def constraints(self, x): # # The callback for calculating the constraints # math = Math() pos = x[0:3] force = x[3:6] tau_constraint =, force) return np.array((tau_constraint))
def bilinear_formulation(): ''' Definition the bilinear problem ''' math = Math() pos0 = np.array([2.5, 2.5, 2.5]) force0 = np.array([-10.0, 10.0, 10.0]) posDesired = np.array([2.0, 2.0, 2.0]) forceDesired = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 10.0]) tauDesired =, forceDesired) print "initial contact position: ", pos0 print "initial force: ", force0 print "Desired torque: ", tauDesired x0 = np.hstack([pos0, force0]) lb = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -20.0, -20.0, 0.0] ub = [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0] tau_x_constraints_lb = np.array([20.0]) tau_x_constraints_ub = np.array([20.0]) tau_y_constraints_lb = np.array([-20.0]) tau_y_constraints_ub = np.array([-20.0]) tau_z_constraints_lb = np.array([0.0]) tau_z_constraints_ub = np.array([0.0]) cl = np.hstack( [tau_x_constraints_lb, tau_y_constraints_lb, tau_z_constraints_lb]) cu = np.hstack( [tau_x_constraints_ub, tau_y_constraints_ub, tau_z_constraints_ub]) nlpConvex = ipopt.problem(n=len(x0), m=len(cl), problem_obj=buildBilinearFormulation(x0), lb=lb, ub=ub, cl=cl, cu=cu) # # Set solver options # #nlp.addOption('derivative_test', 'second-order') nlpConvex.addOption('mu_strategy', 'adaptive') nlpConvex.addOption('jacobian_approximation', 'finite-difference-values') nlpConvex.addOption('hessian_approximation', 'limited-memory') nlpConvex.addOption('tol', 1e-2) # # Scale the problem (Just for demonstration purposes) # nlpConvex.setProblemScaling(obj_scaling=1, x_scaling=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) nlpConvex.addOption('nlp_scaling_method', 'user-scaling') # # Solve the problem # sol, info = nlpConvex.solve(x0) print "Solution of the primal variables: x=%s\n" % repr(sol) print "Solution of the dual variables: lambda=%s\n" % repr(info['mult_g']) print "Objective=%s\n" % repr(info['obj_val']) l = sol[0:3] f = sol[3:6] tau =, f) print colored('-----------> Results check: ', 'red') print colored('desired torque: ', 'blue'), tauDesired[0], tauDesired[1], tauDesired[2] print colored('actual torque: ', 'green'), tau print colored('torque error: ', 'red'), np.subtract(tau, tauDesired) print colored('foot pos: ', 'green'), l print colored('force: ', 'green'), f