Example #1
 def test_simple_text(self):
     req = req_t('GET', 'http://www.example.com')
     resp = MockResponse(404, 'Not Found', request=req, text='errText')
     exc = RequestFailedException(resp)
     assert exc.response == resp
     assert exc.status_code == 404
     assert exc.reason == 'Not Found'
     assert str(
     ) == 'GET http://www.example.com returned HTTP 404 Not Found: errText'
Example #2
 def test_simple_error_json(self):
     req = req_t('GET', 'http://www.example.com')
     resp = MockResponse(404,
                         'Not Found',
                         _json={'error': {
                             'message': 'errMsg'
     exc = RequestFailedException(resp)
     assert exc.response == resp
     assert exc.status_code == 404
     assert exc.reason == 'Not Found'
     assert str(
     ) == 'GET http://www.example.com returned HTTP 404 Not Found: errMsg'
Example #3
    def upload_image(self, img_data, img_filename, content_type):
        Upload a new Image resource to be stored on the server as a temporary
        image, i.e. for embedding in an upcoming Document, Post, etc. Returns
        Image object and the user-facing URI for the image itself, i.e.
        . This is the low-level direct API call that corresponds to `Upload New
        Image <https://developers.jivesoftware.com/api/v3/cloud/rest/ImageServic

        **Note:** Python's ``requests`` lacks streaming file support. As such,
        images sent using this method will be entirely read into memory and then
        sent. This may not work very well for extremely large images.

        **Warning:** As far as I can tell, the user-visible URI to an image
        can *only* be retrieved when the image is uploaded. There does not seem
        to be a way to get it from the API for an existing image.

        :param img_data: The binary image data.
        :type img_data: bytes
        :param img_filename: The filename for the image. This is purely for
          display purposes.
        :type img_filename: str
        :param content_type: The MIME Content Type for the image data.
        :type content_type: str
        :return: 2-tuple of (string user-facing URI to the image i.e. for use
          in HTML, dict Image object representation)
        :rtype: tuple
        # Testing Note: betamax==0.8.1 and/or betamax-serializers==0.2.0 cannot
        # handle testing the binary response content from this method.
        url = self.abs_url('core/v3/images')
        files = {
            'file': (img_filename, img_data, content_type)
        logger.debug('POST to %s (length %d)', url, len(img_data))
        res = self._requests.post(url, files=files, allow_redirects=False)
            'POST %s returned %d %s', url, res.status_code, res.reason
        if res.status_code != 201:
            raise RequestFailedException(res)
            'Uploaded image with Location: %s', res.headers['Location']
        return res.headers['Location'], res.json()
Example #4
    def _put_json(self, path, data):
        Execute a PUT request against the Jive API, sending JSON.

        :param path: path or full URL to PUT to
        :type path: str
        :param data: Data to POST.
        :type data: ``dict`` or ``list``
        :return: deserialized response JSON. Usually dict or list.
        if path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith('https://'):
            # likely a pagination link
            url = path
            url = self.abs_url(path)
        logger.debug('PUT to %s (length %d)', url, len(json.dumps(data)))
        res = self._requests.put(url, json=data)
        logger.debug('PUT %s returned %d %s', url, res.status_code, res.reason)
        if res.status_code not in [200, 201]:
            raise RequestFailedException(res)
        return res.json()
Example #5
    def get_image(self, image_id):
        GET the image specified by ``image_id`` as binary content. This method
        currently can only retrieve the exact original image. This is the
        low-level direct API call that corresponds to `Get Image <https://devel

        :param image_id: Jive Image ID to get. This can be found in a Content
          (i.e. Document or Post) object's ``contentImages`` list.
        :type image_id: str
        :return: binary content of Image
        :rtype: bytes
        # Testing Note: betamax==0.8.1 and/or betamax-serializers==0.2.0 cannot
        # handle testing the binary response content from this method.
        url = self.abs_url('core/v3/images/%s' % image_id)
        logger.debug('GET (binary) %s', url)
        res = self._requests.get(url)
        logger.debug('GET %s returned %d %s (%d bytes)', url, res.status_code,
                     res.reason, len(res.content))
        if res.status_code > 299:
            raise RequestFailedException(res)
        return res.content