Example #1
class JiraCI:
    resolution_state = {"fixed": "1", "wont fixed": "2", "duplicate": "3", "incomplete": "4", "cannot reproduce": "5",
                        "not a bug": "6", "done": "7"}

    def __init__(self, jira_url, login, password):
        if version_info[1] <= 6:
            options = jira_url
            options = {"server": jira_url}
        self.jira = JIRA(options, basic_auth=(login, password))

    def debug_jira(text):
        stdout.write("[DEBUG JIRA]: {0}\n".format(text))

    def check_issue_exist(self, issue_id):
        except JIRAError as e:
            print "[-] : {0} - {1}".format(issue_id, e.text)
            return False
            return True

    def check_issue_state(self, issue_id, issue_state):
        jira_issue = self.jira.issue(issue_id)
        if jira_issue.fields.status.name.lower() == issue_state.lower():
            return True
            return False

    def add_comment(self, issue_id, comment, formatting=False):
        jira_issue = self.jira.issue(issue_id)
        if formatting:
            comment = "{code}" + comment + "{code}"
        if not self.check_comment_exist(issue_id, comment):
            self.jira.add_comment(jira_issue, comment)
            self.debug_jira("Comment (for {0}) : {1} added".format(issue_id, comment.rstrip()))
            self.debug_jira("Comment (for {0}) : {1} already exist".format(issue_id, comment.rstrip()))

    def assign_issue(self, issue_id, assigned_user):
        jira_issue = self.jira.issue(issue_id)
        jira_issue.update(assignee={"name": assigned_user})

    def add_link(self, issue_id, title, url):
        url_object = {"url": url, "title": title}
        if not self.check_link_exist(issue_id, title, url):
            self.jira.add_remote_link(issue_id, url_object)
            self.debug_jira("Link (for {0}) : {1} added".format(issue_id, url))
            self.debug_jira("Link (for {0}) : {1} already exist".format(issue_id, url))

    def resolve_issue_to_reporter(self, issue_id):
        reporter = self.get_reporter_issue(issue_id)
        self.jira.transition_issue(issue_id, "5", resolution={"id": self.resolution_state["fixed"]})
        self.assign_issue(issue_id, reporter)

    def get_reporter_issue(self, issue_id):
        jira_issue = self.jira.issue(issue_id)
        return jira_issue.fields.reporter.name

    def check_comment_exist(self, issue_id, new_comment):
        comments = [c.body for c in self.jira.comments(issue_id)]
        if new_comment in comments:
            return True
        return False

    def check_link_exist(self, issue_id, title, url):
        links = [l.raw["object"] for l in self.jira.remote_links(issue_id)]
        for link in links:
            if link["title"] == title and link["url"] == url:
                return True
        return False

    def resolve_from_git(self, issue_id, short_commit_message, title_url, package_url):
        if self.check_issue_exist(issue_id):
            if not self.check_issue_state(issue_id, "resolved"):
                self.debug_jira("Issue {0} already resolve".format(issue_id))
                self.debug_jira("Issue {0} resolved".format(issue_id))
            self.add_link(issue_id, title_url, package_url)
            self.add_comment(issue_id, short_commit_message, formatting=True)

    def refer_from_git(self, issue_id, commit_message):
        if self.check_issue_exist(issue_id):
            self.add_comment(issue_id, commit_message, formatting=True)
Example #2
# Find all comments made by Atlassians on this issue.
atl_comments = [comment for comment in issue.fields.comment.comments
                if re.search(r'@atlassian.com$', comment.author.emailAddress)]

# Add a comment to the issue.
jira.add_comment(issue, 'Comment text')

# Change the issue's summary and description.
    summary="I'm different!", description='Changed the summary to be different.')

# Change the issue without sending updates
issue.update(notify=False, description='Quiet summary update.')

# You can update the entire labels field like this
issue.update(labels=['AAA', 'BBB'])

# Or modify the List of existing labels. The new label is unicode with no
# spaces
issue.update(fields={"labels": issue.fields.labels})

# Send the issue away for good.

# Linking a remote jira issue (needs applinks to be configured to work)
issue = jira.issue('JRA-1330')
issue2 = jira.issue('XX-23')  # could also be another instance
jira.add_remote_link(issue, issue2)
Example #3
# Get all projects viewable by anonymous users.
projects = jira.projects()
print (projects)

# Sort available project keys, then return the second, third, and fourth keys.
keys = sorted([project.key for project in projects])[2:5]
# Get an issue.
issue = jira.issue('JRA-1330')
# Find all comments made by Atlassians on this issue.
atl_comments = [comment for comment in issue.fields.comment.comments
if re.search(r'@atlassian.com$', comment.author.emailAddress)]
# Add a comment to the issue.
jira.add_comment(issue, 'Comment text')
# Change the issue's summary and description.
summary="I'm different!", description='Changed the summary to be different.')
# Change the issue without sending updates
issue.update(notify=False, description='Quiet summary update.')
# You can update the entire labels field like this
issue.update(labels=['AAA', 'BBB'])
# Or modify the List of existing labels. The new label is unicode with no
# spaces
issue.update(fields={"labels": issue.fields.labels})
# Send the issue away for good.
# Linking a remote jira issue (needs applinks to be configured to work)
issue = jira.issue('JRA-1330')
issue2 = jira.issue('XX-23') # could also be another instance
jira.add_remote_link(issue, issue2)
class JiraIssues(object):
    APPLICATION = {"type": "www.hackerone.comr", "name": "Hacker One"}

    SCOPE = '''
asset type: %(type)s
asset identifier: %(identifier)s\n'''

h4.Report Info
Report State: %(state)s
Reporter: %(reporter)s
Assignee: %(assignee)s
Report Created: %(created)s
Report Last Activity: %(last_activity)s

name: %(name)s
description: %(w_description)s
id: %(id)s

rating: %(rating)s
score: %(score)s'


    def __init__(self, server, username, password, project):
        """Inits jira client.  This current setup requires a jira username to be setup with the appropriate
        permissions in the jira project

        :type server: string
        :param server: jira url

        :type username: string
        :param username: token

        :type password: string
        :param password: jira username password

        :type project: string
        :param project: jira project
        self.__jira_server = server
        self.__username = username
        self.__password = password
        self.jira_project = project

    def _init_jira_client(self):
        options = {'server': self.__jira_server}

        def create_custom_field(fields=None):
            url = self._get_url('field')
            r = self._session.post(url, data=json.dumps(fields))

            if r.status_code != 201:
                raise JIRAError(r.status_code, request=r)

            return r

        # Jira library doesn't have method for creating custom fields
        setattr(JIRA, 'create_custom_field', create_custom_field)

        self.jira_client = JIRA(options,
                                basic_auth=(self.__username, self.__password))

    def get_jira_projects(self):
        return self.jira_client.projects()

    def create_project(self, key, name, jira_type="Software"):
        return self.jira_client.create_project(key, name, jira_type)

    def get_jira_issue(self, report):
        Return Jira Issue based on HackerOne Report issue_tracker_reference_id

        :type report: h1.models.Report
        :param report: hackerone report
        :return: Jira Issue
            return self.jira_client.issue(report.issue_tracker_reference_id)
        except JIRAError as e:
            if e.text == "Issue Does Not Exist":
                return None

    def _get_jira_summary(report):
        return "%s - %s" % (report.id, report.title)

    def _get_jira_description(self, report):
        return self.DESCRIPTION % {
            'description': report.vulnerability_information,
            'reporter': report.reporter.name,
            report.assignee.name if report.assignee is not None else "",
            'state': report.state,
            'created': report.created_at,
            'last_activity': report.last_activity_at,
            'name': report.weakness.name,
            'w_description': report.weakness.description,
            'id': report.weakness.external_id,
            'rating': report.severity.rating,
            'score': report.severity.score

    def create_jira_issue(self, report):
        Create Jira Issue

        :type report: h1.models.Report
        :param report: hackerone report

        :type :return: string
        :return: Jira ID
        issue_dict = {
            'project': {
                'key': self.jira_project
            'summary': self._get_jira_summary(report),
            'description': self._get_jira_description(report),
            'issuetype': {
                'name': 'Bug'
            'labels': ['hackerOne']

        return self.jira_client.create_issue(fields=issue_dict, prefetch=True)

    def update_jira_issue(self, report, jira):
        fields = {}

        summary = self._get_jira_summary(report)

        if jira.fields.summary != summary:
            fields['summary'] = summary

        description = self._get_jira_description(report)

        if jira.fields.description != description:
            fields['description'] = description

        if fields:
            logging.info("Updating Existing Jira Issue: %s" % fields.keys())

    def search_for_jira_issues(self, report_id):
        Perform a Jira query search using JQL
        :param report_id: hacker one report id
        :return: returns jira issue match
        return self.jira_client.search_issues(
            '''project = %s AND summary ~ "%s"''' %
            (self.jira_project, report_id),

    def get_fields(self):
        return self.jira_client.fields()

    def create_custom_field(self, fields):
        return self.jira_client.create_custom_field(fields)

    def get_remote_links(self, jira):
        return self.jira_client.remote_links(jira)

    def add_remote_link(self, report, jira, relationship="Relates"):
        links = set()

        # note all rmeote links have to have a global id
        for link in self.get_remote_links(jira):
            if hasattr(link, 'globalId'):

        if report.id not in links:
            destination = {'url': report.html_url, 'title': report.title}
            return self.jira_client.add_remote_link(jira, destination,

    def add_simple_link(self, report, jira):
        link = {'url': report.html_url, 'title': report.title}

        return self.jira_client.add_simple_link(jira, object=link)

    def add_jira_attachment(self, jira, attachment, filename):
        """Add H1 Attachment in Jira

        :param jira: Jira object that has attachments
        :param attachment: hacker one attachment object content
        :param filename: attachment file name
        :return: return
        return self.jira_client.add_attachment(issue=jira.id,

    def create_comments(self, jira, comment):
        return self.jira_client.add_comment(jira, comment)