Example #1
def iteration_checker(size, test_num, val_range, res_opt=0):
    for i in range(0, test_num):
        (a, b, x) = generate_linear_system(size, val_range)
        a_float = np.array(a, dtype=np.float64)
        b_float = np.array(b, dtype=np.float64)
        x1 = []
        l, u = [], []
        (x1, l, u, fra, frb, fr) = rdft.rdft_lu_solver_with_lu(a, b)
        x0 = x1
        x1_after = np.array(x1)
        x1_after = iteration.iteration(fra, l, u, frb, x1_after,
        x1_after = iteration.remove_imag(x1_after)
        (x2, pl, pu, swapped_a, swapped_b) = pp.solve(a_float, b_float)
        x3 = iteration.iteration(swapped_a, pl, pu, swapped_b, x2,
        #x2 = lib.lu_solver(a,b)
        #x2 = lib.direct_solver(a_float,b_float)
        #x4 = lib.direct_lu_solver(a,b)
        if res_opt == 1:
            print("cond:", linalg.cond(a))
            print("[0] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x0)))
            print("[1] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x1)))
            #print("[2] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x2)))
            #print("[3] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x3)))
        elif res_opt == 2:
                str(linalg.cond(a)) + " " + str(linalg.norm(x - x0)) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x1_before)) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x1_after)) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x5)) + " " + str(linalg.norm(x - x2)) +
                " " + str(linalg.norm(x - x3)))
        elif res_opt == 3:
            step = []
            for j in x4_step:
                step.append(linalg.norm(x - j))
                str(linalg.cond(a)) + " " + str(linalg.norm(x - x0)) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x1_before)) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x1_after)) + " " + str(step) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x2)))  # partial pivot only
        elif res_opt == 4:
                str(linalg.cond(a)) + " " + str(linalg.norm(x - x0)) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x2)) + " " +
                str(linalg.norm(x - x4)))  # partial pivot only
        elif res_opt != 1:
            print("cond:", linalg.cond(a))
            print("[0] error", linalg.norm(x - x0))
            print("[1] error",
                  linalg.norm(x - x1_before))  # remove_imag => iteration
            print("[2] error",
                  linalg.norm(x - x1_after))  # iteration   => remove_imag
            print("[3] error", linalg.norm(x - x2))
Example #2
File: main.py Project: warelle/rdft
def iteration_checker(size, test_num, val_range, res_opt=0):
  for i in range(0,test_num):
    (a,b,x) = generate_linear_system(size, val_range)
    a_float = np.array(a,dtype=np.float64)
    b_float = np.array(b,dtype=np.float64)
    x1 = []
    l,u = [], []
    (x1, l, u, fra, frb, fr) = rdft.rdft_lu_solver_with_lu(a,b)
    x0 = x1
    x1_after  = np.array(x1)
    x1_after  = iteration.iteration(fra, l, u, frb, x1_after, linalg.cond(fra))
    x1_after  = iteration.remove_imag(x1_after)
    (x2, pl, pu, swapped_a, swapped_b) = pp.solve(a_float,b_float)
    x3 = iteration.iteration(swapped_a, pl, pu, swapped_b, x2, linalg.cond(a_float))
    #x2 = lib.lu_solver(a,b)
    #x2 = lib.direct_solver(a_float,b_float)
    #x4 = lib.direct_lu_solver(a,b)
    if res_opt == 1:
      print("cond:", linalg.cond(a))
      print("[0] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x0)))
      print("[1] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x1)))
      #print("[2] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x2)))
      #print("[3] error", linalg.norm(b - a.dot(x3)))
    elif res_opt == 2:
      print(str(linalg.cond(a)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x0)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x1_before)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x1_after)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x5)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x2)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x3)))
    elif res_opt == 3:
      step = []
      for j in x4_step:
        step.append(linalg.norm(x - j))
      print(str(linalg.cond(a)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x0)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x1_before)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x1_after)) + " " +
      str(step) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x2))) # partial pivot only
    elif res_opt == 4:
      print(str(linalg.cond(a)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x0)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x2)) + " " +
      str(linalg.norm(x - x4))) # partial pivot only
    elif res_opt != 1:
      print("cond:", linalg.cond(a))
      print("[0] error", linalg.norm(x - x0))
      print("[1] error", linalg.norm(x - x1_before))  # remove_imag => iteration
      print("[2] error", linalg.norm(x - x1_after))   # iteration   => remove_imag
      print("[3] error", linalg.norm(x - x2))
Example #3
def solve_rdft(a, b, x):
    (size, _) = a.shape
    f = rdft.generate_f(size)
    r = rdft.generate_r(size)
    fr = f.dot(r)
    ra = r.dot(a)
    (x1, l, u, fra, frb, _) = rdft.rdft_lu_solver_with_lu(a, b, r)
    x2 = np.array(x1)
    x2 = iteration.iteration(fra, l, u, frb, x2, linalg.cond(fra))
    x2 = iteration.remove_imag(x2)
    return (x2, fra, fr, ra, x1)
Example #4
def solve_rdft(a,b,x):
  (size,_) = a.shape
  f   = rdft.generate_f(size)
  r   = rdft.generate_r(size)
  fr  = f.dot(r)
  ra  = r.dot(a)
  (x1, l, u, fra, frb, _) = rdft.rdft_lu_solver_with_lu(a,b,r)
  x2 = np.array(x1)
  x2  = iteration.iteration(fra, l, u, frb, x2, linalg.cond(fra))
  x2  = iteration.remove_imag(x2)
  return (x2, fra, fr, ra, x1)
Example #5
def main():
    from procedural_city_generation.roadmap.config import config
    from copy import copy

    singleton = config()

    front = copy(singleton.global_lists.vertex_list)
    vertex_queue = copy(singleton.global_lists.vertex_queue)
    from iteration import iteration
    singleton.iterationszaehler = 0

    if singleton.plot == 1:
        if gui is None:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = plt.subplot(111)

            ax.set_xlim((-singleton.border[0], singleton.border[0]))
            ax.set_ylim((-singleton.border[1], singleton.border[1]))

            gui.set_xlim((-singleton.border[0], singleton.border[0]))
            gui.set_ylim((-singleton.border[1], singleton.border[1]))

    i = 0
    while (front != [] or singleton.global_lists.vertex_queue != []):

        i += 1
        front = iteration(front)

        if singleton.plot == 1:
            if i % singleton.plot_counter == 0:
                if gui is None:

            singleton.iterationszaehler = 0

    from procedural_city_generation.additional_stuff.jsontools import save_vertexlist

    print "Roadmap is complete"
    #	if singleton.plot==1:
    #		plt.show()
    save_vertexlist(singleton.global_lists.vertex_list, "output",
    return 0
def main():
	from procedural_city_generation.roadmap.config import config
	from copy import copy

	vertex_queue = copy(singleton.global_lists.vertex_queue)
	from iteration import iteration
	if singleton.plot==1:
		import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	while (front!=[] or singleton.global_lists.vertex_queue	!=[]):
		if singleton.plot==1:
			if i%singleton.plotabstand==0:

	from procedural_city_generation.additional_stuff.jsontools import save_vertexlist
	print "Roadmap is complete"
	if singleton.plot==1:
	return 0
Example #7
# question 1
def g(x):
    return (math.sin(math.pi * x) -x**2)/(2.0 * math.pi) + x

def f(x):
    return math.sin(math.pi * x) - x**2

# tolerances and number of iterations
tol_err = 1e-5
tol_res = 1e-5
itmax = 20

# try different initial points
x0 = 1.0
print("Trying initial point %f..." % (x0))
x,err,res = iteration(f, g, x0, tol_err, tol_res, itmax)

x0 = 0.0
print("Trying initial point %f..." % (x0))
x,err,res = iteration(f, g, x0, tol_err, tol_res, itmax)

x0 = -0.1
print("Trying initial point %f..." % (x0))
x,err,res = iteration(f, g, x0, tol_err, tol_res, itmax)
# in the final run, the approximate solutions approaches minus infinity...

# now call the recursively programmed function
x0 = 1.0
print("Trying initial point %f with recursion..." % (x0))
x,err,res = recursion(f, g, x0, tol_err, tol_res, itmax)
Example #8
from config import config
from iteration import iteration
from eta import eta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def set_up():
    import numpy as np
    config['delta_r'] = config['r_range'] / config['N']
    delta_k = np.pi / (config['N'] * config['delta_r'])
    beta = np.reciprocal(config['T'] * config['kb'])
    config['delta_k'] = delta_k
    config['beta'] = beta

if __name__ == '__main__':
    eta = eta()
    h_i = iteration(eta)
    gr = h_i + 1.
    plt.plot(eta.r, gr)
Example #9
def turboTop(resFile, rate = 12, it = 5, n = 4, r = 5, p = 48, d = 0, mu = 8, sigma = 6, l = 20, m = 10, q = 8):
    """ Turbo decoder top level.
    resFile -- files where the results will be saved
    rate    -- code rate (e.g. 12 for rate 1/2)
    it      -- number of iterations for the turbo decoding
    n       -- number of bits for the sampling of the signals - a, b, y1, y2
    r       -- number of bits for the coding of the extrinsic information
    p       -- interleaver frame size in bit couples
    d       -- additional delay through the noiser - 0 means the noiser adds 2 clock cycles
    mu      -- mean value for the noise distribution (additive noise)
    sigma   -- standard deviation of the noise distribution (0 means no noise)
    l       -- first trellis' length
    m       -- second trellis' length
    q       -- number of bits for the coding of the accumulated distances
    # Signal declarations:
    clk         = Signal(bool(0))
    rst         = Signal(bool(1))
    flipflop    = Signal(bool(0))
    aClean      = Signal(bool(0))
    bClean      = Signal(bool(0))
    y1Clean     = Signal(bool(0))
    y2Clean     = Signal(bool(0))
    aCleanDel   = Signal(bool(0))
    bCleanDel   = Signal(bool(0))
    y1CleanDel  = Signal(bool(0))
    y2CleanDel  = Signal(bool(0))
    y1IntDel    = Signal(bool(0))
    y2IntDel    = Signal(bool(0))
    aNoisy      = Signal(int(0))
    bNoisy      = Signal(int(0))
    y1Noisy     = Signal(int(0))
    y2Noisy     = Signal(int(0))
    y1IntNoisy  = Signal(int(0))
    y2IntNoisy  = Signal(int(0))
    y1Full      = Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1)))
    y2Full      = Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1)))
    y1IntFull   = Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1)))
    y2IntFull   = Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1)))
    aLim        = [Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1))) for i in range(it + 1)]
    bLim        = [Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1))) for i in range(it + 1)]
    y1Lim       = [Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1))) for i in range(it + 1)]
    y2Lim       = [Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1))) for i in range(it + 1)]
    y1IntLim    = [Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1))) for i in range(it + 1)]
    y2IntLim    = [Signal(intbv(0, -(2**(n-1)), 2**(n-1))) for i in range(it + 1)]
    z           = [[Signal(intbv(0, 0, 2**r)) for i in range(4)] for i in range(it + 1)]
    zSorted     = [Signal(intbv(0, 0, 2**r)) for i in range(4)]
    aDec        = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(it + 1)]
    bDec        = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(it + 1)]
    aDel        = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(it + 1)]
    bDel        = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(it + 1)]
    abInt       = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(2)]
    y1Int       = Signal(bool(0))
    y2Int       = Signal(bool(0))
    abCleanPerm = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(2)]

    delayer_ia  = [None for i in range(it + 1)]
    delayer_ib  = [None for i in range(it + 1)]
    ber_i       = [None for i in range(it + 1)]
    iteration_i = [None for i in range(it)]
    # Reset and clock generation:
    rstGen_i0   = rstGen(rst)
    clkGen_i0   = clkGen(clk)

    # Random data generation:
    randGen_i0  = randGen(clk, rst, aClean, bClean)

    # Interleaving and permuting:
    clkDiv_i0   = clkDiv(clk, rst, flipflop)
    abPermut_i0 = abPermut(flipflop, aClean, bClean, abCleanPerm, 1)
    interleaver_i0 = interleaver(clk, rst, abCleanPerm, abInt, p, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0)

    # Coder:
    coder_i0    = coder(clk, rst, aClean, bClean, y1Clean, y2Clean)
    coder_i1    = coder(clk, rst, abInt[1], abInt[0], y1Int, y2Int)

    # Additional delay through the channel:
    delayer_i0  = delayer(clk, rst, aClean, aCleanDel, d, 0, 2)
    delayer_i1  = delayer(clk, rst, bClean, bCleanDel, d, 0, 2)
    delayer_i2  = delayer(clk, rst, y1Clean, y1CleanDel, d, 0, 2)
    delayer_i3  = delayer(clk, rst, y2Clean, y2CleanDel, d, 0, 2)
    delayer_i4  = delayer(clk, rst, y1Int, y1IntDel, d, 0, 2)
    delayer_i5  = delayer(clk, rst, y2Int, y2IntDel, d, 0, 2)

    # Channel noiser:
    noiser_i0   = noiser(clk, rst, aCleanDel, bCleanDel, y1CleanDel, y2CleanDel, y1IntDel, y2IntDel, aNoisy, bNoisy, y1Noisy, y2Noisy, y1IntNoisy, y2IntNoisy, n, mu, sigma)

    # Decoder:
    limiter_i0  = limiter(aNoisy, bNoisy, y1Noisy, y2Noisy, y1IntNoisy, y2IntNoisy, aLim[0], bLim[0], y1Full, y2Full, y1IntFull, y2IntFull, n)
    punct_i0    = punct(clk, rst, y1Full, y2Full, y1IntFull, y2IntFull, y1Lim[0], y2Lim[0], y1IntLim[0], y2IntLim[0], rate)
    for i in range(it):
        iteration_i[i] = iteration(clk, rst, flipflop, aLim[i], bLim[i], y1Lim[i], y2Lim[i], y1IntLim[i], y2IntLim[i], z[i], z[i + 1], aDec[i + 1], bDec[i + 1], aLim[i + 1], bLim[i + 1], y1Lim[i + 1], y2Lim[i + 1], y1IntLim[i + 1], y2IntLim[i + 1], l, m, q, p, r, n, 2 * i * (l + m + 2) + 2 * i * p + 2)

    # Bit Error Rate monitoring:
    siho_i0         = siho(aLim[0], bLim[0], aDec[0], bDec[0])
    delayer_ia[0]   = delayer(clk, rst, aClean, aDel[0], 1 + d, 0, 2)
    delayer_ib[0]   = delayer(clk, rst, bClean, bDel[0], 1 + d, 0, 2)
    ber_i[0]        = ber(clk, rst, aDel[0], bDel[0], aDec[0], bDec[0], d + 100, resFile[0])
    for i in range(it):
        delayer_ia[i + 1]   = delayer(clk, rst, aClean, aDel[i + 1], (2 * i + 1) * (l + m + 2) + 2 * i * p + d, 0, 2)
        delayer_ib[i + 1]   = delayer(clk, rst, bClean, bDel[i + 1], (2 * i + 1) * (l + m + 2) + 2 * i * p + d, 0, 2)
        ber_i[i + 1]        = ber(clk, rst, aDel[i + 1], bDel[i + 1], aDec[i + 1], bDec[i + 1], (2 * i + 1) * (l + m + 2) + 2 * i * p + d + 100, resFile[i + 1])

    return rstGen_i0, clkGen_i0, randGen_i0, clkDiv_i0, abPermut_i0, interleaver_i0, coder_i0, coder_i1, delayer_i0, delayer_i1, delayer_i2, delayer_i3, delayer_i4, delayer_i5, noiser_i0, limiter_i0, punct_i0, siho_i0, delayer_ia, delayer_ib, ber_i, iteration_i
Example #10
Assignment 1
Question 1 test script for both iteration.py and recursion.py
Author: Hassan Tariq, 100657119

from iteration import iteration
from recursion import recursion
import math
pi = math.pi

# Define both function
def f(x):
    return math.sin(pi*x) - x*x

# Define derivative of function
def g(x):
    return 1/(2*math.pi) * math.sin(math.pi*x) - 1/(2*math.pi) * x**2 + x

#Initialize variables
x0 = 1
tolx = tolf = 1e-6
kmax = 50
print("\n\tIterative solution for question 1")
iteration(f, g, x0, kmax, tolx, tolf)

# Initialize extra recursion counter variable
i = 0
print("\n\n\tRecursive solution for question 1")
recursion(f, g, x0, tolx, tolf, kmax, i)
Example #11

    import create as tc
    import os_file as to
    import iteration as it

    from pai_pyhdfs import wait_hdfs_file, hdfs_save

    f = wait_hdfs_file(work_path, 'distance_matrix.npy', delete=False)
    m = np.load(f, allow_pickle=True)  #save distance_matrix in m.

    def get_res(s1, s2):
        if tc.cost(s1, m) < tc.cost(s2, m):
            return s1
            return s2

    while True:
        f = wait_hdfs_file(work_path, 'generations.npy', delete=False)
        generations = np.load(f)
        print("generation information getted. Now setting the gen_rdd.")
        gen_rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(generations)
        print("rdd setted,now maping.")
        res = gen_rdd.map(lambda x: it.iteration(x, m))
        print("mapping over,now reducing.")
        res2 = res.reduce(get_res)
        print("The best solution is:", res2)
        c = tc.cost(res2, m)
        print("The lowest cost is :", c)
        hdfs_save(work_path, 'final_solution.npy', [res2, c])