Example #1
def fftfreq(n, d=1.0):
  if isinstance(n, (list, tuple)):
    raise ValueError(
          "The n argument of jax.numpy.fft.fftfreq only takes an int. "
          "Got n = %s." % list(n))

  elif isinstance(d, (list, tuple)):
    raise ValueError(
          "The d argument of jax.numpy.fft.fftfreq only takes a single value. "
          "Got d = %s." % list(d))

  k = jnp.zeros(n)
  if n % 2 == 0:
    # k[0: n // 2 - 1] = jnp.arange(0, n // 2 - 1)
    k = k.at[0: n // 2].set( jnp.arange(0, n // 2))

    # k[n // 2:] = jnp.arange(-n // 2, -1)
    k = k.at[n // 2:].set( jnp.arange(-n // 2, 0))

    # k[0: (n - 1) // 2] = jnp.arange(0, (n - 1) // 2)
    k = k.at[0: (n - 1) // 2 + 1].set(jnp.arange(0, (n - 1) // 2 + 1))

    # k[(n - 1) // 2 + 1:] = jnp.arange(-(n - 1) // 2, -1)
    k = k.at[(n - 1) // 2 + 1:].set(jnp.arange(-(n - 1) // 2, 0))

  return k / (d * n)
Example #2
    def body(k, state):
        pivot, perm, a = state
        m_idx = jnp.arange(m)
        n_idx = jnp.arange(n)

        if jnp.issubdtype(a.dtype, jnp.complexfloating):
            t = a[:, k]
            magnitude = jnp.abs(jnp.real(t)) + jnp.abs(jnp.imag(t))
            magnitude = jnp.abs(a[:, k])
        i = jnp.argmax(jnp.where(m_idx >= k, magnitude, -jnp.inf))
        pivot = ops.index_update(pivot, ops.index[k], i)

        a = ops.index_update(a, ops.index[[k, i], ], a[[i, k], ])

        perm = ops.index_update(perm, ops.index[[i, k], ], perm[[k, i], ])

        # a[k+1:, k] /= a[k, k], adapted for loop-invariant shapes
        x = a[k, k]
        a = ops.index_update(a, ops.index[:, k],
                             jnp.where(m_idx > k, a[:, k] / x, a[:, k]))

        # a[k+1:, k+1:] -= jnp.outer(a[k+1:, k], a[k, k+1:])
        a = a - jnp.where(
            (m_idx[:, None] > k) & (n_idx > k), jnp.outer(a[:, k], a[k, :]),
            jnp.array(0, dtype=a.dtype))
        return pivot, perm, a
Example #3
def setdiff1d(ar1, ar2, assume_unique=False, *, size=None, fill_value=None):
    _check_arraylike("setdiff1d", ar1, ar2)
    if size is None:
        ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar1,
                                     "The error arose in setdiff1d()")
        size = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, size,
                                      "The error arose in setdiff1d()")
    ar1 = asarray(ar1)
    fill_value = asarray(0 if fill_value is None else fill_value,
    if ar1.size == 0:
        return full_like(ar1, fill_value, shape=size or 0)
    if not assume_unique:
        ar1 = unique(ar1, size=size and ar1.size)
    mask = in1d(ar1, ar2, invert=True)
    if size is None:
        return ar1[mask]
        if not (assume_unique or size is None):
            # Set mask to zero at locations corresponding to unique() padding.
            n_unique = ar1.size + 1 - (ar1 == ar1[0]).sum()
            mask = where(arange(ar1.size) < n_unique, mask, False)
        return where(
            arange(size) < mask.sum(), ar1[where(mask, size=size)], fill_value)
Example #4
    def _update_T_Z(m, T, Z):
        mu = np_linalg.eigvals(lax.dynamic_slice(T, (m - 1, m - 1),
                                                 (2, 2))) - T[m, m]
        r = np_linalg.norm(jnp.array([mu[0], T[m, m - 1]])).astype(T.dtype)
        c = mu[0] / r
        s = T[m, m - 1] / r
        G = jnp.array([[c.conj(), s], [-s, c]], dtype=T.dtype)

        # T[m-1:m+1, m-1:] = G @ T[m-1:m+1, m-1:]
        T_rows = lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(T, m - 1, 2, axis=0)
        col_mask = jnp.arange(N) >= m - 1
        G_dot_T_zeroed_cols = G @ jnp.where(col_mask, T_rows, 0)
        T_rows_new = jnp.where(~col_mask, T_rows, G_dot_T_zeroed_cols)
        T = lax.dynamic_update_slice_in_dim(T, T_rows_new, m - 1, axis=0)

        # T[:m+1, m-1:m+1] = T[:m+1, m-1:m+1] @ G.conj().T
        T_cols = lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(T, m - 1, 2, axis=1)
        row_mask = jnp.arange(N)[:, jnp.newaxis] < m + 1
        T_zeroed_rows_dot_GH = jnp.where(row_mask, T_cols, 0) @ G.conj().T
        T_cols_new = jnp.where(~row_mask, T_cols, T_zeroed_rows_dot_GH)
        T = lax.dynamic_update_slice_in_dim(T, T_cols_new, m - 1, axis=1)

        # Z[:, m-1:m+1] = Z[:, m-1:m+1] @ G.conj().T
        Z_cols = lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(Z, m - 1, 2, axis=1)
        Z = lax.dynamic_update_slice_in_dim(Z,
                                            Z_cols @ G.conj().T,
                                            m - 1,
        return T, Z
Example #5
def polyder(p, m=1):
  _check_arraylike("polyder", p)
  m = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, m, "'m' argument of jnp.polyder")
  p, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(p)
  if m < 0:
    raise ValueError("Order of derivative must be positive")
  if m == 0:
    return p
  coeff = (arange(len(p), m, -1)[np.newaxis, :] - 1 - arange(m)[:, np.newaxis]).prod(0)
  return p[:-m] * coeff
Example #6
 def _inner_loop(i, p_F_minden):
   p, F, minden = p_F_minden
   j = i+p
   s = T[i-1, j-1] * (F[j-1, j-1] - F[i-1, i-1])
   T_row, T_col = T[i-1], T[:, j-1]
   F_row, F_col = F[i-1], F[:, j-1]
   ind = (jnp.arange(N) >= i) & (jnp.arange(N) < j-1)
   val = (jnp.where(ind, T_row, 0) @ jnp.where(ind, F_col, 0) -
           jnp.where(ind, F_row, 0) @ jnp.where(ind, T_col, 0))
   s = s + val
   den = T[j-1, j-1] - T[i-1, i-1]
   s = jnp.where(den != 0, s / den, s)
   F = F.at[i-1, j-1].set(s)
   minden = jnp.minimum(minden, jnp.abs(den))
   return p, F, minden
Example #7
File: signal.py Project: GJBoth/jax
def detrend(data, axis=-1, type='linear', bp=0, overwrite_data=None):
    if overwrite_data is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError("overwrite_data argument not implemented.")
    if type not in ['constant', 'linear']:
        raise ValueError("Trend type must be 'linear' or 'constant'.")
    data, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(jnp.asarray(data))
    if type == 'constant':
        return data - data.mean(axis, keepdims=True)
        N = data.shape[axis]
        # bp is static, so we use np operations to avoid pushing to device.
        bp = np.sort(np.unique(np.r_[0, bp, N]))
        if bp[0] < 0 or bp[-1] > N:
            raise ValueError(
                "Breakpoints must be non-negative and less than length of data along given axis."
        data = jnp.moveaxis(data, axis, 0)
        shape = data.shape
        data = data.reshape(N, -1)
        for m in range(len(bp) - 1):
            Npts = bp[m + 1] - bp[m]
            A = jnp.vstack([
                jnp.ones(Npts, dtype=data.dtype),
                jnp.arange(1, Npts + 1, dtype=data.dtype) / Npts
            sl = slice(bp[m], bp[m + 1])
            coef, *_ = linalg.lstsq(A, data[sl])
            data = data.at[sl].add(
                -jnp.matmul(A, coef, precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST))
        return jnp.moveaxis(data.reshape(shape), 0, axis)
Example #8
def _lu_blocked(a, block_size=128):
    """Blocked LU decomposition, as an unrolled loop."""
    m, n = a.shape
    r = min(m, n)
    pivot = jnp.zeros((r, ), dtype=jnp.int32)
    perm = jnp.arange(m, dtype=jnp.int32)
    for k in range(0, r, block_size):
        b = min(r - k, block_size)
        block_pivot, block_perm, lu_block = _lu_unblocked(a[k:, k:k + b])

        pivot = ops.index_update(pivot, ops.index[k:k + b], block_pivot + k)
        perm = ops.index_update(perm, ops.index[k:], perm[block_perm + k])
        a = ops.index_update(a, ops.index[k:, :], a[block_perm + k, :])
        a = ops.index_update(a, ops.index[k:, k:k + b], lu_block)

        if k + b < n:
            a = ops.index_update(
                a, ops.index[k:k + b, k + b:],
                triangular_solve(a[k:k + b, k:k + b],
                                 a[k:k + b, k + b:],
            a = ops.index_add(
                a, ops.index[k + b:, k + b:],
                -lax.dot(a[k + b:, k:k + b],
                         a[k:k + b, k + b:],
    return a, pivot, perm
Example #9
def polyint(p, m=1, k=None):
  m = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, m, "'m' argument of jnp.polyint")
  k = 0 if k is None else k
  _check_arraylike("polyint", p, k)
  p, k = _promote_dtypes_inexact(p, k)
  if m < 0:
    raise ValueError("Order of integral must be positive (see polyder)")
  k = atleast_1d(k)
  if len(k) == 1:
    k = full((m,), k[0])
  if k.shape != (m,):
    raise ValueError("k must be a scalar or a rank-1 array of length 1 or m.")
  if m == 0:
    return p
    coeff = maximum(1, arange(len(p) + m, 0, -1)[np.newaxis, :] - 1 - arange(m)[:, np.newaxis]).prod(0)
    return true_divide(concatenate((p, k)), coeff)
Example #10
def rfftfreq(n, d=1.0):
  if isinstance(n, (list, tuple)):
    raise ValueError(
          "The n argument of jax.numpy.fft.rfftfreq only takes an int. "
          "Got n = %s." % list(n))

  elif isinstance(d, (list, tuple)):
    raise ValueError(
          "The d argument of jax.numpy.fft.rfftfreq only takes a single value. "
          "Got d = %s." % list(d))

  if n % 2 == 0:
    k = jnp.arange(0, n // 2 + 1)

    k = jnp.arange(0, (n - 1) // 2 + 1)

  return k / (d * n)
Example #11
def _segment_update(name: str,
                    data: Array,
                    segment_ids: Array,
                    scatter_op: Callable,
                    num_segments: Optional[int] = None,
                    indices_are_sorted: bool = False,
                    unique_indices: bool = False,
                    bucket_size: Optional[int] = None,
                    reducer: Optional[Callable] = None,
                    mode: Optional[lax.GatherScatterMode] = None) -> Array:
    jnp._check_arraylike(name, data, segment_ids)
    mode = lax.GatherScatterMode.FILL_OR_DROP if mode is None else mode
    data = jnp.asarray(data)
    segment_ids = jnp.asarray(segment_ids)
    dtype = data.dtype
    if num_segments is None:
        num_segments = jnp.max(segment_ids) + 1
    num_segments = core.concrete_or_error(
        int, num_segments, "segment_sum() `num_segments` argument.")
    if num_segments is not None and num_segments < 0:
        raise ValueError("num_segments must be non-negative.")

    num_buckets = 1 if bucket_size is None \
                    else util.ceil_of_ratio(segment_ids.size, bucket_size)
    if num_buckets == 1:
        out = jnp.full((num_segments, ) + data.shape[1:],
                       _get_identity(scatter_op, dtype),
        return _scatter_update(out,

    # Bucketize indices and perform segment_update on each bucket to improve
    # numerical stability for operations like product and sum.
    assert reducer is not None
    out = jnp.full((num_buckets, num_segments) + data.shape[1:],
                   _get_identity(scatter_op, dtype),
    out = _scatter_update(
        np.index_exp[lax.div(jnp.arange(segment_ids.shape[0]), bucket_size),
                     segment_ids[None, :]],
    return reducer(out, axis=0).astype(dtype)
Example #12
def _roots_with_zeros(p, num_leading_zeros):
    # Avoid lapack errors when p is all zero
    p = _where(len(p) == num_leading_zeros, 1.0, p)
    # Roll any leading zeros to the end & compute the roots
    roots = _roots_no_zeros(roll(p, -num_leading_zeros))
    # Sort zero roots to the end.
    roots = lax.sort_key_val(roots == 0, roots)[1]
    # Set roots associated with num_leading_zeros to NaN
    return _where(
        arange(roots.size) < roots.size - num_leading_zeros, roots,
        complex(np.nan, np.nan))
Example #13
File: special.py Project: zizai/jax
def multigammaln(a, d):
  d = core.concrete_or_error(int, d, "d argument of multigammaln")
  a, d = _promote_args_inexact("multigammaln", a, d)

  constant = lax.mul(lax.mul(lax.mul(_constant_like(a, 0.25), d),
                             lax.sub(d, _constant_like(a, 1))),
                     lax.log(_constant_like(a, np.pi)))
  res = jnp.sum(gammaln(jnp.expand_dims(a, axis=-1) -
                        lax.div(jnp.arange(d), _constant_like(a, 2))),
  return res + constant
Example #14
def multigammaln(a, d):
    a, = _promote_args_inexact("multigammaln", a)
    d = lax.convert_element_type(d, lax.dtype(a))
    constant = lax.mul(
        lax.mul(lax.mul(_constant_like(a, 0.25), d),
                lax.sub(d, _constant_like(a, 1))),
        lax.log(_constant_like(a, np.pi)))
    res = jnp.sum(gammaln(
        jnp.expand_dims(a, axis=-1) -
        lax.div(jnp.arange(d), _constant_like(a, 2))),
    return res + constant
Example #15
def _make_1d_grid_from_slice(s: slice, op_name: str):
    start = core.concrete_or_error(None, s.start,
                                   f"slice start of jnp.{op_name}") or 0
    stop = core.concrete_or_error(None, s.stop, f"slice stop of jnp.{op_name}")
    step = core.concrete_or_error(None, s.step,
                                  f"slice step of jnp.{op_name}") or 1
    if np.iscomplex(step):
        newobj = linspace(start, stop, int(abs(step)))
        newobj = arange(start, stop, step)

    return newobj
Example #16
def _squaring(R, n_squarings):
  # squaring step to undo scaling
  def _squaring_precise(x):
    return _precise_dot(x, x)

  def _identity(x):
    return x

  def _scan_f(c, i):
    return lax.cond(i < n_squarings, _squaring_precise, _identity, c), None
  res, _ = lax.scan(_scan_f, R, jnp.arange(16))

  return res
Example #17
def multigammaln(a, d):
    d = core.concrete_or_error(int, d, "d argument of multigammaln")
    a, d_ = _promote_args_inexact("multigammaln", a, d)

    constant = lax.mul(
        lax.mul(lax.mul(lax._const(a, 0.25), d_),
                lax.sub(d_, lax._const(a, 1))), lax.log(lax._const(a, np.pi)))
    b = lax.div(jnp.arange(d, dtype=d_.dtype), lax._const(a, 2))
    res = jnp.sum(gammaln(
        jnp.expand_dims(a, axis=-1) -
        jnp.expand_dims(b, axis=tuple(range(a.ndim)))),
    return res + constant
Example #18
def _lu(a, permute_l):
    a = np_linalg._promote_arg_dtypes(jnp.asarray(a))
    lu, pivots, permutation = lax_linalg.lu(a)
    dtype = lax.dtype(a)
    m, n = jnp.shape(a)
    p = jnp.real(jnp.array(permutation == jnp.arange(m)[:, None], dtype=dtype))
    k = min(m, n)
    l = jnp.tril(lu, -1)[:, :k] + jnp.eye(m, k, dtype=dtype)
    u = jnp.triu(lu)[:k, :]
    if permute_l:
        return jnp.matmul(p, l), u
        return p, l, u
Example #19
def _lu(a, permute_l):
    a, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(jnp.asarray(a))
    lu, _, permutation = lax_linalg.lu(a)
    dtype = lax.dtype(a)
    m, n = jnp.shape(a)
    p = jnp.real(
        jnp.array(permutation[None, :] == jnp.arange(
            m, dtype=permutation.dtype)[:, None],
    k = min(m, n)
    l = jnp.tril(lu, -1)[:, :k] + jnp.eye(m, k, dtype=dtype)
    u = jnp.triu(lu)[:k, :]
    if permute_l:
        return jnp.matmul(p, l), u
        return p, l, u
Example #20
def _slogdet_lu(a):
    dtype = lax.dtype(a)
    lu, pivot, _ = lax_linalg.lu(a)
    diag = jnp.diagonal(lu, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)
    is_zero = jnp.any(diag == jnp.array(0, dtype=dtype), axis=-1)
    iota = lax.expand_dims(jnp.arange(a.shape[-1]), range(pivot.ndim - 1))
    parity = jnp.count_nonzero(pivot != iota, axis=-1)
    if jnp.iscomplexobj(a):
        sign = jnp.prod(diag / jnp.abs(diag), axis=-1)
        sign = jnp.array(1, dtype=dtype)
        parity = parity + jnp.count_nonzero(diag < 0, axis=-1)
    sign = jnp.where(is_zero, jnp.array(0, dtype=dtype),
                     sign * jnp.array(-2 * (parity % 2) + 1, dtype=dtype))
    logdet = jnp.where(is_zero, jnp.array(-jnp.inf, dtype=dtype),
                       jnp.sum(jnp.log(jnp.abs(diag)), axis=-1))
    return sign, jnp.real(logdet)
Example #21
def _sph_harm(m: jnp.ndarray, n: jnp.ndarray, theta: jnp.ndarray,
              phi: jnp.ndarray, n_max: int) -> jnp.ndarray:
    """Computes the spherical harmonics."""

    cos_colatitude = jnp.cos(phi)

    legendre = _gen_associated_legendre(n_max, cos_colatitude, True)
    legendre_val = legendre[abs(m), n, jnp.arange(len(n))]

    angle = abs(m) * theta
    vandermonde = lax.complex(jnp.cos(angle), jnp.sin(angle))
    harmonics = lax.complex(legendre_val * jnp.real(vandermonde),
                            legendre_val * jnp.imag(vandermonde))

    # Negative order.
    harmonics = jnp.where(m < 0, (-1.0)**abs(m) * jnp.conjugate(harmonics),

    return harmonics
Example #22
def _median_bias(n):
  Returns the bias of the median of a set of periodograms relative to
  the mean. See Appendix B from [1]_ for details.

   n : int
      Numbers of periodograms being averaged.

    bias : float
      Calculated bias.

  .. [1] B. Allen, W.G. Anderson, P.R. Brady, D.A. Brown, J.D.E. Creighton.
          "FINDCHIRP: an algorithm for detection of gravitational waves from
          inspiraling compact binaries", Physical Review D 85, 2012,
    ii_2 = jnp.arange(2., n, 2)
    return 1 + jnp.sum(1. / (ii_2 + 1) - 1. / ii_2)
Example #23
def slogdet(a):
    a = _promote_arg_dtypes(jnp.asarray(a))
    dtype = lax.dtype(a)
    a_shape = jnp.shape(a)
    if len(a_shape) < 2 or a_shape[-1] != a_shape[-2]:
        msg = "Argument to slogdet() must have shape [..., n, n], got {}"
        raise ValueError(msg.format(a_shape))
    lu, pivot, _ = lax_linalg.lu(a)
    diag = jnp.diagonal(lu, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)
    is_zero = jnp.any(diag == jnp.array(0, dtype=dtype), axis=-1)
    parity = jnp.count_nonzero(pivot != jnp.arange(a_shape[-1]), axis=-1)
    if jnp.iscomplexobj(a):
        sign = jnp.prod(diag / jnp.abs(diag), axis=-1)
        sign = jnp.array(1, dtype=dtype)
        parity = parity + jnp.count_nonzero(diag < 0, axis=-1)
    sign = jnp.where(is_zero, jnp.array(0, dtype=dtype),
                     sign * jnp.array(-2 * (parity % 2) + 1, dtype=dtype))
    logdet = jnp.where(is_zero, jnp.array(-jnp.inf, dtype=dtype),
                       jnp.sum(jnp.log(jnp.abs(diag)), axis=-1))
    return sign, jnp.real(logdet)
Example #24
def _lu_unblocked(a):
    """Unblocked LU decomposition, as a rolled loop."""
    m, n = a.shape

    def body(k, state):
        pivot, perm, a = state
        m_idx = jnp.arange(m)
        n_idx = jnp.arange(n)

        if jnp.issubdtype(a.dtype, jnp.complexfloating):
            t = a[:, k]
            magnitude = jnp.abs(jnp.real(t)) + jnp.abs(jnp.imag(t))
            magnitude = jnp.abs(a[:, k])
        i = jnp.argmax(jnp.where(m_idx >= k, magnitude, -jnp.inf))
        pivot = ops.index_update(pivot, ops.index[k], i)

        a = ops.index_update(a, ops.index[[k, i], ], a[[i, k], ])

        perm = ops.index_update(perm, ops.index[[i, k], ], perm[[k, i], ])

        # a[k+1:, k] /= a[k, k], adapted for loop-invariant shapes
        x = a[k, k]
        a = ops.index_update(a, ops.index[:, k],
                             jnp.where(m_idx > k, a[:, k] / x, a[:, k]))

        # a[k+1:, k+1:] -= jnp.outer(a[k+1:, k], a[k, k+1:])
        a = a - jnp.where(
            (m_idx[:, None] > k) & (n_idx > k), jnp.outer(a[:, k], a[k, :]),
            jnp.array(0, dtype=a.dtype))
        return pivot, perm, a

    pivot = jnp.zeros((min(m, n), ), dtype=jnp.int32)
    perm = jnp.arange(m, dtype=jnp.int32)
    if m == 0 and n == 0:
        # If the array is empty, the loop body never executes but tracing it to a
        # jaxpr fails because the indexing cannot succeed.
        return (pivot, perm, a)
    return lax.fori_loop(0, min(m, n), body, (pivot, perm, a))
Example #25
def _cofactor_solve(a, b):
    """Equivalent to det(a)*solve(a, b) for nonsingular mat.

  Intermediate function used for jvp and vjp of det.
  This function borrows heavily from jax.numpy.linalg.solve and
  jax.numpy.linalg.slogdet to compute the gradient of the determinant
  in a way that is well defined even for low rank matrices.

  This function handles two different cases:
  * rank(a) == n or n-1
  * rank(a) < n-1

  For rank n-1 matrices, the gradient of the determinant is a rank 1 matrix.
  Rather than computing det(a)*solve(a, b), which would return NaN, we work
  directly with the LU decomposition. If a = p @ l @ u, then
  det(a)*solve(a, b) =
  prod(diag(u)) * u^-1 @ l^-1 @ p^-1 b =
  prod(diag(u)) * triangular_solve(u, solve(p @ l, b))
  If a is rank n-1, then the lower right corner of u will be zero and the
  triangular_solve will fail.
  Let x = solve(p @ l, b) and y = det(a)*solve(a, b).
  Then y_{n}
  x_{n} / u_{nn} * prod_{i=1...n}(u_{ii}) =
  x_{n} * prod_{i=1...n-1}(u_{ii})
  So by replacing the lower-right corner of u with prod_{i=1...n-1}(u_{ii})^-1
  we can avoid the triangular_solve failing.
  To correctly compute the rest of y_{i} for i != n, we simply multiply
  x_{i} by det(a) for all i != n, which will be zero if rank(a) = n-1.

  For the second case, a check is done on the matrix to see if `solve`
  returns NaN or Inf, and gives a matrix of zeros as a result, as the
  gradient of the determinant of a matrix with rank less than n-1 is 0.
  This will still return the correct value for rank n-1 matrices, as the check
  is applied *after* the lower right corner of u has been updated.

    a: A square matrix or batch of matrices, possibly singular.
    b: A matrix, or batch of matrices of the same dimension as a.

    det(a) and cofactor(a)^T*b, aka adjugate(a)*b
    a = _promote_arg_dtypes(jnp.asarray(a))
    b = _promote_arg_dtypes(jnp.asarray(b))
    a_shape = jnp.shape(a)
    b_shape = jnp.shape(b)
    a_ndims = len(a_shape)
    if not (a_ndims >= 2 and a_shape[-1] == a_shape[-2]
            and b_shape[-2:] == a_shape[-2:]):
        msg = ("The arguments to _cofactor_solve must have shapes "
               "a=[..., m, m] and b=[..., m, m]; got a={} and b={}")
        raise ValueError(msg.format(a_shape, b_shape))
    if a_shape[-1] == 1:
        return a[..., 0, 0], b
    # lu contains u in the upper triangular matrix and l in the strict lower
    # triangular matrix.
    # The diagonal of l is set to ones without loss of generality.
    lu, pivots, permutation = lax_linalg.lu(a)
    dtype = lax.dtype(a)
    batch_dims = lax.broadcast_shapes(lu.shape[:-2], b.shape[:-2])
    x = jnp.broadcast_to(b, batch_dims + b.shape[-2:])
    lu = jnp.broadcast_to(lu, batch_dims + lu.shape[-2:])
    # Compute (partial) determinant, ignoring last diagonal of LU
    diag = jnp.diagonal(lu, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)
    parity = jnp.count_nonzero(pivots != jnp.arange(a_shape[-1]), axis=-1)
    sign = jnp.asarray(-2 * (parity % 2) + 1, dtype=dtype)
    # partial_det[:, -1] contains the full determinant and
    # partial_det[:, -2] contains det(u) / u_{nn}.
    partial_det = jnp.cumprod(diag, axis=-1) * sign[..., None]
    lu = lu.at[..., -1, -1].set(1.0 / partial_det[..., -2])
    permutation = jnp.broadcast_to(permutation, batch_dims + (a_shape[-1], ))
    iotas = jnp.ix_(*(lax.iota(jnp.int32, b) for b in batch_dims + (1, )))
    # filter out any matrices that are not full rank
    d = jnp.ones(x.shape[:-1], x.dtype)
    d = lax_linalg.triangular_solve(lu, d, left_side=True, lower=False)
    d = jnp.any(jnp.logical_or(jnp.isnan(d), jnp.isinf(d)), axis=-1)
    d = jnp.tile(d[..., None, None], d.ndim * (1, ) + x.shape[-2:])
    x = jnp.where(d, jnp.zeros_like(x), x)  # first filter
    x = x[iotas[:-1] + (permutation, slice(None))]
    x = lax_linalg.triangular_solve(lu,
    x = jnp.concatenate(
        (x[..., :-1, :] * partial_det[..., -1, None, None], x[..., -1:, :]),
    x = lax_linalg.triangular_solve(lu, x, left_side=True, lower=False)
    x = jnp.where(d, jnp.zeros_like(x), x)  # second filter

    return partial_det[..., -1], x
Example #26
def _process_axis_index(self, frame):
  return batching.BatchTracer(self, lax_numpy.arange(frame.size, dtype=np.int32), 0)
Example #27
def _gen_derivatives(p: jnp.ndarray, x: jnp.ndarray,
                     is_normalized: bool) -> jnp.ndarray:
    """Generates derivatives of associated Legendre functions of the first kind.

    p: The 3D array containing the values of associated Legendre functions; the
      dimensions are in the sequence of order (m), degree (l), and evalution
    x: A vector of type `float32` or `float64` containing the sampled points.
    is_normalized: True if the associated Legendre functions are normalized.
    The 3D array representing the derivatives of associated Legendre functions
    of the first kind.

    num_m, num_l, num_x = p.shape

    # p_{l-1}^m.
    p_m_lm1 = jnp.pad(p, ((0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 0)))[:, :num_l, :]

    # p_{l-1}^{m+2}.
    p_mp2_lm1 = jnp.pad(p_m_lm1, ((0, 2), (0, 0), (0, 0)))[2:num_m + 2, :, :]

    # p_{l-1}^{m-2}.
    p_mm2_lm1 = jnp.pad(p_m_lm1, ((2, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)))[:num_m, :, :]

    # Derivative computation requires negative orders.
    if is_normalized:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Negative orders for normalization is not implemented yet.')
        if num_l > 1:
            l_vec = jnp.arange(1, num_l - 1)
            p_p1 = p[1, 1:num_l - 1, :]
            coeff = -1.0 / ((l_vec + 1) * l_vec)
            update_p_p1 = jnp.einsum('i,ij->ij', coeff, p_p1)
            p_mm2_lm1 = p_mm2_lm1.at[ops.index[1, 2:num_l, :]].set(update_p_p1)

        if num_l > 2:
            l_vec = jnp.arange(2, num_l - 1)
            p_p2 = p[2, 2:num_l - 1, :]
            coeff = 1.0 / ((l_vec + 2) * (l_vec + 1) * l_vec)
            update_p_p2 = jnp.einsum('i,ij->ij', coeff, p_p2)
            p_mm2_lm1 = p_mm2_lm1.at[ops.index[0, 3:num_l, :]].set(update_p_p2)

    m_mat, l_mat = jnp.mgrid[:num_m, :num_l]

    coeff_zeros = jnp.zeros((num_m, num_l))
    upper_0_indices = jnp.triu_indices(num_m, 0, num_l)
    zero_vec = jnp.zeros((num_l, ))

    a0 = -0.5 / (m_mat - 1.0)
    a0_masked = coeff_zeros.at[upper_0_indices].set(a0[upper_0_indices])
    a0_masked = a0_masked.at[1, :].set(zero_vec)

    b0 = l_mat + m_mat
    c0 = a0 * (b0 - 2.0) * (b0 - 1.0)
    c0_masked = coeff_zeros.at[upper_0_indices].set(c0[upper_0_indices])
    c0_masked = c0_masked.at[1, :].set(zero_vec)

    # p_l^{m-1}.
    p_mm1_l = (jnp.einsum('ij,ijk->ijk', a0_masked, p_m_lm1) +
               jnp.einsum('ij,ijk->ijk', c0_masked, p_mm2_lm1))

    d0 = -0.5 / (m_mat + 1.0)
    d0_masked = coeff_zeros.at[upper_0_indices].set(d0[upper_0_indices])
    e0 = d0 * b0 * (b0 + 1.0)
    e0_masked = coeff_zeros.at[upper_0_indices].set(e0[upper_0_indices])

    # p_l^{m+1}.
    p_mp1_l = (jnp.einsum('ij,ijk->ijk', d0_masked, p_mp2_lm1) +
               jnp.einsum('ij,ijk->ijk', e0_masked, p_m_lm1))

    f0 = b0 * (l_mat - m_mat + 1.0) / 2.0
    f0_masked = coeff_zeros.at[upper_0_indices].set(f0[upper_0_indices])
    p_derivative = jnp.einsum('ij,ijk->ijk', f0_masked,
                              p_mm1_l) - 0.5 * p_mp1_l

    # Special treatment of the singularity at m = 1.
    if num_m > 1:
        l_vec = jnp.arange(num_l)
        g0 = jnp.einsum('i,ij->ij', (l_vec + 1) * l_vec, p[0, :, :])
        if num_l > 2:
            g0 = g0 - p[2, :, :]
        p_derivative_m0 = jnp.einsum('j,ij->ij', 0.5 / jnp.sqrt(1 - x * x), g0)
        p_derivative = p_derivative.at[1, :, :].set(p_derivative_m0)
        p_derivative = p_derivative.at[1, 0, :].set(jnp.zeros((num_x, )))

    return p_derivative
Example #28
def eigh_tridiagonal(d,
    if not eigvals_only:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Calculation of eigenvectors is not implemented")

    def _sturm(alpha, beta_sq, pivmin, alpha0_perturbation, x):
        """Implements the Sturm sequence recurrence."""
        n = alpha.shape[0]
        zeros = jnp.zeros(x.shape, dtype=jnp.int32)
        ones = jnp.ones(x.shape, dtype=jnp.int32)

        # The first step in the Sturm sequence recurrence
        # requires special care if x is equal to alpha[0].
        def sturm_step0():
            q = alpha[0] - x
            count = jnp.where(q < 0, ones, zeros)
            q = jnp.where(alpha[0] == x, alpha0_perturbation, q)
            return q, count

        # Subsequent steps all take this form:
        def sturm_step(i, q, count):
            q = alpha[i] - beta_sq[i - 1] / q - x
            count = jnp.where(q <= pivmin, count + 1, count)
            q = jnp.where(q <= pivmin, jnp.minimum(q, -pivmin), q)
            return q, count

        # The first step initializes q and count.
        q, count = sturm_step0()

        # Peel off ((n-1) % blocksize) steps from the main loop, so we can run
        # the bulk of the iterations unrolled by a factor of blocksize.
        blocksize = 16
        i = 1
        peel = (n - 1) % blocksize
        unroll_cnt = peel

        def unrolled_steps(args):
            start, q, count = args
            for j in range(unroll_cnt):
                q, count = sturm_step(start + j, q, count)
            return start + unroll_cnt, q, count

        i, q, count = unrolled_steps((i, q, count))

        # Run the remaining steps of the Sturm sequence using a partially
        # unrolled while loop.
        unroll_cnt = blocksize

        def cond(iqc):
            i, q, count = iqc
            return jnp.less(i, n)

        _, _, count = lax.while_loop(cond, unrolled_steps, (i, q, count))
        return count

    alpha = jnp.asarray(d)
    beta = jnp.asarray(e)
    supported_dtypes = (jnp.float32, jnp.float64, jnp.complex64,
    if alpha.dtype != beta.dtype:
        raise TypeError(
            "diagonal and off-diagonal values must have same dtype, "
            f"got {alpha.dtype} and {beta.dtype}")
    if alpha.dtype not in supported_dtypes or beta.dtype not in supported_dtypes:
        raise TypeError(
            "Only float32 and float64 inputs are supported as inputs "
            "to jax.scipy.linalg.eigh_tridiagonal, got "
            f"{alpha.dtype} and {beta.dtype}")
    n = alpha.shape[0]
    if n <= 1:
        return jnp.real(alpha)

    if jnp.issubdtype(alpha.dtype, jnp.complexfloating):
        alpha = jnp.real(alpha)
        beta_sq = jnp.real(beta * jnp.conj(beta))
        beta_abs = jnp.sqrt(beta_sq)
        beta_abs = jnp.abs(beta)
        beta_sq = jnp.square(beta)

    # Estimate the largest and smallest eigenvalues of T using the Gershgorin
    # circle theorem.
    off_diag_abs_row_sum = jnp.concatenate(
        [beta_abs[:1], beta_abs[:-1] + beta_abs[1:], beta_abs[-1:]], axis=0)
    lambda_est_max = jnp.amax(alpha + off_diag_abs_row_sum)
    lambda_est_min = jnp.amin(alpha - off_diag_abs_row_sum)
    # Upper bound on 2-norm of T.
    t_norm = jnp.maximum(jnp.abs(lambda_est_min), jnp.abs(lambda_est_max))

    # Compute the smallest allowed pivot in the Sturm sequence to avoid
    # overflow.
    finfo = np.finfo(alpha.dtype)
    one = np.ones([], dtype=alpha.dtype)
    safemin = np.maximum(one / finfo.max, (one + finfo.eps) * finfo.tiny)
    pivmin = safemin * jnp.maximum(1, jnp.amax(beta_sq))
    alpha0_perturbation = jnp.square(finfo.eps * beta_abs[0])
    abs_tol = finfo.eps * t_norm
    if tol is not None:
        abs_tol = jnp.maximum(tol, abs_tol)

    # In the worst case, when the absolute tolerance is eps*lambda_est_max and
    # lambda_est_max = -lambda_est_min, we have to take as many bisection steps
    # as there are bits in the mantissa plus 1.
    # The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.
    max_it = finfo.nmant + 1

    # Determine the indices of the desired eigenvalues, based on select and
    # select_range.
    if select == 'a':
        target_counts = jnp.arange(n, dtype=jnp.int32)
    elif select == 'i':
        if select_range[0] > select_range[1]:
            raise ValueError('Got empty index range in select_range.')
        target_counts = jnp.arange(select_range[0],
                                   select_range[1] + 1,
    elif select == 'v':
        # TODO(phawkins): requires dynamic shape support.
        raise NotImplementedError("eigh_tridiagonal(..., select='v') is not "
        raise ValueError("'select must have a value in {'a', 'i', 'v'}.")

    # Run binary search for all desired eigenvalues in parallel, starting from
    # the interval lightly wider than the estimated
    # [lambda_est_min, lambda_est_max].
    fudge = 2.1  # We widen starting interval the Gershgorin interval a bit.
    norm_slack = jnp.array(n, alpha.dtype) * fudge * finfo.eps * t_norm
    lower = lambda_est_min - norm_slack - 2 * fudge * pivmin
    upper = lambda_est_max + norm_slack + fudge * pivmin

    # Pre-broadcast the scalars used in the Sturm sequence for improved
    # performance.
    target_shape = jnp.shape(target_counts)
    lower = jnp.broadcast_to(lower, shape=target_shape)
    upper = jnp.broadcast_to(upper, shape=target_shape)
    mid = 0.5 * (upper + lower)
    pivmin = jnp.broadcast_to(pivmin, target_shape)
    alpha0_perturbation = jnp.broadcast_to(alpha0_perturbation, target_shape)

    # Start parallel binary searches.
    def cond(args):
        i, lower, _, upper = args
        return jnp.logical_and(jnp.less(i, max_it),
                               jnp.less(abs_tol, jnp.amax(upper - lower)))

    def body(args):
        i, lower, mid, upper = args
        counts = _sturm(alpha, beta_sq, pivmin, alpha0_perturbation, mid)
        lower = jnp.where(counts <= target_counts, mid, lower)
        upper = jnp.where(counts > target_counts, mid, upper)
        mid = 0.5 * (lower + upper)
        return i + 1, lower, mid, upper

    _, _, mid, _ = lax.while_loop(cond, body, (0, lower, mid, upper))
    return mid
Example #29
def _gen_associated_legendre(l_max: int, x: jnp.ndarray,
                             is_normalized: bool) -> jnp.ndarray:
    r"""Computes associated Legendre functions (ALFs) of the first kind.

  The ALFs of the first kind are used in spherical harmonics. The spherical
  harmonic of degree `l` and order `m` can be written as
  `Y_l^m(θ, φ) = N_l^m * P_l^m(cos(θ)) * exp(i m φ)`, where `N_l^m` is the
  normalization factor and θ and φ are the colatitude and longitude,
  repectively. `N_l^m` is chosen in the way that the spherical harmonics form
  a set of orthonormal basis function of L^2(S^2). For the computational
  efficiency of spherical harmonics transform, the normalization factor is
  used in the computation of the ALFs. In addition, normalizing `P_l^m`
  avoids overflow/underflow and achieves better numerical stability. Three
  recurrence relations are used in the computation.

    l_max: The maximum degree of the associated Legendre function. Both the
      degrees and orders are `[0, 1, 2, ..., l_max]`.
    x: A vector of type `float32`, `float64` containing the sampled points in
      spherical coordinates, at which the ALFs are computed; `x` is essentially
      `cos(θ)`. For the numerical integration used by the spherical harmonics
      transforms, `x` contains the quadrature points in the interval of
      `[-1, 1]`. There are several approaches to provide the quadrature points:
      Gauss-Legendre method (`scipy.special.roots_legendre`), Gauss-Chebyshev
      method (`scipy.special.roots_chebyu`), and Driscoll & Healy
      method (Driscoll, James R., and Dennis M. Healy. "Computing Fourier
      transforms and convolutions on the 2-sphere." Advances in applied
      mathematics 15, no. 2 (1994): 202-250.). The Gauss-Legendre quadrature
      points are nearly equal-spaced along θ and provide exact discrete
      orthogonality, (P^m)^T W P_m = I, where `T` represents the transpose
      operation, `W` is a diagonal matrix containing the quadrature weights,
      and `I` is the identity matrix. The Gauss-Chebyshev points are equally
      spaced, which only provide approximate discrete orthogonality. The
      Driscoll & Healy qudarture points are equally spaced and provide the
      exact discrete orthogonality. The number of sampling points is required to
      be twice as the number of frequency points (modes) in the Driscoll & Healy
      approach, which enables FFT and achieves a fast spherical harmonics
    is_normalized: True if the associated Legendre functions are normalized.
      With normalization, `N_l^m` is applied such that the spherical harmonics
      form a set of orthonormal basis functions of L^2(S^2).

    The 3D array of shape `(l_max + 1, l_max + 1, len(x))` containing the values
    of the ALFs at `x`; the dimensions in the sequence of order, degree, and
    evalution points.
    p = jnp.zeros((l_max + 1, l_max + 1, x.shape[0]))

    a_idx = jnp.arange(1, l_max + 1)
    b_idx = jnp.arange(l_max)
    if is_normalized:
        initial_value = 0.5 / jnp.sqrt(jnp.pi)  # The initial value p(0,0).
        f_a = jnp.cumprod(-1 * jnp.sqrt(1.0 + 0.5 / a_idx))
        f_b = jnp.sqrt(2.0 * b_idx + 3.0)
        initial_value = 1.0  # The initial value p(0,0).
        f_a = jnp.cumprod(1.0 - 2.0 * a_idx)
        f_b = 2.0 * b_idx + 1.0

    p = p.at[(0, 0)].set(initial_value)

    # Compute the diagonal entries p(l,l) with recurrence.
    y = jnp.cumprod(jnp.broadcast_to(jnp.sqrt(1.0 - x * x),
                                     (l_max, x.shape[0])),
    p_diag = initial_value * jnp.einsum('i,ij->ij', f_a, y)
    diag_indices = jnp.diag_indices(l_max + 1)
    p = p.at[(diag_indices[0][1:], diag_indices[1][1:])].set(p_diag)

    # Compute the off-diagonal entries with recurrence.
    p_offdiag = jnp.einsum('ij,ij->ij', jnp.einsum('i,j->ij', f_b, x),
    offdiag_indices = (diag_indices[0][:l_max], diag_indices[1][:l_max] + 1)
    p = p.at[offdiag_indices].set(p_offdiag)

    # Compute the remaining entries with recurrence.
    d0_mask_3d, d1_mask_3d = _gen_recurrence_mask(l_max,

    def body_fun(i, p_val):
        coeff_0 = d0_mask_3d[i]
        coeff_1 = d1_mask_3d[i]
        h = (jnp.einsum(
            'ij,ijk->ijk', coeff_0,
            jnp.einsum('ijk,k->ijk', jnp.roll(p_val, shift=1, axis=1), x)) -
             jnp.einsum('ij,ijk->ijk', coeff_1, jnp.roll(
                 p_val, shift=2, axis=1)))
        p_val = p_val + h
        return p_val

    if l_max > 1:
        p = lax.fori_loop(lower=2,
                          upper=l_max + 1,

    return p
Example #30
File: signal.py Project: GJBoth/jax
def _spectral_helper(x,
    """LAX-backend implementation of `scipy.signal._spectral_helper`.

  Unlike the original helper function, `y` can be None for explicitly
  indicating auto-spectral (non cross-spectral) computation.  In addition to
  this, `detrend` argument is renamed to `detrend_type` for avoiding internal
  name overlap.
    if mode not in ('psd', 'stft'):
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown value for mode {mode}, "
                         "must be one of: ('psd', 'stft')")

    def make_pad(mode, **kwargs):
        def pad(x, n, axis=-1):
            pad_width = [(0, 0) for unused_n in range(x.ndim)]
            pad_width[axis] = (n, n)
            return jnp.pad(x, pad_width, mode, **kwargs)

        return pad

    boundary_funcs = {
        'even': make_pad('reflect'),
        'odd': odd_ext,
        'constant': make_pad('edge'),
        'zeros': make_pad('constant', constant_values=0.0),
        None: lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x

    # Check/ normalize inputs
    if boundary not in boundary_funcs:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown boundary option '{boundary}', "
                         f"must be one of: {list(boundary_funcs.keys())}")

    axis = jax.core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, axis,
                                      "axis of windowed-FFT")
    axis = canonicalize_axis(axis, x.ndim)

    if nperseg is not None:  # if specified by user
        nperseg = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, nperseg,
                                             "nperseg of windowed-FFT")
        if nperseg < 1:
            raise ValueError('nperseg must be a positive integer')
    # parse window; if array like, then set nperseg = win.shape
    win, nperseg = signal_helper._triage_segments(window,

    if noverlap is None:
        noverlap = nperseg // 2
        noverlap = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, noverlap,
                                              "noverlap of windowed-FFT")
    if nfft is None:
        nfft = nperseg
        nfft = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, nfft, "nfft of windowed-FFT")

    _check_arraylike("_spectral_helper", x)
    x = jnp.asarray(x)

    if y is None:
        outdtype = jax.dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(
            np.result_type(x, np.complex64))
        _check_arraylike("_spectral_helper", y)
        y = jnp.asarray(y)
        outdtype = jax.dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(
            np.result_type(x, y, np.complex64))
        if mode != 'psd':
            raise ValueError(
                "two-argument mode is available only when mode=='psd'")
        if x.ndim != y.ndim:
            raise ValueError(
                "two-arguments must have the same rank ({x.ndim} vs {y.ndim})."

        # Check if we can broadcast the outer axes together
            outershape = jnp.broadcast_shapes(tuple_delete(x.shape, axis),
                                              tuple_delete(y.shape, axis))
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError('x and y cannot be broadcast together.') from e

    # Special cases for size == 0
    if y is None:
        if x.size == 0:
            return jnp.zeros(x.shape), jnp.zeros(x.shape), jnp.zeros(x.shape)
        if x.size == 0 or y.size == 0:
            outshape = tuple_insert(outershape,
                                    min([x.shape[axis], y.shape[axis]]), axis)
            emptyout = jnp.zeros(outshape)
            return emptyout, emptyout, emptyout

    # Move time-axis to the end
    if x.ndim > 1:
        if axis != -1:
            x = jnp.moveaxis(x, axis, -1)
            if y is not None and y.ndim > 1:
                y = jnp.moveaxis(y, axis, -1)

    # Check if x and y are the same length, zero-pad if necessary
    if y is not None:
        if x.shape[-1] != y.shape[-1]:
            if x.shape[-1] < y.shape[-1]:
                pad_shape = list(x.shape)
                pad_shape[-1] = y.shape[-1] - x.shape[-1]
                x = jnp.concatenate((x, jnp.zeros(pad_shape)), -1)
                pad_shape = list(y.shape)
                pad_shape[-1] = x.shape[-1] - y.shape[-1]
                y = jnp.concatenate((y, jnp.zeros(pad_shape)), -1)

    if nfft < nperseg:
        raise ValueError('nfft must be greater than or equal to nperseg.')
    if noverlap >= nperseg:
        raise ValueError('noverlap must be less than nperseg.')
    nstep = nperseg - noverlap

    # Apply paddings
    if boundary is not None:
        ext_func = boundary_funcs[boundary]
        x = ext_func(x, nperseg // 2, axis=-1)
        if y is not None:
            y = ext_func(y, nperseg // 2, axis=-1)

    if padded:
        # Pad to integer number of windowed segments
        # I.e make x.shape[-1] = nperseg + (nseg-1)*nstep, with integer nseg
        nadd = (-(x.shape[-1] - nperseg) % nstep) % nperseg
        zeros_shape = list(x.shape[:-1]) + [nadd]
        x = jnp.concatenate((x, jnp.zeros(zeros_shape)), axis=-1)
        if y is not None:
            zeros_shape = list(y.shape[:-1]) + [nadd]
            y = jnp.concatenate((y, jnp.zeros(zeros_shape)), axis=-1)

    # Handle detrending and window functions
    if not detrend_type:

        def detrend_func(d):
            return d
    elif not hasattr(detrend_type, '__call__'):

        def detrend_func(d):
            return detrend(d, type=detrend_type, axis=-1)
    elif axis != -1:
        # Wrap this function so that it receives a shape that it could
        # reasonably expect to receive.
        def detrend_func(d):
            d = jnp.moveaxis(d, axis, -1)
            d = detrend_type(d)
            return jnp.moveaxis(d, -1, axis)
        detrend_func = detrend_type

    if np.result_type(win, np.complex64) != outdtype:
        win = win.astype(outdtype)

    # Determine scale
    if scaling == 'density':
        scale = 1.0 / (fs * (win * win).sum())
    elif scaling == 'spectrum':
        scale = 1.0 / win.sum()**2
        raise ValueError(f'Unknown scaling: {scaling}')
    if mode == 'stft':
        scale = jnp.sqrt(scale)

    # Determine onesided/ two-sided
    if return_onesided:
        sides = 'onesided'
        if jnp.iscomplexobj(x) or jnp.iscomplexobj(y):
            sides = 'twosided'
            warnings.warn('Input data is complex, switching to '
        sides = 'twosided'

    if sides == 'twosided':
        freqs = jax.numpy.fft.fftfreq(nfft, 1 / fs)
    elif sides == 'onesided':
        freqs = jax.numpy.fft.rfftfreq(nfft, 1 / fs)

    # Perform the windowed FFTs
    result = _fft_helper(x, win, detrend_func, nperseg, noverlap, nfft, sides)

    if y is not None:
        # All the same operations on the y data
        result_y = _fft_helper(y, win, detrend_func, nperseg, noverlap, nfft,
        result = jnp.conjugate(result) * result_y
    elif mode == 'psd':
        result = jnp.conjugate(result) * result

    result *= scale

    if sides == 'onesided' and mode == 'psd':
        end = None if nfft % 2 else -1
        result = result.at[..., 1:end].mul(2)

    time = jnp.arange(nperseg / 2, x.shape[-1] - nperseg / 2 + 1,
                      nperseg - noverlap) / fs
    if boundary is not None:
        time -= (nperseg / 2) / fs

    result = result.astype(outdtype)

    # All imaginary parts are zero anyways
    if y is None and mode != 'stft':
        result = result.real

    # Move frequency axis back to axis where the data came from
    result = jnp.moveaxis(result, -1, axis)

    return freqs, time, result