Example #1
def run():
    '''This is the main function run when the plugin is called.'''

    #print dir(IJ)
    ip = IJ.getProcessor()

    imp = IJ.getImage()  # get the current Image, which is an ImagePlus object
    #print "imp=", type(imp), imp
    #print dir(imp)

    roi = imp.getRoi()  # get the drawn ROI
    #print "roi=", roi, roi.getClass()

    # check ROI type
    if roi == None:
        gd = GenericDialog("Draw Measurement - Line")
        gd.addMessage("Please draw a straight-line first!")
        #raise Exception(  "Please draw a line ROI first!" )
    if roi.getTypeAsString() != "Straight Line":
        gd = GenericDialog("Draw Measurement - Line")
        gd.addMessage("Please draw a straight-line first!")
        #raise Exception(  "Not a Line ROI!  (type="+roi.getTypeAsString()+")"  )

    p1 = [int(roi.x1d), int(roi.y1d)]  # point 1 (x,y)
    p2 = [int(roi.x2d), int(roi.y2d)]  # point 2
    print "DrawMeas(): Line Points: p1=", p1, " & p2=", p2
    pm = midpoint(p1, p2)  # get midpoint coord

    # set ROI params from settings:
    ''' Using new method - used ip.drawLine instead of roi.draw, since roi.draw didn't always apply the line thickness.  Would be best to use the ROI method, in case other types of ROI's could be annotated.
    roi.setStrokeWidth( sets.linethickness )
    roi.setStrokeColor(  jColor(float(sets.linecolor[0]), float(sets.linecolor[1]), float(sets.linecolor[2]), float(sets.linecolor[3]))  )
    #roi.drawPixels( ip )   # draw along the ROI - only draws outline unfortunately
    ip.drawRoi(roi)     # draw the ROI on the image

        jColor(float(sets.linecolor[0]), float(sets.linecolor[1]),
               float(sets.linecolor[2]), float(sets.linecolor[3])))

    #ip.draw(roi)   # changed to ip.drawLine()
    ip.drawLine(int(roi.x1d), int(roi.y1d), int(roi.x2d), int(roi.y2d))
    '''Draw text annotation'''
    unit = imp.getCalibration().getUnit().encode(
        'utf8')  # get the unit as UTF-8 (for \mu)
    print "Draw_Meas(): Unit (raw) = `", unit, "`", type(unit),
    if unit[0] == u'\xc2': unit = unit[1:]  # strip weird char at start of \mu

    # format of measurement text (eg. 3 decimal points):
    lenstr = "%0.3f" % roi.getLength() + " %s" % (
        unit)  # string to print as length
    print "DrawMeas(): Line length= %s" % lenstr
    #print "x,y=", p2[0], p2[1]
    '''determine position of text from line coords, eg "bottom right" or "top left" etc.   '''
    # y-coord:
    if p2[1] > p1[1]:
        posstr = 'bottom'
        posstr = 'top'

    # x-coord:
    if p2[0] > p1[0]:
        posstr += ' right'
        posstr += ' left'

    drawText(lenstr, p2[0], p2[1], position=posstr)

    imp.updateAndDraw()  #update the image
Example #2
def drawText(text, x, y, position='bottom right'):
    '''Draw a text string at the specified coordinates & relative position, ensuring text doesn't go over the edge of the image.
    text : string
        The text string to write on the image.
    x, y : int
        The coordinates at which to draw the text.
    position : { 'bottom right', 'top right', 'top left', 'bottom left' }, case-insensitive, optional
        Where to draw the text, with respect to the coordinates given.
        Synonyms for 'bottom right' are 'br'.  This is the default.
        Synonyms for 'top right' are 'tr'.
        Synonyms for 'bottom left' are 'bl'.
        Synonyms for 'top left' are 'tl'.
    print "drawText(): original (x,y)=(%i,%i)" % (x, y)

    # microscope settings should be in the file `Microscope_Calibrations_user_settings.py`:
    import Microscope_Calibrations_user_settings as sets  # imports settings under `sets.linecolor`, `sets.linethickness` etc.

    ip = IJ.getProcessor()  # Image Processor
    imp = IJ.getImage()  # get the current Image, which is an ImagePlus object
    '''Acquire arguments'''
    position = position.strip().lower()
    if position == 'bottom right' or position == 'br':
        pos = 'br'
    elif position == 'bottom left' or position == 'bl':
        pos = 'bl'
    elif position == 'top left' or position == 'tl':
        pos = 'tl'
    elif position == 'top right' or position == 'tr':
        pos = 'tr'
        raise ValueError('drawText(): Invalid `position` argument: "%s".' %
    '''Setup text annotation'''
    # set font:
    ip.setFont(jFont('SansSerif', 0, sets.textsize))
        jColor(float(sets.textcolor[0]), float(sets.textcolor[1]),
               float(sets.textcolor[2]), float(sets.textcolor[3])))
    '''determine text position'''
    margin = 6  # space in pixels away from edge of image
    spacer = 4  # space in pixels to add between point & text
    strw = ip.getStringWidth(text)
    strh = ip.getFontMetrics().getHeight()
    imgw = ip.getWidth()
    imgh = ip.getHeight()
    print "strw =", strw
    print "strh =", strh
    print "imgw =", imgw
    print "imgh =", imgh

    # set coords (x,y) based on `position` argument
    ''' By default, text is horizontally centered at point (x), and vertically above the point (y).  We then modify these default coords.  '''

    if pos[0] == 'b':
        y = y + spacer + strh  # moves down
    elif pos[0] == 't':
        y = y - spacer

    if pos[1] == 'r':
        x = x + spacer  # moves right
    elif pos[1] == 'l':
        x = x - spacer - int(strw)

    print "drawText(): %s " % (pos) + "(x,y)=(%i,%i)" % (x, y)
    '''Correct for edge of image'''
    if y - strh < 0:
        y = 0 + strh + margin
    elif y > imgh:
        y = imgh - margin

    if (x) < 0:
        x = 0 + margin
    elif (x + strw) > imgw:
        x = imgw - strw - margin

    print "drawText(): final (x,y)=(%i,%i)" % (x, y)

    if sets.textbackgroundcolor:
        ip.drawString(text, x, y,
                      )  # write the text w/ BG color
        ip.drawString(text, x, y)  # write the text alone

    imp.updateAndDraw()  #update the image
def drawText( text, x, y, position='bottom right' ):
    '''Draw a text string at the specified coordinates & relative position, ensuring text doesn't go over the edge of the image.
    text : string
        The text string to write on the image.
    x, y : int
        The coordinates at which to draw the text.
    position : { 'bottom right', 'top right', 'top left', 'bottom left' }, case-insensitive, optional
        Where to draw the text, with respect to the coordinates given.
        Synonyms for 'bottom right' are 'br'.  This is the default.
        Synonyms for 'top right' are 'tr'.
        Synonyms for 'bottom left' are 'bl'.
        Synonyms for 'top left' are 'tl'.
    print "drawText(): original (x,y)=(%i,%i)"%( x, y )
    # microscope settings should be in the file `Microscope_Calibrations_user_settings.py`:
    import Microscope_Calibrations_user_settings as sets      # imports settings under `sets.linecolor`, `sets.linethickness` etc.
    ip = IJ.getProcessor()  # Image Processor
    imp = IJ.getImage()     # get the current Image, which is an ImagePlus object
    '''Acquire arguments'''
    position = position.strip().lower()
    if position == 'bottom right' or position == 'br':
        pos = 'br'
    elif position == 'bottom left' or position == 'bl':
        pos = 'bl'
    elif position == 'top left' or position == 'tl':
        pos = 'tl'
    elif position == 'top right' or position == 'tr':
        pos = 'tr'
        raise ValueError( 'drawText(): Invalid `position` argument: "%s".'%(position) )
    '''Setup text annotation'''
    # set font:
    ip.setFont(   jFont('SansSerif', 0, sets.textsize)   )
    ip.setColor(    jColor(  float(sets.textcolor[0]), float(sets.textcolor[1]), float(sets.textcolor[2]), float(sets.textcolor[3])  )   )
    '''determine text position'''
    margin = 6      # space in pixels away from edge of image
    spacer = 4      # space in pixels to add between point & text
    strw = ip.getStringWidth(text)
    strh = ip.getFontMetrics().getHeight()
    imgw = ip.getWidth()
    imgh = ip.getHeight()
    print "strw =", strw
    print "strh =", strh
    print "imgw =", imgw
    print "imgh =", imgh
    # set coords (x,y) based on `position` argument
    ''' By default, text is horizontally centered at point (x), and vertically above the point (y).  We then modify these default coords.  '''

    if pos[0] == 'b':
        y = y + spacer + strh   # moves down 
    elif pos[0] == 't':
        y = y - spacer
    if pos[1] == 'r':
        x = x + spacer     # moves right
    elif pos[1] == 'l':
        x = x - spacer - int(strw)
    print "drawText(): %s "%(pos) + "(x,y)=(%i,%i)"%( x, y )
    '''Correct for edge of image'''
    if   y - strh < 0:
        y = 0 + strh + margin
    elif   y > imgh :
        y = imgh - margin
    if   (x) < 0:
        x = 0 + margin
    elif  (x + strw) > imgw:
        x = imgw - strw - margin
    print "drawText(): final (x,y)=(%i,%i)"%( x, y )
    if sets.textbackgroundcolor:
        ip.drawString( text, x, y, jColor(  float(sets.textbackgroundcolor[0]), float(sets.textbackgroundcolor[1]), float(sets.textbackgroundcolor[2]), float(sets.textbackgroundcolor[3])  ) )     # write the text w/ BG color
        ip.drawString( text, x, y )     # write the text alone

    imp.updateAndDraw()     #update the image
def run():
    '''This is the main function run when the plugin is called.'''
    #print dir(IJ)
    ip = IJ.getProcessor()
    imp = IJ.getImage()     # get the current Image, which is an ImagePlus object
    #print "imp=", type(imp), imp
    #print dir(imp)
    roi = imp.getRoi()  # get the drawn ROI
    #print "roi=", roi, roi.getClass()
    # check ROI type
    if roi==None:
        gd = GenericDialog("Draw Measurement - Line")
        gd.addMessage("Please draw a straight-line first!")
        #raise Exception(  "Please draw a line ROI first!" )
    if roi.getTypeAsString()  != "Straight Line":
        gd = GenericDialog("Draw Measurement - Line")
        gd.addMessage("Please draw a straight-line first!")
        #raise Exception(  "Not a Line ROI!  (type="+roi.getTypeAsString()+")"  )
    p1 = [  int(roi.x1d),  int(roi.y1d)  ]    # point 1 (x,y)
    p2 = [  int(roi.x2d),  int(roi.y2d)  ]    # point 2
    print "DrawMeas(): Line Points: p1=", p1, " & p2=", p2
    pm = midpoint(p1, p2)   # get midpoint coord
    # set ROI params from settings:
    ''' Using new method - used ip.drawLine instead of roi.draw, since roi.draw didn't always apply the line thickness.  Would be best to use the ROI method, in case other types of ROI's could be annotated.
    roi.setStrokeWidth( sets.linethickness )
    roi.setStrokeColor(  jColor(float(sets.linecolor[0]), float(sets.linecolor[1]), float(sets.linecolor[2]), float(sets.linecolor[3]))  )
    #roi.drawPixels( ip )   # draw along the ROI - only draws outline unfortunately
    ip.drawRoi(roi)     # draw the ROI on the image
    ip.setLineWidth(  int(sets.linethickness)  )      
    ip.setColor(  jColor(float(sets.linecolor[0]), float(sets.linecolor[1]), float(sets.linecolor[2]), float(sets.linecolor[3]))  )
    #ip.draw(roi)   # changed to ip.drawLine()
    ip.drawLine( int(roi.x1d),  int(roi.y1d), int(roi.x2d),  int(roi.y2d)  )

    '''Draw text annotation'''
    unit = imp.getCalibration().getUnit().encode('utf8')    # get the unit as UTF-8 (for \mu)
    print "Draw_Meas(): Unit (raw) = `", unit,"`", type(unit), 
    if unit[0] == u'\xc2': unit=unit[1:]  # strip weird char at start of \mu
    # format of measurement text (eg. 3 decimal points):
    lenstr = "%0.3f" % roi.getLength() + " %s" % (unit)  # string to print as length
    print "DrawMeas(): Line length= %s" % lenstr
    #print "x,y=", p2[0], p2[1]
    '''determine position of text from line coords, eg "bottom right" or "top left" etc.   '''
    # y-coord:
    if p2[1] > p1[1]:
        posstr = 'bottom'
        posstr = 'top'
    # x-coord:
    if p2[0] > p1[0]:
        posstr += ' right'
        posstr += ' left'
    drawText( lenstr, p2[0], p2[1], position=posstr  )
    imp.updateAndDraw()     #update the image
def run():
    '''This is the main function run when the plugin is called.'''

    #print dir(IJ)
    ip = IJ.getProcessor()

    imp = IJ.getImage()  # get the current Image, which is an ImagePlus object
    #print "imp=", type(imp), imp
    #print dir(imp)

    roi = imp.getRoi()  # get the drawn ROI
    #print "roi=", roi, roi.getClass()

    # check ROI type
    if roi == None:
        gd = GenericDialog("Draw Measurement - Line")
        gd.addMessage("Please draw a straight-line first!")
        #raise Exception(  "Please draw a line ROI first!" )
    if roi.getTypeAsString() != "Straight Line":
        gd = GenericDialog("Draw Measurement - Line")
        gd.addMessage("Please draw a straight-line first!")
        #raise Exception(  "Not a Line ROI!  (type="+roi.getTypeAsString()+")"  )

    # Add auto calibration from text file
    if sets.autoupdatecal:

        newcal = imp.getCalibration().copy(
        )  # make a copy of current calibration object

        if MC_DEBUG: print("Assume calibration is a custom function.")
        # call the class' `classObj.cal( ImagePlusObject )` function to get the scale value:
            calObject = sets.autoupdatecal_name
            calName = calObject.name
            newPixelPerUnit = calObject.cal(imp)
        except AttributeError:
            raise ValueError(
                'This calibration Name value is invalid, please check your Settings.py file!/n/tFor Calibration Number %i, got: `'
                % (CalIdx) + str(cal.names[CalIdx]) +
                '`. Expected a String or a Class instance with ".cal()" method, but got type '
                + str(type(cal.names[CalIdx])) + ' with no ".cal()" method.')
        #end try

        newUnit = calObject.unit
        newAspect = calObject.aspect_ratio

        newPixelWidth = 1. / newPixelPerUnit
        newPixelHeight = newPixelWidth * newAspect

        # the following translated from "Microscope_Scale.java":
        newcal.pixelWidth = newPixelWidth
        newcal.pixelHeight = newPixelHeight

        imp.setCalibration(newcal)  # set the new calibration
        imp.getWindow().repaint()  # refresh the image?

    # Added - add the measurement to the list...
    a = Analyzer(imp)

    # from ij.measure import ResultsTable
    # rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable()

    p1 = [int(roi.x1d), int(roi.y1d)]  # point 1 (x,y)
    p2 = [int(roi.x2d), int(roi.y2d)]  # point 2
    #print "DrawMeas(): Line Points: p1=", p1, " & p2=", p2
    pm = midpoint(p1, p2)  # get midpoint coord

    # set ROI params from settings:
    ''' Using new method - used ip.drawLine instead of roi.draw, since roi.draw didn't always apply the line thickness.  Would be best to use the ROI method, in case other types of ROI's could be annotated.
    roi.setStrokeWidth( sets.linethickness ) 
    roi.setStrokeColor(  jColor(float(sets.linecolor[0]), float(sets.linecolor[1]), float(sets.linecolor[2]), float(sets.linecolor[3]))  ) 
    #roi.drawPixels( ip )   # draw along the ROI - only draws outline unfortunately 
    ip.drawRoi(roi)     # draw the ROI on the image 

        jColor(float(sets.linecolor[0]), float(sets.linecolor[1]),
               float(sets.linecolor[2]), float(sets.linecolor[3])))

    #ip.draw(roi)   # changed to ip.drawLine()
    ip.drawLine(int(roi.x1d), int(roi.y1d), int(roi.x2d), int(roi.y2d))
    '''Draw text annotation'''
    unit = imp.getCalibration().getUnit().encode(
        'utf8')  # get the unit as UTF-8 (for \mu)
    #print "Draw_Meas(): Unit (raw) = `", unit,"`", type(unit),
    if unit[0] == u'\xc2': unit = unit[1:]  # strip weird char at start of \mu

    # format of measurement text (eg. 3 decimal points):
    lenstr = "%0.3f" % roi.getLength() + " %s" % (
        unit)  # string to print as length
    print "DrawMeas(): Line length= %s" % lenstr
    #print "x,y=", p2[0], p2[1]
    '''determine position of text from line coords, eg "bottom right" or "top left" etc.   '''
    # y-coord:
    if p2[1] > p1[1]:
        posstr = 'bottom'
        posstr = 'top'

    # x-coord:
    if p2[0] > p1[0]:
        posstr += ' right'
        posstr += ' left'

    drawText(lenstr, p2[0], p2[1], position=posstr)

    imp.updateAndDraw()  #update the image