def _display_gnmap_host(host: NmapHost, out: TextIO = sys.stdout) -> None: addr = host["addr"] hostname = None for name in host.get("hostnames", []): if name.get("type") == "PTR": hostname = name.get("name") if hostname is not None: break if hostname is None: name = addr else: name = "%s (%s)" % (addr, hostname) if host.get("state"): out.write("Host: %s Status: %s\n" % (name, host["state"].capitalize())) ports = [] info = [] for port in host.get("ports", []): if port.get("port") == -1: continue if "service_product" in port: version = port["service_product"] for key in ["version", "extrainfo"]: key = "service_%s" % key if key in port: version += " %s" % port[key] version = version.replace("/", "|") else: version = "" ports.append("%d/%s/%s//%s//%s/" % ( port["port"], port["state_state"], port["protocol"], port.get("service_name", ""), version, )) if ports: info.append("Ports: %s" % ", ".join(ports)) extraports = [] for state, counts in host.get("extraports", {}).items(): extraports.append("%s (%d)" % (state, counts["total"])) if extraports: info.append("Ignored State: %s" % ", ".join(extraports)) for osmatch in host.get("os", {}).get("osmatch", []): info.append("OS: %s" % osmatch["name"]) break # TODO: data from tcpsequence and ipidsequence is currently # missing if info: out.write("Host: %s %s\n" % (name, "\t".join(info)))
def _display_xml_table_elem( doc: NmapHost, first: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, out: TextIO = sys.stdout, ) -> None: if first: assert name is None name = "" if name is None else " key=%s" % saxutils.quoteattr(name) if isinstance(doc, list): if not first: out.write("<table%s>\n" % name) for subdoc in doc: _display_xml_table_elem(subdoc, out=out) if not first: out.write("</table>\n") elif isinstance(doc, dict): if not first: out.write("<table%s>\n" % name) for key, subdoc in doc.items(): _display_xml_table_elem(subdoc, name=key, out=out) if not first: out.write("</table>\n") else: out.write("<elem%s>%s</elem>\n" % ( name, saxutils.escape( str(doc), entities={"\n": " "}, ), ))
def set_openports_attribute(host: NmapHost) -> None: """This function sets the "openports" value in the `host` record, based on the elements of the "ports" list. This is used in MongoDB to speed up queries based on open ports. """ openports = host["openports"] = {"count": 0} for port in host.get("ports", []): if port.get("state_state") != "open": continue cur = openports.setdefault(port["protocol"], {"count": 0, "ports": []}) if port["port"] not in cur["ports"]: openports["count"] += 1 cur["count"] += 1 cur["ports"].append(port["port"])
def cleanup_synack_honeypot_host(host: NmapHost, update_openports: bool = True) -> None: """This function will clean the `host` record if it has too many (at least `VIEW_SYNACK_HONEYPOT_COUNT`) open ports that may be "syn-ack" honeypots (which means, ports for which is_real_service_port() returns False). """ if VIEW_SYNACK_HONEYPOT_COUNT is None: return n_ports = len(host.get("ports", [])) if n_ports < VIEW_SYNACK_HONEYPOT_COUNT: return # check if we have too many open ports that could be "syn-ack # honeypots"... newports = [port for port in host["ports"] if is_real_service_port(port)] if n_ports - len(newports) > VIEW_SYNACK_HONEYPOT_COUNT: # ... if so, keep only the ports that cannot be "syn-ack # honeypots" host["ports"] = newports host["synack_honeypot"] = True if update_openports: set_openports_attribute(host)
def zgrap_parser_http(data: Dict[str, Any], hostrec: NmapHost, port: Optional[int] = None) -> NmapPort: """This function handles data from `{"data": {"http": [...]}}` records. `data` should be the content, i.e. the `[...]`. It should consist of simple dictionary, that may contain a `"response"` key and/or a `"redirect_response_chain"` key. The output is a port dict (i.e., the content of the "ports" key of an `nmap` of `view` record in IVRE), that may be empty. """ if not data: return {} # for zgrab2 results if "result" in data: data.update(data.pop("result")) if "response" not in data: utils.LOGGER.warning('Missing "response" field in zgrab HTTP result') return {} resp = data["response"] needed_fields = set(["request", "status_code", "status_line"]) missing_fields = needed_fields.difference(resp) if missing_fields: utils.LOGGER.warning( "Missing field%s %s in zgrab HTTP result", "s" if len(missing_fields) > 1 else "", ", ".join(repr(fld) for fld in missing_fields), ) return {} req = resp["request"] url = req.get("url") res: NmapPort = { "service_name": "http", "service_method": "probed", "state_state": "open", "state_reason": "response", "protocol": "tcp", } tls = None try: tls = req["tls_handshake"] except KeyError: # zgrab2 try: tls = req["tls_log"]["handshake_log"] except KeyError: pass if tls is not None: res["service_tunnel"] = "ssl" try: cert = tls["server_certificates"]["certificate"]["raw"] except KeyError: pass else: output, info_cert = create_ssl_cert(cert.encode(), b64encoded=True) if info_cert: res.setdefault("scripts", []).append({ "id": "ssl-cert", "output": output, "ssl-cert": info_cert, }) for cert in info_cert: add_cert_hostnames(cert, hostrec.setdefault("hostnames", [])) if url: try: _, guessed_port = utils.url2hostport("%(scheme)s://%(host)s" % url) except ValueError: utils.LOGGER.warning("Cannot guess port from url %r", url) guessed_port = 80 # because reasons else: if port is not None and port != guessed_port: utils.LOGGER.warning( "Port %d found from the URL %s differs from the provided port " "value %d", guessed_port, url.get("path"), port, ) port = guessed_port if port is None: port = guessed_port # Specific paths if url.get("path").endswith("/.git/index"): if resp.get("status_code") != 200: return {} if not resp.get("body", "").startswith("DIRC"): return {} # Due to an issue with ZGrab2 output, we cannot, for now, # process the content of the file. See # <>. repository = "%s:%d%s" % (hostrec["addr"], port, url["path"][:-5]) res["port"] = port res.setdefault("scripts", []).append({ "id": "http-git", "output": "\n %s\n Git repository found!\n" % repository, "http-git": [ { "repository": repository, "files-found": [".git/index"] }, ], }) return res if url.get("path").endswith("/owa/auth/logon.aspx"): if resp.get("status_code") != 200: return {} version_set = set( for m in _EXPR_OWA_VERSION.finditer(resp.get("body", ""))) if not version_set: return {} version_list = sorted(version_set, key=lambda v: [int(x) for x in v.split(".")]) res["port"] = port path = url["path"][:-15] if len(version_set) > 1: output = "OWA: path %s, version %s (multiple versions found!)" % ( path, " / ".join(version_list), ) else: output = "OWA: path %s, version %s" % (path, version_list[0]) res.setdefault("scripts", []).append({ "id": "http-app", "output": output, "http-app": [{ "path": path, "application": "OWA", "version": version_list[0] }], }) return res if url.get("path").endswith("/centreon/"): if resp.get("status_code") != 200: return {} if not resp.get("body"): return {} body = resp["body"] res["port"] = port path = url["path"] match = if match is None: return {} if match.groups()[0] != "Centreon - IT & Network Monitoring": return {} match = version: Optional[str] if match is None: version = None else: version = or res.setdefault("scripts", []).append({ "id": "http-app", "output": "Centreon: path %s%s" % ( path, "" if version is None else (", version %s" % version), ), "http-app": [ dict( { "path": path, "application": "Centreon" }, **({} if version is None else { "version": version }), ) ], }) return res if url.get("path") != "/": utils.LOGGER.warning("URL path not supported yet: %s", url.get("path")) return {} elif port is None: if req.get("tls_handshake") or req.get("tls_log"): port = 443 else: port = 80 res["port"] = port # Since Zgrab does not preserve the order of the headers, we need # to reconstruct a banner to use Nmap fingerprints banner = (utils.nmap_decode_data(resp["protocol"]["name"]) + b" " + utils.nmap_decode_data(resp["status_line"]) + b"\r\n") if resp.get("headers"): headers = resp["headers"] # Check the Authenticate header first: if we requested it with # an Authorization header, we don't want to gather other information if headers.get("www_authenticate"): auths = headers.get("www_authenticate") for auth in auths: if ntlm._is_ntlm_message(auth): try: infos = ntlm.ntlm_extract_info( utils.decode_b64(auth.split(None, 1)[1].encode())) except (UnicodeDecodeError, TypeError, ValueError, binascii.Error): continue if not infos: continue keyvals = zip(ntlm_values, [infos.get(k) for k in ntlm_values]) output = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in keyvals if v) res.setdefault("scripts", []).append({ "id": "ntlm-info", "output": output, "ntlm-info": dict(infos, protocol="http"), }) if "DNS_Computer_Name" in infos: add_hostname( infos["DNS_Computer_Name"], "ntlm", hostrec.setdefault("hostnames", []), ) if any(val.lower().startswith("ntlm") for val in req.get("headers", {}).get("authorization", [])): return res # the order will be incorrect! line = "%s %s" % (resp["protocol"]["name"], resp["status_line"]) http_hdrs: List[HttpHeader] = [{"name": "_status", "value": line}] output_list = [line] for unk in headers.pop("unknown", []): headers[unk["key"]] = unk["value"] for hdr, values in headers.items(): hdr = hdr.replace("_", "-") for val in values: http_hdrs.append({"name": hdr, "value": val}) output_list.append("%s: %s" % (hdr, val)) if http_hdrs: method = req.get("method") if method: output_list.append("") output_list.append("(Request type: %s)" % method) res.setdefault("scripts", []).append({ "id": "http-headers", "output": "\n".join(output_list), "http-headers": http_hdrs, }) handle_http_headers(hostrec, res, http_hdrs, path=url.get("path")) if headers.get("server"): banner += (b"Server: " + utils.nmap_decode_data(headers["server"][0]) + b"\r\n\r\n") info: NmapServiceMatch = utils.match_nmap_svc_fp(banner, proto="tcp", probe="GetRequest") if info: add_cpe_values(hostrec, "ports.port:%s" % port, info.pop("cpe", [])) res.update(cast(NmapPort, info)) if resp.get("body"): body = resp["body"] res.setdefault("scripts", []).append({ "id": "http-content", "output": utils.nmap_encode_data(body.encode()), }) match = if match is not None: title = match.groups()[0] res["scripts"].append({ "id": "http-title", "output": title, "http-title": { "title": title }, }) script_http_ls = create_http_ls(body, url=url) if script_http_ls is not None: res.setdefault("scripts", []).append(script_http_ls) service_elasticsearch = create_elasticsearch_service(body) if service_elasticsearch: if "service_hostname" in service_elasticsearch: add_hostname( service_elasticsearch["service_hostname"], "service", hostrec.setdefault("hostnames", []), ) add_cpe_values(hostrec, "ports.port:%s" % port, service_elasticsearch.pop("cpe", [])) res.update(cast(NmapPort, service_elasticsearch)) return res
def _display_xml_host(host: NmapHost, out: TextIO = sys.stdout) -> None: out.write("<host") for k in ["timedout", "timeoutcounter"]: if k in host: out.write(" %s=%s" % (k, saxutils.quoteattr(host[k]))) for k in ["starttime", "endtime"]: if k in host: out.write(" %s=%s" % (k, saxutils.quoteattr(host[k].strftime("%s")))) out.write(">") if "state" in host: out.write('<status state="%s"' % host["state"]) for k in ["reason", "reason_ttl"]: kk = "state_%s" % k if kk in host: out.write(' %s="%s"' % (k, host[kk])) out.write("/>") out.write("\n") if "addr" in host: out.write('<address addr="%s" addrtype="ipv%d"/>\n' % ( host["addr"], 6 if ":" in host["addr"] else 4, )) for atype, addrs in host.get("addresses", {}).items(): for addr in addrs: extra = "" if atype == "mac": manuf = utils.mac2manuf(addr) # if manuf: # if len(manuf) > 1 and manuf[1]: # manuf = manuf[1] # else: # manuf = manuf[0] # extra = ' vendor=%s' % saxutils.quoteattr(manuf[0]) if manuf and manuf[0]: extra = " vendor=%s" % saxutils.quoteattr(manuf[0]) out.write('<address addr="%s" addrtype="%s"%s/>\n' % (addr, atype, extra)) if "hostnames" in host: out.write("<hostnames>\n") for hostname in host["hostnames"]: out.write("<hostname") for k in ["name", "type"]: if k in hostname: out.write(' %s="%s"' % (k, hostname[k])) out.write("/>\n") out.write("</hostnames>\n") out.write("<ports>") for state, counts in host.get("extraports", {}).items(): out.write('<extraports state="%s" count="%d">\n' % (state, counts["total"])) for reason, count in counts["reasons"].items(): out.write('<extrareasons reason="%s" count="%d"/>\n' % (reason, count)) out.write("</extraports>\n") hostscripts: List[NmapScript] = [] for p in host.get("ports", []): if p.get("port") == -1: hostscripts = p["scripts"] continue out.write("<port") if "protocol" in p: out.write(' protocol="%s"' % p["protocol"]) if "port" in p: out.write(' portid="%s"' % p["port"]) out.write("><state") for k in ["state", "reason", "reason_ttl"]: kk = "state_%s" % k if kk in p: out.write(" %s=%s" % (k, saxutils.quoteattr(str(p[kk])))) out.write("/>") if "service_name" in p: out.write('<service name="%s"' % p["service_name"]) for k in [ "servicefp", "product", "version", "extrainfo", "ostype", "method", "conf", ]: kk = "service_%s" % k if kk in p: if isinstance(p[kk], str): out.write(" %s=%s" % (k, saxutils.quoteattr(p[kk]))) else: out.write(' %s="%s"' % (k, p[kk])) # TODO: CPE out.write("></service>") for s in p.get("scripts", []): _display_xml_script(s, out=out) out.write("</port>\n") out.write("</ports>\n") if hostscripts: out.write("<hostscript>") for s in hostscripts: _display_xml_script(s, out=out) out.write("</hostscript>") for trace in host.get("traces", []): out.write("<trace") if "port" in trace: out.write(" port=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(str(trace["port"])))) if "protocol" in trace: out.write(" proto=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(trace["protocol"]))) out.write(">\n") for hop in sorted(trace.get("hops", []), key=lambda hop: cast(int, hop["ttl"])): out.write("<hop") if "ttl" in hop: out.write(" ttl=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(str(hop["ttl"])))) if "ipaddr" in hop: out.write(" ipaddr=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(hop["ipaddr"]))) if "rtt" in hop: out.write( " rtt=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr("%.2f" % hop["rtt"] if isinstance( hop["rtt"], float) else hop["rtt"]))) if "host" in hop: out.write(" host=%s" % (saxutils.quoteattr(hop["host"]))) out.write("/>\n") out.write("</trace>\n") out.write("</host>\n")
def _display_honeyd_conf( host: NmapHost, honeyd_routes: HoneydRoutes, honeyd_entries: HoneydNodes, out: TextIO = sys.stdout, ) -> Tuple[HoneydRoutes, HoneydNodes]: addr = host["addr"] hname = "host_%s" % addr.replace(".", "_").replace(":", "_") out.write("create %s\n" % hname) defaction = HONEYD_DEFAULT_ACTION if "extraports" in host: extra = host["extraports"] defaction = max( max(extra.values(), key=lambda state: cast(int, cast(dict, state)["total"])) ["reasons"].items(), key=lambda reason: cast(Tuple[str, int], reason)[1], )[0] try: defaction = HONEYD_ACTION_FROM_NMAP_STATE[defaction] except KeyError: pass out.write("set %s default tcp action %s\n" % (hname, defaction)) for p in host.get("ports", []): try: out.write("add %s %s port %d %s\n" % ( hname, p["protocol"], p["port"], _nmap_port2honeyd_action(p), )) except KeyError: # let's skip pseudo-port records that are only containers for host # scripts. pass if host.get("traces"): trace = max(host["traces"], key=lambda x: len(x["hops"]))["hops"] if trace: trace.sort(key=lambda x: x["ttl"]) curhop = trace[0] honeyd_entries.add(curhop["ipaddr"]) for t in trace[1:]: key = (curhop["ipaddr"], t["ipaddr"]) latency = max(t["rtt"] - curhop["rtt"], 0) route = honeyd_routes.get(key) if route is None: honeyd_routes[key] = { "count": 1, "high": latency, "low": latency, "mean": latency, "targets": set([host["addr"]]), } else: route["targets"].add(host["addr"]) honeyd_routes[key] = { "count": route["count"] + 1, "high": max(route["high"], latency), "low": min(route["low"], latency), "mean": (route["mean"] * route["count"] + latency) / float(route["count"] + 1), "targets": route["targets"], } curhop = t out.write("bind %s %s\n\n" % (addr, hname)) return honeyd_routes, honeyd_entries
def merge_host_docs(rec1: NmapHost, rec2: NmapHost) -> NmapHost: """Merge two host records and return the result. Unmergeable / hard-to-merge fields are lost (e.g., extraports). """ if rec1.get("schema_version") != rec2.get("schema_version"): raise ValueError( "Cannot merge host documents. " "Schema versions differ (%r != %r)" % (rec1.get("schema_version"), rec2.get("schema_version")) ) rec = {} if "schema_version" in rec1: rec["schema_version"] = rec1["schema_version"] # When we have different values, we will use the one from the # most recent scan, rec2. If one result has no "endtime", we # consider it as older. if (rec1.get("endtime") or datetime.fromtimestamp(0)) > ( rec2.get("endtime") or datetime.fromtimestamp(0) ): rec1, rec2 = rec2, rec1 for fname, function in [("starttime", min), ("endtime", max)]: try: rec[fname] = function( record[fname] for record in [rec1, rec2] if fname in record ) except ValueError: pass sa_honeypot = rec1.get("synack_honeypot") or rec2.get("synack_honeypot") rec["state"] = "up" if rec1.get("state") == "up" else rec2.get("state") if rec["state"] is None: del rec["state"] rec["state_reason"] = rec2.get("state_reason", rec1.get("state_reason")) if rec["state_reason"] is None: del rec["state_reason"] rec["categories"] = list( set(rec1.get("categories", [])).union(rec2.get("categories", [])) ) for field in ["addr", "os"]: rec[field] = rec2[field] if rec2.get(field) else rec1.get(field) if not rec[field]: del rec[field] rec["source"] = list(set(rec1.get("source", [])).union(set(rec2.get("source", [])))) rec["traces"] = rec2.get("traces", []) for trace in rec1.get("traces", []): # Skip this result (from rec1) if a more recent traceroute # result exists using the same protocol and port in the # most recent scan (rec2). if any( other["protocol"] == trace["protocol"] and other.get("port") == trace.get("port") for other in rec["traces"] ): continue rec["traces"].append(trace) rec["cpes"] = rec2.get("cpes", []) for cpe in rec1.get("cpes", []): origins = set(cpe.pop("origins", [])) cpe["origins"] = None try: other = next( ocpe for ocpe in rec["cpes"] if dict(ocpe, origins=None) == cpe ) except StopIteration: rec["cpes"].append(dict(cpe, origins=origins)) else: other["origins"] = set(other.get("origins", [])).union(origins) for cpe in rec["cpes"]: cpe["origins"] = list(cpe.get("origins", [])) rec["infos"] = {} for record in [rec1, rec2]: rec["infos"].update(record.get("infos", {})) # We want to make sure of (type, name) unicity hostnames = dict( ((h["type"], h["name"]), h.get("domains")) for h in (rec1.get("hostnames", []) + rec2.get("hostnames", [])) ) rec["hostnames"] = [ {"type": h[0], "name": h[1], "domains": d} for h, d in hostnames.items() ] addresses: NmapAddress = {} for record in [rec1, rec2]: for atype, addrs in record.get("addresses", {}).items(): cur_addrs = addresses.setdefault(atype, []) for addr in addrs: addr = addr.lower() if addr not in cur_addrs: cur_addrs.append(addr) if addresses: rec["addresses"] = addresses sa_honeypot_check = False if sa_honeypot: rec["synack_honeypot"] = True for record in [rec1, rec2]: if not record.get("synack_honeypot"): sa_honeypot_check = True record["ports"] = [ port for port in record.get("ports", []) if is_real_service_port(port) ] ports = dict( ((port.get("protocol"), port["port"]), port.copy()) for port in rec2.get("ports", []) ) for port in rec1.get("ports", []): if (port.get("protocol"), port["port"]) in ports: curport = ports[(port.get("protocol"), port["port"])] if "scripts" in curport: curport["scripts"] = curport["scripts"][:] else: curport["scripts"] = [] present_scripts = set(script["id"] for script in curport["scripts"]) for script in port.get("scripts", []): if script["id"] not in present_scripts: curport["scripts"].append(script) elif script["id"] in _SCRIPT_MERGE: # Merge scripts curscript = next( x for x in curport["scripts"] if x["id"] == script["id"] ) merge_scripts(curscript, script, script["id"]) if not curport["scripts"]: del curport["scripts"] if "service_name" in port: if "service_name" not in curport: for key in port: if key.startswith("service_"): curport[key] = port[key] elif port["service_name"] == curport["service_name"]: # if the "old" record has information missing # from the "new" record and information from # both records is consistent, let's keep the # "old" data. for key in port: if key.startswith("service_") and key not in curport: curport[key] = port[key] if "screenshot" in port and "screenshot" not in curport: for key in ["screenshot", "screendata", "screenwords"]: if key in port: curport[key] = port[key] else: ports[(port.get("protocol"), port["port"])] = port if sa_honeypot and sa_honeypot_check: rec["ports"] = sorted( (port for port in ports.values() if is_real_service_port(port)), key=lambda port: ( port.get("protocol") or "~", port.get("port"), ), ) else: rec["ports"] = sorted( ports.values(), key=lambda port: ( port.get("protocol") or "~", port.get("port"), ), ) if not sa_honeypot: cleanup_synack_honeypot_host(rec, update_openports=False) set_openports_attribute(rec) for field in ["traces", "infos", "ports", "cpes"]: if not rec[field]: del rec[field] return rec