Example #1
    def put_on_item(self, user_name, item_id):
        result = False
        int_id = int(item_id)
        # get type of thing, e.g. right_hand, left_hand, head, etc.
        item_type = items_manager.get_item_type(int_id)
        character = self.online_users[user_name].character
        bag_items = character.bag.split(",")
        # check if character has thing and can put it on
        if item_id in bag_items and items_manager.check_item(character, int_id):
            thing_pos = bag_items.index(item_id)
            # remember old bonuses of old item if it was worn
            old_bonuses = {}
            if character[item_type]: # something was wearing - exchange it with item from bag
                old_bonuses = items_manager.get_bonuses(int(character[item_type]))
                character[item_type], bag_items[thing_pos] = bag_items[thing_pos], character[item_type]
            else: # nothing was wearing, remove item from bag
                character[item_type] = bag_items[thing_pos]
            self.db_manager.change_character_field_update(user_name, "bag", ",".join(bag_items))
            self.db_manager.change_character_field_update(user_name, item_type, character[item_type])

            # get bonuses of new thing to add them from character
            bonuses = items_manager.get_bonuses(int_id)
            # add old bonuses not in new ones
            for bonus_name in old_bonuses.keys():
                if not bonus_name in bonuses:
                    bonuses[bonus_name] = - old_bonuses[bonus_name]
                    bonuses[bonus_name] = bonuses[bonus_name] - old_bonuses[bonus_name]
            # calculate new character stats
            for bonus_name in bonuses.keys():
                bonuses[bonus_name] = character[bonus_name] + bonuses[bonus_name]
            self.db_manager.change_character_fields_update(user_name, bonuses)
            result = True

        return result
Example #2
    def take_off_item(self, user_name, item_id):
        int_id = int(item_id)
        # get type of thing, e.g. right_hand, left_hand, head, etc.
        item_type = items_manager.get_item_type(int_id)
        character = self.online_users[user_name].character
        # check if character has thing and worn it
        if item_id == character[item_type]:
            # remember old bonuses of old item if it was worn
            bonuses = items_manager.get_bonuses(int_id)
            # add old bonuses not in new ones
            for bonus_name in bonuses.keys():
                bonuses[bonus_name] = character[bonus_name] - bonuses[bonus_name]
            self.db_manager.change_character_fields_update(user_name, bonuses)

            if character.bag: # something is in the bag
                self.db_manager.change_character_field_update(user_name, "bag", ",".join([character.bag, item_id]))
            else: # nothing is in the bag
                self.db_manager.change_character_field_update(user_name, "bag", item_id)
            self.db_manager.change_character_field_update(user_name, item_type, "")