Example #1
    def test_back_conversion(self):
		Creates a tonal space path, converts it to state labels and converts 
		it back again. This should produce the original path if all goes 
		Note that the result of the back conversion will always have the 
		path shifted so it starts as close as possible to the origin. This is 
		correct behaviour: the state labels don't encode the enharmonic 
		block that the path starts in and it is merely by convention that we 
		assume the start point.
		Each path-chord sequence pair also gives the expected output, which 
		may differ from the original path only in this respect.
		@todo: update this test
		# Just return for now: I've not had a chance to update this
		# lf_chords_to_states no longer exists
		self.longMessage = True
		# Run the test on a whole set of paths
		for (coords,chords,output) in self.PATHS:
			# Build a CoordinateList for the path
			ens = [EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord((x,y)) for (x,y,fun) in coords]
			pcs = [PathCoordinate.from_enharmonic_coord(en) for en in ens]
			time = 0
			for pc,(__,__,fun) in zip(pcs,coords):
				pc.function = fun
				pc.duration = 1
				pc.time = time
				time += 1
			path = Semantics(CoordinateList(items=pcs))
			# Build the list of chords
			chords = [Chord.from_name(crd).to_db_mirror() for crd in chords]
			for chord in chords:
				chord.duration = 1
			# Try converting it to states
			states = lf_chords_to_states(path, chords)
			# Now try converting it back
			back = states_chords_to_lf(zip(states,chords))
			# Check that we got the same coordinates out
			in_coords = [(x,y) for (x,y,fun) in output]
			in_funs = [fun for (x,y,fun) in output]
			out_coords = [point.harmonic_coord for point in back.lf]
			out_funs = [point.function for point in back.lf]
			self.assertEqual(in_coords, out_coords, msg="coordinates converted to states and back produced something different.\nState labels:\n%s" % (states))
			self.assertEqual(in_funs, out_funs, msg="coordinates converted to states and back produced different functions.\nState labels:\n%s" % (states))
Example #2
 def test_nearest(self):
     This is a particularly difficult bit of EnharmonicCoordinate's 
     behaviour to get right, so it's worth testing a good few examples to 
     make sure it's behaving right.
     self.longMessage = False
     # Define some test pairs and the expected result
     TESTS = [
         # Tuples: base coord, coord to be shifted, expected result
         # Some that shouldn't be shifted
         ((0,0),   (0,0),   (0,0)),
         ((0,0),   (2,0),   (2,0)),
         ((0,0),   (-2,0),  (-2,0)),
         ((0,0),   (1,1),   (1,1)),
         # Some that should
         ((0,0),   (2,2),   (-2,0)),
         ((0,0),   (-2,-2), (2,0)),
     for base,candidate,correct in TESTS:
         # Build enharmonic coords
         base_crd = EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord(base)
         candidate_crd = EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord(candidate)
         # Try running nearest on these
         result_crd = base_crd.nearest(candidate_crd)
         result = result_crd.harmonic_coord
         # Check it came out right
         self.assertEqual(result, correct, msg="nearest instance of %s "\
             "[%s] to %s should have been %s, got %s" % \
Example #3
def vector(p0, p1):
    Vector from p0 to p1, where the ps are points represented as they are 
    internally in the model: (X,Y,x,y). (x,y) defines the point in the local 
    (enharmonic) space and is that closest to the previous point when 
    (X,Y) = (0,0). (X,Y) defines a shift of enharmonic space.
    # We don't care about X0 and Y0
    X0, Y0, x0, y0 = p0
    X1, Y1, x1, y1 = p1
    # Get the basic vector, assuming (X1,Y1)=(0,0)
    nearest = EnharmonicCoordinate((x0, y0)).nearest((x1, y1))
    # Shift this according to X1 and Y1
    nearest.X += X1
    nearest.Y += Y1
    newx, newy = nearest.harmonic_coord
    return (newx - x0, newy - y0)
Example #4
    def test_back_conversion(self):
		Creates a tonal space path, converts it to state labels and converts 
		it back again. This should produce the original path if all goes 
		Note that the result of the back conversion will always have the 
		path shifted so it starts as close as possible to the origin. This is 
		correct behaviour: the state labels don't encode the enharmonic 
		block that the path starts in and it is merely by convention that we 
		assume the start point.
		Each path-chord sequence pair also gives the expected output, which 
		may differ from the original path only in this respect.
		@todo: update this test
        # Just return for now: I've not had a chance to update this
        # lf_chords_to_states no longer exists
        self.longMessage = True
        # Run the test on a whole set of paths
        for (coords, chords, output) in self.PATHS:
            # Build a CoordinateList for the path
            ens = [
                EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord((x, y))
                for (x, y, fun) in coords
            pcs = [PathCoordinate.from_enharmonic_coord(en) for en in ens]
            time = 0
            for pc, (__, __, fun) in zip(pcs, coords):
                pc.function = fun
                pc.duration = 1
                pc.time = time
                time += 1
            path = Semantics(CoordinateList(items=pcs))
            # Build the list of chords
            chords = [Chord.from_name(crd).to_db_mirror() for crd in chords]
            for chord in chords:
                chord.duration = 1
            # Try converting it to states
            states = lf_chords_to_states(path, chords)
            # Now try converting it back
            back = states_chords_to_lf(zip(states, chords))

            # Check that we got the same coordinates out
            in_coords = [(x, y) for (x, y, fun) in output]
            in_funs = [fun for (x, y, fun) in output]
            out_coords = [point.harmonic_coord for point in back.lf]
            out_funs = [point.function for point in back.lf]

                "coordinates converted to states and back produced something different.\nState labels:\n%s"
                % (states))
                "coordinates converted to states and back produced different functions.\nState labels:\n%s"
                % (states))
Example #5
    def train(data,
        Initializes and trains an HMM in a supervised fashion using the given 
        training data. Training data should be chord sequence data (input 
        type C{bulk-db} or C{bulk-db-annotated}).
        # Prepare a dummy logger if none was given
        if logger is None:
            logger = create_dummy_logger()
        logger.info(">>> Beginning training of ngram backoff model")

        training_data = []
        # Generate the gold standard data by parsing the annotations
        for dbinput in data:
            # Get a gold standard tonal space sequence
                parses = parse_sequence_with_annotations(dbinput, grammar, \
            except ParseError, err:
                # Just skip this sequence
                logger.error('Could not get a GS parse of %s: %s' %
                             (dbinput, err))
            # There should only be one of these now
            parse = parses[0]
            if parse is None:
                logger.error('Could not get a GS parse of %s' % (dbinput))

            # Get the form of the analysis we need for the training
            if chord_map is None:
                chords = [(c.root, c.type) for c in dbinput.chords]
                chords = [(c.root, chord_map[c.type]) for c in dbinput.chords]

            points, times = zip(
            # Run through the sequence, transforming absolute points into
            #  the condensed relative representation
            ec0 = EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord(points[0])
            # The first point is relative to the origin and always in the
            #  (0,0) enharmonic space
            rel_points = [(0, 0, ec0.x, ec0.y)]
            for point in points[1:]:
                ec1 = EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord(point)
                # Find the nearest enharmonic instance of this point to the last
                nearest = ec0.nearest((ec1.x, ec1.y))
                # Work out how much we have to shift this by to get the point
                dX = ec1.X - nearest.X
                dY = ec1.Y - nearest.Y
                rel_points.append((dX, dY, ec1.x, ec1.y))
                ec0 = ec1
            funs, times = zip(

            ### Synchronize the chords with the points and functions
            # We may need to repeat chords to match up with analysis
            #  points that span multiple chords
            analysis = iter(zip(rel_points, funs, times))
            rel_point, fun, __ = analysis.next()
            next_rel_point, next_fun, next_anal_time = analysis.next()
            # Keep track of how much time has elapsed
            time = 0
            training_seq = []
            reached_end = False
            for crd_pair, chord in zip(chords, dbinput.chords):
                if time >= next_anal_time and not reached_end:
                    # Move on to the next analysis point
                    rel_point, fun = next_rel_point, next_fun
                        next_rel_point, next_fun, next_anal_time = analysis.next(
                    except StopIteration:
                        # No more points: keep using the same to the end
                        reached_end = True
                training_seq.append((crd_pair, (rel_point, fun)))
                time += chord.duration
Example #6
 def train(data, estimator, grammar, cutoff=0, logger=None, 
             chord_map=None, order=2, backoff_orders=0, backoff_kwargs={}):
     Initializes and trains an HMM in a supervised fashion using the given 
     training data. Training data should be chord sequence data (input 
     type C{bulk-db} or C{bulk-db-annotated}).
     # Prepare a dummy logger if none was given
     if logger is None:
         logger = create_dummy_logger()
     logger.info(">>> Beginning training of ngram backoff model")
     training_data = []
     # Generate the gold standard data by parsing the annotations
     for dbinput in data:
         # Get a gold standard tonal space sequence
             parses = parse_sequence_with_annotations(dbinput, grammar, \
         except ParseError, err:
             # Just skip this sequence
             logger.error('Could not get a GS parse of %s: %s' % (dbinput,err))
         # There should only be one of these now
         parse = parses[0]
         if parse is None:
             logger.error('Could not get a GS parse of %s' % (dbinput))
         # Get the form of the analysis we need for the training
         if chord_map is None:
             chords = [(c.root, c.type) for c in dbinput.chords]
             chords = [(c.root, chord_map[c.type]) for c in dbinput.chords]
         points,times = zip(*grammar.formalism.semantics_to_coordinates(
         # Run through the sequence, transforming absolute points into 
         #  the condensed relative representation
         ec0 = EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord(points[0])
         # The first point is relative to the origin and always in the 
         #  (0,0) enharmonic space
         rel_points = [(0,0,ec0.x,ec0.y)]
         for point in points[1:]:
             ec1 = EnharmonicCoordinate.from_harmonic_coord(point)
             # Find the nearest enharmonic instance of this point to the last
             nearest = ec0.nearest((ec1.x, ec1.y))
             # Work out how much we have to shift this by to get the point
             dX = ec1.X - nearest.X
             dY = ec1.Y - nearest.Y
             ec0 = ec1
         funs,times = zip(*grammar.formalism.semantics_to_functions(
         ### Synchronize the chords with the points and functions
         # We may need to repeat chords to match up with analysis 
         #  points that span multiple chords
         analysis = iter(zip(rel_points,funs,times))
         rel_point, fun, __ = analysis.next()
         next_rel_point,next_fun,next_anal_time = analysis.next()
         # Keep track of how much time has elapsed
         time = 0
         training_seq = []
         reached_end = False
         for crd_pair,chord in zip(chords, dbinput.chords):
             if time >= next_anal_time and not reached_end:
                 # Move on to the next analysis point
                 rel_point, fun = next_rel_point, next_fun
                     next_rel_point,next_fun,next_anal_time = analysis.next()
                 except StopIteration:
                     # No more points: keep using the same to the end
                     reached_end = True
             training_seq.append((crd_pair, (rel_point,fun)))
             time += chord.duration