Example #1
 def compare(patch_y, patch_x):
     patch_center_y = patch_y + filter_radius
     patch_center_x = patch_x + filter_radius
     # Skip if patch is out of image boundaries or this is the center patch
     skip = lax.lt(patch_center_y, pad) | lax.ge(patch_center_y, _h +
                                                 pad) | lax.lt(patch_center_x, pad) | lax.ge(patch_center_x, _w+pad) | (lax.eq(patch_center_y, win_center_y) & lax.eq(patch_center_x, win_center_x))
     return lax.cond(skip, lambda _: (0., 0.), _compare, (patch_center_y, patch_center_x))
Example #2
 def cfun(x):
   return lax.cond(
       lax.lt(x, 2),
       x, lambda x: lax.mul(2, x),
       x, lambda x: lax.cond(lax.lt(x, 5),
                             x, lambda x: lax.mul(3, x),
                             4, lambda y: lax.mul(y, x)))
Example #3
def remainder(x1, x2):
    x1, x2 = _promote_args("remainder", x1, x2)
    zero = _constant_like(x1, 0)
    trunc_mod = lax.rem(x1, x2)
    trunc_mod_not_zero = lax.ne(trunc_mod, zero)
    do_plus = lax.bitwise_and(
        lax.ne(lax.lt(trunc_mod, zero), lax.lt(x2, zero)), trunc_mod_not_zero)
    return lax.select(do_plus, lax.add(trunc_mod, x2), trunc_mod)
Example #4
 def inner_cond(x):
   return lax.cond(
       lax.lt(x, 5),
       lambda x: lax.mul(3, x),
       lambda y: lax.mul(y, x),
Example #5
def logpmf(k, p, loc=0):
  k, p, loc = jnp._promote_args_inexact("bernoulli.logpmf", k, p, loc)
  zero = lax._const(k, 0)
  one = lax._const(k, 1)
  x = lax.sub(k, loc)
  log_probs = xlogy(x, p) + xlog1py(lax.sub(one, x), -p)
  return jnp.where(jnp.logical_or(lax.lt(x, zero), lax.gt(x, one)),
                  -jnp.inf, log_probs)
Example #6
def _abs_taylor_rule(x, series_in, **params):
  x, = x
  zero = lax.full_like(x, 0, shape=())
  primal_out = lax.abs_p.bind(x, **params)
  negs = lax.select(lax.lt(x, zero), lax.full_like(x, -1), lax.full_like(x, 1.0))
  fix_sign = lambda y: negs * y
  series_out = [fix_sign(*terms_in, **params) for terms_in in zip(*series_in)]
  return primal_out, series_out
Example #7
def logpdf(x, a, loc=0, scale=1):
    x, a, loc, scale = _promote_args_inexact("gamma.logpdf", x, a, loc, scale)
    one = _lax_const(x, 1)
    y = lax.div(lax.sub(x, loc), scale)
    log_linear_term = lax.sub(xlogy(lax.sub(a, one), y), y)
    shape_terms = lax.add(gammaln(a), lax.log(scale))
    log_probs = lax.sub(log_linear_term, shape_terms)
    return where(lax.lt(x, loc), -inf, log_probs)
Example #8
def logpdf(x, b, loc=0, scale=1):
    x, b, loc, scale = _promote_args_inexact("pareto.logpdf", x, b, loc, scale)
    one = _constant_like(x, 1)
    scaled_x = lax.div(lax.sub(x, loc), scale)
    normalize_term = lax.log(lax.div(scale, b))
    log_probs = lax.neg(
        lax.add(normalize_term, lax.mul(lax.add(b, one), lax.log(scaled_x))))
    return where(lax.lt(x, lax.add(loc, scale)), -inf, log_probs)
Example #9
def _wrap_between(x, _a):
    """Wraps `x` between `[-a, a]`."""
    a = _constant_like(x, _a)
    two_a = _constant_like(x, 2 * _a)
    zero = _constant_like(x, 0)
    rem = lax.rem(lax.add(x, a), two_a)
    rem = lax.select(lax.lt(rem, zero), lax.add(rem, two_a), rem)
    return lax.sub(rem, a)
Example #10
 def cfun(x):
   return lax.cond(
       lax.lt(x, 2),
       lambda x: x,
       lambda x: lax.cond(x < 5,
                          3, lambda x: x,
                          4, lambda y: y),
Example #11
def logpmf(k, n, a, b, loc=0):
    """JAX implementation of scipy.stats.betabinom.logpmf."""
    k, n, a, b, loc = _promote_args_inexact("betabinom.logpmf", k, n, a, b,
    y = lax.sub(lax.floor(k), loc)
    one = _lax_const(y, 1)
    zero = _lax_const(y, 0)
    combiln = lax.neg(
                betaln(lax.add(lax.sub(n, y), one), lax.add(y, one))))
    beta_lns = lax.sub(betaln(lax.add(y, a), lax.add(lax.sub(n, y), b)),
                       betaln(a, b))
    log_probs = lax.add(combiln, beta_lns)
    y_cond = logical_or(lax.lt(y, lax.neg(loc)), lax.gt(y, lax.sub(n, loc)))
    log_probs = where(y_cond, -inf, log_probs)
    n_a_b_cond = logical_or(logical_or(lax.lt(n, one), lax.lt(a, zero)),
                            lax.lt(b, zero))
    return where(n_a_b_cond, nan, log_probs)
Example #12
def _binomial(key, p, n, n_max, shape):
    p, n = promote_shapes(p, n)
    shape = shape or lax.broadcast_shapes(np.shape(p), np.shape(n))
    uniforms = random.uniform(key, shape + (n_max, ))
    n = np.expand_dims(n, axis=-1)
    p = np.expand_dims(p, axis=-1)
    mask = (np.arange(n_max) < n).astype(uniforms.dtype)
    p, uniforms = promote_shapes(p, uniforms)
    return np.sum(mask * lax.lt(uniforms, p), axis=-1, keepdims=False)
Example #13
def logpmf(k, n, p, loc=0):
    """JAX implementation of scipy.stats.nbinom.logpmf."""
    k, n, p, loc = _promote_args_inexact("nbinom.logpmf", k, n, p, loc)
    one = _lax_const(k, 1)
    y = lax.sub(k, loc)
    comb_term = lax.sub(lax.sub(gammaln(lax.add(y, n)), gammaln(n)),
                        gammaln(lax.add(y, one)))
    log_linear_term = lax.add(xlogy(n, p), xlogy(y, lax.sub(one, p)))
    log_probs = lax.add(comb_term, log_linear_term)
    return where(lax.lt(k, loc), -inf, log_probs)
Example #14
File: beta.py Project: 0x0is1/jax
def logpdf(x, a, b, loc=0, scale=1):
    x, a, b, loc, scale = _promote_args_inexact("beta.logpdf", x, a, b, loc,
    one = lax._const(x, 1)
    shape_term = lax.neg(betaln(a, b))
    y = lax.div(lax.sub(x, loc), scale)
    log_linear_term = lax.add(xlogy(lax.sub(a, one), y),
                              xlog1py(lax.sub(b, one), lax.neg(y)))
    log_probs = lax.sub(lax.add(shape_term, log_linear_term), lax.log(scale))
    return where(logical_or(lax.gt(x, lax.add(loc, scale)), lax.lt(x, loc)),
                 -inf, log_probs)
Example #15
    def cfun(x):
      def inner_cond(x):
        return lax.cond(
            lax.lt(x, 5),
            lambda x: lax.mul(3, x),
            lambda y: lax.mul(y, x),

      return lax.cond(lax.lt(x, 2), x, lambda x: lax.mul(2, x), x, inner_cond)
Example #16
def _ndtr(x):
    """Implements ndtr core logic."""
    dtype = lax.dtype(x).type
    half_sqrt_2 = dtype(0.5) * np.sqrt(2., dtype=dtype)
    w = x * half_sqrt_2
    z = lax.abs(w)
    y = lax.select(
        lax.lt(z, half_sqrt_2),
        dtype(1.) + lax.erf(w),
        lax.select(lax.gt(w, dtype(0.)),
                   dtype(2.) - lax.erfc(z), lax.erfc(z)))
    return dtype(0.5) * y
Example #17
def logpdf(x, df, loc=0, scale=1):
    x, df, loc, scale = _promote_args_inexact("chi2.logpdf", x, df, loc, scale)
    one = _constant_like(x, 1)
    two = _constant_like(x, 2)
    y = lax.div(lax.sub(x, loc), scale)
    df_on_two = lax.div(df, two)

    kernel = lax.sub(lax.mul(lax.sub(df_on_two, one), lax.log(y)), lax.div(y,two))

    nrml_cnst = lax.neg(lax.add(lax.lgamma(df_on_two),lax.div(lax.mul(lax.log(two), df),two)))

    log_probs = lax.add(lax.sub(nrml_cnst, lax.log(scale)), kernel)
    return where(lax.lt(x, loc), -inf, log_probs)
Example #18
def signbit(x):
    x, = _promote_args("signbit", x)
    dtype = dtypes.dtype(x)
    if dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
        return lax.lt(x, _constant_like(x, 0))
    elif dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.bool_):
        return lax.full_like(x, False, dtype=np.bool_)
    elif not dtypes.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
        raise ValueError("jax.numpy.signbit is not well defined for %s" %

    # TPU supports BF16 but not S16 types, so as a workaround, convert BF16 to
    # F32.
    if dtype == dtypes.bfloat16:
        dtype = np.float32
        x = lax.convert_element_type(x, np.float32)

    info = dtypes.finfo(dtype)
    if info.bits not in _INT_DTYPES:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "jax.numpy.signbit only supports 16, 32, and 64-bit types.")
    int_type = _INT_DTYPES[info.bits]
    x = lax.bitcast_convert_type(x, int_type)
    return lax.convert_element_type(x >> (info.nexp + info.nmant), np.bool_)
Example #19
def entr(x):
    x, = _promote_args_inexact("entr", x)
    return lax.select(lax.lt(x, _constant_like(x, 0)),
                      lax.full_like(x, -np.inf), lax.neg(xlogy(x, x)))
Example #20
def cdf(k, mu, loc=0):
    k, mu, loc = jnp._promote_args_inexact("poisson.logpmf", k, mu, loc)
    zero = jnp._constant_like(k, 0)
    x = lax.sub(k, loc)
    p = gammaincc(jnp.floor(1 + x), mu)
    return jnp.where(lax.lt(x, zero), zero, p)
Example #21
def logpmf(k, mu, loc=0):
    k, mu, loc = jnp._promote_args_inexact("poisson.logpmf", k, mu, loc)
    zero = jnp._constant_like(k, 0)
    x = lax.sub(k, loc)
    log_probs = xlogy(x, mu) - gammaln(x + 1) - mu
    return jnp.where(lax.lt(x, zero), -jnp.inf, log_probs)
Example #22
 def cond_fun(state):
     arr, num, i, _ = state
     return lax.bitwise_and(lax.lt(i, num), lax.lt(i, arr.shape[0]))
Example #23
 def loop_cond(state):
     pos, _ = state
     return lax.lt(pos, limit)
Example #24
 def cfun(x):
     return lax.cond(lax.lt(x, 3), x, lambda x: 5, x, lambda x: x)
Example #25
        def cfun(x):
            def false_fun(x):
                y = lax.mul(2, x)
                return y, lax.mul(2, y)

            return lax.cond(lax.lt(x, 3), x, lambda x: (x, x), x, false_fun)
Example #26
 def loop_cond(state):
   return lax.lt(state[0], 2)
Example #27
 def cfun(x):
     return lax.cond(lax.lt(x, 3), x, lambda x: (1, 2., 3.), x,
                     lambda x: (x, 2., 4.))
Example #28
 def cond_fun(carry):
     _n, x_last, x = carry
     converged = convergence_condition(a, x, x_last)
     not_exceeded = lax.lt(_n, max_iter)
     return np.logical_and(np.logical_not(converged), not_exceeded)
Example #29
 def cond_fun(state):
     num, i, _ = state
     return lax.lt(i, num)
Example #30
 def fun(x, y, z):
   pred = lax.lt(x, 3)
   true_fun = lambda y: y
   false_fun = lambda z: lax.neg(z)
   return lax.cond(pred, y, true_fun, z, false_fun)