def to_str(self): resource_class = self.database.get_resource_class(self.format) if self.version is None: lines = ['format:%s\n' % self.format] else: lines = ['format;version=%s:%s\n' % (self.version, self.format)] # Properties are to be sorted by alphabetical order properties = names = properties.keys() names.sort() # Properties for name in names: property = properties[name] # Get the field field = resource_class.get_field(name) if field is None: msg = 'unexpected field "{0}" in resource "{1}" (format "{2}")' msg = msg.format(name, self.key, self.format) if resource_class.fields_soft: log_warning(msg, domain='itools.database') continue raise ValueError, msg datatype = field.datatype params_schema = field.parameters_schema is_empty = datatype.is_empty p_type = type(property) if p_type is dict: languages = property.keys() languages.sort() lines += [ property_to_str(name, property[x], datatype, params_schema) for x in languages if not is_empty(property[x].value) ] elif p_type is list: lines += [ property_to_str(name, x, datatype, params_schema) for x in property if not is_empty(x.value) ] elif property.value is None: pass elif not is_empty(property.value): lines.append( property_to_str(name, property, datatype, params_schema)) return ''.join(lines)
def to_ical(self, context): """Serialize as an ical file, generally named .ics """ lines = ['BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n', 'VERSION:2.0\n', 'PRODID:-// ikaaro icalendar V1.0//EN\n'] # Calendar components for event in self.search_resources(cls=Event): lines.append('BEGIN:VEVENT\n') for ikaaro_name, ics_name in ikaaro_to_ics: property = event.get_property(ikaaro_name) lang = property.get_parameter('lang') if lang: property = Property(property.value, LANGUAGE=lang) p_schema = {'LANGUAGE': String(multiple=False)} else: p_schema = None datatype = event.get_field(ikaaro_name).datatype line = property_to_str(ics_name, property, datatype, p_schema) lines.append(line) lines.append('END:VEVENT\n') lines.append('END:VCALENDAR\n') return ''.join(lines)
def to_str(self): resource_class = self.database.get_resource_class(self.format) if self.version is None: lines = ['format:%s\n' % self.format] else: lines = ['format;version=%s:%s\n' % (self.version, self.format)] # Properties are to be sorted by alphabetical order properties = names = properties.keys() names.sort() # Properties for name in names: property = properties[name] # Get the field field = resource_class.get_field(name) if field is None: msg = 'unexpected field "%s"' % name if resource_class.fields_soft: log_warning(msg, domain='itools.database') continue raise ValueError, msg datatype = field.datatype params_schema = field.parameters_schema is_empty = datatype.is_empty p_type = type(property) if p_type is dict: languages = property.keys() languages.sort() lines += [ property_to_str(name, property[x], datatype, params_schema) for x in languages if not is_empty(property[x].value) ] elif p_type is list: lines += [ property_to_str(name, x, datatype, params_schema) for x in property if not is_empty(x.value) ] elif property.value is None: pass elif not is_empty(property.value): lines.append( property_to_str(name, property, datatype, params_schema)) return ''.join(lines)
def encode_property(self, name, property_values, encoding='utf-8'): if type(property_values) is not list: property_values = [property_values] datatype = self.get_record_datatype(name) return [ property_to_str(name, x, datatype, {}, encoding) for x in property_values ]