Example #1
 def train_emission_number_distribution(self, inputs):
     Trains the distribution over the number of notes emitted from a 
     chord class. It's not conditioned on the chord class, so the only 
     training data needed is a segmented MIDI corpus.
     @type inputs: list of lists
     @param inputs: training data. The same format as is produced by 
         "Training emission number probabilities using %d MIDI segments"\
         % len(inputs))
     emission_number_counts = FreqDist()
     for sequence in inputs:
         for segment in sequence:
             notes = len(segment)
             # There should very rarely be more than the max num of notes
             if notes <= self.max_notes:
     # Apply simple laplace smoothing
     for notes in range(self.max_notes):
     # Make a prob dist out of this
     emission_number_dist = prob_dist_to_dictionary_prob_dist(\
                 mle_estimator(emission_number_counts, None))
     self.emission_number_dist = emission_number_dist
Example #2
 def train_emission_number_distribution(self, inputs):
     Trains the distribution over the number of notes emitted from a 
     chord class. It's not conditioned on the chord class, so the only 
     training data needed is a segmented MIDI corpus.
     @type inputs: list of lists
     @param inputs: training data. The same format as is produced by 
         "Training emission number probabilities using %d MIDI segments"\
         % len(inputs))
     emission_number_counts = FreqDist()
     for sequence in inputs:
         for segment in sequence:
             notes = len(segment)
             # There should very rarely be more than the max num of notes
             if notes <= self.max_notes:
     # Apply simple laplace smoothing
     for notes in range(self.max_notes):
     # Make a prob dist out of this
     emission_number_dist = prob_dist_to_dictionary_prob_dist(\
                 mle_estimator(emission_number_counts, None))
     self.emission_number_dist = emission_number_dist
Example #3
 def train_transition_distribution(self, inputs, grammar, contprob=0.3):
     Train the transition distribution parameters in a supervised manner, 
     using chord corpus input.
     This is used as an initialization step to set transition parameters 
     before running EM on unannotated data.
     @type inputs: L{jazzparser.data.input.AnnotatedDbBulkInput}
     @param inputs: annotated chord training data
     @type contprob: float or string
     @param contprob: probability mass to reserve for staying on the 
         same state (self transitions). Use special value 'learn' to 
         learn the probabilities from the durations
             "Training transition probabilities using %d annotated chord "\
             "sequences" % len(inputs))
     learn_cont = contprob == "learn"
     # Prepare the label sequences that we'll train on
     if learn_cont:
         # Repeat values with a duration > 1
         sequences = []
         for seq in inputs:
             sequence = []
             last_cat = None
             for chord,cat in zip(seq, seq.categories):
                 # Put it in once for each duration
                 for i in range(chord.duration):
         sequences = [list(zip(sequence, sequence.categories)) for \
                                 sequence in inputs]
     # Prepare a list of transformations to apply to the categories
     label_transform = {}
     # First include all the categories we want to keep as they were
     for schema in self.schemata:
         label_transform[schema] = (schema, 0)
     # Then include any transformations the grammar defines
     for pos,mapping in grammar.equiv_map.items():
         label_transform[pos] = (mapping.target.pos, mapping.root)
     # Apply the transformation to all the training data
     training_samples = []
     for chord_cats in sequences:
         seq_samples = []
         for chord,cat in chord_cats:
             # Transform the label if it has a transformation
             if cat in label_transform:
                 use_cat, alter_root = label_transform[cat]
                 use_cat, alter_root = cat, 0
             root = (chord.root + alter_root) % 12
             seq_samples.append((str(use_cat), root))
     training_data = sum([
         [(cat0, cat1, (root1 - root0) % 12)
                 for ((cat0,root0),(cat1,root1)) in \
                     group_pairs(seq_samples)] \
             for seq_samples in training_samples], [])
     # Count up the observations
     schema_transition_counts = ConditionalFreqDist()
     root_transition_counts = ConditionalFreqDist()
     for (label0, label1, root_change) in training_data:
         # Only use counts for categories the model's looking for
         if label0 in self.schemata and label1 in self.schemata:
     # Transition probability to final state (end of sequence)
     for sequence in training_samples:
         # Inc the count of going from the label the sequence ends on to 
         #  the final state
     # Use Laplace (plus one) smoothing
     # We don't use the laplace_estimator because we want the conversion 
     #  to a dict prob dist to get all the labels, not just to discount 
     #  the ones it's seen
     for label0 in self.schemata:
         for label1 in self.schemata:
             for root_change in range(12):
                 # Exclude self-transition for now, unless we're learning it
                 if learn_cont or not (label0 == label1 and root_change == 0):
             # We don't add a count for going to the final state: we don't 
             #  want to initialize it with too much weight
     # Estimate distribution from this frequency distribution
     schema_trans_dist = cond_prob_dist_to_dictionary_cond_prob_dist(\
             ConditionalProbDist(schema_transition_counts, mle_estimator, None), \
                 mutable=True, samples=self.schemata+[None])
     root_trans_dist = cond_prob_dist_to_dictionary_cond_prob_dist(\
             ConditionalProbDist(root_transition_counts, mle_estimator, None), \
                 mutable=True, samples=range(12))
     if not learn_cont:
         # Discount all probabilities to allow for self-transition probs
         discount = logprob(1.0 - contprob)
         self_prob = logprob(contprob)
         for label0 in self.schemata:
             # Give saved prob mass to self-transitions
             trans_dist[label0].update((label0, 0), self_prob)
             # Discount all other transitions to allow for this
             for label1 in self.schemata:
                 for root_change in range(12):
                     if not (label0 == label1 and root_change == 0):
                         # Discount non self transitions
                         trans_dist[label0].update((label1, root_change), \
                             trans_dist[label0].logprob((label1, root_change)) + \
     # Recreate the dict prob dist so it's not mutable any more
     schema_trans_dist = cond_prob_dist_to_dictionary_cond_prob_dist(schema_trans_dist)
     root_trans_dist = cond_prob_dist_to_dictionary_cond_prob_dist(root_trans_dist)
     ## Now for the initial distribution
     # Count up the observations
     initial_counts = FreqDist()
     for sequence in training_samples:
     # Use Laplace (plus one) smoothing
     #for label in self.schemata:
     #    initial_counts.inc(label)
     # Estimate distribution from this frequency distribution
     initial_dist = prob_dist_to_dictionary_prob_dist(\
                 mle_estimator(initial_counts, None), samples=self.schemata)
     # Replace the model's transition distributions
     self.schema_transition_dist = schema_trans_dist
     self.root_transition_dist = root_trans_dist
     self.initial_state_dist = initial_dist
     # Invalidate the cache
Example #4
 def initialize_chord_classes(cls, tetrad_prob, max_notes, grammar, \
         illegal_transitions=[], fixed_root_transitions={}, metric=False):
     Creates a new model with the distributions initialized naively to 
     favour simple chord-types, in a similar way to what R&S do in the paper. 
     The transition distribution is initialized so that everything is 
     @type tetrad_prob: float
     @param tetrad_prob: prob of a note in the tetrad. This prob is 
         distributed over the notes of the tetrad. The remaining prob 
         mass is distributed over the remaining notes. You'll want this 
         to be >0.33, so that tetrad notes are more probable than others.
     @type max_notes: int
     @param max_notes: maximum number of notes that can be generated in 
         each emission. Usually best to set to something high, like 100 - 
         it's just to make the distribution finite.
     @type grammar: L{jazzparser.grammar.Grammar}
     @param grammar: grammar from which to take the chord class definitions
     @type metric: bool
     @param metric: if True, creates a model with a metrical component 
         (dependence on metrical position). Default False
     # Only use chord classes that are used by some morph item in the lexicon
     classes = [ccls for ccls in grammar.chord_classes.values() if ccls.used]
     # Create a probability distribution for the emission distribution
     dists = {}
     # Create the distribution for each possible r-value if we're creating 
     #  a metrical model
     if metric:
         r_vals = range(4)
         r_vals = [0]
     # Separate emission distribution for each chord class
     for ccls in classes:
         for r in r_vals:
             probabilities = {}
             # We assign two different probabilities: in tetrad or out
             # Don't assume the tetrad has 4 notes!
             in_tetrad_prob = tetrad_prob / len(ccls.notes)
             out_tetrad_prob = (1.0 - tetrad_prob) / (12 - len(ccls.notes))
             # Give a probability to every pitch class
             for d in range(12):
                 if d in ccls.notes:
                     probabilities[d] = in_tetrad_prob
                     probabilities[d] = out_tetrad_prob
             dists[(ccls.name,r)] = DictionaryProbDist(probabilities)
     emission_dist = DictionaryConditionalProbDist(dists)
     # Take the state labels from the lexical entries in the grammar
     # Include only tonic categories that were generated from lexical 
     #  expansion rules - i.e. only tonic repetition categories
     schemata = grammar.midi_families.keys()
     # Check that the transition constraint specifications refer to existing 
     #  schemata
     for labels in illegal_transitions:
         for label in labels:
             if label not in schemata:
                 raise ValueError, "%s, given in illegal transition "\
                     "specification, is not a valid schema in the grammar" \
                     % label
     for labels in fixed_root_transitions:
         for label in labels:
             if label not in schemata:
                 raise ValueError, "%s, given in fixed root transition "\
                     "specification, is not a valid schema in the grammar" \
                     % label
     # Build from the grammar a mapping from lexical schemata (POSs) to 
     #  chord classes
     chord_class_mapping = {}
     for morph in grammar.morphs:
         if morph.pos in schemata:
             chord_class_mapping.setdefault(morph.pos, []).append(str(morph.chord_class.name))
     # Make sure that every label appears in the mapping
     for label in schemata:
         if label not in chord_class_mapping:
             chord_class_mapping[label] = []
     # Initialize transition distribution so every transition is equiprobable
     schema_transition_counts = ConditionalFreqDist()
     root_transition_counts = ConditionalFreqDist()
     for label0 in schemata:
         for label1 in schemata:
             # Increment the count once for each chord class associated 
             #  with this schema: schemata with 2 chord classes get 2 
             #  counts
             for cclass in chord_class_mapping[label1]:
                 for root_change in range(12):
                     # Give one count to the root transition corresponding to this state transition
         # Give a count to finishing in this state
     # Estimate distribution from this frequency distribution
     schema_trans_dist = ConditionalProbDist(schema_transition_counts, mle_estimator, None)
     root_trans_dist = ConditionalProbDist(root_transition_counts, mle_estimator, None)
     # Sample this to get dictionary prob dists
     schema_trans_dist = cond_prob_dist_to_dictionary_cond_prob_dist(schema_trans_dist)
     root_trans_dist = cond_prob_dist_to_dictionary_cond_prob_dist(root_trans_dist)
     # Do the same with the initial states (just schemata, not roots)
     initial_state_counts = FreqDist()
     for label in schemata:
     initial_state_dist = mle_estimator(initial_state_counts, None)
     initial_state_dist = prob_dist_to_dictionary_prob_dist(initial_state_dist)
     # Also initialize the notes number distribution to uniform
     emission_number_counts = FreqDist()
     for i in range(max_notes):
     emission_number_dist = mle_estimator(emission_number_counts, None)
     emission_number_dist = prob_dist_to_dictionary_prob_dist(emission_number_dist)
     # Create the model
     model = cls(schema_trans_dist, 
         "Initialized model to chord type probabilities, using "\
         "tetrad probability %s. Metric: %s" % \
         (tetrad_prob, metric))
     return model