Example #1
def while_statement_to_gast(node):
    Handle while statements in java to gast
    gast = {"type": "whileStatement"}
    gast["body"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.body)
    gast["test"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.condition)
    return gast
def bin_op_to_gast(node):
    Binops to gast for java 
    gast = {"type": "binOp"}
    gast["left"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.operandl.member)
    gast["op"] = node.operator
    gast["right"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.operandr)
    return gast
def aug_assign_to_gast(node):
    Handles augmented assignment in java but not the incrementor and decrementor operations
    gast = {"type": "augAssign"}
    gast["left"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.expressionl.member)
    gast["op"] = node.type
    gast["right"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.value)
    return gast
Example #4
def for_range_to_gast(node):
    Handle java range loops recursively using the router
    gast = {"type": "forRangeStatement"}
    gast["body"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.body)
    gast["init"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.control.init)
    gast["test"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.control.condition)
    gast["update"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.control.update[0])
    return gast
Example #5
def for_of_to_gast(node):
    Handle java for of loops that iterate over elements in an array, dictionary, etc.
    gast = {"type": "forOfStatement"}
    # TODO revaluate how we do variable assignment to account for this type of var assignment
    gast["init"] = java_router.node_to_gast(
    gast["body"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.body)
    gast["iter"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.control.iterable.member)
    return gast
Example #6
def if_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "if"}
    gast["body"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.then_statement)
    gast["test"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.condition)
    if node.else_statement == None:
        gast["orelse"] = []
    elif type(node.else_statement) == javalang.tree.IfStatement:
        gast["orelse"] = [java_router.node_to_gast(node.else_statement)]
        gast["orelse"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.else_statement)
    return gast
Example #7
def java_to_gast(java_input):
    Input will be wrapped in a class and main function if no functions are present
    If functions are present it will be wrapped in a class 
    If a class declaration is given an error will be thrown 
    class_main_wrapped = '''
    class Test {{
        public static void {wrapper}(String[] args) {{

    class_wrapped = '''
    class Test {{

    # try to compile java with both wrappers - if one compiles start to build ast
        # if input compiles without wrapper it includes a class which is unsupported
        input_ast = javalang.parse.parse(java_input)
        # throw an error since classes are not supported
        return None
            input_ast = javalang.parse.parse(class_main_wrapped)
                input_ast = javalang.parse.parse(class_wrapped)
                # this will signal to translate that error occurred
                return None
    return java_router.node_to_gast(input_ast)
def class_declaration_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "root"}
    If the method in class is main function only translate that method and ignore function header
    We are assuming user only wants body of function translated
    if type(node.body[0]) == javalang.tree.MethodDeclaration and node.body[
            0].name == java_constants.ARTIFICIAL_WRAPPER:
        functions with name artificial wrapper means you should only
        translate the body of that function not the function header 
        and body.   
        gast["body"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.body[0].body)
        gast["body"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
def node_list_to_gast_list(node):
    Takes list of nodes and converts to a 
    list of equivalent gast nodes
    gast_list = []
    for i in range(0, len(node)):
    return gast_list
def assign_to_gast(node):
    Handles java var declarations to generic AST node
    gast = {"type": "varAssign", "kind": "let"}
    gast["varValue"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.initializer)
    # var name stored as string but we don't want to return gast string node
    gast["varId"] = {"type": "name", "value": node.name}
    return gast
def member_reference_to_gast(node):
    Handles increment and decrement operators
    gast = {"type": "augAssign"}
    if len(node.postfix_operators) == 0:
        return {"type": "error", "value": "unsupported"}
    gast["left"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.member)
    gast["op"] = node.postfix_operators[0]
    return gast
def array_to_gast(node):
    Takes an array of java ast nodes and converts to gast array node
    gast = {"type": "arr"}
    gast_list = []
    for i in range(0, len(node)):

    gast["elements"] = gast_list
    return gast
def method_invocation_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "funcCall"}
    gast["args"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.arguments)

    #TODO: change logic and add support for functions called on objects
    if node.qualifier == "System.out" and node.member == "println":
        gast["value"] = {"type": "logStatement"}
        # function called on object
        if node.qualifier:
            object_list = (node.qualifier.split("."))
            gast["value"] = list_to_attribute_value_node(object_list)
            gast["value"] = {"type": "name", "value": node.member}
    return gast
def function_delcaration_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "functionDeclaration"}
    gast["params"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.parameters)
    gast["id"] = {"type": "name", "value": node.name}
    gast["body"] = java_router.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast