Example #1
    def geo2rdr(self, llh, side=-1, planet=None, doppler=None, wvl=None):
        Takes a lat, lon, height triplet and returns azimuth time and range.
        Assumes zero doppler for now.
        from isceobj.Planet.Planet import Planet
        from isceobj.Util.Poly2D import Poly2D
        if doppler is None:
            doppler = Poly2D()
            doppler.initPoly(azimuthOrder=0, rangeOrder=0, coeffs=[[0.]])
            wvl = 0.0

        if planet is None:
            refElp = Planet(pname='Earth').ellipsoid
            refElp = planet.ellipsoid

        xyz = refElp.llh_to_xyz(llh)

        delta = (self.maxTime - self.minTime).total_seconds() * 0.5
        tguess = self.minTime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
        outOfBounds = False
        # Start the previous guess tracking with dummy value
        t_prev_guess = tguess + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
        for ii in range(51):
                sv = self.interpolateOrbit(tguess, method='hermite')
                outOfBounds = True

            pos = np.array(sv.getPosition())
            vel = np.array(sv.getVelocity())

            dr = xyz - pos
            rng = np.linalg.norm(dr)

            dopfact = np.dot(dr, vel)
            fdop = doppler(DTU.seconds_since_midnight(tguess), rng) * wvl * 0.5
            fdopder = (0.5 * wvl * doppler(DTU.seconds_since_midnight(tguess),
                                           rng + 10.0) - fdop) / 10.0

            fn = dopfact - fdop * rng
            c1 = -np.dot(vel, vel)
            c2 = (fdop / rng + fdopder)

            fnprime = c1 + c2 * dopfact

            tguess = tguess - datetime.timedelta(seconds=fn / fnprime)
            if abs(tguess - t_prev_guess).total_seconds() < 5e-9:
                t_prev_guess = tguess

        if outOfBounds:
            raise Exception('Interpolation time out of bounds')

        return tguess, rng
Example #2
    def testLATLON(self):
        elp = Planet("Earth").get_elp()

        #From for_ellipsoid_test.F
        r_xyz = [7000000.0, -7500000.0, 8000000.0]
        r_llh = [38.038207425428674, -46.974934010881981, 6639569.3697941694]
        posLLH = elp.xyz_to_llh(r_xyz)
        for (a, b) in zip(r_llh[:2], posLLH[:2]):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(r_llh[2], posLLH[2], delta=.1)

        r_llh = [-33.0, 118.0, 2000.0]
        r_xyz = [-2514561.1100611691, 4729201.6284226896, -3455047.9192480515]
        posXYZ = elp.llh_to_xyz(r_llh)
        for (a, b) in zip(r_xyz, posXYZ):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b, places=3)
Example #3
    def rdr2geoNew(self, aztime, rng, height=0.,
            doppler = None, wvl = None,
            planet=None, side=-1):
        Returns point on ground at given height and doppler frequency.
        Never to be used for heavy duty computing.

        from isceobj.Planet.Planet import Planet

        ####Setup doppler for the equations
        dopfact = 0.

        sv = self.interpolateOrbit(aztime, method='hermite')
        pos = np.array(sv.getPosition())
        vel =np.array( sv.getVelocity())
        vmag = np.linalg.norm(vel)

        if doppler is not None:
            dopfact = doppler(DTU.seconds_since_midnight(aztime), rng) * 0.5 * wvl * rng/vmag

        if planet is None:
            refElp = Planet(pname='Earth').ellipsoid
            refElp = planet.ellipsoid

        ###Convert position and velocity to local tangent plane
        major = refElp.a
        minor = major * np.sqrt(1 - refElp.e2)

        #####Setup ortho normal system right below satellite
        satDist = np.linalg.norm(pos)
        alpha = 1 / np.linalg.norm(pos/ np.array([major, major, minor]))
        radius = alpha * satDist
        hgt = (1.0 - alpha) * satDist

        ###Setup TCN basis - Geocentric
        nhat = -pos/satDist
        temp = np.cross(nhat, vel)
        chat = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp)
        temp = np.cross(chat, nhat)
        that = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp)
        vhat = vel / vmag

        ####Solve the range doppler eqns iteratively
        ####Initial guess
        zsch = height

        for ii in range(10):

            ###Near nadir tests
            if (hgt-zsch) >= rng:
                return None 

            a = satDist
            b = (radius + zsch)

            costheta = 0.5*(a/rng + rng/a - (b/a)*(b/rng))
            sintheta = np.sqrt(1-costheta*costheta)

            gamma = rng*costheta
            alpha = dopfact - gamma*np.dot(nhat,vhat)/np.dot(vhat,that)
            beta = -side*np.sqrt(rng*rng*sintheta*sintheta - alpha*alpha)

            delta = alpha * that + beta * chat + gamma * nhat

            targVec = pos + delta

            targLLH = refElp.xyz_to_llh(list(targVec))
            targXYZ = np.array(refElp.llh_to_xyz([targLLH[0], targLLH[1], height]))

            zsch = np.linalg.norm(targXYZ) - radius

            rdiff  = rng - np.linalg.norm(pos - targXYZ)

        return targLLH
Example #4
    def rdr2geo(self, aztime, rng, height=0.,
            doppler = None, wvl = None,
            planet=None, side=-1):
        Returns point on ground at given height and doppler frequency.
        Never to be used for heavy duty computing.

        from isceobj.Planet.Planet import Planet

        ####Setup doppler for the equations
        dopfact = 0.0

        hdg = self.getENUHeading(time=aztime)

        sv = self.interpolateOrbit(aztime, method='hermite')
        pos = sv.getPosition()
        vel = sv.getVelocity()
        vmag = np.linalg.norm(vel)

        if doppler is not None:
            dopfact = doppler(DTU.seconds_since_midnight(aztime), rng) * 0.5 * wvl * rng/vmag

        if planet is None:
            refElp = Planet(pname='Earth').ellipsoid
            refElp = planet.ellipsoid

        ###Convert position and velocity to local tangent plane
        satLLH = refElp.xyz_to_llh(pos)

        refElp.setSCH(satLLH[0], satLLH[1], hdg)
        radius = refElp.pegRadCur

        #####Setup ortho normal system right below satellite
        satVec = np.array(pos)
        velVec = np.array(vel)

        ###Setup TCN basis
        clat = np.cos(np.radians(satLLH[0]))
        slat = np.sin(np.radians(satLLH[0]))
        clon = np.cos(np.radians(satLLH[1]))
        slon = np.sin(np.radians(satLLH[1]))
        nhat = np.array([-clat*clon, -clat*slon, -slat])
        temp = np.cross(nhat, velVec)
        chat = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp)
        temp = np.cross(chat, nhat)
        that = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp)
        vhat = velVec / np.linalg.norm(velVec)

        ####Solve the range doppler eqns iteratively
        ####Initial guess
        zsch = height

        for ii in range(10):

            ###Near nadir tests
            if (satLLH[2]-zsch) >= rng:
                return None 

            a = (satLLH[2] + radius)
            b = (radius + zsch)

            costheta = 0.5*(a/rng + rng/a - (b/a)*(b/rng))
            sintheta = np.sqrt(1-costheta*costheta)

            gamma = rng*costheta
            alpha = dopfact - gamma*np.dot(nhat,vhat)/np.dot(vhat,that)
            beta = -side*np.sqrt(rng*rng*sintheta*sintheta - alpha*alpha)

            delta = alpha * that + beta * chat + gamma * nhat

            targVec = satVec + delta

            targLLH = refElp.xyz_to_llh(list(targVec))
            targXYZ = refElp.llh_to_xyz([targLLH[0], targLLH[1], height])
            targSCH = refElp.xyz_to_sch(targXYZ)

            zsch = targSCH[2]

            rdiff  = rng - np.linalg.norm(np.array(satVec) - np.array(targXYZ))

        return targLLH