Example #1
def symmetric_states(state):
    """  return the states symmetric to the current one   """
    board = bin(state.board)[2:]
    board = [
        board[i * (_WIDTH + 2):(i + 1) * (_WIDTH + 2)] for i in range(_HEIGHT)

    # left - right:
    board_1 = eval('0b' + ''.join([row[::-1] for row in board]))
    locs_1 = (symmetric_positions(state.locs[0], 'LR') if state.locs[0] != None
              else None, symmetric_positions(state.locs[1], 'LR')
              if state.locs[1] != None else None)
    state_1 = Isolation(board_1, ply_count=state.ply_count, locs=locs_1)
    # up - down:
    board_2 = eval('0b' + ''.join(board[::-1]))
    locs_2 = (symmetric_positions(state.locs[0], 'UD') if state.locs[0] != None
              else None, symmetric_positions(state.locs[1], 'UD')
              if state.locs[1] != None else None)
    state_2 = Isolation(board_2, ply_count=state.ply_count, locs=locs_2)

    # left - right and up - down:
    board_3 = eval('0b' + ''.join([row[::-1] for row in board[::-1]]))
    locs_3 = (symmetric_positions(state.locs[0], 'LRUD')
              if state.locs[0] != None else None,
              symmetric_positions(state.locs[1], 'LRUD')
              if state.locs[1] != None else None)
    state_3 = Isolation(board_3, ply_count=state.ply_count, locs=locs_3)

    return [(state_1, 'LR'), (state_2, 'UD'), (state_3, 'LRUD')]
Example #2
def make_fair_matches(matches, results):
    new_matches = []
    for _, game_history, match_id in results:
        match = matches[match_id]
        state = Isolation()
        state = state.result(game_history[0]).result(game_history[1])
        new_matches.append((match[0][::-1], match[1], match[2], -match_id))
    return new_matches
 def setUp(self):
     self.time_limit = 150
     self.move_0_state = Isolation()
     self.move_1_state = self.move_0_state.result(choice(self.move_0_state.actions()))
     self.move_2_state = self.move_1_state.result(choice(self.move_1_state.actions()))
     terminal_state = self.move_2_state
     while not terminal_state.terminal_test():
         terminal_state = terminal_state.result(choice(terminal_state.actions()))
     self.terminal_state = terminal_state
class BaseCustomPlayerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.time_limit = 150
        self.move_0_state = Isolation()
        self.move_1_state = self.move_0_state.result(choice(self.move_0_state.actions()))
        self.move_2_state = self.move_1_state.result(choice(self.move_1_state.actions()))
        terminal_state = self.move_2_state
        while not terminal_state.terminal_test():
            terminal_state = terminal_state.result(choice(terminal_state.actions()))
        self.terminal_state = terminal_state
 def __init__(self, init_cell, genome, search_depth):
     assert (init_cell <= 114) and (init_cell >=
                                    0), "Invalid opening cell value"
     self.init_cell = init_cell
     self.board = Isolation()
     self.player0_moves = 0
     self.player1_moves = 0
     self.genome = genome
     self.search_depth = search_depth
     self.active_player = 0
     self.move_history = []
Example #6
 def test_board_3_3(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_rows("3"), True)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_cols("3"), True)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.create_board(), True)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.board, [[".", ".", "."],
         [".", ".", "."],
         [".", ".", "."]])
     self.assertEqual(isolation.turn, "O")
     self.assertEqual(isolation.prev_o_move, (-1, -1))
     self.assertEqual(isolation.prev_x_move, (-1, -1))
Example #7
def make_fair_matches(matches, results):

    new_matches = []

    for _, game_history, match_id in results:

        if len(game_history) < 2:

                Unable to duplicate match {}

                -- one of the players forfeit at the first move



        match = matches[match_id]

        state = Isolation().result(game_history[0]).result(game_history[1])

        fair_match = Match(players=match.players[::-1],


    return new_matches
def build_table(num_rounds=NUM_ROUNDS, num_plies=NUM_PLIES):
    """build opening book return it as dictionary

    :num_rounds: number of build_tree to call
    :num_plies: number of plies for this opening book
    :returns: a dictionary mapping state to the best action

    # init
    from collections import defaultdict, Counter
    book = defaultdict(Counter)
    # build
    for i in range(num_rounds):
        # build tree
        state = Isolation()
        build_tree(state, book, num_plies)
        # show progress
        printProgressBar(i + 1,
    # return
    return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
    def test_custom_player(self):
        """ CustomPlayer successfully completes a game against itself """
        agents = (Agent(CustomPlayer,
                        "Player 1"), Agent(CustomPlayer, "Player 2"))
        initial_state = Isolation()
        winner, game_history, _ = play(
            (agents, initial_state, self.time_limit, 0))

        state = initial_state
        moves = deque(game_history)
        while moves:
            state = state.result(moves.popleft())

        if not state.terminal_test():
                "Your agent with id:{state.player()} was not able to make a move in state:"
            debug_state = DebugState.from_state(state)

            raise Exception("Your agent did not play until a terminal state.")

        debug_state = DebugState.from_state(state)
        print("Winner is: " + str(winner) + "!")
def build_table(num_rounds=NUM_ROUNDS):
    # You should run no more than `num_rounds` simulations -- the
    # goal of this quiz is to understand one possible way to develop
    # an opening book; not to develop a good one

    # NOTE: the GameState object is not hashable, and the python3
    #       runtime includes security features that make object
    #       hashes non-portable. There is a new attribute on
    #       GameState objects in this quiz called `hashable` that
    #       can be used as a dictionary key

    # TODO: return a table {k:v} where each k is a game state
    #       and each v is the best action to take in that state
    from collections import defaultdict, Counter
    book = defaultdict(Counter)
    for _ in range(num_rounds):
        state = Isolation()
        #build_tree(state, book)
        build_alphabeta_tree(state, book)
    move = {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
    #with open("data.pickle", 'wb') as f:
    #pickle.dump(move, f)
    return move
Example #11
def build_table(num_rounds):
    from collections import defaultdict, Counter
    book = defaultdict(Counter)
    for _ in range(num_rounds):
        gameState = Isolation()
        buildTree(gameState, book, 3)
    return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
Example #12
def play_matches(custom_agent, test_agent, cli_args):
    """ Play a specified number of rounds between two agents. Each round
    consists of two games, and each player plays as first player in one
    game and second player in the other. (This mitigates "unfair" games
    where the first or second player has an advantage.)

    If fair_matches is true, then the agents repeat every game they played,
    but the agents switch initiative and use their opponent's opening move.
    In some games, picking a winning move for the opening guarantees the
    player a victory. Playing "fair" matches this way will balance out the
    advantage of picking perfect openings (the player would win the first
    time, and then lose when their opponent uses that move against them).
    matches = []
    for match_id in range(cli_args.rounds):
        # initialize all games with a random move and response
        state = Isolation()
            ((test_agent, custom_agent), state, cli_args.time_limit, match_id))
            ((custom_agent, test_agent), state, cli_args.time_limit, match_id))
    results = _run_matches(matches, custom_agent.name, cli_args.processes)

    if cli_args.fair_matches:
        _matches = make_fair_matches(matches, results)
            _run_matches(_matches, custom_agent.name, cli_args.processes))

    wins = sum(int(r[0].name == custom_agent.name) for r in results)
    return wins, len(matches) * (1 + int(cli_args.fair_matches))
 def run(self):
     state = Isolation()
     num_rounds = 100
     book = defaultdict(Counter)
     for i in range(num_rounds):
         self.build_tree(state, book)
     opening_book = {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
     with open("data.pickle", "wb") as f:
         pickle.dump(opening_book, f)
Example #14
def build_table(num_rounds=NUM_ROUNDS):
    # Builds a table that maps from game state -> action
    # by choosing the action that accumulates the most
    # wins for the active player. (Note that this uses
    # raw win counts, which are a poor statistic to
    # estimate the value of an action; better statistics
    # exist.)
    from collections import defaultdict, Counter
    book = defaultdict(Counter)
    _board =  defaultdict(Counter)
    for _ in range(num_rounds):
        state = Isolation() #GameState()
        build_tree_random(state, book, _board)
        state = Isolation()
        build_tree_minmax(state, book, _board)
    result = {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
    with open("data.pickle", 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(result, f)
    return result
    def test_custom_player(self):
        """ CustomPlayer successfully completes a game against itself """
        agents = (Agent(CustomPlayer, "Player 1"),
                  Agent(CustomPlayer, "Player 2"))
        initial_state = Isolation()
        winner, game_history, _ = play((agents, initial_state, self.time_limit, 0))

        state = initial_state
        moves = deque(game_history)
        while moves: state = state.result(moves.popleft())

        self.assertTrue(state.terminal_test(), "Your agent did not play until a terminal state.")
Example #16
def main():
    init_cells = Isolation().actions()

    with MPICommExecutor(MPI.COMM_WORLD, root=0) as executor:
        if executor is None: return  # worker process
        results = list(executor.map(test_cell_genomes, init_cells,

    print("Main proc done...")

    pickle.dump(results, open("./" + dir_name + "/" + "summary.pickle", "wb"))
def build_table(num_rounds=NUM_ROUNDS):
    # Builds a table that maps from game state -> action
    # by choosing the action that accumulates the most
    # wins for the active player. (Note that this uses
    # raw win counts, which are a poor statistic to
    # estimate the value of an action; better statistics
    # exist.)
    book = defaultdict(Counter)
    for _ in range(num_rounds):
        state = Isolation()
        build_tree(state, book)
    return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
 def splice_genomes(genomes,
     is_done = False
     new_genome = []
     attempt = 0
     while not is_done:
         attempt += 1
         parent_1, parent_2 = choice(a=range(len(genomes)),
         genome0 = genomes[parent_1]
         genome1 = genomes[parent_2]
         new_genome = []
         for i in range(0, genome_len, 2):
             new_genome.append(genome1[i + 1])
         board = Isolation().result(init_cell)
         valid_genome = True
         for action in new_genome:
             board = Isolation(board=board.board,
                               ply_count=board.ply_count + 1,
             if action not in board.actions():
                 valid_genome = False
             board = board.result(action)
         is_done = valid_genome and (len(new_genome) == genome_len)
         is_done = True if attempt >= max_attempts else is_done
     return new_genome
Example #19
def play_matches(custom_agent, test_agent, cli_args):
    """ Play a specified number of rounds between two agents. Each round
    consists of two games, and each player plays as first player in one
    game and second player in the other. (This mitigates "unfair" games
    where the first or second player has an advantage.)

    If fair_matches is true, then the agents repeat every game they played,
    but the agents switch initiative and use their opponent's opening move.
    In some games, picking a winning move for the opening guarantees the
    player a victory. Playing "fair" matches this way will balance out the
    advantage of picking perfect openings (the player would win the first
    time, and then lose when their opponent uses that move against them).
    matches = []
    for match_id in range(cli_args.rounds):
        state = Isolation()
            Match(players=(test_agent, custom_agent),
                  match_id=2 * match_id,
            Match(players=(custom_agent, test_agent),
                  match_id=2 * match_id + 1,

    # Run all matches -- must be done before fair matches in order to populate
    # the first move from each player; these moves are reused in the fair matches
    results = _run_matches(matches, custom_agent.name, cli_args.processes)

    ### Code Added to print more data ###

    ## if not cli_args.fair_matches:
    ##      print("Match Run report before fair matches. (Show data for first 6 games only, to reduce report size).:")
    ##      print()
    ##      _for_print(matches, results)

    ### End of code added ###

    if cli_args.fair_matches:
        print("Outcome of Fair Matches:")
        _matches = make_fair_matches(matches, results)
            _run_matches(_matches, custom_agent.name, cli_args.processes))

    wins = sum(int(r[0].name == custom_agent.name) for r in results)

    return wins, len(matches) * (1 + int(cli_args.fair_matches))
def build_book(book, num_rounds=100):

    for num in range(num_rounds):
        state = Isolation()
        states = []

        while state.ply_count <= 3:
            action = random.choice(state.actions())
            player = state.player()
            states.append((state, player, action))
            state = state.result(action)

        while not state.terminal_test():
            action = alpha_beta(state, state.player())
            player = state.player()
            state = state.result(action)

        win_0 = state.utility(0) > 0
        win_1 = state.utility(1) > 0
        assert win_0 != win_1

        for s in states:
            state = s[0]
            player = s[1]
            action = s[2]

            if win_0:
                if player == 0:
                    book[state][action] += 1
                    book[state][action] += -1
                if player == 0:
                    book[state][action] += -1
                    book[state][action] += 1

    return book
def main():

    start_time = time.time()

    state = Isolation()
    book = OpeningBook(initial_state=state,
                       num_rounds=99 * 98 * 8 * 8 * (10),

    end_time = time.time()
    # time taken to build opening book =  332.32017993927

    print('time taken to build opening book = ', end_time - start_time)
def build_table(num_rounds=NUM_ROUNDS):
    # Builds a table that maps from game state -> action
    # by choosing the action that accumulates the most
    # wins for the active player.
    from collections import defaultdict, Counter
    book = defaultdict(Counter)
    print("Round :", end=' ')
    for index in range(num_rounds):
        state = Isolation()
        print(index + 1, end=' ')
        build_tree(state, book)
    return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
def play_matches(custom_agent, test_agent, cli_args):
    """ Play a specified number of rounds between two agents. Each round
    consists of two games, and each player plays as first player in one
    game and second player in the other. (This mitigates "unfair" games
    where the first or second player has an advantage.)

    If fair_matches is true, then the agents repeat every game they played,
    but the agents switch initiative and use their opponent's opening move.
    In some games, picking a winning move for the opening guarantees the
    player a victory. Playing "fair" matches this way will balance out the
    advantage of picking perfect openings (the player would win the first
    time, and then lose when their opponent uses that move against them).
    matches = []
    for match_id in range(cli_args.rounds):
        state = Isolation()
            Match(players=(test_agent, custom_agent),
                  heuristics=(cli_args.opponent_heuristic, cli_args.heuristic),
                  match_id=2 * match_id,
            Match(players=(custom_agent, test_agent),
                  heuristics=(cli_args.heuristic, cli_args.opponent_heuristic),
                  match_id=2 * match_id + 1,

    # Run all matches -- must be done before fair matches in order to populate
    # the first move from each player; these moves are reused in the fair matches
    results = _run_matches(matches, custom_agent.name, cli_args.processes)

    total_depths = []
    for result in results:
        total_depths += result[3]

    print("Average Depth: {}".format(sum(total_depths) / len(total_depths)))
    print("Time Limit: {}".format(cli_args.time_limit))

    if cli_args.fair_matches:
        _matches = make_fair_matches(matches, results)
            _run_matches(_matches, custom_agent.name, cli_args.processes))

    wins = sum(int(r[0].name == custom_agent.name) for r in results)
    return wins, len(matches) * (1 + int(cli_args.fair_matches))
Example #24
def _for_print(matches, results):
    for winner_agent, game_history, match_id in results:
        if match_id < 6:
            match = matches[match_id]
            state_opening_moves = Isolation().result(game_history[0]).result(
            print("Match Id: {}.".format(match_id), end=' ')
            print("Players One: {}.".format(match.players[0].name), end=' ')
            print("Players Two: {}.".format(match.players[1].name))
            print("State after opening moves: {}".format(state_opening_moves))
            print("Winner: {}".format(winner_agent.name))
Example #25
 def build_table(self):
     # Builds a table that maps from game state -> action
     # by choosing the action that accumulates the most
     # wins for the active player. (Note that this uses
     # raw win counts, which are a poor statistic to
     # estimate the value of an action; better statistics
     # exist.)
     from collections import defaultdict, Counter
     book = defaultdict(Counter)
     for n in range(self.num_rounds):
         if n % 10000 == 0:
         state = Isolation()
         self.build_tree(state, book, self.depth)
     return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
def build_table(num_rounds=NUM_ROUNDS):
    # You should run no more than `num_rounds` simulations -- the
    # goal of this quiz is to understand one possible way to develop
    # an opening book; not to develop a good one

    # NOTE: the GameState object is not hashable, and the python3
    #       runtime includes security features that make object
    #       hashes non-portable. There is a new attribute on
    #       GameState objects in this quiz called `hashable` that
    #       can be used as a dictionary key

    book = defaultdict(Counter)
    for _ in range(num_rounds):
        state = Isolation()
        build_tree(state, book)
    return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
Example #27
def build_table(num_rounds=NUM_ROUNDS):
    Creates the table of opening moves,
    returns a dictionary with the game state as the key and
    the best found move as value.

    # Creates a dictionary for counting purposes,
    # it has a game state as a key, and the values are other dictionaries.
    # This inner dictionaries have actions (taken in a particular state) as keys
    # and total reward (#won-matches - #lost-matches) as values
    book = defaultdict(Counter)

    for _ in range(num_rounds):
        state = Isolation()  # Initial state (a blank board)
        build_tree(state, book)

    return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
    def build_table(self, num_rounds):
        # Builds a table that maps from game state -> action
        # by choosing the action that accumulates the most
        # wins for the active player. (Note that this uses
        # raw win counts, which are a poor statistic to
        # estimate the value of an action; better statistics
        # exist.)
        book = defaultdict(Counter)

        for _ in range(num_rounds):

            # progress checking, feedback every 1000 rounds
            if _ % 1000 == 0:
                print('round=', _)

            # new blank state for each round
            state = Isolation()

            self.build_tree(state, book, self.tree_depth)

        # this line chooses the max score action of each board state,
        # effectively removing all other possible actions of the board state which scored less
        return {k: max(v, key=v.get) for k, v in book.items()}
def build_rand_genomes(n_genomes, init_cell, genome_len=4):
    assert (init_cell <= 114) and (init_cell >=
                                   0), "Invalid opening cell value"
    genomes = []
    for i in range(n_genomes):
        genome = []
        board = Isolation().result(init_cell)
        for j in range(genome_len):
                board = Isolation(board=board.board,
                                  ply_count=board.ply_count + 1,
                next_action = random.choice(board.actions())
                board = board.result(next_action)
            except Exception as e:
                # try random sample from previous genomes, otherwise skip genome
                if len(genomes) > 0:
                    genome = random.choice(genomes)
        if len(genome) == genome_len:
    return genomes
Example #30
def parse_player_input(move_in):
        move_in = move_in.split(',')
        isolation.move(int(move_in[0]), int(move_in[1]))
        print("Invalid input for a move")
        return False
        return True

good_ai_win = 0
total_games = 0

for i in range(500):
    isolation = Isolation()
    isolation_ai_random = Isolation_Ai_Random()
    isolation_ai_good = Isolation_Ai_Good()


    ai1_player = "O"
    if i % 2 == 0:
        ai1_player = "X"

    while not isolation.lost_game():
        if isolation.turn == ai1_player:
Example #31
 def test_rows_3_14(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_rows("3.14"), False)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.rows, 0)
Example #32
from isolation import Isolation

def parse_player_input(move_in):
        move_in = move_in.split(',')
        isolation.move(int(move_in[0]), int(move_in[1]))
        print("Invalid input for a move")
        return False
        return True

while True:
    isolation = Isolation()

    while True:
        rows_in = input("Choose number of rows:\n")
        if isolation.set_rows(rows_in):

    while True:
        cols_in = input("Choose number of cols:\n")
        if isolation.set_cols(cols_in):


    while not isolation.lost_game():
        while True:
            move_in = input("Where would you like to move? i.e. >>0,0\n")
# key, val
#      locs            , action
#      ( first, second)    int
#          int   int

# Count the number of wins

for key, value in first_n.items():
    if key in second_n:
        print(key, "is in both")
for key, value in second_n.items():
    if key in first_n:
        print(key, "is in both")

start_state = Isolation()
for action in start_state.actions():
    first_state = start_state.result(action)
    first_state_string = '{} {} {}'.format(first_state.board, first_state.locs[0], first_state.locs[1])

    for action_s in first_state.actions():
        # print(action,action_s)
        second_state = first_state.result(action_s)
        second_state_string = '{} {} {}'.format(second_state.board, second_state.locs[0], second_state.locs[1])
        for action_t in second_state.actions():
            # print(action,action_s)
            third_state = second_state.result(action_t)
            third_state_string = '{} {} {}'.format(third_state.board, third_state.locs[0], third_state.locs[1])
            for action_f in third_state.actions():
                # print(action,action_s)
                state = third_state.result(action_f)
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from isolation import DebugState
import pickle
f = open("data.pickle", 'rb')
book = pickle.load(f)
from isolation import Isolation
state = Isolation()
if state in book:
    print("empty state is in data.pickle")
    # first move
    action = book[state]
    print("The best action for an empty board is ", action)
    state = state.result(action)
    debug_board = DebugState.from_state(state)
    print("Board after first move")
    # best response
    action = book[state]
    print("The best response for it from the opponent is ", action)
    state = state.result(action)
    debug_board = DebugState.from_state(state)
    print("Board after the response")
    print("empty state is NOT found in data.pickle")
Example #35
 def test_rows_21(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_rows("20"), True)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.rows, 20)
Example #36
 def test_rows_5(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_rows("5"), True)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.rows, 5)
Example #37
 def test_cols_0(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_cols("0"), False)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.cols, 0)
Example #38
 def test_cols_3_14(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_cols("3.14"), False)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.cols, 0)
Example #39
def make_test_5_5_board():
    isolation = Isolation()
    return isolation
Example #40
 def test_rows_a(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_rows("a"), False)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.rows, 0)
Example #41
 def test_cols_5(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_cols("5"), True)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.cols, 5)
Example #42
 def test_board_0_0(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.create_board(), False)
Example #43
 def test_cols_21(self):
     isolation = Isolation()
     self.assertEqual(isolation.set_cols("20"), True)
     self.assertEqual(isolation.cols, 20)