Example #1
 def user_has_put_permission(self, conn):
     """Does the user have permission to write to the workspace
     on the storage device?
     # groupworkspace permission
     gws_permission = Backend._user_has_put_permission(
         self, conn.jdma_user, conn.jdma_workspace.workspace)
     return gws_permission
Example #2
    def user_has_put_permission(self, conn):
        """Check whether the user has permission to access the elastic tape,
        and whether they have permission from the groupworkspace
        # groupworkspace permission
        gws_permission = Backend._user_has_put_permission(
            self, conn.jdma_user, conn.jdma_workspace.workspace)

        # elastic tape permission - fetch from URL and use beautifulsoup to
        # parse the returned table into something meaningful
        et_permission = user_in_workspace(conn.jdma_user,

        return gws_permission & et_permission
    def user_has_put_permission(self, conn):
        """Check whether the user has permission (via their access_key and
        secret_key) to access the object store, and whether they have
        permission from the groupworkspace
        # groupworkspace permission
        gws_permission = Backend._user_has_put_permission(
            self, conn.jdma_user, conn.jdma_workspace.workspace)

        # to validate the credentials we have to do some operation, as just
        # connecting the client doesn't do any validation!
            s3_permission = True
        except Exception:
            s3_permission = False
        return gws_permission & s3_permission