Example #1
def _sw_angle_interaction(dR12,
                          cutoff=1.8 * 2.0951):
    """The angular interaction for the Stillinger-Weber potential.
  This function is defined only for interaction with a pair of
  neighbors. We then vmap this function three times below to make
  it work on the whole system of atoms.
    dR12: A d-dimensional vector that specifies the displacement
    of the first neighbor. This potential is usually used in three
    dR13: A d-dimensional vector that specifies the displacement
    of the second neighbor.
    gamma: A scalar used to fit the angle interaction.
    sigma: A scalar that sets the distance scale between neighbors.
    cutoff: The cutoff beyond which the interactions are not
    considered. The default value should not be changed for the 
    default SW potential.
    Angular interaction energy for one pair of neighbors.
    a = cutoff / sigma
    dr12 = space.distance(dR12)
    dr13 = space.distance(dR13)
    dr12 = np.where(dr12 < cutoff, dr12, 0)
    dr13 = np.where(dr13 < cutoff, dr13, 0)
    term1 = np.exp(gamma / (dr12 / sigma - a) + gamma / (dr13 / sigma - a))
    cos_angle = quantity.angle_between_two_vectors(dR12, dR13)
    term2 = (cos_angle + 1. / 3)**2
    within_cutoff = (dr12 > 0) & (dr13 > 0) & (np.linalg.norm(dR12 - dR13) >
    return np.where(within_cutoff, term1 * term2, 0)
Example #2
def single_pair_angular_symmetry_function(dR12, dR13, eta, lam, zeta,
    """Computes the angular symmetry function due to one pair of neighbors."""

    dR23 = dR12 - dR13
    dr12_2 = space.square_distance(dR12)
    dr13_2 = space.square_distance(dR13)
    dr23_2 = space.square_distance(dR23)
    dr12 = space.distance(dR12)
    dr13 = space.distance(dR13)
    dr23 = space.distance(dR23)
    triplet_squared_distances = dr12_2 + dr13_2 + dr23_2
    triplet_cutoff = reduce(
        lambda x, y: x * _behler_parrinello_cutoff_fn(y, cutoff_distance),
        [dr12, dr13, dr23], 1.0)
    result = 2.0 ** (1.0 - zeta) * (
        1.0 + lam * quantity.angle_between_two_vectors(dR12, dR13)) ** zeta * \
        np.exp(-eta * triplet_squared_distances) * triplet_cutoff
    return result