Example #1
def get_admin_url(instance, **kwargs):
    Return the admin URL for the given instance, model class or <app>/<model> string
    url = '#'


        if type(instance) == str:
            app_label, model_name = instance.lower().split('.')
            url = reverse('admin:{app_label}_{model_name}_changelist'.format(
                app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name))

        # Model class
        elif instance.__class__ == ModelBase:
            app_label, model_name = instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.model_name
            url = reverse("admin:{app_label}_{model_name}_changelist".format(
                app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name))

        # Model instance
        elif instance.__class__.__class__ == ModelBase and isinstance(
                instance, instance.__class__):
            app_label, model_name = instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.model_name
            url = reverse("admin:{app_label}_{model_name}_change".format(
                app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name),
                          args=(instance.pk, ))

    except NoReverseMatch:
            'Couldnt reverse url from {instance}'.format(instance=instance))

    if kwargs:
        url += '?{params}'.format(params=urlencode(kwargs))

    return url
Example #2
def get_admin_url(instance: Any,
                  admin_site: str = "admin",
                  from_app: bool = False,
                  **kwargs: str) -> str:
    Return the admin URL for the given instance, model class or <app>.<model> string
    url = "#"


        if type(instance) == str:
            app_label, model_name = instance.split(".")
            model_name = model_name.lower()
            url = reverse(
                    app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name),

        # Model class
        elif instance.__class__ == ModelBase:
            app_label, model_name = instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.model_name
            url = reverse(
                    app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name),

        # Model instance
        elif instance.__class__.__class__ == ModelBase and isinstance(
                instance, instance.__class__):
            app_label, model_name = instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.model_name
            url = reverse(
                    app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name),
                args=(instance.pk, ),

    except (NoReverseMatch, ValueError):
        # If we are not walking through the models within an app, let the user know this url cant be reversed
        if not from_app:
                gettext("Could not reverse url from {instance}".format(

    if kwargs:
        url += "?{params}".format(params=urlencode(kwargs))

    return url
Example #3
def get_admin_url(instance: Union[str, ModelBase],
                  admin_site: str = "admin",
                  **kwargs: str) -> str:
    Return the admin URL for the given instance, model class or <app>.<model> string
    url = "#"


        if type(instance) == str:
            app_label, model_name = instance.split(".")
            model_name = model_name.lower()
            url = reverse(
                    app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name),

        # Model class
        elif instance.__class__ == ModelBase:
            app_label, model_name = instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.model_name
            url = reverse(
                    app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name),

        # Model instance
        elif instance.__class__.__class__ == ModelBase and isinstance(
                instance, instance.__class__):
            app_label, model_name = instance._meta.app_label, instance._meta.model_name
            url = reverse(
                    app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name),
                args=(instance.pk, ),

    except (NoReverseMatch, ValueError):
            gettext("Could not reverse url from {instance}".format(

    if kwargs:
        url += "?{params}".format(params=urlencode(kwargs))

    return url
def test_password_change(admin_client):
    We can render the password change form, and successfully change our password
    url = reverse("admin:password_change")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert set(templates_used) == {

    response = admin_client.post(
        data={"old_password": "******", "new_password1": "PickleRick123!!", "new_password2": "PickleRick123!!"},
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert "Password change successful" in response.content.decode()
    assert set(templates_used) == {"registration/password_change_done.html", "admin/base.html", "admin/base_site.html"}
Example #5
def test_login(client, admin_user):
    We can render the login page
    url = reverse("admin:login")

    response = client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert templates_used == [

    response = client.post(
        url + "?next=/admin/",
            "username": admin_user.username,
            "password": "******"

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert "dashboard" in response.content.decode()
Example #6
def test_delete(admin_client, test_data):
    We can load the confirm delete page, and POST it, and it deletes our object
    poll = test_data[0]
    url = reverse('admin:polls_poll_delete', args=(poll.pk, ))

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        'admin/delete_confirmation.html': 1,
        'admin/base_site.html': 1,
        'admin/base.html': 1,
        'admin/includes/object_delete_summary.html': 1

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
        'admin/delete_confirmation.html', 'admin/base_site.html',
        'admin/base.html', 'admin/includes/object_delete_summary.html'

    response = admin_client.post(url, data={'post': 'yes'}, follow=True)

    # We deleted our object, and are now back on the changelist
    assert not Poll.objects.filter(id=poll.pk).exists()
    assert response.resolver_match.url_name == 'polls_poll_changelist'
def test_history(admin_client):
    We can render the object history page
    book = BookFactory()
    url = reverse("admin:books_book_history", args=(book.pk,))

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        "admin/object_history.html": 1,
        "admin/base.html": 1,
        "admin/base_site.html": 1,
        "jazzmin/includes/ui_builder_panel.html": 1,

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
Example #8
def test_detail(admin_client):
    We can render the detail view
    book = BookFactory()
    url = reverse("admin:books_book_change", args=(book.pk, ))

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        "django/forms/widgets/text.html": 6,
        "admin/widgets/foreign_key_raw_id.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/select_option.html": 19,
        "admin/edit_inline/stacked.html": 1,
        "admin/prepopulated_fields_js.html": 1,
        "jazzmin/includes/ui_builder_panel.html": 1,
        "admin/widgets/related_widget_wrapper.html": 3,
        "django/forms/widgets/textarea.html": 1,
        "admin/change_form_object_tools.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/date.html": 3,
        "admin/base.html": 1,
        "admin/includes/fieldset.html": 4,
        "django/forms/widgets/hidden.html": 6,
        "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html": 41,
        "admin/change_form.html": 1,
        "admin/base_site.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/select.html": 5,
        "jazzmin/includes/horizontal_tabs.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/input.html": 16,
        "admin/submit_line.html": 1,

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
def test_detail(admin_client, test_data):
    We can render the detail view
    url = reverse("admin:polls_poll_change", args=(test_data[0].pk, ))

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        "admin/base.html": 1,
        "admin/base_site.html": 1,
        "admin/change_form.html": 1,
        "admin/change_form_object_tools.html": 1,
        "admin/edit_inline/tabular.html": 1,
        "admin/includes/fieldset.html": 2,
        "admin/prepopulated_fields_js.html": 1,
        "admin/submit_line.html": 1,
        "admin/widgets/foreign_key_raw_id.html": 1,
        "admin/widgets/split_datetime.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html": 35,
        "django/forms/widgets/checkbox.html": 4,
        "django/forms/widgets/date.html": 2,
        "django/forms/widgets/hidden.html": 18,
        "django/forms/widgets/input.html": 34,
        "django/forms/widgets/multiwidget.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/splithiddendatetime.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/text.html": 7,
        "django/forms/widgets/textarea.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/time.html": 2,

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
def test_list(admin_client):
    We can render the list view

    url = reverse("admin:books_book_changelist")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        'admin/actions.html': 2,
        'admin/base.html': 1,
        'admin/base_site.html': 1,
        'admin/change_list.html': 1,
        'admin/change_list_object_tools.html': 1,
        'admin/change_list_results.html': 1,
        'admin/date_hierarchy.html': 1,
        'admin/pagination.html': 1,
        'admin/search_form.html': 1,
        'django/forms/widgets/attrs.html': 27,
        'django/forms/widgets/checkbox.html': 5,
        'django/forms/widgets/hidden.html': 11,
        'django/forms/widgets/input.html': 21,
        'django/forms/widgets/select.html': 2,
        'django/forms/widgets/select_option.html': 4,
        'django/forms/widgets/text.html': 5,
        'jazzmin/includes/ui_builder_panel.html': 1

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
def test_dashboard(admin_client):
    We can render the dashboard
    url = reverse("admin:index")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert templates_used == ["admin/index.html", "admin/base_site.html", "admin/base.html"]
def test_logout(admin_client):
    We can log out, and render the logout page
    url = reverse("admin:logout")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert templates_used == ["registration/logged_out.html"]
Example #13
def test_list(admin_client, test_data):
    We can render the list view
    url = reverse("admin:polls_poll_changelist")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        "admin/actions.html": 2,
        "admin/base.html": 1,
        "admin/base_site.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list_object_tools.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list_results.html": 1,
        "admin/date_hierarchy.html": 1,
        "admin/filter.html": 1,
        "admin/pagination.html": 1,
        "admin/search_form.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html": 18,
        "django/forms/widgets/checkbox.html": 4,
        "django/forms/widgets/hidden.html": 8,
        "django/forms/widgets/input.html": 12,
        "django/forms/widgets/select.html": 2,
        "django/forms/widgets/select_option.html": 4,
        "jazzmin/includes/ui_builder_panel.html": 1,

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
Example #14
def test_password_change(admin_client):
    We can render the password change form, and successfully change our password
    url = reverse("admin:password_change")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]
    expected_templates_used = {

    if django.VERSION[0] == 4:

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert set(templates_used) == expected_templates_used

    response = admin_client.post(
            "old_password": "******",
            "new_password1": "PickleRick123!!",
            "new_password2": "PickleRick123!!"
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert "Password change successful" in response.content.decode()
    assert set(templates_used) == {
Example #15
def get_custom_url(url):
    Take in a custom url, and try to reverse it
    if not url:
        logger.warning("No url supplied in custom link")
        return "#"

    if "/" in url:
        return url
        url = reverse(url.lower())
    except NoReverseMatch:
        logger.warning("Couldnt reverse {url}".format(url=url))
        url = "#" + url

    return url
Example #16
def get_custom_url(url):
    Take in a custom url, and try to reverse it
    if not url:
        logger.warning('No url supplied in custom link')
        return '#'

    if '/' in url:
        return url
        url = reverse(url)
    except NoReverseMatch:
        logger.warning('Couldnt reverse {url}'.format(url=url))
        url = '#' + url

    return url
Example #17
def get_custom_url(url: str, admin_site: str = "admin") -> str:
    Take in a custom url, and try to reverse it
    if not url:
        logger.warning("No url supplied in custom link")
        return "#"

    if "/" in url:
        return url
        url = reverse(url.lower(), current_app=admin_site)
    except NoReverseMatch:
        logger.warning("Couldnt reverse {url}".format(url=url))
        url = "#" + url

    return url
Example #18
def test_login(client, admin_user):
    We can render the login page
    url = reverse('admin:login')

    response = client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert templates_used == ['admin/login.html']

    response = client.post(url + '?next=/admin/',
                               'username': admin_user.username,
                               'password': '******'

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert 'dashboard' in response.content.decode()
Example #19
def test_password_change(admin_client):
    We can render the password change form, and successfully change our password
    url = reverse('admin:password_change')

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert set(templates_used) == {

    response = admin_client.post(url,
                                     'old_password': '******',
                                     'new_password1': 'PickleRick123!!',
                                     'new_password2': 'PickleRick123!!'
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert 'Password change successful' in response.content.decode()
    assert set(templates_used) == {
        'registration/password_change_done.html', 'admin/base.html',
def test_delete(admin_client):
    We can load the confirm delete page, and POST it, and it deletes our object
    book = BookFactory()
    url = reverse("admin:books_book_delete", args=(book.pk,))

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        "admin/delete_confirmation.html": 1,
        "admin/base_site.html": 1,
        "admin/base.html": 1,
        "admin/includes/object_delete_summary.html": 1,
        "jazzmin/includes/ui_builder_panel.html": 1,

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {

    response = admin_client.post(url, data={"post": "yes"}, follow=True)

    # We deleted our object, and are now back on the changelist
    assert not Book.objects.all().exists()
    assert response.resolver_match.url_name == "books_book_changelist"
Example #21
def test_history(admin_client, test_data):
    We can render the object history page
    poll = test_data[0]
    url = reverse('admin:polls_poll_history', args=(poll.pk, ))

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        'admin/object_history.html': 1,
        'admin/base.html': 1,
        'admin/base_site.html': 1

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
        'admin/object_history.html', 'admin/base.html', 'admin/base_site.html'
Example #22
def test_list(admin_client):
    We can render the list view

    url = reverse("admin:books_book_changelist")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == {
        "admin/filter.html": 2,
        "admin/base.html": 1,
        "admin/base_site.html": 1,
        "admin/date_hierarchy.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list_object_tools.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list_results.html": 1,
        "admin/pagination.html": 1,
        "admin/search_form.html": 1,
        "admin/actions.html": 2,
        "admin/import_export/change_list.html": 1,
        "admin/import_export/change_list_export_item.html": 1,
        "admin/import_export/change_list_import_export.html": 1,
        "admin/import_export/change_list_import_item.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/checkbox.html": 5,
        "django/forms/widgets/text.html": 5,
        "django/forms/widgets/select_option.html": 4,
        "django/forms/widgets/select.html": 2,
        "django/forms/widgets/input.html": 28,
        "django/forms/widgets/hidden.html": 11,
        "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html": 34,
        "jazzmin/includes/ui_builder_panel.html": 1,
        "admin/filter_numeric_range.html": 1,
        "admin/filter_numeric_single.html": 1,
        "admin/filter_numeric_slider.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/date.html": 2,
        "django/forms/widgets/number.html": 5,
        "rangefilter/date_filter.html": 1,

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == {
Example #23
def test_list(admin_client):
    We can render the list view

    url = reverse("admin:books_book_changelist")

    response = admin_client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    render_counts = {x: templates_used.count(x) for x in set(templates_used)}

    expected_render_counts = {
        "admin/actions.html": 2,
        "admin/base.html": 1,
        "admin/base_site.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list_object_tools.html": 1,
        "admin/change_list_results.html": 1,
        "admin/date_hierarchy.html": 1,
        "admin/pagination.html": 1,
        "admin/search_form.html": 1,
        "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html": 27,
        "django/forms/widgets/checkbox.html": 5,
        "django/forms/widgets/hidden.html": 11,
        "django/forms/widgets/input.html": 21,
        "django/forms/widgets/select.html": 2,
        "django/forms/widgets/select_option.html": 4,
        "django/forms/widgets/text.html": 5,
        "jazzmin/includes/ui_builder_panel.html": 1,

    if django.VERSION[0] == 4:
            "django/forms/default.html": 1,
            "django/forms/errors/list/default.html": 5,
            "django/forms/errors/list/ul.html": 5,
            "django/forms/table.html": 1,

    # The number of times each template was rendered
    assert render_counts == expected_render_counts

    expected_templates = {

    if django.VERSION[0] == 4:

    # The templates that were used
    assert set(templates_used) == expected_templates
Example #24
def test_reset_password(client, admin_user):
    We can render the password reset views
    # Step 1: Password reset form
    url = reverse("admin_password_reset")

    response = client.get(url)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert templates_used == [

    # Step 2: Password reset done
    response = client.post(
        data={"email": admin_user.email},
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.resolver_match.url_name == "password_reset_done"
    assert templates_used == [
    assert "We’ve emailed you instructions for setting your password" in response.content.decode(

    # Get password reset link from reset email
    email = django.core.mail.outbox[0]
    url = re.search(r"https?://[^/]*(/.*reset/\S*)", email.body).group(1)

    # Step 3: Password reset confirm
    response = client.get(url, follow=True)
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.resolver_match.url_name == "password_reset_confirm"
    assert templates_used == [

    # Step 4: Password reset complete
    response = client.post(
            "username": admin_user.username,
            "new_password1": "new_password",
            "new_password2": "new_password"
    templates_used = [t.name for t in response.templates]

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.resolver_match.url_name == "password_reset_complete"
    assert templates_used == [
    assert "Your password has been set." in response.content.decode()