Example #1
def doedit (entr, hist, cmd):
        # entr -- A jdb.Entr() instance to be edited. 
        # hist --  A jdb.Hist instance that will be edited (if the edit
        #   is to add a comment of refs.)
        # cmd -- A Cmd instance that describes changes to be made to entry.
        # Apply the change described by <cmd> to <entr> and /or <hist>.
        # Should return True if <entr> or <hist> were actually changed,
        # False if not, but currently always retuns True.

        new = None
        if cmd.operand in ('kanj', 'rdng'): 
            tlist = getattr (entr, '_'+cmd.operand)
            if cmd.new:
                if cmd.operand == 'kanj': new = jdb.Kanj (txt=cmd.new)
                else: new = jdb.Rdng (txt=cmd.new)
            edit (tlist, 'txt', cmd.old, new or cmd.new, cmd.operand, cmd.old, cmd.new)
        elif cmd.operand == 'gloss':
            tlist = getattr (getattr (entr, '_sens')[cmd.sens-1], '_'+cmd.operand)
            if cmd.new: new = jdb.Gloss (txt=cmd.new, lang=jdb.KW.LANG['eng'].id, 
            edit (tlist, 'txt', cmd.old, new or cmd.new, cmd.operand, cmd.old, cmd.new)
        elif cmd.operand in ('pos','misc','fld','dial'):
            tlist = getattr (getattr (entr, '_sens')[cmd.sens-1], '_'+cmd.operand)
            new, old = kw2id (cmd.operand, cmd.new, cmd.old)
            edit (tlist, 'kw', old, new, cmd.operand, cmd.old, cmd.new)
        elif cmd.operand == 'entr':
            if cmd.cmd == 'del': entr.stat = jdb.KW.STAT['D'].id
        elif cmd.operand == 'comment': hist.notes = cmd.new
        elif cmd.operand == 'refs': hist.refs = cmd.new
        else: raise ValueError (cmd.operand)

        return True #FIXME: how to determine if no change was made to entry?
Example #2
def mkentr(jtxt, etxt):
    global Lnnum
    # Create an entry object to represent the "A" line text of the
    # example sentence.
    e = jdb.Entr(stat=KW.STAT_A, unap=False)
    e.srcnote = str(Lnnum)
    if jdb.jstr_reb(jtxt): e._rdng = [jdb.Rdng(txt=jtxt)]
    else: e._kanj = [jdb.Kanj(txt=jtxt)]
    e._sens = [
            _gloss=[jdb.Gloss(txt=etxt, ginf=KW.GINF_equ, lang=KW.LANG_eng)])
    return e
Example #3
def mkentr (jtxt, etxt, kwds):
        global Lnnum
          # Create an entry object to represent the "A" line text of the
          # example sentence.
        e = jdb.Entr (stat=KW.STAT_A, unap=False)
        e.srcnote = str (Lnnum)
          # Each @$kwds item is a 2-array consisting of the kw
          # id number and optionally a note string.
        kws = [x[0] for x in kwds]
        sens_note = "; ".join ([x[1] for x in kwds if len(x)>1]) or None
        if jdb.jstr_reb (jtxt): e._rdng = [jdb.Rdng (txt=jtxt)]
        else:                   e._kanj = [jdb.Kanj (txt=jtxt)]
        e._sens = [jdb.Sens (notes=sens_note,
                    _gloss=[jdb.Gloss (lang=KW.LANG_eng,
                                     ginf=KW.GINF_equ, txt=etxt)],
                    _misc=[jdb.Misc (kw=x) for x in kws])]
        return e
Example #4
 def do_kanjs (self, elems, entr, fmap):
     if elems is None: return
     kanjs = []; dupchk = {}
     for ord, elem in enumerate (elems):
         txt = elem.find('keb').text
         if not jdb.unique (txt, dupchk):
             self.warn ("Duplicate keb text: '%s'" % txt); continue
         if not (jdb.jstr_keb (txt)):
             self.warn ("keb text '%s' not kanji." % txt)
         kanj = jdb.Kanj (kanj=ord+1, txt=txt)
         self.do_kws (elem.findall('ke_inf'), kanj, '_inf', 'KINF')
         for x in elem.findall ('ke_pri'):
             freqtuple = self.parse_freq (x.text, "ke_pri")
             if not freqtuple: continue
             klist = fmap[freqtuple][1]
             if not jdb.isin (kanj, klist): klist.append (kanj)
             else: self.freq_warn ("Duplicate", None, kanj, x.text)
         kanjs.append (kanj)
     if kanjs: entr._kanj = kanjs
Example #5
def p_kanjitem_2(p):
    '''kanjitem : krtext taglists'''
    kanj = jdb.Kanj(txt=p[1])
    err = bld_kanj (kanj, p[2])
    if err: perror (p, err)
    p[0] = kanj
Example #6
def p_kanjitem_1(p):
    '''kanjitem : krtext'''
    p[0] = jdb.Kanj(txt=p[1])
Example #7
def do_chr(elem, srcid, langs):
    global Char
    # Process a <character> element.  The element has been
    # parsed by the xml ElementTree parse and is in "elem".
    # "lineno" is the source file line number.

    chtxt = elem.find('literal').text
    Char = chtxt  # For warning messages created by warn().
    c = jdb.Chr(chr=chtxt, _cinf=[])
    e = jdb.Entr(src=srcid,
    for x in elem.findall('codepoint/cp_value'):
        codepoint(x, c, chtxt)
    for x in elem.findall('radical/rad_value'):
        radical(x, c)

    x = None
        x = (elem.find('misc/freq')).text
    if x:
        if c.freq is not None: warn('Duplicate "freq" element ignored: %s' % x)
        else: c.freq = int(x)

    x = None
        x = (elem.find('misc/grade')).text
    if x:
        if c.grade is not None:
            warn('Duplicate "grade" element ignored: %s' % x)
            c.grade = int(x)

    for n, x in enumerate(elem.findall('misc/stroke_count')):
        strokes(x, n, c)

    rn = '\u3001'.join([x.text for x in elem.findall('misc/rad_name')])
    if rn: c.radname = rn

    for x in elem.findall('reading_meaning'):
        reading_meaning(x, e._rdng, e._sens, c._cinf, langs)

    x = elem.find('dic_number')
    if x is not None: dicnum(x, c._cinf)

    x = elem.find('query_code')
    if x is not None: qcode(x, c._cinf)

    for x in elem.findall('misc/variant'):

    x = elem.find('misc/jlpt')
    if x is not None: jlptnum(x, c)

    return e