Example #1
def get_operations(
    truth: Union[str, List[str]],
    hypothesis: Union[str, List[str]],
    truth_transform: Union[tr.Compose, tr.AbstractTransform] = _default_transform,
    hypothesis_transform: Union[tr.Compose, tr.AbstractTransform] = _default_transform,

    # deal with old API
    if "standardize" in kwargs:
        truth = _standardize_transform(truth)
        hypothesis = _standardize_transform(hypothesis)
    if "words_to_filter" in kwargs:
        t = tr.RemoveSpecificWords(kwargs["words_to_filter"])
        truth = t(truth)
        hypothesis = t(hypothesis)

    # Preprocess truth and hypothesisi
    truth, hypothesis = _preprocess(
        truth, hypothesis, truth_transform, hypothesis_transform

    # Get the operation counts (#hits, #substitutions, #deletions, #insertions)
    operations = _get_editops(truth, hypothesis)

    return operations
Example #2
def wer(truth: Union[str, List[str]],
        hypothesis: Union[str, List[str]],
        truth_transform: Union[tr.Compose,
                               tr.AbstractTransform] = _default_transform,
        hypothesis_transform: Union[tr.Compose,
                                    tr.AbstractTransform] = _default_transform,
        **kwargs) -> float:
    Calculate the WER between between a set of ground-truth sentences and a set of
    hypothesis sentences.

    The set of sentences can be given as a string or a list of strings. A string
    input is assumed to be a single sentence. A list of strings is assumed to be
    multiple sentences. Each word in a sentence is separated by one or more spaces.
    A sentence is not expected to end with a specific token (such as a `.`). If
    the ASR does delimit sentences it is expected that these tokens are filtered out.

    The optional `transforms` arguments can be used to apply pre-processing to
    respectively the ground truth and hypotheses input. Note that the transform
    should ALWAYS include `SentencesToListOfWords`, as that is the expected input.

    :param truth: the ground-truth sentence(s) as a string or list of strings
    :param hypothesis: the hypothesis sentence(s) as a string or list of strings
    :param truth_transform: the transformation to apply on the truths input
    :param hypothesis_transform: the transformation to apply on the hypothesis input
    :return: the WER as a floating number between 0 and 1
    # deal with old API
    if "standardize" in kwargs:
        truth = _standardize_transform(truth)
        hypothesis = _standardize_transform(hypothesis)
    if "words_to_filter" in kwargs:
        t = tr.RemoveSpecificWords(kwargs["words_to_filter"])
        truth = t(truth)
        hypothesis = t(hypothesis)

    # Apply transforms. By default, it collapses input to a list of words
    truth = truth_transform(truth)
    hypothesis = hypothesis_transform(hypothesis)

    # raise an error if the ground truth is empty
    if len(truth) == 0:
        raise ValueError("the ground truth cannot be an empty")

    # tokenize each word into an integer
    vocabulary = set(truth + hypothesis)
    word2char = dict(zip(vocabulary, range(len(vocabulary))))

    truth_chars = [chr(word2char[w]) for w in truth]
    hypothesis_chars = [chr(word2char[w]) for w in hypothesis]

    # now that the words are tokenized, we can do alignment
    distance = _edit_distance(truth_chars, hypothesis_chars)

    # and the WER is simply distance divided by the length of the truth
    n = len(truth_chars)
    error_rate = distance / n

    return error_rate
Example #3
def compute_measures(
    truth: Union[str, List[str]],
    hypothesis: Union[str, List[str]],
    truth_transform: Union[tr.Compose, tr.AbstractTransform] = wer_default,
    hypothesis_transform: Union[tr.Compose, tr.AbstractTransform] = wer_default,
) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Calculate error measures between a set of ground-truth sentences and a set of
    hypothesis sentences.

    The set of sentences can be given as a string or a list of strings. A string
    input is assumed to be a single sentence. A list of strings is assumed to be
    multiple sentences which need to be evaluated independently. Each word in a
    sentence is separated by one or more spaces. A sentence is not expected to end
    with a specific token (such as a `.`). If the ASR system does delimit sentences
    it is expected that these tokens are filtered out.

    The optional `transforms` arguments can be used to apply pre-processing to
    respectively the ground truth and hypotheses input. By default, the following
    transform is applied to both the ground truth and hypothesis string(s). These
    steps are required and necessary in order to compute the measures.

    1) The start and end of a string are stripped of white-space symbols
    2) Contiguous spaces (e.g `   `) are reduced to a single space (e.g ` `)
    3) A sentence (with a single space (` `) between words) is reduced to a
       list of words

    Any non-default transformation is required to reduce the input to at least
    one list of words in order to facility the computation of the edit distance.

    :param truth: the ground-truth sentence(s) as a string or list of strings
    :param hypothesis: the hypothesis sentence(s) as a string or list of strings
    :param truth_transform: the transformation to apply on the truths input
    :param hypothesis_transform: the transformation to apply on the hypothesis input
    :return: a dict with WER, MER, WIP and WIL measures as floating point numbers
    # deprecated old API
    if "standardize" in kwargs:
                "keyword argument `standardize` is deprecated. "
                "Please use `truth_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_standardize` and"
                " `hypothesis_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_standardize` instead"
        truth_transform = wer_standardize
        hypothesis_transform = wer_standardize
    if "words_to_filter" in kwargs:
                "keyword argument `words_to_filter` is deprecated. "
                "Please compose your own transform with `jiwer.transforms.RemoveSpecificWords"
        t = tr.RemoveSpecificWords(kwargs["words_to_filter"])
        truth = t(truth)
        hypothesis = t(hypothesis)

    # validate input type
    if isinstance(truth, str):
        truth = [truth]
    if isinstance(hypothesis, str):
        hypothesis = [hypothesis]
    if any(len(t) == 0 for t in truth):
        raise ValueError("one or more groundtruths are empty strings")

    # Preprocess truth and hypothesis
    truth, hypothesis = _preprocess(
        truth, hypothesis, truth_transform, hypothesis_transform

    # keep track of total hits, substitutions, deletions and insertions
    # across all input sentences
    H, S, D, I = 0, 0, 0, 0

    # also keep track of the total number of ground truth words and hypothesis words
    gt_tokens, hp_tokens = 0, 0

    for groundtruth_sentence, hypothesis_sentence in zip(truth, hypothesis):
        # Get the operation counts (#hits, #substitutions, #deletions, #insertions)
        hits, substitutions, deletions, insertions = _get_operation_counts(
            groundtruth_sentence, hypothesis_sentence

        H += hits
        S += substitutions
        D += deletions
        I += insertions
        gt_tokens += len(groundtruth_sentence)
        hp_tokens += len(hypothesis_sentence)

    # Compute Word Error Rate
    wer = float(S + D + I) / float(H + S + D)

    # Compute Match Error Rate
    mer = float(S + D + I) / float(H + S + D + I)

    # Compute Word Information Preserved
    wip = (float(H) / gt_tokens) * (float(H) / hp_tokens) if hp_tokens >= 1 else 0

    # Compute Word Information Lost
    wil = 1 - wip

    return {
        "wer": wer,
        "mer": mer,
        "wil": wil,
        "wip": wip,
        "hits": H,
        "substitutions": S,
        "deletions": D,
        "insertions": I,
Example #4
def compute_measures(
    truth: Union[str, List[str]],
    hypothesis: Union[str, List[str]],
    truth_transform: Union[tr.Compose, tr.AbstractTransform] = _default_transform,
    hypothesis_transform: Union[tr.Compose, tr.AbstractTransform] = _default_transform,
) -> Mapping[str, float]:
    Calculate error measures between a set of ground-truth sentences and a set of
    hypothesis sentences.

    The set of sentences can be given as a string or a list of strings. A string
    input is assumed to be a single sentence. A list of strings is assumed to be
    multiple sentences. Each word in a sentence is separated by one or more spaces.
    A sentence is not expected to end with a specific token (such as a `.`). If
    the ASR does delimit sentences it is expected that these tokens are filtered out.

    The optional `transforms` arguments can be used to apply pre-processing to
    respectively the ground truth and hypotheses input. Note that the transform
    should ALWAYS include `SentencesToListOfWords`, as that is the expected input.

    :param truth: the ground-truth sentence(s) as a string or list of strings
    :param hypothesis: the hypothesis sentence(s) as a string or list of strings
    :param truth_transform: the transformation to apply on the truths input
    :param hypothesis_transform: the transformation to apply on the hypothesis input
    :return: a dict with WER, MER, WIP and WIL measures as floating point numbers

    # deal with old API
    if "standardize" in kwargs:
        truth = _standardize_transform(truth)
        hypothesis = _standardize_transform(hypothesis)
    if "words_to_filter" in kwargs:
        t = tr.RemoveSpecificWords(kwargs["words_to_filter"])
        truth = t(truth)
        hypothesis = t(hypothesis)

    # Preprocess truth and hypothesisi
    truth, hypothesis = _preprocess(
        truth, hypothesis, truth_transform, hypothesis_transform

    # Get the operation counts (#hits, #substitutions, #deletions, #insertions)
    H, S, D, I = _get_operation_counts(truth, hypothesis)

    # Compute Word Error Rate
    wer = float(S + D + I) / float(H + S + D)

    # Compute Match Error Rate
    mer = float(S + D + I) / float(H + S + D + I)

    # Compute Word Information Preserved
    wip = (float(H) / len(truth)) * (float(H) / len(hypothesis)) if hypothesis else 0

    # Compute Word Information Lost
    wil = 1 - wip

    return {
        "wer": wer,
        "mer": mer,
        "wil": wil,
        "wip": wip,