Example #1
def solution(expression):
    cals = ["+","-","*"]
    perms = list(pmt(cals,3))
    mathBasket = []
    exBasket = []
    myDigit = ''
    answer = 0
    for i in range(len(expression)):
        if i == len(expression) - 1:
            myDigit += expression[i]
            myDigit = int(myDigit)
        elif expression[i].isdigit():
            myDigit += expression[i]
            myDigit = int(myDigit)
            myDigit = ''
    for i in range(6):
        cal = perms[i]
        myExpress = exBasket[:]
        myMath = mathBasket[:]
        for j in range(3):
            mathEx = cal[j]
            while myExpress and mathEx in myExpress:
                idx = myExpress.index(mathEx)
                A = myMath.pop(idx)
                B = myMath.pop(idx)
                C = myExpress.pop(idx)
                result = calculation(A,B,C)
                myMath.insert(idx, result)
        if answer < abs(myMath[0]):
            answer = abs(myMath[0])
    return answer
def maximumPermutation(w, s):
    l = []
    p = list(pmt(w, len(w)))
    permut = set(p)
    [l.append("".join(i)) for i in permut]
    m = []
    for i in l:
        count = 0
        for j in range(len(s)):
            st = s[j:j + len(i)]
            if i in st:
                count += 1

    if m.count(max(m)) > 1:
        l2 = []
        l3 = []
        for i in m:
            if max(m) == i:
        for i in l2:
        return l3[0]

    if max(m) == 0:
        return ('-1')

        return (l[m.index(max(m))])
Example #3
def text_to_leet(text, leet_dict=Leet_Dict):
    #The thing is, it's not necessary that every text is converted to leet,
    #it's possible that words are like this: 4nm0L or A|\|M0L, so, what we gotta do
    #in order to cover every possible permutation is, loop from 1 to len(text) and then, select
    #That number of letters, and convert them into leet, for example, if i == 1, we'll just convert one letter to leet.

    Permutations = [text]  #When we don't convert anything into leet.

    for i in range(1, len(text) + 1):
        possible_Is = list(pmt(range(len(text)), i))
        #Possible Is is the list of all the indexs that are leet-ed at a certain point if that makes sense
        #For example,
        #If possible_Is = [(1, 2), (3, 4)] what it means is, the possiblities are that at a certain time, 1 is leeted along with 2 or the second time, 3 is leet-ed with 4th character.
        for curr_possible in possible_Is:
            temp = replace_char(text, curr_possible, leet_dict)

    return list(set(Permutations))
Example #4
import pprint
import binascii
import mnemonic
import bip32utils
from itertools import permutations as pmt
solution = ""
match = "1h8BNZkhsPiu6EKazP19WkGxDw3jHf9aT"
partial = 27
words = {"0": "BTC", "1": "ETH", "2": "XRP", "3": "Phemex"}
prime = "957496696762772407663"
base = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
perm = pmt(words)

def bip39(ss: str):
    mobj = mnemonic.Mnemonic("english")
    seed = bytes(ss, "utf-8")
    bip32_root_key_obj = bip32utils.BIP32Key.fromEntropy(seed)
    for i in range(10):
        bip32_child_key_obj = bip32_root_key_obj.ChildKey(
            44 + bip32utils.BIP32_HARDEN).ChildKey(
                0 + bip32utils.BIP32_HARDEN).ChildKey(
                    0 + bip32utils.BIP32_HARDEN).ChildKey(0).ChildKey(i)
        priv_key = {
            'seed': seed,
            'bip32_root_key': bip32_root_key_obj.ExtendedKey(),
            'bip32_extended_private_key': bip32_child_key_obj.ExtendedKey(),
            'path': "m/44'/0'/0'/{}".format(i),
            'addr': bip32_child_key_obj.Address(),
Example #5
def perm_gen(limit, pos):

    return sorted(pmt(range(limit)))[pos - 1]
Example #6
File: main.py Project: nvol/tiqtaq
 if len(argv) > 1:
     if argv[1] == 'game':
         print('Use qweasdzxc and Enter keys to make a turn')
         field = Field()
         while(not field.is_game_finished()):
         print('O wins' if field.Owins()
           else 'X wins' if field.Xwins() else 'draw')
     elif argv[1] == 'stat':
         start = now()
         cntr, next_limit = 0, 0
         stats = dict()
         total_combinations = 120960 # 3 * 8!
         for first_turn in range(3): # 0,1,2 only (normalized turn)
             for other_turns in pmt({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} - {first_turn}):
                 cntr += 1
                 turns = (first_turn,) + other_turns
                 game = Field(turns)
                 h, w = game.history(), game.who_wins()
                 stats[h] = w
                 if cntr >= next_limit:
                     print('.', end='', flush=True)
                     next_limit += total_combinations // 10 - 1
                 #if cntr >= 100: break #@@@
         with open('tiqtaq.json', 'w') as f:
             json.dump(stats, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
         print('elapsed %.3f seconds' % (now() - start))
         print('dict len:', len(stats))
         print('   X won:', filter(stats, 1))