def parse_cmd(sender, destination, message): global switch, closing, channel_options if destination.replace(' ', '') == config_options['irc_nickname']: destination = sender try: if simplify(message)[:4] == 'echo': arg = message.replace("\r\n", "") if len(arg) == 4: chat(destination, 'Echo..echo...echo... ^^') else: msg = arg[4:] if msg[0] == ' ': msg = msg[1:] chat(destination, msg + "\r\n") elif simplify(message)[:4] == 'call': msg = message.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('call ', 'call')[4:] if len(simplify(msg)) == 0: msg = 'No Message' string = '%s - PING from %s: %s' % (hextime(), sender.replace(' ', ''), msg) cmd = '/bin/bash /root/ "%s"' % urllib2.quote(string) print cmd os.system(cmd) chat(sender, 'Echo35 has been notified. However, I cannot guarantee they are available at the moment.') elif simplify(message)[:4] == 'time': chat(destination, hextime()) elif simplify(message)[:2] == 'lt': chat(destination, get_last_tweet().text) elif simplify(message)[:3] == 'plt': chat(destination, parse_tweet(get_last_tweet())) elif message.lower()[:4] == 'cmd ': chat(destination, isla_cypher.parse(message[4:])) elif simplify(message)[:7] == 'channel': if sender != 'echo35': chat(sender, 'You don\'t have permission to set my channel.') return channel = message.replace('\r\n', '').lower()[8:] if channel[0] != '#': channel = '#' + channel if message.replace('\r\n', '').lower()[:13] == 'channel join ': if channel in channel_options: chat(sender, 'I am already in ' + channel + ".") return channel = message.replace('\r\n', '').lower()[13:] if channel[0] != '#': channel = '#' + channel irc.send('JOIN ' + channel + '\r\n') chat(sender, 'Joined channel ' + channel + '\r\n') channel_options[channel] = copy.deepcopy(channel_defaults) elif message.replace('\r\n', '').lower()[:13] == 'channel part ': channel = message.replace('\r\n', '').lower()[13:] del channel_options[channel] irc.send('PART ' + channel + '\r\n') chat(sender, 'Left channel ' + channel + '\r\n') return config_options['irc_channel'] = channel chat(sender, 'Now focusing on channel ' + config_options['irc_channel']) elif simplify(message).lower()[:3] == 'say': msg = message[3:] if sender != 'echo35': chat(sender, 'You don\'t have permission to use my elegant voice!') elif len(msg) > 0: if msg[0] == ' ': msg = msg[1:] chat(config_options['irc_channel'], msg + "\r\n") elif simplify(message)[:3] == 'def' or message[:1] == '?': # print 'defining ' + message.replace('?', 'def')[3:] # print 'got ' + get_definition(message.replace('?', 'def')[3:]) chat(destination, get_definition(simplify(message.replace('\n', '').replace('?', 'def')[3:]))) elif message.replace('\r\n', '').lower() == 'poweroff': if sender.replace('@', '') == 'echo35': broadcast('An operator has powered me down. Goodbye!') irc.send('QUIT\r\n') closing = True exit() else: chat(sender, 'You don\'t have permission to power me down.') else: return except: print 'Failed to interpret command.' chat(sender, 'You broke me! Something glitched, your last message has been saved and will be analyzed to find out what went wrong.') file = open('acronymous.log', 'a') file.write('[%s %s]: Error parsing command \'%s\'\n' % (ircbot_lib.current_date(config_options['date_format']), ircbot_lib.current_time(config_options['time_format']), message.replace("\r\n", ''))) file.close()
def parse_tweet(tweet): return isla_cypher.parse(tweet.text)