Example #1
 def test_empty_field__add_missing_builds(self, get_data):
     url = "http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s" % config.JENKINS_API
     data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     data.update({"firstBuild": None})
     get_data.return_value = data
     j = Job("http://halob:8080/job/foo/", "foo", self.J)
     initial_call_count = get_data.call_count
     self.assertEquals(get_data.call_count, initial_call_count)
Example #2
 def test_empty_field__add_missing_builds(self, get_data):
     url = 'http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
     data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     data.update({'firstBuild': None})
     get_data.return_value = data
     j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', self.J)
     initial_call_count = get_data.call_count
     self.assertEquals(get_data.call_count, initial_call_count)
Example #3
 def test__add_missing_builds_no_builds(self, get_data):
     url = 'http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
     data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     get_data.return_value = data
     j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', self.J)
     initial_call_count = get_data.call_count
     mock_data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     mock_data['builds'] = None
     self.assertEquals(initial_call_count, get_data.call_count)
Example #4
 def test__add_missing_builds_no_builds(self, get_data):
     url = 'http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
     data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     get_data.return_value = data
     j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', self.J)
     initial_call_count = get_data.call_count
     mock_data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     mock_data['builds'] = None
     self.assertEquals(initial_call_count, get_data.call_count)
Example #5
 def test__add_missing_builds_no_first_build(self, get_data):
     url = "http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s" % config.JENKINS_API
     data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     get_data.return_value = data
     j = Job("http://halob:8080/job/foo/", "foo", self.J)
     initial_call_count = get_data.call_count
     mock_data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     mock_data["firstBuild"] = None
     self.assertEquals(initial_call_count, get_data.call_count)
Example #6
 def test__add_missing_builds_not_all_loaded(self, get_data):
     url = 'http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
     data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     get_data.return_value = data
     j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', self.J)
     # to test this function we change data to not have one build
     # and set it to mark that firstBuild was not loaded
     # in that condition function will call j.get_data
     # and will use syntetic field 'allBuilds' to
     # repopulate 'builds' field with all builds
     mock_data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     mock_data['firstBuild'] = {'number': 1}
     del mock_data['builds'][-1]
     self.assertEquals(len(mock_data['builds']), 2)
     new_data = j._add_missing_builds(mock_data)
     self.assertEquals(len(new_data['builds']), 3)
Example #7
 def test__add_missing_builds_not_all_loaded(self, get_data):
     url = 'http://halob:8080/job/foo/%s' % config.JENKINS_API
     data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     get_data.return_value = data
     j = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', self.J)
     # to test this function we change data to not have one build
     # and set it to mark that firstBuild was not loaded
     # in that condition function will call j.get_data
     # and will use syntetic field 'allBuilds' to
     # repopulate 'builds' field with all builds
     mock_data = TestJob.URL_DATA[url].copy()
     mock_data['firstBuild'] = {'number': 1}
     del mock_data['builds'][-1]
     self.assertEquals(len(mock_data['builds']), 2)
     new_data = j._add_missing_builds(mock_data)
     self.assertEquals(len(new_data['builds']), 3)
Example #8
def test__add_missing_builds_not_all_loaded(jenkins, monkeypatch):
    def fake_get_data(cls, url, tree):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return configs.JOB_DATA.copy()

    monkeypatch.setattr(JenkinsBase, 'get_data', fake_get_data)
    job = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', jenkins)

    # to test this function we change data to not have one build
    # and set it to mark that firstBuild was not loaded
    # in that condition function will call j.get_data
    # and will use syntetic field 'allBuilds' to
    # repopulate 'builds' field with all builds
    mock_data = configs.JOB_DATA.copy()
    mock_data['firstBuild'] = {'number': 1}
    del mock_data['builds'][-1]
    job._data = mock_data

    assert len(mock_data['builds']) == 2
    new_data = job._add_missing_builds(mock_data)
    assert len(new_data['builds']) == 3
Example #9
def test__add_missing_builds_not_all_loaded(jenkins, monkeypatch):
    def fake_get_data(cls, url, tree):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return configs.JOB_DATA.copy()

    monkeypatch.setattr(JenkinsBase, 'get_data', fake_get_data)
    job = Job('http://halob:8080/job/foo/', 'foo', jenkins)

    # to test this function we change data to not have one build
    # and set it to mark that firstBuild was not loaded
    # in that condition function will call j.get_data
    # and will use syntetic field 'allBuilds' to
    # repopulate 'builds' field with all builds
    mock_data = configs.JOB_DATA.copy()
    mock_data['firstBuild'] = {'number': 1}
    del mock_data['builds'][-1]
    job._data = mock_data

    assert len(mock_data['builds']) == 2
    new_data = job._add_missing_builds(mock_data)
    assert len(new_data['builds']) == 3