Example #1
def compile_or_get_cached(backend, computation, compile_options):
  # Avoid import cycle between jax and jax.experimental
  from jax.experimental.compilation_cache import compilation_cache as cc

  if isinstance(computation, ir.Module):
    sym_name = computation.operation.attributes['sym_name']
    module_name = ir.StringAttr(sym_name).value
    computation = mlir.module_to_string(computation)
    module_name = computation.name()

  # Persistent compilation cache only implemented on TPU.
  # TODO(skye): add warning when initializing cache on unsupported default platform
  if cc.is_initialized() and backend.platform == 'tpu':
    cached_executable = cc.get_executable(computation, compile_options, backend)
    if cached_executable is not None:
      logging.info('Persistent compilation cache hit for %s.', module_name)
      return cached_executable
      compiled = backend_compile(backend, computation, compile_options)
      cc.put_executable(module_name, computation, compile_options, compiled,
      return compiled

  if FLAGS.jax_dump_ir_to:
    ir_str = (computation if isinstance(computation, str)
              else computation.as_hlo_text())
    _dump_ir_to_file(module_name, ir_str)
  return backend_compile(backend, computation, compile_options)
Example #2
 def hlo(self) -> xc.XlaComputation:
   if self.is_trivial():
     raise ValueError("A trivial computation has no HLO")
   if isinstance(self._hlo, xc.XlaComputation):
     return self._hlo
   return xe.mlir.mlir_module_to_xla_computation(
Example #3
def compile_or_get_cached(backend, computation, compile_options):
    # Avoid import cycle between jax and jax.experimental
    from jax.experimental.compilation_cache import compilation_cache as cc

    if isinstance(computation, ir.Module):
        sym_name = computation.operation.attributes['sym_name']
        module_name = ir.StringAttr(sym_name).value
        # Convert ir.Module to str representation (the default), unless the
        # back-end expliclity flags the ability to handle a module directly
        # (avoiding the overhead of back and forth conversions)
        if getattr(backend, "needs_str_ir", True):
            computation = mlir.module_to_string(computation)
        module_name = computation.name()

    # Persistent compilation cache only implemented on TPU.
    # TODO(skye): add warning when initializing cache on unsupported default platform
    if cc.is_initialized() and backend.platform == 'tpu':
        cached_executable = cc.get_executable(computation, compile_options,
        if cached_executable is not None:
            logging.info('Persistent compilation cache hit for %s.',
            return cached_executable
            compiled = backend_compile(backend, computation, compile_options)
            cc.put_executable(module_name, computation, compile_options,
                              compiled, backend)
            return compiled

    if FLAGS.jax_dump_ir_to:
        if isinstance(computation, xc.XlaComputation):
            ir_str = computation.as_hlo_text()
        elif isinstance(computation, ir.Module):
            ir_str = mlir.module_to_string(computation)
            assert isinstance(computation, str)
            ir_str = computation
        _dump_ir_to_file(module_name, ir_str)
    return backend_compile(backend, computation, compile_options)
Example #4
def _sharded_callable(
        fun: lu.WrappedFun, nparts: Optional[int],
        in_parts: Tuple[pxla.PartitionsOrReplicated, ...],
        out_parts_thunk: Callable[[], Tuple[pxla.PartitionsOrReplicated, ...]],
        local_in_parts: Optional[Tuple[pxla.PartitionsOrReplicated, ...]],
        local_out_parts_thunk: Callable[[], Optional[Tuple[
            ...]]], local_nparts: Optional[int], name: str, *abstract_args):
    nrep = 1

    if local_in_parts is None:
        local_in_parts = in_parts

    global_abstract_args = [
        pxla.get_global_aval(arg, parts,
                             lparts) for arg, parts, lparts in safe_zip(
                                 abstract_args, in_parts, local_in_parts)

    if logging.vlog_is_on(2):
        logging.vlog(2, "abstract_args: %s", abstract_args)
        logging.vlog(2, "global_abstract_args: %s", global_abstract_args)
        logging.vlog(2, "in_parts: %s", in_parts)
        logging.vlog(2, "local_in_parts: %s", local_in_parts)

    jaxpr, global_out_avals, consts = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_final(
        fun, global_abstract_args)

    platform = xb.get_backend().platform

    nparts = pxla.reconcile_num_partitions(jaxpr, nparts)
    assert nparts is not None
    if nparts > xb.device_count():
        raise ValueError(
            f"sharded_jit computation requires {nparts} devices, "
            f"but only {xb.device_count()} devices are available.")
    if xb.local_device_count() < nparts < xb.device_count():
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"sharded_jit across multiple hosts must use all available devices. "
            f"Got {nparts} out of {xb.device_count()} requested devices "
            f"(local device count: {xb.local_device_count()})")

    if local_nparts is None:
        if nparts > xb.local_device_count():
            raise ValueError(
                "Specify 'local_nparts' when using cross-process sharded_jit "
                "and all inputs and outputs are replicated.")
            local_nparts = nparts
    if local_nparts > xb.local_device_count():
        raise ValueError(
            f"sharded_jit computation requires {local_nparts} local devices, "
            f"but only {xb.local_device_count()} local devices are available.")

    if logging.vlog_is_on(2):
        logging.vlog(2, "nparts: %d  local_nparts: %d", nparts, local_nparts)

    out_parts = out_parts_thunk()

    local_out_parts = local_out_parts_thunk()
    if local_out_parts is None:
        local_out_parts = out_parts

    if logging.vlog_is_on(2):
        logging.vlog(2, "out_parts: %s", out_parts)
        logging.vlog(2, "local_out_parts: %s", local_out_parts)

    local_out_avals = [
        pxla.get_local_aval(out, parts,
                            lparts) for out, parts, lparts in safe_zip(
                                global_out_avals, out_parts, local_out_parts)

    log_priority = logging.WARNING if config.jax_log_compiles else logging.DEBUG
    logging.log(log_priority, "Compiling %s for %d devices with args %s.",
                fun.__name__, nparts, global_abstract_args)

    axis_env = xla.AxisEnv(nrep, (), ())
    unordered_effects = [
        eff for eff in jaxpr.effects if eff not in core.ordered_effects
    ordered_effects = [
        eff for eff in jaxpr.effects if eff in core.ordered_effects
    module, _ = mlir.lower_jaxpr_to_module(
        core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr, consts),
        name_stack=new_name_stack(wrap_name(name, "sharded_jit")),
        donated_args=[False] * len(in_parts),
        arg_shardings=safe_map(xla.sharding_to_proto, in_parts),
        result_shardings=safe_map(xla.sharding_to_proto, out_parts))
    built = xc._xla.mlir.mlir_module_to_xla_computation(
        mlir.module_to_string(module), use_tuple_args=False, return_tuple=True)

    if nparts <= xb.local_device_count():
        devices = xb.local_devices()[:nparts]
        assert nparts == xb.device_count()
        devices = xb.devices()
    device_assignment = np.array([[d for d in devices]])
    device_assignment = np.reshape(device_assignment, (-1, nparts))
    # device_assignment = None  # TODO(skye): replace with default device assignment?

    compiled = dispatch.backend_compile(
        xb.get_backend(), built,
        xb.get_compile_options(nrep, nparts, device_assignment))

    input_specs = [
        pxla.partitioned_sharding_spec(local_nparts, parts, aval)
        for parts, aval in zip(local_in_parts, abstract_args)
    input_indices = [
        pxla.spec_to_indices(aval.shape, spec) if spec is not None else None
        for aval, spec in zip(abstract_args, input_specs)

    handle_args = partial(pxla.shard_args, compiled.local_devices(),
    handle_outs = _avals_to_results_handler(
        local_nparts,  # type: ignore
    return partial(_execute_spatially_partitioned, compiled, handle_args,
Example #5
 def mhlo(self) -> str:
   if self.is_trivial():
     raise ValueError("A trivial computation has no MHLO")
   if isinstance(self._hlo, xc.XlaComputation):
     return xe.mlir.xla_computation_to_mlir_module(self._hlo)
   return mlir.module_to_string(self._hlo)