def calculate_position_trajectory(self, X_): 
        proximity = 0.01 # how close you want the uav to fly to the target
        msg = velocities_from_navigation_function()
        msg.header.stamp =
        direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        position = self.scale_factor*(self.goal - proximity*direction_vector)
        msg.desired_position.x = position[0]
        msg.desired_position.y = position[1]
        msg.desired_position.z = position[2]           
        msg.desired_velocity.x = 0
        msg.desired_velocity.y = 0
        msg.desired_velocity.z = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0 
        msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
        msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
        msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

        msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
        msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
        msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]

        msg.controller = 0 # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller        
    def calculate_position_trajectory(self, X_, odomm):

        msg = velocities_from_navigation_function()
        msg.header.stamp = odomm.header.stamp
        #direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)

        #direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        position = self.scale_factor * X_
        #self.goal = self.goal*self.scale_factor
        #direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        # no matter what desired direction wont change
        msg.desired_direction.x = 1  #direction_vector[0]
        msg.desired_direction.y = 0  #direction_vector[1]
        msg.desired_direction.z = 0  #direction_vector[2]

        msg.desired_position.x = self.position[0] = -5  #position[0]
        msg.desired_position.y = self.position[1] = 0  #position[1]
        msg.desired_position.z = self.position[2] = 0.1
        print self.position
        msg.desired_velocity.x = 0
        msg.desired_velocity.y = 0
        msg.desired_velocity.z = 0

        msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0

        msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
        msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
        msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

        msg.controller = 0  # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
        self.time = time.time()
Example #3
    def calculate_position_trajectory(self, X_): 
        msg = velocities_from_navigation_function()
        msg.header.stamp =
        #direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        position = self.scale_factor*X_
        direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        # no matter what desired direction wont change        
        msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
        msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
        msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]
        msg.desired_position.x = position[0]
        msg.desired_position.y = position[1]
        msg.desired_position.z = 2           
        msg.desired_velocity.x = 0
        msg.desired_velocity.y = 0
        msg.desired_velocity.z = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
        msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0 
        msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
        msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
        msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

        #msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
        #msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
        #msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]

        msg.controller = 0 # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller 
        self.time = time.time()
Example #4
    def calculate_position_trajectory(self, X_, odomm): 
        msg = velocities_from_navigation_function()
        msg.header.stamp =
        #direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)

        #direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        position = self.scale_factor*X_
        #self.goal = self.goal*self.scale_factor
        #direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        # no matter what desired direction wont change        
	msg.ddes.x = 1#direction_vector[0]
        msg.ddes.y = 0#direction_vector[1]
        msg.ddes.z = 0#direction_vector[2]
	#msg.ddes = np.array([1,0,0]
        msg.pdes.x = self.position[0] = -0.75#position[0]
        msg.pdes.y = self.position[1] = 0.0#position[1]
        msg.pdes.z = self.position[2] = 0.75           
        #msg.pdes = [-0.75,0.0,0.75]
        msg.vdes.x = 0
        msg.vdes.y = 0
        msg.vdes.z = 0
        msg.ades.x = 0
        msg.ades.y = 0
        msg.ades.z = 0 
        msg.jdes.x = 0
        msg.jdes.y = 0
        msg.jdes.z = 0 
        msg.sdes.x = 0
        msg.sdes.y = 0
        msg.sdes.z = 0 

        msg.controller = 0 # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
        f0 = open('desired_trajectory.txt', 'a')
        f0.write("%s, %s, %s,  %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,  %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n" % (msg.pdes.x, msg.pdes.y, msg.pdes.z, msg.vdes.x, msg.vdes.y, msg.vdes.z, 0.0, msg.ades.x, msg.ades.y, msg.ades.z, msg.jdes.x, msg.jdes.y, msg.jdes.z, msg.sdes.x, msg.sdes.y, msg.sdes.z)) 
        self.time = time.time()
    def calculate_velocity_trajectory(self, phi_, X_, odomm):
        This function calculates the velocities for the quadrotor by numerically differentiating 
        the navigation function in the vicinity of the current position. 
        The vicinity is given by variable self.dX and the number of discretization points by self.n 
        in the callback function. 
        For example (all this is in callback), 11 points are taking within 0.1m of the current x, y 
        and z position and a grid is made at which value of navigation function is calculated. 
        This function then takes those values as a list and calculate all required derivative 
        using numpy's gradient function. Subsequently it publishes these values at the center point of the grid. 
        #print 'hiiii', self.goal, X_
        self.counter = self.counter + 1

        current_time = time.time()
        t = current_time - self.time
        delt = 0.01  #(max(self.time_points)-min(self.time_points))/self.counter

        Vtarget = np.array([0, 0, 0])  # velocity of the target in m/sec
        #self.goal = self.goal - Vtarget*delt#np.array([self.goal[0], self.goal[1]-Vtarget*delt, self.goal[2]])
        #print self.goal
        #X_ = X_*self.scale_factor; goal = self.goal*self.scale_factor
        dist_to_goal = nrm(X_ - self.goal)

        msg = velocities_from_navigation_function()
        msg.header.stamp = odomm.header.stamp

        direction_vector = (self.goal - X_) / nrm(self.goal - X_)
        # no matter what desired direction wont change
        msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
        msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
        msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]

        #t = time.time()-self.time
        #print 'its here', nrm(X_-self.goal), self.proximity

        if nrm(X_ - self.goal) > self.proximity and self.phase_one == False:
            #print 'hi'

            cx = (self.n + 1) / 2
            cy = (3 * self.n + 1) / 2
            cz = (5 * self.n + 1) / 2

            dNdX = np.gradient(phi_)
            dNdX = [-i for i in dNdX]
            v1 = np.array([dNdX[cx], dNdX[cy], dNdX[cz]])
            #print 'v1', v1

            #smoothing_factor = scipy.special.erf(0.5*t)*scipy.special.erf(20*(dist_to_goal-self.proximity))
            smoothing_factor = 1  #1/(1+3*np.exp(-2*(t-1)))*scipy.special.erf(20*(dist_to_goal-self.proximity))
            v = smoothing_factor * (self.VelocityMagnitude * v1 / nrm(v1))

            f0 = open('desired_velocity.txt', 'a')
            f0.write("%s, %s, %s, %s\n" % (v[0], v[1], v[2], smoothing_factor))

            if self.counter == 1:

                msg.desired_velocity.x = v[0]
                msg.desired_velocity.y = v[1]
                msg.desired_velocity.z = v[2]

                msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
                msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
                msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0

                msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

                msg.controller = 1  # 1: velocity controller, 0: position controller
                #self.goal = self.goal+np.array([0,-0.002,0])
                #if self.goal[1]<=-0.4:
                #    self.goal = np.array([self.goal[0],-0.4,self.goal[2]])

                self.vx_previous = v[0]
                self.vy_previous = v[1]
                self.vz_previous = v[2]

            elif self.counter < 5:
                #delt = (max(self.time_points)-min(self.time_points))/self.counter

                msg.desired_velocity.x = v[0]
                msg.desired_velocity.y = v[1]
                msg.desired_velocity.z = v[2]

                msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0.1 * (v[0] -
                                                    self.vx_previous) / delt
                msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0.1 * (v[1] -
                                                    self.vy_previous) / delt
                msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0.1 * (v[2] -
                                                    self.vz_previous) / delt

                msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

                msg.controller = 1  # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
                self.a = self.time_points[-1]
                #self.goal = self.goal+np.array([0,-0.002,0])
                #if self.goal[1]<=-0.4:
                #    self.goal = np.array([self.goal[0],-0.4,self.goal[2]])

                t = list(
                    np.linspace(min(self.time_points), max(self.time_points),
                #delt = (max(self.time_points)-min(self.time_points))/self.counter

                if self.counter > 100:  # number of points used in making spline
                    t = list(
                                    max(self.time_points), 100))

                a = splrep(t, self.smooth_vx, k=4, s=3)
                b = splrep(t, self.smooth_vy, k=4, s=3)
                c = splrep(t, self.smooth_vz, k=4, s=3)
                aa = splev(t, a, der=1)
                bb = splev(t, b, der=1)
                cc = splev(t, c, der=1)
                aaa = splev(t, a, der=2)
                bbb = splev(t, b, der=2)
                ccc = splev(t, c, der=2)

                msg.desired_velocity.x = v[0]
                msg.desired_velocity.y = v[1]
                msg.desired_velocity.z = v[2]

                msg.desired_acceleration.x = aa[-1]
                msg.desired_acceleration.y = bb[-1]
                msg.desired_acceleration.z = cc[-1]

                msg.desired_jerk.x = aaa[-1]
                msg.desired_jerk.y = bbb[-1]
                msg.desired_jerk.z = ccc[-1]

                msg.controller = 1  # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
                self.switching_position = X_ * self.scale_factor * 0.3048
                #self.goal = self.goal+np.array([0,-0.002,0])
                #if self.goal[1]<=-0.4:
                #    self.goal = np.array([self.goal[0],-0.4,self.goal[2]])
            self.phase_one = True

            msg.desired_velocity.x = Vtarget[0]
            msg.desired_velocity.y = Vtarget[1]
            msg.desired_velocity.z = Vtarget[2]

            position = self.switching_position
            #position = self.scale_factor*(self.goal)# - 0.025*direction_vector)
            msg.desired_position.x = position[0]
            msg.desired_position.y = position[1]
            msg.desired_position.z = position[2]

            msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
            msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
            msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0

            msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

            msg.controller = 0  # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
            print 'it switched'
    def calculate_velocity_trajectory(self, phi_, X_): 
        This function calculates the velocities for the quadrotor by numerically differentiating 
        the navigation function in the vicinity of the current position. 
        The vicinity is given by variable self.dX and the number of discretization points by self.n 
        in the callback function. 
        For example (all this is in callback), 11 points are taking within 0.1m of the current x, y 
        and z position and a grid is made at which value of navigation function is calculated. 
        This function then takes those values as a list and calculate all required derivative 
        using numpy's gradient function. Subsequently it publishes these values at the center point of the grid. 
        dist_to_goal = nrm(X_-self.goal)
        self.counter = self.counter+1
        msg = velocities_from_navigation_function()
        msg.header.stamp =
        direction_vector = (self.goal-X_)/nrm(self.goal-X_)
        # no matter what desired direction wont change        
        msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
        msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
        msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]

        #t = time.time()-self.time
        if nrm(X_-self.goal) > self.proximity and self.phase_one == False:
            cx = (self.n+1)/2
            cy = (3*self.n+1)/2
            cz = (5*self.n+1)/2
            dNdX = np.gradient(phi_)
            dNdX = [-i for i in dNdX]
            v1 = np.array([dNdX[cx], dNdX[cy], dNdX[cz]])
            current_time = time.time()
            t = current_time - self.time
            smoothing_factor = scipy.special.erf(0.5*t)*scipy.special.erf(50*(dist_to_goal-self.proximity))
            v = smoothing_factor*self.VelocityMagnitude*v1/nrm(v1)

            #f0 = open('smoothing_factor.txt', 'a')
            #f0.write("%s, %s, %s, %s\n" % (self.goal, X_, dist_to_goal, smoothing_factor))
            self.smooth_vx.append(v[0]); self.smooth_vy.append(v[1]); self.smooth_vz.append(v[2])

            if self.counter == 1:
                #self.position = self.scale_factor* np.array([X_[0], X_[1], X_[2]])
                #msg.desired_position.x = self.position[0]
                #msg.desired_position.y = self.position[1]
                #msg.desired_position.z = self.position[2]           
                msg.desired_velocity.x = 0#v[0]
                msg.desired_velocity.y = 0#v[1]
                msg.desired_velocity.z = 0#v[2] 
                msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
                msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
                msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0 
                msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.z = 0
                msg.controller = 1 # 1: velocity controller, 0: position controller
                #msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
                #msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
                #msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]
                self.vx_previous = v[0]; self.vy_previous = v[1]; self.vz_previous = v[2]
            elif self.counter < 5: 
                delt = (max(self.time_points)-min(self.time_points))/self.counter            
                #self.position = self.position + V_*delt
                #msg.desired_position.x = 0#self.position[0]
                #msg.desired_position.y = 0#self.position[1]
                #msg.desired_position.z = 0#self.position[2] 
                msg.desired_velocity.x = v[0]
                msg.desired_velocity.y = v[1]
                msg.desired_velocity.z = v[2] 
                msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0.1*(v[0]-self.vx_previous)/delt
                msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0.1*(v[1]-self.vy_previous)/delt
                msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0.1*(v[2]-self.vz_previous)/delt 
                msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
                msg.desired_jerk.z = 0
                msg.controller = 1 # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
                self.a = self.time_points[-1]
                #msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
                #msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
                #msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]
                #self.vx_previous = v[0]; self.vy_previous = v[1]; self.vz_previous = v[2]

                t = list(np.linspace(min(self.time_points), max(self.time_points), self.counter))
                #delt = (max(self.time_points)-min(self.time_points))/self.counter
                if self.counter > 100: # number of points used in making spline 
                    t.pop(0); self.smooth_vx.pop(0); self.smooth_vy.pop(0); self.smooth_vz.pop(0)
                    t = list(np.linspace(min(self.time_points), max(self.time_points), 100))
                a = splrep(t,self.smooth_vx,k=4,s=3); b = splrep(t,self.smooth_vy,k=4,s=3); c = splrep(t,self.smooth_vz,k=4,s=3)
                aa = splev(t,a,der=1); bb = splev(t,b,der=1); cc = splev(t,c,der=1)
                aaa = splev(t,a,der=2); bbb = splev(t,b,der=2); ccc = splev(t,c,der=2)

                msg.desired_velocity.x = v[0]
                msg.desired_velocity.y = v[1]
                msg.desired_velocity.z = v[2] 

                #self.position = self.position + V_*delt
                #msg.desired_position.x = self.position[0]
                #msg.desired_position.y = self.position[1]
                #msg.desired_position.z = self.position[2] 
                msg.desired_acceleration.x = aa[-1]
                msg.desired_acceleration.y = bb[-1]
                msg.desired_acceleration.z = cc[-1]
                msg.desired_jerk.x = aaa[-1]
                msg.desired_jerk.y = bbb[-1]
                msg.desired_jerk.z = ccc[-1] 
                msg.controller = 1 # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
                self.switching_position = self.scale_factor*X_
            self.phase_one = True

            msg.desired_velocity.x = 0
            msg.desired_velocity.y = 0
            msg.desired_velocity.z = 0
            position = self.switching_position
            #position = self.scale_factor*(self.goal)# - 0.025*direction_vector)
            msg.desired_position.x = position[0]
            msg.desired_position.y = position[1]
            msg.desired_position.z = position[2] 
            msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
            msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
            msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.z = 0 
            msg.controller = 0 # 1: velocity controller, 0: postion controller
            #self.c = self.counter            
            print 'it switched'
Example #7
    def calculate_velocities(self, phi_, X_):
        """This function calculates the velocities for the quadrotor by numerically differentiating 
        the navigation function in the vicinity of the current position. 
        The vicinity is given by variable self.dX and the number of discretization points by self.n 
        in the callback function. 
        For example (all this is in callback), 11 points are taking within 0.1m of the current x, y 
        and z position and a grid is made at which value of navigation function is calculated. 
        This function then takes those values as a list and calculate all required derivative 
        using numpy's gradient function. Subsequently it publishes these values at the center point of the grid. 
        #msg = Desired_Trajectory()
        # print len(phi_)
        self.counter = self.counter + 1
        msg = velocities_from_navigation_function()
        msg.header.stamp =
        cx = (self.n + 1) / 2
        cy = (3 * self.n + 1) / 2
        cz = (5 * self.n + 1) / 2

        dNdX = np.gradient(phi_)
        dNdX = [-i for i in dNdX]
        v = np.array([dNdX[cx], dNdX[cy], dNdX[cz]])
        v = self.VelocityMagnitude * v / nrm(v)

        current_time = time.time()
        t = current_time - self.time

        direction_vector = (self.goal - X_) / nrm(self.goal - X_)

        if self.counter == 1:
            msg.desired_velocity.x = 0  #v[0]
            msg.desired_velocity.y = 0  #v[1]
            msg.desired_velocity.z = 1  #v[2]

            msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0
            msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0
            msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0

            msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

            msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
            msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
            msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]

            self.vx_previous = v[0]
            self.vy_previous = v[1]
            self.vz_previous = v[2]

        elif self.counter < 25:
            delt = (max(self.time_points) -
                    min(self.time_points)) / self.counter

            msg.desired_velocity.x = 0  #v[0]
            msg.desired_velocity.y = 0  #v[1]
            msg.desired_velocity.z = 1  #v[2]

            msg.desired_acceleration.x = 0  #0.1*(v[0]-self.vx_previous)/delt
            msg.desired_acceleration.y = 0  #0.1*(v[1]-self.vy_previous)/delt
            msg.desired_acceleration.z = 0  #0.1*(v[2]-self.vz_previous)/delt

            msg.desired_jerk.x = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.y = 0
            msg.desired_jerk.z = 0

            msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
            msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
            msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]

            self.vx_previous = v[0]
            self.vy_previous = v[1]
            self.vz_previous = v[2]
            t = list(
                np.linspace(min(self.time_points), max(self.time_points),
            if self.counter > 100:  # number of points used in making spline
                t = list(
                    np.linspace(min(self.time_points), max(self.time_points),

            a = splrep(t, self.smooth_vx, k=4, s=3)
            b = splrep(t, self.smooth_vy, k=4, s=3)
            c = splrep(t, self.smooth_vz, k=4, s=3)
            aa = splev(t, a, der=1)
            bb = splev(t, b, der=1)
            cc = splev(t, c, der=1)
            aaa = splev(t, a, der=2)
            bbb = splev(t, b, der=2)
            ccc = splev(t, c, der=2)

            msg.desired_velocity.x = v[0]
            msg.desired_velocity.y = v[1]
            msg.desired_velocity.z = v[2]

            msg.desired_acceleration.x = aa[-1]
            msg.desired_acceleration.y = bb[-1]
            msg.desired_acceleration.z = cc[-1]

            msg.desired_jerk.x = aaa[-1]
            msg.desired_jerk.y = bbb[-1]
            msg.desired_jerk.z = ccc[-1]

            msg.desired_direction.x = direction_vector[0]
            msg.desired_direction.y = direction_vector[1]
            msg.desired_direction.z = direction_vector[2]