Example #1
def init_dataframe(args, input_file):
    """Initialize dataframe with data from input file; convert temperature and pressure to SI units"""
    header_rows = 4

    df, columns = common.load_dataframe('nsidc', input_file, header_rows)

    # Replace missing values with NaN
    df['wspd'].replace(999, np.nan, inplace=True)
    df['visby'].replace(999999, np.nan, inplace=True)
    df['ta'].replace(9999, np.nan, inplace=True)
    df['dpt'].replace(9999, np.nan, inplace=True)
    df['slp'].replace(99999, np.nan, inplace=True)

    factor10_vars = [
        'wspd', 'ta', 'dpt', 'slp'
    ]  # Input data has scaling factor of 10 for these variables
    df.loc[:, factor10_vars] /= 10  # Divide by 10 to get original values

    temperature_vars = ['ta', 'dpt']
    if not args.celsius:
               temperature_vars] += common.freezing_point_temp  # Convert units to Kelvin

    pressure_vars = ['slp']
    # Pressure already in hPa
    # if not args.mb:
    #    df.loc[:, pressure_vars] *= common.pascal_per_millibar  # Convert units to millibar/hPa

    df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), common.get_fillvalue(args))

    return df, temperature_vars, pressure_vars
Example #2
def init_dataframe(args, input_file, sub_type):
    """Initialize dataframe with data from input file; convert temperature and pressure to SI units"""
    check_na = -9999

    df, columns = common.load_dataframe(sub_type, input_file, 0)
    df.replace(check_na, np.nan, inplace=True)

    if sub_type == 'imau/ant':
        temperature_vars = ['temp_cnr1', 'ta',
                            'tsn1a', 'tsn2a', 'tsn3a', 'tsn4a', 'tsn5a',
                            'tsn1b', 'tsn2b', 'tsn3b', 'tsn4b', 'tsn5b',
        pressure_vars = ['pa']

    elif sub_type == 'imau/grl':
        temperature_vars = ['temp_cnr1', 'ta2', 'ta6',
                            'tsn1', 'tsn2', 'tsn3', 'tsn4', 'tsn5',
        pressure_vars = ['pa']

    if not args.celsius:
        df.loc[:, temperature_vars] += common.freezing_point_temp  # Convert units to Kelvin

    if not args.mb:
        df.loc[:, pressure_vars] *= common.pascal_per_millibar  # Convert units to millibar/hPa

    df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), common.get_fillvalue(args))

    return df, temperature_vars, pressure_vars
Example #3
def init_dataframe(args, input_file):
    """Initialize dataframe with data from input file; convert current, temperature and pressure to SI units"""
    convert_current = 1000
    check_na = -999

    with open(input_file) as stream:
        for line in stream:
            input_file_vars = [x.strip() for x in line.split(' ') if x]

    df, columns = common.load_dataframe('promice',
    df.replace(check_na, np.nan, inplace=True)

    temperature_vars = [
        'ta', 'ta_hygroclip', 'ts', 'tice1', 'tice2', 'tice3', 'tice4',
        'tice5', 'tice6', 'tice7', 'tice8', 'temp_logger'
    if not args.celsius:
               temperature_vars] += common.freezing_point_temp  # Convert units to Kelvin

    pressure_vars = ['pa']
    if not args.mb:
               pressure_vars] *= common.pascal_per_millibar  # Convert units to millibar/hPa

    df.loc[:, ['fan_current']] /= convert_current  # Convert units to Ampere

    df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), common.get_fillvalue(args))

    return df, temperature_vars, pressure_vars
Example #4
def init_dataframe(args, input_file):
    """Initialize dataframe with data from input file; convert temperature and speed to SI units"""
    knot_to_ms = 0.514444
    header_rows = 0
    with open(input_file) as stream:
        for line in stream:
            header_rows += 1
            if len(line.strip()) == 0:

    count = 0
    with open(input_file) as stream:
        for line in stream:
            if count == 0:
                stn_name = line.strip()
            if count == 1:
                country = line[12:].strip()
            if count == 2:
                parts = line.split(' ')
                lat = float(parts[1])
                lon = float(parts[3])
                height = float(parts[5].strip()[:-1])
            if count == 3:
                input_file_vars = [
                    x.split('(')[0].strip() for x in line[16:].split(',')
            if count == 4:
                check_na = int(line.strip().split(' ')[-1])
            if count == 5:
                institution = line[16:].strip().lstrip('the ')

            count += 1

            if count == 6:

    df, columns = common.load_dataframe('scar',
    df.replace(check_na, np.nan, inplace=True)

    temperature_vars = ['ta']
    if not args.celsius:
               temperature_vars] += common.freezing_point_temp  # Convert units to Kelvin

    pressure_vars = ['pa']
    if not args.mb:
               pressure_vars] *= common.pascal_per_millibar  # Convert units to millibar/hPa

    df.loc[:, 'wspd'] *= knot_to_ms  # Convert units to meter per second

    df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), common.get_fillvalue(args))

    return df, temperature_vars, pressure_vars, stn_name, lat, lon, height, country, institution
Example #5
def fill_dataset_quality_control(dataframe, dataset, input_file):
    """Create new separate quality control variables for each variable from qc1, qc9, qc17, qc25"""
    temp_df, columns = common.load_dataframe('gcnet', input_file, header_rows)

    keys = common.read_ordered_json('resources/gcnet/quality_control.json')
    for key, attributes in keys.items():
        # Check if qc variables are present in input file
        if key in columns:
            values = [list(map(int, i)) for i in zip(*map(str, dataframe[key]))]
            for attr, value in zip(attributes, values):
                dataset[attr] = 'time', value
Example #6
def get_station(args, input_file, stations):
    """Get latitude, longitude and name for each station"""
    df, columns = common.load_dataframe('gcnet', input_file, header_rows)
    station_number = df['station_number'][0]

    if 1 <= station_number <= 23:
        station = list(stations.values())[station_number]
    elif 30 <= station_number <= 32:
        name = 'gcnet_lar{}'.format(station_number - 29)
        station = stations[name]
        print('KeyError: {}'.format(df['station_number'][0]))
        print('HINT: This KeyError can occur when JAWS is asked to process station that is not in its database. '
              'Please inform the JAWS maintainers by opening an issue at https://github.com/jaws/jaws/issues.')

    lat, lon, stn_nm = common.parse_station(args, station)

    return lat, lon, stn_nm
Example #7
def init_dataframe(args, input_file):
    """Initialize dataframe with data from input file; convert temperature and pressure to SI units"""
    check_na = 999.0

    global header_rows
    header_rows = 0
    with open(input_file) as stream:
        for line in stream:
            header_rows += 1
            if len(line.strip()) == 0 :

    df, columns = common.load_dataframe('gcnet', input_file, header_rows)

    # Convert only if this column is present in input file
        df['qc25'] = df['qc25'].astype(str)  # To avoid 999 values marked as N/A
    except Exception:

    df.replace(check_na, np.nan, inplace=True)

    temperature_vars = [
        'ta_tc1', 'ta_tc2', 'ta_cs1', 'ta_cs2',
        'tsn1', 'tsn2', 'tsn3','tsn4', 'tsn5',
        'tsn6', 'tsn7', 'tsn8', 'tsn9', 'tsn10',
        'ta_max1', 'ta_max2', 'ta_min1','ta_min2', 'ref_temp']
    if not args.celsius:
        df.loc[:, temperature_vars] += common.freezing_point_temp  # Convert units to Kelvin

    pressure_vars = ['ps']
    if not args.mb:
        df.loc[:, pressure_vars] *= common.pascal_per_millibar  # Convert units to millibar/hPa

    df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), common.get_fillvalue(args))

        df['qc25'] = df['qc25'].astype(int)  # Convert it back to int
    except Exception:

    return df, temperature_vars, pressure_vars