #RR = rel.apply_range(rel_inv)
    RR = rel_inv.apply_range(rel)

    # ------ Jesli RCHECK ----------

    if (1 == 0):
        RRR1 = rel.fixed_power_val(2)
        RRR2 = rel_inv.fixed_power_val(2)
        RRR = RRR1.union(RRR2).coalesce()
        RR = RR.union(RRR).coalesce()

    # ------------------------------

    RR = RR.intersect(rlex).coalesce()

    print "### RR"
    print RR

    IND_lexmin = IND.lexmin()

    IND0ToIND = isl.Map.from_domain_and_range(IND_lexmin, IND).coalesce()

    RRPLUS = RR.transitive_closure()

    if not RR_EXACT:
        print 'RR+ not exact'

    # sprawdz dokladnosc

    R2 = GetR2(re_rel, RRPLUS)

    print '### RRPLUS'
    print RRPLUS

    print '### R2'
    R2 = R2.coalesce()
    print R2

    RRstar = RRPLUS
    RR_ident = RR.identity(RR.get_space())
    RRstar = RRstar.union(RR_ident).coalesce()  # R* = R+ u I

    print "### Rstar"
    print RRstar

    REPR = D.union(DOM_RAN.subtract(W)).coalesce()

    # poprawka
    REPR = R2.domain().subtract(R2.range()).coalesce()
    print '#REPR1'
    print REPR

    tmp = REPR.apply(RRstar).coalesce()
    REPR2 = DOM_RAN.subtract(tmp).coalesce()

    print '#REPR2'
    print REPR2
    REPR = REPR.union(REPR2).coalesce()

    REPR = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(REPR)

    #REPR1:= domain    RE2 - range    RE2;
    #REPR2:= (domain    R    union    R) -RR * (REPR1);

    #REPR = REPR.intersect(IS)
    print "### REPR"
    print REPR

    if (1 == 0):
        Rtmp = REPR.polyhedral_hull()
        if (Rtmp.subtract(REPR).coalesce().is_empty()
                and REPR.subtract(Rtmp).coalesce().is_empty()):
            print "upraszczanie"
            REPR = Rtmp

    R1 = RRstar.intersect_domain(REPR.coalesce())

    #  R1 = R1.intersect_range(IS)

    print 'RSCHED obliczanie :'
    print R1
    print "IND0->IND"
    print IND0ToIND
    #print R3
    print "i razem"

    #RSCHED = R1.union(IND0ToIND).coalesce()
    RSCHED = R1

    if (SIMPLIFY and 1 == 0):
        Rtmp = RSCHED.polyhedral_hull()
        if (Rtmp.subtract(RSCHED).coalesce().is_empty()
                and RSCHED.subtract(Rtmp).coalesce().is_empty()):
            print "upraszczanie"
            RSCHED = Rtmp

    #RSCHED = imperf_tile.SimplifyMap(RSCHED)

    print "### RSCHED"
    print RSCHED

    print "### Check "
    Check_set = RSCHED.domain().union(RSCHED.range()).coalesce()

    Check_set = IS.subtract(IND).subtract(Check_set).coalesce()

    if Check_set.is_empty():
        print "OK"
        print "ERROR ! " + str(Check_set)

    # generowanie kodu

    D = RSCHED.domain()


    print "# DOMAIN RSCHED"

    print D

    D = D.apply(rap)

    D = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(D)
    D = D.coalesce()
    print rap
    print D

    if (codegen == 'barvinok'):
        looprepr = iscc.iscc_communicate("L :=" + str(D) + "; codegen L;")

    else:  # isl
        looprepr = iscc.isl_ast_codegen(D)

    for i in range(0, 20):
        looprepr = re.sub('\\b' + 'c' + str(i) + '\\b', 't' + str(i), looprepr)

    print looprepr

    looprepr = looprepr.split('\n')

    st_reg = re.compile('\s*\(.*\);')
    vecs = []
    taby = []
    for line in looprepr:
        if (st_reg.match(line)):
            vecs.append(line)  #(isl.Set(iscc.s1_to_vec3(line, len(vecs))))

    slices = []
    for vec in vecs:

        #vec = isl.Set("[g1,g2,g3] -> {[g1,g2,g3]}")

        vec = GetConstraint(vec)

        slice = vec
        if (not RSCHED.is_empty()):
            slice_ = slice.apply(RSCHED)
            slice = slice.union(slice_).coalesce()
            slice = slice_

        print '-------- IS --------'
        print IS
        slice = slice.intersect(IS).coalesce()
        print slice
        #slice = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(slice)

        # EKSPERIMENTAL CODE wywal z RE instrukcje nie nalezace do RE
        if (1 == 0):
            temp = slice.intersect(W).coalesce()
            if (not temp.is_empty()):
                slice = temp

        slice = slice.apply(rap)

        wlen = len(sym_exvars)
        slice = slice.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, 2 * wlen, wlen * 2)
        print slice

        print isl_TILEbis

        slice = slice.intersect(isl_TILEbis)


    new_loop = []
    i = 0
    for line in looprepr:
        if (st_reg.match(line)):
            #print slices[i]
            if (codegen == 'barvinok'):
                petla = iscc.iscc_communicate("L :=" + str(slices[i]) +
                                              "; codegen L;")
                petla = petla.split('\n')
            else:  #isl
                petla = iscc.isl_ast_codegen(slices[i]).split('\n')

            petla = correct.Korekta('', petla)  # dodaj { } do for
            was_par = 0  # poprawic jak sie koncza petle i sa nowe
            for s in petla:
                if 'for (int c' in s and was_par == 0:
                    new_loop.append(taby[i] + imperf_tile.get_tab(s) +
                                    '#pragma omp parallel for')
                    if "{" in s:
                        was_par = 1
                new_loop.append(taby[i] + s)

                if was_par > 0:
                    if "{" in s:
                        was_par = was_par + 1
                    if "}" in s:
                        was_par = was_par - 1
            i = i + 1

    nloop = ""
    for line in new_loop:
        if line != '':
            #            if 'for (int c1' in line:   # c0 przy perf,  c1 przy imperf
            #                line = imperf_tile.get_tab(line) + "#pragma omp parallel for\n" +line
            nloop = nloop + line + "\n"

    nloop = nloop[:-1]

    nloop = nloop.split('\n')

    nloop = tiling_v3.postprocess_loop(nloop)
    lines = nloop.split('\n')

    loop = imperf_tile.RestoreStatements(lines, LPetit, dane, wlen, 1, [])

    #loop = imperf_tile.RestoreStatements(lines, LPetit, dane, maxl, step, permutate_list)

    print "=========================="
    print "OUTPUT CODE"
    print loop

    print UDS
    print UDS - REPR
Example #3
def tile_par3(isl_TILEbis, sym_exvars, isl_rel, isl_relplus, isl_relclosure,
              Extend, _rap, Dodatek, SIMPLIFY, ii_SET):

    #print isl_TILEbis
    srepr, rucs = slicing.Create_Srepr(isl_rel, isl_relclosure)

    fs = 0

    ir = isl_rel.domain().union(isl_rel.range()).coalesce()
    ir = ir.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, 0, len(sym_exvars))
    for i in range(0, len(sym_exvars)):
        ir = ir.set_dim_name(isl.dim_type.set, i, sym_exvars[i])

    if (Extend):
        for i in range(0, 2 * len(sym_exvars)):
            ir = ir.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, 2 * i, 1)

    srepr = srepr.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, 0, len(sym_exvars))
    for i in range(0, len(sym_exvars)):
        srepr = srepr.set_dim_name(isl.dim_type.set, i, sym_exvars[i])

    if (Extend):
        for i in range(0, 2 * len(sym_exvars)):
            srepr = srepr.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, 2 * i, 1)

    x = 1
    if (Extend):
        x = 2

    #relacja do obliczenia poczatkow
    Rel_Z = "{["
    for i in range(0, 2 * x * len(sym_exvars)):
        Rel_Z = Rel_Z + "i" + str(i) + ","
    Rel_Z = Rel_Z + "m] -> ["
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars)):
        Rel_Z = Rel_Z + "i" + str(i) + ","
    Rel_Z = Rel_Z[:-1] + "] };"

    Rel_Z = isl.Map(Rel_Z)

    #relacja do wylapania instrukcji z blokow
    Rel_Y = "{["
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars)):
        Rel_Y = Rel_Y + "i" + str(i) + ","
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars) + 1):
        Rel_Y = Rel_Y + "j" + str(i) + ","
    Rel_Y = Rel_Y[:-1] + "] -> ["
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars)):
        Rel_Y = Rel_Y + "i" + str(i) + ","
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars) + 1):
        Rel_Y = Rel_Y + "k" + str(i) + ","
    Rel_Y = Rel_Y[:-1] + "] };"

    Rel_Y = isl.Map(Rel_Y)

    Rel_W = "{["
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars)):
        Rel_W = Rel_W + "i" + str(i) + ","
    Rel_W = Rel_W + "m1] -> ["
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars)):
        Rel_W = Rel_W + "o" + str(i) + ","
    Rel_W = Rel_W + "m2] : not ("
    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars)):
        Rel_W = Rel_W + "i" + str(i) + " = " + "o" + str(i) + " and "
    Rel_W = Rel_W[:-4] + ")}"

    TILE_SOUR = isl_TILEbis.intersect(srepr).coalesce()

    TILE_IND = isl_TILEbis.subtract(isl_TILEbis.intersect(ir)).coalesce()

    indloop = iscc.iscc_communicate("L :=" + str(TILE_IND) + "; codegen L;")

    if (TILE_SOUR.lexmax() == TILE_SOUR.lexmin()):
        print "FS"
        fs = 1
        print "========================================================================="
        print "SLICING + TILING"
        if (rucs.is_empty()):
            isl_rel = isl_rel.union(rucs)
            isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure.union(rucs)
            isl_relplus = isl_relplus.union(rucs)

    rplus = tiling_v3.ExtendMap(isl_relplus, sym_exvars, Extend)
    rstar = tiling_v3.ExtendMap(isl_relclosure, sym_exvars, Extend)
    rel_ = tiling_v3.ExtendMap(isl_rel, sym_exvars, Extend)
    rucs = tiling_v3.ExtendMap(rucs, sym_exvars, Extend)

    rbis = isl.Map.from_domain_and_range(isl_TILEbis, isl_TILEbis)

    rs = rbis.intersect(rstar)

    rs = rs.union(rucs.transitive_closure()[0].intersect(rbis)).coalesce()

    Exp = True
    if (Exp and fs != 1):
        rel_simple = rbis.intersect(rel_)
        print rel_simple

        rel_simple = rel_simple.project_out(isl.dim_type.in_,
                                            x * len(sym_exvars),
                                            x * len(sym_exvars))
        rel_simple = rel_simple.project_out(isl.dim_type.out,
                                            x * len(sym_exvars),
                                            x * len(sym_exvars))

        relw = isl.Map(Rel_W)
        rel_simple = rel_simple.intersect(relw).coalesce()

        rel_simple = rel_simple.coalesce()

        print "RT"
        print rel_simple

        #independent tiles

        indt = rel_simple.domain().union(rel_simple.range()).coalesce()

        print indt
        #print II_SET

        #indt = ii_SET.subtract(indt).coalesce()

        # II_SET z Clana

        rel_simple_plus = rel_simple.transitive_closure()[0]

        print "RT+"
        print rel_simple_plus

        srepr, rucs = slicing.Create_Srepr(rel_simple, rel_simple_plus)

        print srepr

        # NAPRAWIC

        # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        #add independent tiles for srepr

        #srepr = srepr.union(indt).coalesce()

        print "SREPR"
        print srepr
        print "RUCS"
        print rucs


        # srepr = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(srepr)
        srepr = srepr.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, x * len(sym_exvars),
                                  x * len(sym_exvars))
        TILE_SOUR = isl_TILEbis.intersect(srepr).coalesce()

        TMP2 = TILE_SOUR

    if (fs != 1):

        if (rucs.is_empty()):
            TILE_SOUR = TILE_SOUR.subtract(TILE_SOUR.apply(
                rplus)).coalesce()  # remove dependent blocks with srepr

        TILE_RUCS = slicing.Create_RUCS(rel_, rs, TILE_SOUR, TILE_SOUR, 1,

        TILE_SOUR = TILE_SOUR.subtract(TILE_RUCS.range()).coalesce()

        print "TILE_RUCS"
        print TILE_RUCS
        print "TILE_SOUR"
        print TILE_SOUR

        TILE_SOUR = TMP2
        z = TILE_SOUR.apply(Rel_Z).coalesce()

        if (SIMPLIFY):
            z = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(z)

        srepr_loop = iscc.iscc_communicate("L :=" + str(z) +
                                           "; codegen L;")  # albo omega
        #srepr_loop = iscc.oc_communicate(z)

        srepr_loop = srepr_loop.split('\n')

        for i in range(0, len(srepr_loop)):
            if "for" in srepr_loop[i]:
                srepr_loop.insert(i, "#pragma omp parallel for")

        #print srepr_loop

        st_reg = re.compile('\s*\(.*\);')
        vecs = []
        taby = []
        for line in srepr_loop:
            if (st_reg.match(line)):
                vecs.append(isl.Set(iscc.s1_to_vec2(line, len(vecs))))

        #print vecs

        permutate_maps = Dodatek[6]
        permutate_list = Dodatek[5]

        slices = []

        for i in range(0, len(vecs)):
            vecs[i] = vecs[i].intersect(z).coalesce()

        for vec in vecs:
            vec = vec.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, x * len(sym_exvars),
                                  x * len(sym_exvars) + 1)
            #vec = vec.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, x*len(sym_exvars), 1)
            slice = vec  #.apply(rs)
            slice = slice.apply(Rel_Y)
            slice = slice.apply(rs).coalesce()
            #print slice
            #print rs1

            #slice = slice.apply(rs1).coalesce()
            #slice = slice.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, x*len(sym_exvars), x*len(sym_exvars))
            #slice = slice.intersect(isl_TILEbis).coalesce()

            # experimental permutate

            if (len(permutate_list) > 0):
                print "Tiling + slicing + permutation - experimental"
                RP = permutate_maps[0]

                RIDENT = RP.identity(RP.get_space())

                if (not RP.is_equal(RIDENT)
                    ):  #permute map is not an identity map
                    strRP = str(RP)
                    strh = ""
                    for i in range(0, x * len(sym_exvars)):
                        strh = strh + "xx" + str(i) + ","

                    if (Extend):
                        strkoma = strRP.split(",")
                        strRP = ""
                        for i in range(0, 2 * len(sym_exvars)):
                            strRP = strRP + strkoma[i] + ", yy" + str(
                                i % len(sym_exvars)) + ", "
                        strRP = strRP + strkoma[2 * len(sym_exvars)]

                    strRP = strRP.replace("[", "[" + strh)
                    RP = isl.Map(strRP)

                    slice = slice.apply(RP).coalesce()
            # ---------------------------------------------------------

            if (SIMPLIFY and False):
                slice = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(slice)

            #print slice

        cmd = ""
        for i in range(0, len(vecs)):
            print "SLICE"
            print slices[i]
            cmd = cmd + "codegen " + str(slices[i]) + ';print "###";'

        cmd = iscc.iscc_communicate(cmd)

        cmd = cmd.split('"###"')

        new_loop = []
        i = 0
        for line in srepr_loop:
            if (st_reg.match(line)):
                petla = cmd[i].split('\n')
                for s in petla:
                    new_loop.append(taby[i] + s)
                i = i + 1

        nloop = ""
        for line in new_loop:
            if line != '':
                nloop = nloop + line + "\n"
        nloop = nloop[:-1]

        nloop = nloop + "// independent statements \n" + indloop

        nloop = nloop.split('\n')

        # Dodatek = [LPetit, dane,  maxl, step, nazwapar, permutate_list, permutate_maps]

        #permutate list
        nloop = tiling_v3.postprocess_loop(nloop)
        lines = nloop.split('\n')

        loop = imperf_tile.RestoreStatements(lines, Dodatek[0], Dodatek[1],
                                             Dodatek[2], Dodatek[3],

        text_file = open(Dodatek[4], "w")
        return ""

        rel_ = rbis.intersect(rel_)

        rel_ = rel_.project_out(isl.dim_type.in_, x * len(sym_exvars),
                                x * len(sym_exvars))
        rel_ = rel_.project_out(isl.dim_type.out, x * len(sym_exvars),
                                x * len(sym_exvars))
        rel_ = rel_.coalesce()

        relw = isl.Map(Rel_W)

        rel_ = rel_.intersect(relw).coalesce()

        print "REL"
        print rel_

        #independent tiles
        #indt = rel_.domain().union(rel_.range()).coalesce()
        #indt = ii_SET.subtract(indt).coalesce()

        indt = ""

        # FS z RK
        sk = fs_rk.fs_rk1(rel_, SIMPLIFY, indt)

        # FS bez RK
        #sk = fs_karl.FSwithoutRG(rel_)

        sk = sk.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set,
                            x * len(sym_exvars) + 1, x * len(sym_exvars))

        bis = isl_TILEbis.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.set, 0, 1)

        sk = bis.intersect(sk).coalesce()

        if (SIMPLIFY):
            sk = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(sk)
        print "SK"
        print sk

        print "Codegen now..."
        #fsloop = iscc.iscc_communicate("L :=" + str(sk) + "; codegen L;")

        fsloop = iscc.isl_ast_codegen(sk)

        print "Codegen done."

        nloop = fsloop.split('\n')
        nloop = tiling_v3.postprocess_loop(nloop)
        lines = fs_pragma(nloop)

        #Dodatek[2]+1 shift + 1  for k
        #if extend first shift shoud be one smaller
        if (Extend):
            sh = 1
            sh = 0

        loop = imperf_tile.RestoreStatements(lines, Dodatek[0], Dodatek[1],
                                             Dodatek[2] + 1, Dodatek[3],
                                             Dodatek[5], sh)

        text_file = open(Dodatek[4], "w")
        return ""
Example #4
def tile(plik,

    SIMPLIFY = False
    DEBUG = True

    schedule_mode = parallel_option

    #print "********** another version **************"
    LPetit = "tmp/tmp_petit" + L + ".t"
    LDeps = "tmp/deps" + L + ".txt"

    # strong perfect
    if (DEBUG):
        if perfect_mode:
            print 'Perfectly nested loop mode: enabled'

    simpl_ub = False

    BLOCK = block.split(',')
    par_tiling = False

    for i in range(len(BLOCK), 10):
        BLOCK.append(BLOCK[len(BLOCK) - 1])

    if (not BLOCK[1].isdigit()):
        par_tiling = True

    linestring = open(plik, 'r').read()
    lines = linestring.split('\n')

    if simpl_ub:
        petit_loop = convert_loop.convert_loop(lines, BLOCK)
        petit_loop = convert_loop.convert_loop(lines)

    file = open(LPetit, 'w')

    imperf = 0
    endloop = 0
    startloop = 0
    for line in petit_loop:
        #sprawdz przy okazji jaka petla idealnie czy nie
        if 'for' in line and not 'endfor' in line:
            if startloop == 2:
                imperf = 1
            startloop = 1
            if startloop == 1:
                startloop = 2
        if 'endfor' in line:
            endloop = 1
        if endloop == 1 and 'endfor' not in line and not line.isspace(
        ) and line != '':
            imperf = 1

        file.write(line + '\n')


    cmd = gen.path_petit + " " + LPetit + " > " + LDeps
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    lines = linestring.split('\n')
    stuff = []

    for_level = 0
    for line in lines:
        if 'endfor' in line:
            for_level = for_level - 1
            if 'for' in line:
                if simpl_ub:
                    stuff.append(functions.Loop(line, BLOCK[for_level]))
                for_level = for_level + 1

    # na podstawie stuff zbuduj tablice inkrementacji i dekremnatacji poziomu

    #if(schedule_mode == 0):
    #    flag = 1
    flag = 1

    # Proba prywatyzacji zmiennych w instrukcjach w gniazdach
    priv_stuff = priv_engine.PrivEng(LDeps)
    priv_box = 1

    if (imperf == 0):
        priv_box = 1

        dane = []
        sts = imperf_tile.Get_ST(LPetit, dane)
        dane = dane + sts
        combo = loop_tools.ReadStatementNests(LPetit, dane)
        instrukcje = combo[0]

        for pp in priv_stuff[3]:
            for i in instrukcje:
                a = set(i['st'])
                b = set(pp[1])
                if (a & b) and (
                        b -
                        a):  # nie wszystkie instrukcje skalara sa w gniezdzie
                    priv_box = 0

    # ==========

    # jesli zmienne prywatne sa w obrebie jednego S1 to mozna

    start = time.time()
    if ((imperf == 0 and priv_box == 0)):
        dane = gen.RelPrint(LPetit, flag)
        if (len(priv_stuff[1]) > 0):
            dane = gen.RelPrint_WithPriv(LPetit, priv_stuff[1])

            dane = gen.RelPrint(LPetit, flag)

    output = process.stdout.read()

    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    print "Dependence analysis: time taken: ", elapsed, "seconds."

    if (DEBUG):
        print dane

    dane = dane.split("#")

    rel = dane[0]
    rel2 = rel

    print rel

    dane = list(set(dane))

    if (DEBUG):
        print rel

    # Create LD
    Dependence.Create_LD_petit(L, petit_loop)

    # -------------------------------------------------------
    # script for barvinok
    # gdy nie ma zaleznosci
    # problemy do rozwiazania
    # zmienne symboliczne nie wiadomo skad wziasc
    # numery instrukcji
    nodeps = 0
    if (rel == ''):

        nodeps = 1
        LD_inp = "tmp/LD_petit_loop_" + L + ".t"
        dane2 = gen.RelPrint(LD_inp, 1)
        dane2 = dane2.split("#")
        rel2 = dane2[0]
            isl_rel2 = isl.Map(str(rel2))
            isl_symb = isl_rel2.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param)
            symb = isl_symb
            print "Internal error."
        rel = "[" + ",".join(symb) + "] -> {["
        for i in range(0, len(stuff)):
            rel = rel + "i" + str(i) + ","
        rel = rel + "v] -> ["
        for i in range(0, len(stuff)):
            rel = rel + "i" + str(i) + "',"
        rel = rel + "v'] : false }"

    #loop_tools.MakeLDPetit("tmp/tmp_petit.t", "tmp/tmp_ld_petit.t")

    #dane2 = list(set(dane2))
    #for i in range(0, len(dane2)):
    #    dane2[i] = str(int(dane2[i]) - 1)

    for s in dane:
        if "UNKNOWN" in s:

    # dodaj dane bez relacji
    sts = imperf_tile.Get_ST(LPetit, dane)
    dane = dane + sts

    combo = loop_tools.ReadStatementNests(LPetit, dane)
    instrukcje = combo[0]

    nest_loop = combo[1]

    if len(instrukcje) == 0:
        print 'blad - brak instrukcji'
        # wczytaj wszystkie

    # eksperymentalnie kasowanie innych poziomow
    stuff_reduced = stuff[:]  #osobna kopia

    do_kas = []
    for i in range(1, max(nest_loop) + 1):
        dups = duplicates(nest_loop, i)
        for s in dups:
            if s != min(dups):

    for item in do_kas:
        stuff_reduced[item] = '!'

    for i in range(0, stuff_reduced.count('!')):
        stuff_reduced.remove('!')  # remove
    # -------------------------------

    global maxl
    maxl = 0
    for item in instrukcje:
        if item['max_loop'] > maxl:
            maxl = item['max_loop']

    start = time.time()

    tmp_st = []
    if (perfect_mode):
        firstst = str(instrukcje[0]['st'][0])
        #print rel
        rel = re.sub(r"v = \d+", "v = " + firstst, rel)
        rel = re.sub(r"v' = \d+", "v' = " + firstst, rel)
        #print rel
        tmp_st = instrukcje[0]['st']
        instrukcje[0]['st'] = [instrukcje[0]['st'][0]]
        #print instrukcje[0]['st']
        # wywal reszte zapisz gdzies tablice
        # exit(1)

    # strong perfect mode
    isl_rel = isl.Map(str(rel))
    isl_ident = isl_rel.identity(isl_rel.get_space())

    # k6 only
    #print isl_rel
    #rel_plus = isl_rel.transitive_closure()[0]
    #isl_rel = isl_rel.subtract(rel_plus.apply_range(isl_rel))
    #rel = isl.Map(str("{[i,j,v]->[i,j',v]}"))
    #isl_rel = isl_rel.subtract(rel)
    #print isl_rel

    # -------------

    if (perfect_mode):
        if (DEBUG):
            print "Removing internal dependences for perfect nested loop"
        isl_rel = isl_rel.subtract(isl_ident)

    if (DEBUG):
        print isl_rel

    z = isl_rel.dim(isl.dim_type.out)
    zz = maxl - z + 1
    if (zz > 0):
        if (DEBUG):
            print "Error. Dimensions of dependencies are not equal to an amount of loop nests"
            print "Relations will be extended."
        isl_rel = isl_rel.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.in_, z - 1, zz)
        isl_rel = isl_rel.insert_dims(isl.dim_type.out, z - 1, zz)

    # jesli ktorys z blokow ma 1 wywal te zaleznosci

    # w slicgu mozna tak jesli zewn petla tylko zapisuje zmienne prywatne
    if (BLOCK[0] == '1' and schedule_mode == 0):
        z = isl_rel.dim(isl.dim_type.out)
        rtmp = "{["
        for i in range(0, z):
            rtmp = rtmp + "i" + str(i) + ","
        rtmp = rtmp[:-1] + "] -> ["
        for i in range(0, z):
            rtmp = rtmp + "o" + str(i) + ","
        rtmp = rtmp[:-1] + "] : i0 = o0 };"
        rtmp = isl.Map(rtmp)

        isl_rel = isl_rel.intersect(rtmp).coalesce()

    # lata na petle ktore nie ma w relacjach
    #if maxl > isl_rel:

    start = time.time()
    if (DEBUG):
        print '!!!!!!!!!!'
    # **************************************************************************
    exact_rplus = '-1'
    islrp = False
    isl_relclosure = isl_rel
    if (rplus_file != ''):
        with open(rplus_file, "r") as myfile:
            data = myfile.read().replace('\n', '')
            isl_relclosure = isl.Map(str(data))
        if islrp:
            isl_relclosure = isl_rel.transitive_closure()
            exact_rplus = isl_relclosure[1]
            isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure[0]
            isl_relclosure = relation_util.oc_IterateClosure(isl_rel)
            exact_rplus = True

    isl_relplus = isl_relclosure
    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start
    print "Transitive closure: time taken: ", elapsed, "seconds."

    isl_ident = isl_rel.identity(isl_rel.get_space())

    if (DEBUG):
        print 'R+'
        print isl_relclosure

    #isl_relclosure = rpp
    print "!! exact_rplus " + str(exact_rplus)

    isl_relclosure = isl_relclosure.union(isl_ident).coalesce()  # R* = R+ u I

    if (_debug_):
        if (DEBUG):
            print "R*"
            print isl_relclosure
            print exact_rplus
    # **************************************************************************

    isl_symb = isl_rel.get_var_names(isl.dim_type.param)
    symb = isl_symb

    end = time.time()

    if (DEBUG):
        print end - start

    vars = []  # i
    exvars = []  # ii'
    sym_exvars = []  # ii
    varsprim = []  # i'
    par_vars = []  # iib
    p_vars = []  #iib bez plusa lb
    p_symb = []
    im_par_vars = []

    # moze warto do iloczynu dodac lb a do floor N - lb
    # do testowania +'+'+s['lb']
    i = 0
    for s in stuff_reduced:
        sym_exvars.append(s['var'] * 2)
        exvars.append(s['var'] * 2 + "'")
        varsprim.append(s['var'] + "'")
        if par_tiling:
            par_vars.append(s['var'] * 2 + 'b' + '+' + s['lb'])
            p_vars.append(s['var'] * 2 + 'b')
            par_vars.append(s['var'] * 2 + "*" + BLOCK[i] + '+' + s['lb'])
        i = i + 1

    # codegen.calculate_position(1, instrukcje, len(sym_exvars))

    for s in stuff:
        if s['var'] in vars:
            i = vars.index(s['var'])
            if par_tiling:
                im_par_vars.append(s['var'] * 2 + 'b' + '+' + s['lb'])
                im_par_vars.append(s['var'] * 2 + "*" + BLOCK[i] + '+' +

    _SYM = ""

    for s in sym_exvars:
        _SYM = _SYM + s + ","

    for i in range(len(vars), 10):

    if (par_tiling):
        for s in p_vars:
            _SYM = _SYM + s + ","
        for s in set(BLOCK):  #remove duplicates
            _SYM = _SYM + s + ","

    for s in symb:
        _SYM = _SYM + s + ","

    # wektory same 0 - mozesz dac parallel
    # prywatyzuj calosc, tam gdzie zapis seq, same 0 to parallel bloki (tylko odczyt)
    par_tiled = 0
    delta = isl_rel.deltas()
    chkc = isl.Set("{[0," + ",".join(vars) + "]}")
    delta = delta.subtract(chkc)
    if (delta.is_empty()):
        par_tiled = 1
        if (DEBUG):
            print "Parallel tiling detected."


    cl = clanpy.ClanPy()
    cl.loop_path = plik

    j = 0

    if (len(cl.statements) > 0):
        for i in range(0, len(instrukcje)):
            instrukcje[i]['scatter'] = cl.statements[j].scatering[:]
            j = j + len(instrukcje[i]['st'])

    Rapply = GetRapply(vars, sym_exvars, _SYM)

    isl_TILE = []
    isl_TILE_LT = []
    isl_TILE_GT = []
    isl_TILE1 = []
    isl_TILE2 = []
    isl_TILEprim = []
    isl_TILEbis = []
    isl_TILEorig = []

    permutate_list = []
    permutate_maps = []
    FFF_lines = []
    FFF_idx = []
    FFF_headers = []
    FFF_headers_idx = []

    for i in range(0, len(instrukcje)):
        Bij = MakeBij(_SYM, vars, sym_exvars, im_par_vars, stuff, BLOCK,
                      instrukcje[i], par_tiling)
        print Bij
        print "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
        isl_TILE.append(isl.Set(str(Bij).replace("_Bij := ", "")))

        if (DEBUG):
            print 'T --------------------------------------------'
            print stuff
            print isl_TILE[i]

        # oblicz II_SET
        if (False):
            if (len(symb) > 0):
                ii_set = '[' + ','.join(symb) + '] -> '
                ii_set = ''
            ii_set = ii_set + '{[' + ','.join(sym_exvars) + '] : '

            for l in range(0, len(sym_exvars)):
                ii_set = ii_set + sym_exvars[l] + ' >= 0 and '
                ii_set = ii_set + BLOCK[l] + '*' + sym_exvars[
                    l] + ' + ' + stuff[l]['lb'] + ' <= ' + stuff[l][
                        'ub'] + ' and '
            ii_set = ii_set + ' 1=1}'
            if (DEBUG):
                print ii_set
            ii_set = isl.Set(ii_set)
            if (DEBUG):
                print 'II_SET ' + str(ii_set)
                print 'CARD II_SET ' + test_isl.StringToCard(str(ii_set))
        # ------------------------------

        bltc = 0  # czy juz liczono blt
        bgtc = 0  #   -- || --     bgt

        for j in range(0, len(instrukcje)):
            BLGT = MakeBLTandBGT_v2(
                _SYM, vars, sym_exvars, im_par_vars, varsprim, exvars, stuff,
                BLOCK, instrukcje[j], instrukcje[i],
                par_tiling)  # porownaj zagniezdzenia instrukcji
            if (DEBUG):
                print '-------LT ----------'
                print BLGT[0]
                print '-------GT ----------'
                print BLGT[1]
            print BLGT[0]
            isltmp = isl.Set(str(BLGT[0]).replace("_BLT := ", ""))
            if (bltc == 0):
                print isltmp
                bltc = 1
                isl_TILE_LT[i] = isl_TILE_LT[i].union(isltmp).coalesce()

            isltmp = isl.Set(str(BLGT[1]).replace("_BGT := ", ""))
            if (bgtc == 0):
                bgtc = 1
                isl_TILE_GT[i] = isl_TILE_GT[i].union(isltmp).coalesce()

        if (DEBUG):
            print "s" + str(i)
            print "LT"
            print isl_TILE_LT[i]
            print "GT"
            print isl_TILE_GT[i]

        X = isl_TILE_GT[i].apply(isl_relclosure).coalesce()

        isl_BCUR = isl_TILE[i].subtract(X).coalesce()


        if (DEBUG):
            print '---------bcur-----'
            print isl_BCUR.apply(isl_relclosure)

        isl_BPREV = isl_BCUR.apply(isl_relclosure).intersect(
        isl_BPREV = isl_BPREV.subtract(
            X).coalesce()  # changed according to ACM TOPLAS reviewer

        if (DEBUG):
            print isl_BPREV
            print '---'



        #poprawka intersect z IS - EKSPERYMENTALNA !!!!
        IS = getIS(plik, isl_rel, dane)
        DOMRAN = isl_rel.domain().union(isl_rel.range()).coalesce()
        INDDD = IS.subtract(DOMRAN).coalesce()

        if (DEBUG):
            print '----------'
            print INDDD
            print IS
        #print IS
        # sys.exit(0)
        #isl_TILEprim[i] = isl_TILEprim[i].intersect(IS).coalesce()

        #for ll in range(0,i):
        #    isl_TILEprim[i] = isl_TILEprim[i].subtract(isl_TILEprim[ll]).coalesce()
        print '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'


        # print isl_TILEprim[0]


        if (par_tiling):
            idx_bylo = []

            if (len(symb) > 0):
                S = "[" + ",".join(symb) + ","
                S = "["

            S1 = "{[" + ",".join(sym_exvars) + "," + ",".join(vars) + ",v] :"
            for j in range(0, len(instrukcje[i]['path'])):

                idx = str(instrukcje[i]['path'][j])
                liniabb = " = floord(" + stuff[instrukcje[i]['path'][j]][
                    'ub'] + "-" + stuff[instrukcje[i]['path']
                                        [j]]['lb'] + " ," + BLOCK[j] + ");"

                if 1 == 1 or liniabb not in FFF_headers:  # always true,
                    linia = "int fff" + idx + liniabb
                    linia = linia.replace("floord( ", "floord(")
                    idx = FFF_headers_idx[FFF_headers.index(liniabb)]

                if str({'id': idx, 'j': j}) not in FFF_idx:
                    FFF_idx.append({'id': idx, 'j': j})

                if idx not in idx_bylo:
                    S = S + "fff" + idx + ","
                S1 = S1 + " " + sym_exvars[j] + "<= fff" + idx + " and "

            S = S[:-1] + "] -> " + S1 + " true }"

            if (DEBUG):
                print S

            S = isl.Set(S)

            isl_TILEbis[i] = isl_TILEbis[i].intersect(S).coalesce()

        if (permute):
            RP = imperf_tile.PermuteBlock(LDeps,
                                          isl_TILEprim[i], instrukcje[i], symb,
                                          len(sym_exvars), permutate_list)
            if (isinstance(RP, isl.Map)):
                print "Permutation experimental enabled:"
                isl_TILEprim[i] = isl_TILEprim[i].apply(RP)
                #print isl_TILEprim[i]

        if (_debug_):
            if (DEBUG):
                print "TILE"
                print isl_TILE[i]
                print "TILE_LT"
                print isl_TILE_LT[i]
                print "TILE_GT"
                print isl_TILE_GT[i]
                print "TILE_ITR (TILE1)"
                print isl_TILE1[i]
                print "TVLD_LT (TILE2)"
                print isl_TILE2[i]
                print "TILE_VLD (TILE')"
                print isl_TILEprim[i]
                #  print "card"
                #  print test_isl.StringToCard(str(isl_TILEprim[i]))
                print "TILE_VLD_ext (TILE'')"
                print isl_TILEbis[i]

            # correct upper bounds for simpl_ub

        if simpl_ub:

            cor_set = ''
            if (len(symb) > 0):
                cor_set = '[' + ','.join(symb) + '] -> '
                cor_set = ''

            cor_set = cor_set + '{[' + ','.join(sym_exvars) + ',' + ','.join(
                vars) + ',' + 'v] : '

            for j in range(0, len(instrukcje[i]['path'])):
                cor_set = cor_set + vars[j] + " <= " + stuff[
                    instrukcje[i]['path'][j]]['ub'] + " - " + BLOCK[j] + " && "

            cor_set = cor_set + "("
            for v in instrukcje[i]['st']:
                cor_set = cor_set + " v = " + str(v) + " or"
            cor_set = cor_set[:-2] + ")}"

            cor_set = isl.Set(cor_set)

            #print cor_set

            isl_TILEbis[i] = isl_TILEbis[i].intersect(cor_set).coalesce()
            isl_TILEorig[i] = isl_TILEorig[i].intersect(cor_set).coalesce()

        if (SIMPLIFY):
            isl_TILEbis[i] = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(isl_TILEbis[i])

        #print "TILE''" + "dla s" + str(i) + "\n" +  str(isl_TILEbis[i])
    #eksepeymentalnie dodaj pozycje do tilebis jesli wiele gniazd na roznych poziomach

    Extend = False
    if (imperf == 1):
        Extend = True
        #Extend = MultiNest(instrukcje)
    #Extend = True

    #print imperf

    #vis3dimperf.imperf_vis(isl_TILEbis, isl_rel)

    _rap = GetRapply4(vars, sym_exvars, _SYM, instrukcje, 0)

    print _rap
    #vis.Vis(isl_TILEbis[0], stuff, cl.deps, isl.Set(cl.statements[0].domain_map), True)

    # zne takie jak z ale bez ext

    if (Extend):
        z = isl_TILEbis[0].apply(_rap)
        zne = isl_TILEbis[0]
        z = isl_TILEbis[0]

    for j in range(1, len(isl_TILEbis)):
        _rap = GetRapply4(vars, sym_exvars, _SYM, instrukcje, j)
        print _rap
        if (DEBUG):
            print _rap
        if (Extend):
            z = z.union(isl_TILEbis[j].apply(_rap))
            zne = zne.union(isl_TILEbis[j])
            z = z.union(isl_TILEbis[j])

    if (not Extend):
        zne = z

    print z

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    _rap = GetRapply4(vars, sym_exvars, _SYM, instrukcje, 0)

    if (Extend):
        zorig = isl_TILEorig[0].apply(_rap)
        zorig = isl_TILEorig[0]

    for j in range(1, len(isl_TILEorig)):
        _rap = GetRapply4(vars, sym_exvars, _SYM, instrukcje, j)
        if (Extend):
            zorig = zorig.union(isl_TILEorig[j].apply(_rap))
            zorig = zorig.union(isl_TILEorig[j])

    zorig = zorig.coalesce()

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    z = z.coalesce()
    z = z.remove_redundancies()
    z = z.detect_equalities()
    # z = imperf_tile.SimplifySlice(z)

    #calculate II_SET
    ii_SET = z.remove_dims(isl.dim_type.set,
                           int(isl_TILEbis[i].dim(isl.dim_type.set) / 2),
                           int(isl_TILEbis[i].dim(isl.dim_type.set) /

    if (_debug_):
        print "II_SET"
        print ii_SET

    step = 0
    if Extend:
        step = 1

    nazwa = ""
    nazwapar = ""

    filePaths = glob.glob(plik)
    if (output_file != ""):
        nazwa = output_file
        nazwapar = output_file
        for filePath in filePaths:
            base = os.path.basename(filePath)
            nazwa = os.path.splitext(base)[0] + "_tiling" + os.path.splitext(
            nazwapar = os.path.splitext(
                base)[0] + "_partiling" + os.path.splitext(base)[1]

    if (perfect_mode):
        if (DEBUG):
            print z
        chang = str(tmp_st[0]) + "]"
        if (DEBUG):
            print chang

        for i in range(1, len(tmp_st)):
            zz = str(z).replace(chang, str(tmp_st[i]) + "]")
            zz = isl.Set(zz)
            z = z.union(zz).coalesce()

        instrukcje[0]['st'] = tmp_st  # correct statements

    #z1 = isl.Set('[n,b] -> {[i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13] : n+2 = 2*b && b > 2 && n > 8 }')
    #  z1 = isl.Set('[n,b] -> {[i3,i4,i5,i6,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13] : n+2 = 2*b && b > 2 && n > 8 }')
    #z = z.intersect(z1)

    if (not schedule_mode or par_tiled):
        print "Cloog start..."
        start = time.time()

        isl_ast = False
        barv = 1

        if (barv == 1):
            if (isl_ast):
                loop_x = iscc.isl_ast_codegen(z)
                loop_x = iscc.iscc_communicate("L :=" + str(z) +
                                               "; codegen L;")

        else:  #cloog
            #loop_x = codegen.tile_gen_short(vars, sym_exvars, symb,z,instrukcje, Extend)
            with open('loopx', "r") as myfile:
                loop_x = myfile.read()
        #loop_x = iscc.oc_communicate(z)
        #loop_x = codegen.tile_gen(vars, sym_exvars, symb, isl_TILEbis, instrukcje, "", [], stuff)

        end = time.time()
        elapsed = end - start
        print "Code generation: time taken: ", elapsed, "seconds."


        loop_x = postprocess_loop(loop_x.split('\n'))
        loop = loop_x

        lines = loop.split('\n')

        loop = imperf_tile.RestoreStatements(lines, LPetit, dane, maxl, step,

        if par_tiled:
            loop = "#pragma omp parallel for\n" + loop

        for i in range(0, 5):
            if (loop[-1] == '\n'):
                loop = loop[:-1]
        loop = loop + "\n"

        new_gen = True

        if (not new_gen):
            gen.ParsePrint2("tmp/tmp_petit.t", len(sym_exvars))

        if (new_gen):
            text_file = open(nazwa, "w")

            if par_tiling:
                lines = FFF_lines + correct.Korekta(nazwa)
                for i in range(0, len(lines)):
                    if "for" in lines[i] and "fff" in lines[i]:
                        reg = re.compile("\=.*")
                        linia = reg.sub("", lines[i])
                        reg = re.compile(".*\(")
                        cc = reg.sub("", linia)
                        cc = cc.replace(" ", "")
                        for FF_item in FFF_idx:
                            if "fff" + FF_item['id'] in lines[i]:
                                lines[i] = lines[i] + "\n" + correct.whites(
                                    lines[i]) + "  register int " + sym_exvars[
                                        FF_item['j']] + "b = " + BLOCK[
                                            FF_item['j']] + "*" + cc + ";"
                    lines[i] = lines[i] + "\n"
                text_file = open(nazwa, "w")
                if schedule_mode:
                    text_file = open(nazwapar, "w")

            if (output_file != ""):
                return ""
            if (not schedule_mode and 1 == 0):
                rtile = tiling_schedule.get_RTILE(z, sym_exvars, isl_rel,
                print "RTILE:"
                print rtile
                tiling_schedule.get_RCYCLE(rtile, 0)
                rtileorig = tiling_schedule.get_RTILE(zorig, sym_exvars,
                                                      isl_rel, Extend)
                print "RTILE_ORIG:"
                print rtileorig
                tiling_schedule.get_RCYCLE(rtileorig, 1)

# =====================================================================================================================

    Dodatek = [
        LPetit, dane, maxl, step, nazwapar, permutate_list, permutate_maps

    par_tiled = 0

    if (DEBUG):
        print '!!!!'
        print zorig

    if (schedule_mode and par_tiled != 1):
        if (False):
            tiling_schedule.tile_par(isl_TILEprim, isl_TILEbis, sym_exvars,
                                     symb, isl_rel, isl_relplus,

            # Rk
            #tiling_schedule.tile_par3(z, sym_exvars, isl_rel, isl_relplus, isl_relclosure, Extend, _rap, Dodatek,SIMPLIFY, ii_SET)

            # fsnew

            rtile = tiling_schedule.get_RTILE(zne, sym_exvars, isl_rel, False)
            #rtileplus = rtile.transitive_closure()

            rapp = _rap
            rapp = rapp.remove_dims(isl._isl.dim_type.in_, 0, len(sym_exvars))
            rapp = rapp.remove_dims(isl._isl.dim_type.out, 0,
                                    len(sym_exvars) * 2)

            if not Extend:
                z = z.apply(_rap)

            fsnew_tiletry.fs_new(isl_rel, isl_relplus, rtile, LPetit, dane,
                                 plik, SIMPLIFY, rapp, exact_rplus, z,
                                 sym_exvars, maxl, step, isl_TILEprim, vars)

# przelec po blokach znajdz relacje jak nie ma to parallel