Example #1
def _extract_string_while_in_string(leaf, position):
    def return_part_of_leaf(leaf):
        kwargs = {}
        if leaf.line == position[0]:
            kwargs['endpos'] = position[1] - leaf.column
        match = _string_start.match(leaf.value, **kwargs)
        if not match:
            return None, None, None
        start = match.group(0)
        if leaf.line == position[
                0] and position[1] < leaf.column + match.end():
            return None, None, None
        return cut_value_at_position(leaf, position)[match.end():], leaf, start

    if position < leaf.start_pos:
        return None, None, None

    if leaf.type == 'string':
        return return_part_of_leaf(leaf)

    leaves = []
    while leaf is not None:
        if leaf.type == 'error_leaf' and ('"' in leaf.value
                                          or "'" in leaf.value):
            if len(leaf.value) > 1:
                return return_part_of_leaf(leaf)
            prefix_leaf = None
            if not leaf.prefix:
                prefix_leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
                if prefix_leaf is None or prefix_leaf.type != 'name' \
                        or not all(c in 'rubf' for c in prefix_leaf.value.lower()):
                    prefix_leaf = None

            return (
                ''.join(cut_value_at_position(l, position) for l in leaves),
                prefix_leaf or leaf,
                ('' if prefix_leaf is None else prefix_leaf.value) +
                cut_value_at_position(leaf, position),
        if leaf.line != position[0]:
            # Multi line strings are always simple error leaves and contain the
            # whole string, single line error leaves are atherefore important
            # now and since the line is different, it's not really a single
            # line string anymore.
        leaves.insert(0, leaf)
        leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
    return None, None, None
Example #2
def complete_dict(module_context, code_lines, leaf, position, string, fuzzy):
    bracket_leaf = leaf
    if bracket_leaf != '[':
        bracket_leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()

    cut_end_quote = ''
    if string:
        cut_end_quote = get_quote_ending(string,

    if bracket_leaf == '[':
        if string is None and leaf is not bracket_leaf:
            string = cut_value_at_position(leaf, position)

        context = module_context.create_context(bracket_leaf)
        before_bracket_leaf = bracket_leaf.get_previous_leaf()
        if before_bracket_leaf.type in ('atom', 'trailer', 'name'):
            values = infer_call_of_leaf(context, before_bracket_leaf)
            return list(
                    '' if string is None else string,
    return []
Example #3
 def return_part_of_leaf(leaf):
     kwargs = {}
     if leaf.line == position[0]:
         kwargs['endpos'] = position[1] - leaf.column
     match = _string_start.match(leaf.value, **kwargs)
     start = match.group(0)
     if leaf.line == position[0] and position[1] < leaf.column + match.end():
         return None, None, None
     return cut_value_at_position(leaf, position)[match.end():], leaf, start
Example #4
def _extract_string_while_in_string(leaf, position):
    if leaf.type == 'string':
        match = re.match(r'^\w*(\'{3}|"{3}|\'|")', leaf.value)
        quote = match.group(1)
        if leaf.line == position[0] and position[1] < leaf.column + match.end():
            return None, None
        if leaf.end_pos[0] == position[0] and position[1] > leaf.end_pos[1] - len(quote):
            return None, None
        return cut_value_at_position(leaf, position)[match.end():], leaf

    leaves = []
    while leaf is not None and leaf.line == position[0]:
        if leaf.type == 'error_leaf' and ('"' in leaf.value or "'" in leaf.value):
            return ''.join(l.get_code() for l in leaves), leaf
        leaves.insert(0, leaf)
        leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
    return None, None