Example #1
def wrsnd(cur, workfiles):
    vols = jdb.dbread(cur, "SELECT * FROM sndvol")
    for v in vols:
        _wrrow(x, workfiles['sndvol'])
        sels = jdb.dbread(cur, "SELECT * FROM sndfile s WHERE s.vol=%s",
        for s in sels:
            _wrrow(x, workfiles['sndfile'])
            clips = jdb.dbread(cur, "SELECT * FROM snd c WHERE c.file=%s",
            for c in clips:
                _wrrow(x, workfiles['snd'])
Example #2
def labels_from_db(cur, filenum):
    sql = "SELECT v.loc AS vloc, f.loc AS floc " \
            "FROM sndfile f JOIN sndvol v ON f.vol=v.id " \
            "WHERE f.id=%s"
    rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, [filenum])
    if not rs: return None, None
    if len(rs) > 1: raise RuntimeError
    fname = os.path.join(rs[0].vloc, rs[0].floc)

    sql = "SELECT * FROM snd s WHERE s.file=%s ORDER BY strt,leng"
    rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, [filenum])
    return fname, rs
Example #3
def main(args, opts):
    jdb.reset_encoding(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')
    errs = []
        form, svc, dbg, cur, sid, sess, parms, cfg = jmcgi.parseform()
    except Exception as e:

    entries = jmcgi.get_entrs(cur, form.getlist('e'), form.getlist('q'), errs)
    if not entries:
        jmcgi.err_page("No entries found")

    ids = [e.id for e in entries]
    sql, args = "SELECT * FROM vinflxt WHERE id IN %s", (tuple(ids), )
    results = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, args)
    poses = set([p.kw for e in entries for s in e._sens for p in s._pos])
    poskws = sorted([jdb.KW.POS[p].kw for p in poses])
    if not results:
        if poskws:
            msg = "Unable to conjugate any of the following parts-of-speech: %s." % (
                ', '.join(poskws))
            msg = "Word does not have a part-of-speech tag."

    sql, args = "SELECT DISTINCT id,txt FROM vconotes WHERE pos IN %s ORDER BY id", (
        tuple(poses), )
    notes = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, args)

    # Make notes links, replace '\n's with <br/>s.
    # Divide the conjugations table up into sections, one for each word (by id).
    sections = partition_conjs(results)
    # Make each note a link target.

    if errs: jmcgi.err_page(errs)

Example #4
def find_similar(dbh, kanj, rdng, src, excl_seq=None):
    # Find all entries that have a kanj in the list of text
    # strings, 'kanj', or a reading in the list of text strings,
    # 'rdng', and return a list of esum view records of such
    # entries.  Either 'kanj' or 'rdng', but not both, may empty.
    # If 'src' is given, search will be limited to entries with
    # that entr.src id number.  Entries with a seq number of
    # 'excl_seq' (which may be None) will be excluded.

    rwhr = " OR ".join(["txt=%s"] * len(rdng))
    kwhr = " OR ".join(["txt=%s"] * len(kanj))
    args = [src]
    if excl_seq is not None: args.append(excl_seq)
    args.extend([x.txt for x in rdng + kanj])

    sql = "SELECT DISTINCT e.* " \
            + "FROM esum e " \
            + "WHERE e.src=%s AND e.stat<4 " \
            + ("" if excl_seq is None else "AND seq!=%s ") \
            + "AND e.id IN (" \
            + (("SELECT entr FROM rdng WHERE %s " % rwhr)    if rwhr          else "") \
            + ("UNION "                                      if rwhr and kwhr else "") \
            + (("SELECT entr FROM kanj WHERE %s " % kwhr)    if kwhr          else "") \
            + ")"
    rs = jdb.dbread(dbh, sql, args)
    return rs
Example #5
def main(args, opts):
    jdb.reset_encoding(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')
    errs = []
    chklist = {}
        form, svc, dbg, cur, sid, sess, parms, cfg = jmcgi.parseform()
    except Exception as e:
    fv = form.getfirst
    fl = form.getlist

    if not sess or sess.priv != 'A': users = []
        sql = "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY userid"
        sesscur = jdb.dbOpenSvc(cfg, svc, session=True, nokw=True)
        users = jdb.dbread(sesscur, sql)
        L('cgi.users').debug('read %d rows from table "user"' % (len(users), ))
Example #6
def find_xref(cur,

    xrfs = []
    xunrs = None
    msg = ''
    if clearcache: corpcache.clear()
    if isinstance(corp, str):
        if corpcache.get(corp, None): corpid = corpcache[corp]
            rs = jdb.dbread(cur, "SELECT id FROM kwsrc WHERE kw=%s", [corp])
            if len(rs) != 1:
                raise ValueError("Invalid corpus name: '%s'" % corp)
            corpid = corpcache[corp] = rs[0][0]
        corpid = corp

        xrfs = jdb.resolv_xref(cur, typ, rtxt, ktxt, slist, seq, corpid)
    except ValueError as e:
        msg = e.args[0]
        xunrs = jdb.Xrslv(typ=typ, ktxt=ktxt, rtxt=rtxt, tsens=None)
        xunrs.msg = msg
    return xrfs, xunrs
Example #7
def main(args, opts):
    jdb.reset_encoding(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')
    errs = []
        form, svc, dbg, cur, sid, sess, parms, cfg = jmcgi.parseform()
    except Exception as e:

    fv = form.getfirst
    fl = form.getlist
    orderby = "k.id,s.kw,e.src"
    sql = "SELECT k.id, k.kw, k.descr, s.kw AS corpus, count(*) AS cnt " \
            "FROM kwgrp k " \
            "LEFT JOIN grp g ON g.kw=k.id " \
            "LEFT JOIN entr e ON e.id=g.entr " \
            "LEFT JOIN kwsrc s ON s.id=e.src " \
            "GROUP BY k.id, k.kw, k.descr, e.src, s.kw " \
            "ORDER BY %s" % orderby

    rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql)
Example #8
def get_subtree (dbh, id):
        # Read the "entr" table row for entry with id 'id'
        # and all the rows with a 'dfrm' attribute that points
        # to that row, and all the rows with 'dfrm' attributes
        # that point to any of thoses rows, and so on recursively.
        # That is, we read all the rows in the edit sub-tree
        # below (leaf-ward) and including row 'id'.  If 'id'
        # denotes an edit root row, then we will read the
        # entire edit tree.
        # After reading the rows, they are linked together in a
        # tree structure that mirrors that in the database by
        # adding an attribute, '._dfrm' tO each row which is set
        # to a list of rows that have 'dfrm' values equal to the
        # id number of the ._dfrm row.
        # Return a 2-tuple of:
        # 1. The entr row with id 'id' (which is the root of
        #    the subtree.
        # 2. A dict of (id, entr row) key value pairs allows
        #    quick lookup of a row by 'id'..

        if id is None: raise ValueError (id)
        root = None
        sql = "SELECT * FROM get_subtree(%s)"
        rs = jdb.dbread (dbh, sql, [id])
        d = dict ((r.id,r) for r in rs)
        for r in rs: r._dfrm = []
        for r in rs:
            if r.dfrm:
                d[r.dfrm]._dfrm.append (r)
                if root: raise ValueError ("get_subtree: Multiple roots returned by get_subtree")
                root = r
        return root, d
Example #9
def get_user(uid, svc, cfg):
    cur = jdb.dbOpenSvc(cfg, svc, session=True, nokw=True)
    sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid=%s"
    users = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, (uid, ))
    # 'userid' is primary key of users table so we should never
    # receive more than one row.
    assert len(users) <= 1, "Too many rows received"
    return users[0] if users else None
Example #10
def main(args, opts):
    jdb.reset_encoding(sys.stdout, opts.encoding)
    dir = jdb.find_in_syspath("dtd-audio.xml")
    dtd = jdb.get_dtd(dir + "/" + "dtd-audio.xml", "JMaudio", opts.encoding)
    cur = jdb.dbOpen(opts.database, **jdb.dbopts(opts))
    vols = jdb.dbread(cur, "SELECT * FROM sndvol")
    for v in vols:
        sels = jdb.dbread(cur, "SELECT * FROM sndfile s WHERE s.vol=%s",
        for s in sels:
            clips = jdb.dbread(cur, "SELECT * FROM snd c WHERE c.file=%s",
            for c in clips:
Example #11
def dblogin(cur, userid, password):
    # Login by authenticating the userid/password pair.
    # and getting a session record which is returned with
    # the session id.  If 'userid' has an active session
    # already, it (the most recent one if more than one)
    # is returned.  If not, a new session is created.
    # Reusing existing sessions help prevent the proliferation
    # of sessions that was occuring previously.

    # Check userid, password validity.
    sql = "SELECT userid FROM users "\
          "WHERE userid=%s AND pw=crypt(%s, pw) AND NOT disabled"
    rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, (userid, password))
    if not rs:
        L('cgi.jmcgi').debug("login: pw fail for %s" % userid)
        return '', None

    # Look for an existing session (the most recent if more than one).
    sql = "SELECT s.id,s.userid,s.ts,u.fullname,u.email,u.priv" \
          " FROM sessions s JOIN users u ON u.userid=s.userid" \
          " WHERE u.userid=%%s AND NOT u.disabled" \
          "  AND (NOW()-ts)<'%s'::INTERVAL" \
    rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, (userid, ))
    L('cgi.jmcgi').debug("login: %s: %s sessions found" % (userid, len(rs)))
    if len(rs) == 1:
        sid = rs[0][0]
        # Update the session timestamp to 'now'.
        db_update_sid_ts(cur, sid)
        L('cgi.jmcgi').debug("login: %s: using session: %s" % (userid, sid))
        return sid, rs[0]

    # No existing session found, create a new session.
    sql = "INSERT INTO sessions(userid) VALUES(%s) RETURNING(id)"
    cur.execute(sql, (userid, ))
    sid = cur.fetchone()[0]
    L('cgi.jmcgi').debug("login: %s: new session %s" % (userid, sid))
    sess = db_validate_sid(cur, sid)
    return sid, sess
Example #12
def get_edroot(dbh, id):
    # Given the id number of an 'entr' row, return the id
    # of the root of the edit tree it is part of.  The
    # edit tree on an entry is that set of entries from
    # which the first entry can be reached by following
    # 'dfrm' links.

    if id is None: raise ValueError(id)
    sql = "SELECT * FROM get_edroot(%s)"
    rs = jdb.dbread(dbh, sql, [id])
    if not rs: return None
    return rs[0][0]
Example #13
def db_validate_sid(cur, sid):
    # Check that 'sid' is an existing session and if so
    # return a session record.  Otherwise return None.
    sql = "SELECT s.id,s.userid,s.ts,u.fullname,u.email,u.priv" \
          " FROM sessions s JOIN users u ON u.userid=s.userid" \
          " WHERE id=%%s AND NOT u.disabled" \
          "  AND (NOW()-ts)<'%s'::INTERVAL" \
    rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql, (sid, ))
    L('cgi.jmcgi').debug("login: validating sid %s, result=%s" %
                         (sid, len(rs)))
    if len(rs) == 0: return None
    return rs[0]
Example #14
def get_xresolv_block(dbh, blksz, xref_src, read_xref=False):
    # Read and yield sucessive blocks of 'blksz' rows from table "xresolv"
    # (or, despite our name, table "xref" if 'read_xref' is true).  Rows
    # are ordered by (target) entr id, sens, xref type and xref ord (or
    # xref.xref for table "xref") and limited to entries having a .src
    # attribute of 'xref_src'.  None is returned when no more rows are
    # available.
    table = "xref" if read_xref else "xresolv"
    lastpos = 0, 0, 0, 0
    while True:
        e0, s0, t0, o0 = lastpos
        # Following sql will read 'blksz' xref rows, starting
        # at 'lastpos' (which is given as a 4-tuple of xresolv.entr,
        # .sens, .typ and .ord).  Note that the result set must be
        # ordered on exactly this same set of values in order to
        # step through them block-wise.
        sql_args = []
        if xref_src:
            srcs, neg = xref_src
            src_condition = "e.src %sIN %%s AND " % ('NOT ' if neg else '')
            src_condition = ''
        sql = "SELECT v.*,e.src,e.seq,e.stat,e.unap FROM %s v JOIN entr e ON v.entr=e.id " \
                        "WHERE %s" \
                          " (v.entr>%%s OR (v.entr=%%s " \
                           "AND (v.sens>%%s OR (v.sens=%%s " \
                            "AND (v.typ>%%s OR (v.typ=%%s " \
                             "AND (v.ord>%%s))))))) " \
                        "ORDER BY v.entr,v.sens,v.typ,v.ord " \
                        "LIMIT %s" % (table, src_condition, blksz)
        if read_xref:
            # If reading the xref rather than the xresolv table make some
            # adjustments:
            sql = sql.replace('.ord',
                              '.xref')  # The "ord" field is named "xref".
            t0, o0 = o0, t0  # The typ and xref (aka ord) fields are swapped in xref rows.
        sql_args.extend([e0, e0, s0, s0, t0, t0, o0])
        rs = jdb.dbread(dbh, sql, sql_args)
        if len(rs) == 0: return None
        if Opts.debug & 0x04:
            print("Read %d %s rows from %s" % (len(rs), table, lastpos),
        # Slicing doesn't seem to currently work on DbRow objects or we could
        #  write "lastpos = rs[-1][0:4]" below.
        lastpos = rs[-1][0], rs[-1][1], rs[-1][2], rs[-1][3]
        yield rs
    assert True, "Unexpected break from loop"
Example #15
def get_langs(cur):
    """Get set of kwlang rows for languages currently used in the
        the database (for gloss and lsrc.)"""

    sql = \
      "SELECT k.id,k.kw,k.descr FROM "\
          "(SELECT lang FROM gloss "\
          "UNION DISTINCT "\
          "SELECT lang FROM lsrc) AS l "\
      "JOIN kwlang k ON k.id=l.lang "\
      "ORDER BY k.kw!='eng', k.kw "
    # The first "order by" term will sort english to the top
    # of the list.
    rows = jdb.dbread(cur, sql)
    return rows
Example #16
def main(args, opts):
    jdb.reset_encoding(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')
    errs = []
    so = None
    stats = {}
        form, svc, dbg, cur, sid, sess, parms, cfg = jmcgi.parseform()
    except Exception as e:

    cfg_web = d2o(cfg['web'])
    cfg_srch = d2o(cfg['search'])
    fv = form.getfirst
    fl = form.getlist
    force_srchres = fv(
        'srchres')  # Force display of srchres page even if only one result.
    sqlp = (fv('sql') or '')
    soj = (fv('soj') or '')
    pgoffset = int(fv('p1') or 0)
    pgtotal = int(fv('pt') or -1)
    entrs_per_page = min(
        max(int(fv('ps') or cfg_web.DEF_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE),
            cfg_web.MIN_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), cfg_web.MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE)
    if not sqlp and not soj:
        so = jmcgi.SearchItems()
        so.idnum = fv('idval')
        so.idtyp = fv('idtyp')
        tl = []
        for i in (1, 2, 3):
            txt = (fv('t' + str(i)) or '')
            if txt:
                                           srchin=fv('s' + str(i)),
                                           srchtyp=fv('y' + str(i))))
        if tl: so.txts = tl
        so.pos = fl('pos')
        so.misc = fl('misc')
        so.fld = fl('fld')
        so.dial = fl('dial')
        so.rinf = fl('rinf')
        so.kinf = fl('kinf')
        so.freq = fl('freq')
        so.grp = grpsparse(fv('grp'))
        so.src = fl('src')
        so.stat = fl('stat')
        so.unap = fl('appr')
        so.nfval = fv('nfval')
        so.nfcmp = fv('nfcmp')
        # Search using gA freq criterion no longer supported.  See
        # the comments in jmcgi._freqcond() but code left here for
        # reference.
        so.gaval = fv('gaval')
        so.gacmp = fv('gacmp')
        #FIXME? use selection boxes for dates?  Or a JS calendar control?
        so.ts = dateparse(fv('ts0'), 0, errs), dateparse(fv('ts1'), 1, errs)
        so.smtr = (fv('smtr') or ''), fv('smtrm')
        so.mt = fv('mt')
        # Pack up all the search criteria in a json string that will
        # be given to the srchres form, which will in turn give it back
        # to us if the user want to display the "next page".
        soj = serialize.so2js(so)

    elif soj:
        # 'soj' is a json string that encodes the so object (containing
        # the search criteria) that were used in previous invocation
        # of this script, which displayed the previous page.
        so = serialize.js2so(soj)

    elif sqlp:
        # 'sqlp' is a SQL statement string that allows an arbitrary search.
        # Because it can also do other things such as delete the database,
        # it should only be run as a user with read-only access to the
        # database and it is the job of jmcgi.adv_srch_allowed() to check
        # that.
        if not jmcgi.adv_srch_allowed(cfg, sess):
            jmcgi.err_page(["'sql' parameter is disallowed."])
        sql = sqlp.strip()
        if sql.endswith(';'): sql = sql[:-1]
        sql_args = []

    if so:
            condlist = jmcgi.so2conds(so)
        except ValueError as e:
        # FIXME: [IS-115] Following will prevent kanjidic entries from
        #  appearing in results.  Obviously hardwiring id=4 is a hack.
            #condlist.append (('entr e', 'e.src!=4', []))
            sql, sql_args = jdb.build_search_sql(condlist)

    if errs: jmcgi.err_page(errs)

    orderby = "ORDER BY __wrap__.kanj,__wrap__.rdng,__wrap__.seq,__wrap__.id"
    page = "OFFSET %s LIMIT %s" % (pgoffset, entrs_per_page)
    sql2 = "SELECT __wrap__.* FROM esum __wrap__ " \
             "JOIN (%s) AS __user__ ON __user__.id=__wrap__.id %s %s" \
              % (sql, orderby, page)
    stats['sql'] = sql
    stats['args'] = sql_args
    stats['orderby'] = orderby
    if cfg_srch.MAX_QUERY_COST > 0:
            cost = jdb.get_query_cost(cur, sql2, sql_args)
        except Exception as e:
                           prolog="Database error (%s)" % e.__class__.__name__)
        stats['cost'] = cost
        if cost > cfg_srch.MAX_QUERY_COST:
                "The search request you made will likely take too "
                "long to execute.  Please use your browser's \"back\" "
                "button to return to the search page and add more "
                "criteria to restrict your search more narrowly. "
                "(The estimated cost was %.1f, max allowed is %d.)" %
                (cost, cfg_srch.MAX_QUERY_COST)
    t0 = time.time()
        rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql2, sql_args)
    except Exception as e:  #FIXME, what exception value(s)?
                       prolog="Database error (%s)" % e.__class__.__name__)
    stats['dbtime'] = time.time() - t0
    reccnt = len(rs)
    if pgtotal < 0:
        if reccnt >= entrs_per_page:
            # If there may be more than one page of entries (because
            # 'reccnt' is greater than the page size, 'entrs_per_page',
            # then run another query to get the actual number of entries.
            # We only do this on the first page of results ('pgtotal' is
            # less then 0) and subsequently pass the value between pages
            # for performace reasons, even though the number of entries
            # may change before the user gets to the last page.
            sql3 = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM (%s) AS i " % sql
            cntrec = jdb.dbread(cur, sql3, sql_args)
            pgtotal = cntrec[0][0]  # Total number of entries.
            pgtotal = reccnt
    if reccnt == 1 and pgtotal == 1 and not force_srchres:
        # If there is only one entry, display it rather than a search
        # results page.  'force_srchres' allows supressing this behavior
        # for debugging.
        svcstr = ("svc=%s&sid=%s&" % (svc, sid)) if svc else ''
        print("Location: entr.py?%se=%d\n" % (svcstr, rs[0].id))
                         p1=pgoffset + reccnt,
Example #17
def main(args, opts):
    global Debug
    Debug = opts.debug
    # Open the database.  jdb.dbopts() extracts the db-related
    # options from the command line options in 'opts'.
    cur = jdb.dbOpen(opts.database, **jdb.dbopts(opts))

    # If no "--root" option was supplied, choose a default based
    # on the value of the "--compat" option.
    if not opts.root:
        if opts.compat in ('jmnedict', 'jmneold'): opts.root = 'JMnedict'
        else: opts.root = 'JMdict'

    outf = None
    if not opts.nodtd:
        # Choose a dtd to use based on the "--compat" option.
        # The dtd file is expected to be located somewhere in the
        # pythonpath (sys.path) directories.
        if opts.compat == 'jmdict': dtd = "dtd-jmdict.xml"
        elif opts.compat == 'jmdicthist': dtd = "dtd-jmdict.xml"
        elif opts.compat == 'jmnedict': dtd = "dtd-jmnedict.xml"
        elif opts.compat == 'jmneold': dtd = "dtd-jmneold.xml"
        else: dtd = "dtd-jmdict-ex.xml"
        dir = jdb.find_in_syspath(dtd)
        dtdfn = dir + "/" + dtd  # Fully qualified dtd file name.

        # jdb.get_dtd() reads the dtd text, and replaces the root
        # element name name and encoding with the values supplied
        # in the arguments.
        dtdtxt = jdb.get_dtd(dtdfn, opts.root, opts.encoding)
        if len(args) == 0: outf = sys.stdout
        else: outf = open(args[0], "w")
        jdb.reset_encoding(outf, opts.encoding)

    if opts.seqfile:
        if opts.seqfile == '-': f = sys.stdin
        else: f = open(opts.seqfile)
        #FIXME: we should read these incrementally.
        entrlist = [int(x)
                    for x in f.read().split()]  # seq# separated by sp or nl.
        if f != sys.stdin: f.close()

    # Turn the "--corpus" option value into a string that can be
    # and'ed into a SQL WHERE clause to restrict the results to
    # the specified corpora.
    corp_terms = parse_corpus_opt(opts.corpus, 'e.src')

    # If the output file was not opened in the dtd section
    # above, open it now.  We postpose opening it until the
    # last possible moment to avoid creating it and then
    # bombing because there was a typo in the input or dtd
    # filename, etc.
    # FIXME: Should do a "write" function that opens the
    #  file just before writing.
    if not outf:
        if len(args) == 0: outf = sys.stdout
        else: outf = open(args[0], "w")

    whr_act = " AND NOT unap AND stat=" + str(
        jdb.KW.STAT['A'].id) if opts.compat else ""
    if opts.begin:
        # If a "--begin" sequence number was given, we need to read
        # the entr record so we can get the src id number.  Complain
        # and exit if not found.  Complain if more than one entry
        # with the requested seq number exists.  More than one may be
        # found since the same sequence number may exist in different
        # corpora, or in the same corpus if an entry was edited.
        #FIXME: no way to select from multiple entries with same seq
        # number.  Might want just the stat="A" entries for example.
        sql = "SELECT id,seq,src FROM entr e WHERE seq=%s%s%s ORDER BY src" \
                % (int(opts.begin), corp_terms, whr_act)
        if Debug: print(sql, file=sys.stderr)
        start = time.time()
        rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql)
        if Debug:
            print("Time: %s (init read)" % (time.time() - start),
        if not rs:
            print ("No entry with seq '%s' found" \
                                 % opts.begin, file=sys.stderr)
        if len(rs) > 1:
            print ("Multiple entries having seq '%s' found, results " \
                   "may not be as expected.  Consider using -s to " \
                   "restrict to a single corpus." % (opts.begin), file=sys.stderr)
        lastsrc, lastseq, lastid = rs[0].src, rs[0].seq, rs[0].id
    if not opts.begin and not opts.seqfile:
        # If no "--begin" option, remove the " AND" from the front of
        # the 'corp_terms' string.  Read the first entry (by seq number)
        # in the requested corpora.
        cc = corp_terms[4:] if corp_terms else 'True'
        # If compat (jmdict or jmnedict), restrict the xml to Active
        # entries only.
        sql = "SELECT id,seq,src FROM entr e WHERE %s%s ORDER BY src,seq LIMIT 1" % (
            cc, whr_act)
        start = time.time()
        if Debug: print(sql, file=sys.stderr)
        rs = jdb.dbread(cur, sql)
        if Debug:
            print("Time: %s (init read)" % (time.time() - start),
        lastsrc, lastseq, lastid = rs[0].src, rs[0].seq, rs[0].id

    # Add an enclosing root element only if we are also including
    # a DTD (ie, producing a full XML file).  Otherwise, the file
    # generated will just be a list of <entr> elements.
    if not opts.nodtd:
        if opts.compat:  # Add a date comment...
            today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
            outf.write("<!-- %s created: %s -->\n" % (opts.root, today))
        outf.write('<%s>\n' % opts.root)

    entrlist_loc = 0
    count = opts.count
    done = 0
    blksize = opts.blocksize
    corpora = set()

    while count is None or count > 0:

        if opts.seqfile:
            seqnums = tuple(entrlist[entrlist_loc:entrlist_loc + blksize])
            if not seqnums: break
            entrlist_loc += blksize
            #FIXME: need detection of non-existent seq#s.
            sql = "SELECT id FROM entr e WHERE seq IN %s" + corp_terms + whr_act
            sql_args = [seqnums]
            if Debug: print(sql, sql_args, file=sys.stderr)
            start = time.time()
            tmptbl = jdb.entrFind(cur, sql, sql_args)
            # In this loop we read blocks of 'blksize' entries.  Each
            # block read is ordered by entr src (i.e. corpus), seq, and
            # id.  The block to read is specified in WHERE clause which
            # is effectively:
            #   WHERE ((e.src=lastsrc AND e.seq=lastseq AND e.id>=lastid+1)
            #           OR (e.src=lastsrc AND e.seq>=lastseq)
            #           OR e.src>lastsrc)
            # and (lastsrc, lastseq, lastid) are from the last entry in
            # the last block read.

            whr = "WHERE ((e.src=%%s AND e.seq=%%s AND e.id>=%%s) " \
                          "OR (e.src=%%s AND e.seq>%%s) " \
                          "OR e.src>%%s) %s%s" % (corp_terms, whr_act)
            sql = "SELECT e.id FROM entr e" \
                  " %s ORDER BY src,seq,id LIMIT %d" \
                   % (whr, blksize if count is None else min (blksize, count))

            # The following args will be substituted for the "%%s" in
            # the sql above, in jbd.findEntr().
            sql_args = [lastsrc, lastseq, lastid, lastsrc, lastseq, lastsrc]

            # Create a temporary table of id numbers and give that to
            # jdb.entrList().  This is an order of magnitude faster than
            # giving the above sql directly to entrList().
            if Debug: print(sql, sql_args, file=sys.stderr)
            start = time.time()
            tmptbl = jdb.entrFind(cur, sql, sql_args)
        mid = time.time()
        entrs, raw = jdb.entrList(cur,
        end = time.time()
        if Debug: print("read %d entries" % len(entrs), file=sys.stderr)
        if Debug:
            print("Time: %s (entrFind), %s (entrList)" %
                  (mid - start, end - mid),
        if not entrs: break
        write_entrs(cur, entrs, raw, corpora, opts, outf)

        # Update the 'last*' variables for the next time through
        # the loop.  Also, decrement 'count', if we are counting.
        lastsrc = entrs[-1].src
        lastseq = entrs[-1].seq
        lastid = entrs[-1].id + 1
        if count is not None: count -= blksize
        done += len(entrs)
        if not Debug: sys.stderr.write('.')
        else: print("%d entries written" % done, file=sys.stderr)
    if not opts.nodtd: outf.writelines('</%s>\n' % opts.root)
    if not Debug: sys.stderr.write('\n')
    print("Wrote %d entries" % done, file=sys.stderr)