Example #1
def test_reporter_from_dantzig(test_mp, test_data_path):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp, solve=test_data_path)

    # Reporter.from_scenario can handle the Dantzig problem
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Partial sums are available automatically (d is defined over i and j)
    d_i = rep.get('d:i')

    # Units pass through summation
    assert d_i.attrs['_unit'] == UNITS.parse_units('km')

    # Summation across all dimensions results a 1-element Quantity
    d = rep.get('d:')
    assert len(d) == 1
    assert np.isclose(d.iloc[0], 11.7)

    # Weighted sum
    weights = Quantity(
        xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3],
                     coords=['chicago new-york topeka'.split()],
    new_key = rep.aggregate('d:i-j', 'weighted', 'j', weights)

    # ...produces the expected new key with the summed dimension removed and
    # tag added
    assert new_key == 'd:i:weighted'

    # ...produces the expected new value
    obs = rep.get(new_key)
    exp = (rep.get('d:i-j') * weights).sum(dim=['j']) / weights.sum(dim=['j'])
    # TODO: attrs has to be explicitly copied here because math is done which
    # returns a pd.Series
    exp = Quantity(exp, attrs=rep.get('d:i-j').attrs)

    assert_series_equal(obs.sort_index(), exp.sort_index())

    # Disaggregation with explicit data
    # (cases of canned food 'p'acked in oil or water)
    shares = xr.DataArray([0.8, 0.2], coords=[['oil', 'water']], dims=['p'])
    new_key = rep.disaggregate('b:j', 'p', args=[Quantity(shares)])

    # ...produces the expected key with new dimension added
    assert new_key == 'b:j-p'

    b_jp = rep.get('b:j-p')

    # Units pass through disaggregation
    assert b_jp.attrs['_unit'] == 'cases'

    # Set elements are available
    assert rep.get('j') == ['new-york', 'chicago', 'topeka']

    # 'all' key retrieves all quantities
    obs = {da.name for da in rep.get('all')}
    exp = set('a b d f demand demand-margin z x'.split())
    assert obs == exp

    # Shorthand for retrieving a full key name
    assert rep.full_key('d') == 'd:i-j' and isinstance(rep.full_key('d'), Key)
Example #2
def test_reporting_units():
    """Test handling of units within Reporter computations."""
    r = Reporter()

    # Create some dummy data
    dims = dict(coords=['a b c'.split()], dims=['x'])
          Quantity(xr.DataArray([1., 3, 8], attrs={'_unit': 'MJ'}, **dims)))
          Quantity(xr.DataArray([5., 6, 8], attrs={'_unit': 'hour'}, **dims)))
    r.add('efficiency', Quantity(xr.DataArray([0.9, 0.8, 0.95], **dims)))

    # Aggregation preserves units
    r.add('energy', (computations.sum, 'energy:x', None, ['x']))
    assert r.get('energy').attrs['_unit'] == UNITS.parse_units('MJ')

    # Units are derived for a ratio of two quantities
    r.add('power', (computations.ratio, 'energy:x', 'time'))
    assert r.get('power').attrs['_unit'] == UNITS.parse_units('MJ/hour')

    # Product of dimensioned and dimensionless quantities keeps the former
    r.add('energy2', (computations.product, 'energy:x', 'efficiency'))
    assert r.get('energy2').attrs['_unit'] == UNITS.parse_units('MJ')
Example #3
def test_reporter_add_product(test_mp):
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'reporter_add_product',
                         'reporter_add_product', 'new')
    *_, x = add_test_data(scen)
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # add_product() works
    key = rep.add_product('x squared', 'x', 'x', sums=True)

    # Product has the expected dimensions
    assert key == 'x squared:t-y'

    # Product has the expected value
    exp = as_quantity(x * x)
    exp.attrs['_unit'] = UNITS('kilogram ** 2').units
    assert_qty_equal(exp, rep.get(key))