Example #1
 def get_fallback(self, resource, context):
     n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
     path = Path(context.path)[n:]
     path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)
     # 404 Not Found
     if not isfile(path):
         return context.set_default_response(404)
     # 304 Not Modified
     mtime = getmtime(path)
     mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
     mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
     mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
     since = context.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
     if since and since >= mtime:
         raise NotModified
     # 200 Ok
     # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
     mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
     # Get data
     with open(path, 'r') as f:
         data = f.read()
     # Response
     context.status = 200
     context.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
     return data
Example #2
 def GET(self, query, context):
     n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
     path = Path(context.path)[n:]
     path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)
     # 404 Not Found
     if not isfile(path):
         return context.set_default_response(404)
     # 304 Not Modified
     mtime = getmtime(path)
     mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
     mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
     mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
     since = context.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
     if since and since >= mtime:
         raise NotModified
     # 200 Ok
     # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
     mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
     # Get data
     with open(path, 'r') as f:
         data = f.read()
     # Response
     context.status = 200
     context.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
     return data
Example #3
    def http_get(self):
        n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
        path = Path(self.path)[n:]
        path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)

        # 404 Not Found
        if not isfile(path):
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 404)

        # 304 Not Modified
        mtime = getmtime(path)
        mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
        mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
        mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
        since = self.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
        if since and since >= mtime:
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 304)

        # 200 Ok
        # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
        mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
        data = open(path).read()
        self.soup_message.set_response(mimetype, data)
        self.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
Example #4
    def http_get(self):
        n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
        path = Path(self.path)[n:]
        path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)

        # 404 Not Found
        if not isfile(path):
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 404)

        # 304 Not Modified
        mtime = getmtime(path)
        mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
        mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
        mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
        since = self.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
        if since and since >= mtime:
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 304)

        # 200 Ok
        # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
        mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
        data = open(path).read()
        self.soup_message.set_response(mimetype, data)
        self.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
Example #5
def _add_image(filename, document, resource):
    if type(filename) is unicode:
        filename = filename.encode('UTF-8')
    data = document.get_part('Pictures/%s' % filename)
    name, a_type, language = FileName.decode(filename)

    # Check the filename is good
    name = checkid(name)
    if name is None:
        return None

    # XXX If the resource exists, we assume it's the good resource
    if resource.get_resource(name, soft=True) is None:
        # Get mimetype / class
        mimetype = get_mimetype(filename)
        cls = get_context().database.get_resource_class(mimetype)
        # Add the image
        resource.make_resource(name, cls, body=data, format=mimetype,
                               filename=filename, extension=a_type)
    # All OK
    return name