def __repr__(self): inputs = self.get_sanitized_inputs() if self.at_idx: return self.fmt_with_idx.format(, in1=self.input1, idx=', '.join( [str(i) for i in self.at_idx]), in2=self.input2) elif self.slices: lhs_eval = get_unique_name(inputs[0] + '_eval') rhs_eval = get_unique_name(inputs[1] + '_eval') return self.slice_fmt.format(, lhs_eval=lhs_eval, rhs_eval=rhs_eval, lhs=inputs[0], rhs=inputs[1], start='{}, {}'.format(self.slice_tuples[0][0], self.slice_tuples[1][0]), end='{}, {}'.format(self.slice_tuples[0][1], self.slice_tuples[1][1])) return self.fmt.format(in1=self.input1, in2=self.input2, tranpose=self.transpose)
def wrapper(*args): if not jet.jet_mode: return func(*args) func_id = id(func) func_cached = _func_cached_dict[func_id]['func'] if func_cached is not None: return func_cached(*args) shapes = _func_cached_dict[func_id]['shapes'] if inspect.ismethod(func): arg_names = func.__code__.co_varnames[1:func.__code__. co_argcount] else: arg_names = func.__code__.co_varnames[:func.__code__. co_argcount] if len(arg_names) != len(args): assert (len(arg_names) == 0) arg_names = [get_unique_name('ph') for each in args] if len(shapes) != len(arg_names) and shapes: raise ValueError( 'Shapes length does not match the arguments length.') if not shapes: shapes = [ arg.shape if hasattr(arg, 'shape') else () for arg in args ] _func_cached_dict[func_id]['shapes'] = shapes ph = [ placeholder(name=arg[1], shape=shapes[arg[0]]) for arg in enumerate(arg_names) ] fun_name = func.__code__.co_name if fun_name == '<lambda>': fun_name = get_unique_name('lambda') jb = JetBuilder(args=ph, out=func(*ph), file_name=get_unique_name( sanitize_name('{}_{}_{func_name}'.format( *get_caller_info('')[1:-1], func_name=fun_name))), fun_name=get_unique_name(fun_name)) jet_class = getattr(, jb.class_name) jet_func = getattr(jet_class(), jb.fun_name) _func_cached_dict[func_id]['func'] = jet_func return jet_func(*args)
def __init__(self, value=None, name='array', shape=(), dtype=config.DTYPE, producer=None, **kwargs): if value is None: self.value = numpy.array(None) self.shape = shape else: self.value = numpy.array(value, dtype=object) self.shape = self.value.shape if len(shape) > 2: raise NotImplementedError('Only up to 2 dimensions supported.') value = expander.check_type(*self.value.flatten().tolist()) self.value = numpy.array(value, dtype=object).reshape(self.shape) op = expander.CreateArrayOp(value, self, self.shape) producer = op self.ndim = len(shape) self.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) = utils.get_unique_name(name) self.producer = producer self.assignment = [] self.kwargs = kwargs
def __init__(self, out, args=None, fun_name='func', file_name=None): """ Construct a class builder Args: graph (nx.DiGraph): The jet graph containing all Ops out (list): List of nodes which form the output of the compiled function fun_name (str): Name suffix of the compiled class. If fun_name = FunName, the compiled class would be called JetFunName. """ if file_name is None: file_name = get_unique_name('jet_autogenerated') self.graph = expander.graph self.args = [] if args is None else [arg.producer for arg in args] self.ops = [] self.variables = [] self.constants = [] self.Op = OpCollector() self.file_name = file_name self.fun_name = fun_name + 'Func' self.class_name = fun_name.title() + 'Class' self.extract_return(out) # extract sequential list, starting at output current_nodes = self._extract_nodes_for_return(out) self.subgraph = self.graph.subgraph(current_nodes) topo_sorted = nx.topological_sort(self.subgraph) if not config.debug and config.merge: self._merge_ops(self.subgraph, topo_sorted) for el in topo_sorted: if el not in current_nodes: continue if el.op == 'Placeholder': if args is None: self.args.append(el) elif el.op == 'Variable': self.variables.append(el) elif el.op == 'Const': self.constants.append(el) else: self.ops.append(el) self.args = sorted(self.args, key=lambda x: x.placeholder_count) if config.draw_graph: import burn burn.draw(self.subgraph, outputs=out, name=fun_name) if config.draw_graph_raw: import burn burn.draw(self.graph, outputs=out, name=fun_name + '_raw')
def add_to_graph(self): if hasattr(self, 'name'): # TODO dominique: is this check here? the class has a property 'name' graph.add_node(self, else: name=get_unique_name('uniquename') graph.add_node(self, name=name) if self.inputs is not None: for arr in self.inputs: if hasattr(arr, 'assignment') and arr.assignment: graph.add_edge(arr.assignment[-1], self, elif hasattr(arr, 'producer'): graph.add_edge(arr.producer, self,