def plotVelVsRadius():
    cc = objects.Constants()

    gm = cc.mass * cc.msun * cc.G

    # Radius vector from 0-30 arcsec in 0.1 arcsec increments
    r = arange(0.1, 30, 0.1)
    r_cm = r * cc.dist * cc.cm_in_au

    vesc_cms = sqrt(2.0 * gm / r_cm)
    vesc = vesc_cms / 1.0e5

    vcirc = vesc / sqrt(2.0)

    # Plot
    plot(r, vesc, 'k-')
    plot(r, vcirc, 'k--')
    xlabel('Radius (arcsec)')
    ylabel('Velocity (km/s)')

    # Approximation for inclination uncertainty
    #   2GM/v^2 < 1.02 * r2D
    vincl = vesc / 1.11
    plot(r, vincl, 'b--')

    rng = axis()
    axis([0, rng[1], 1, 1000])
Example #2
def loadAllYoungStars(root, radiusCut=0.8, withRVonly=False):
    cc = objects.Constants()
    # Use our data if available. Otherwise use Paumards.
    ours = loadYoungStars(root, radiusCut=radiusCut, withRVonly=withRVonly)

    # Now get all other young star info from Paumard2006
    paum = tabs.Paumard2006()

    # Paumard doesn't have positional uncertainties so we
    # need to figure out what to use. Do this by comparing
    # to stars that are in both.
    ourNames = ours.getArray('name')

    for ii in range(len(ourNames)):
        star = ours.stars[ii]

	# Find the star in our star lists
	    #idx = paum.ourName.index(ourNames[ii])
	    idx = np.where(paum.ourName == ourNames[ii])[0]
            star.paumDiffX = paum.x[idx] - star.fitXa.p
            star.paumDiffY = paum.y[idx] - star.fitYa.p
            star.paumDiff = sqrt(star.paumDiffX**2 + star.paumDiffY**2)
	except ValueError, e:
Example #3
    def matchNames(self, labelFile=tablesDir + 'label.dat'):
        cc = objects.Constants()

        # Load up our label.dat file
        labels = Labels(labelFile)

        # Convert Paumard Velocities to asec/yr.
        vxPaum = self.vx / cc.asy_to_kms
        vyPaum = self.vy / cc.asy_to_kms

        # Epoch to match at:
        t = 2008.0
        t0Paum = 2005.0  # just a guess

        xPaum = self.x + vxPaum * (t - t0Paum)
        yPaum = self.y + vyPaum * (t - t0Paum)

        xOurs = labels.x + (labels.vx * (t - labels.t0) / 1.0e3)
        yOurs = labels.y + (labels.vy * (t - labels.t0) / 1.0e3)

        for ii in range(len(xPaum)):
            #             if self.ourName[ii] is not '-':
            #                 continue

            dr = np.hypot(xOurs - xPaum[ii], yOurs - yPaum[ii])
            dm = labels.mag - self.Kmag[ii]

            # Find the closest source
            rdx = dr.argsort()[0]

            # Find thoses sources within 0.1"
            cdx = np.where(dr < 0.1)[0]

            print('Match %10s at [%5.2f, %5.2f] and mag = %5.2f (ourName = %s)' % \
                ([ii], xPaum[ii], yPaum[ii], self.Kmag[ii],
            print('   Closest Star:')
            print('      %10s at [%5.2f, %5.2f] and mag = %5.2f' % \
                ([rdx], xOurs[rdx], yOurs[rdx], labels.mag[rdx]))
            print('   Stars within 0.1"')
            for kk in cdx:
                print('      %10s at [%5.2f, %5.2f] and mag = %5.2f' % \
                    ([kk], xOurs[kk], yOurs[kk], labels.mag[kk]))
    def xyz2kep(self, r, v, re, ve, epoch, mass=None, dist=None):
        Converts from cartesian (position, velocity) elements to Keplerian
        elements (inclination, eccentricity, omega, bigOmega, t0, period).

        @param r: 3D vector containing position of secondary (arcsec).
        @type r: numarray
        @param v: 3D vector containing velocity of secondary (km/s).
        @type v: numarray
        @param re: 3D vector containing position errors (arcsec).
        @type re: numarray
        @param ve: 3D vector containing velocity errors (km/s).
        @type veh: numarray
        @param epoch: The epoch at which the r and v vectors were observed.
        @type epoch: float

        @kwparam mass: Black hole mass in solar mass units
                       (default pulled from Constants).
        @kwparam dist: Black hole distance in parsec
                       (default pulled from Constants).

        @return elements: object containing orbital elements
        cc = objects.Constants()

        if (mass != None):
            cc.mass = mass
        if (dist != None):
            cc.dist = dist
            cc.asy_to_kms = cc.dist * cc.cm_in_au / (1.0e5 * cc.sec_in_yr)

        GM = cc.msun * cc.mass * cc.G

        # Convert position from arcsec to cm
        r *= cc.dist * cc.cm_in_au
        re *= cc.dist * cc.cm_in_au

        # Convert velocity from km/s to cm/s
        v = v * 1.0e5
        ve = ve * 1.0e5

        r_mag = sqrt((r**2).sum())
        v_mag = sqrt((v**2).sum())
        re_mag = sqrt(((r * re)**2).sum()) / r_mag
        ve_mag = sqrt(((v * ve)**2).sum()) / v_mag

        ### --- Now everything should be in CGS ---###

        # Check for unbound orbits... we don't handle those here
        if (v_mag > sqrt(2.0 * GM / r_mag)):
            raise ValueError(
                'Velocity exceeds escape velocity: v_mag = %e vs. v_esc = %e, mass=%e'
                % (v_mag, sqrt(2.0 * GM / r_mag), mass))

        # Angular momentum vector
        h = util.cross_product(r, v)
        h_mag = sqrt((h**2).sum())

        he = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        he[0] = (re[1] * v[2])**2 + (r[1] * ve[2])**2
        he[0] += (re[2] * v[1])**2 + (r[2] * ve[1])**2
        he[1] = (re[0] * v[2])**2 + (r[0] * ve[2])**2
        he[1] += (re[2] * v[0])**2 + (r[2] * ve[0])**2
        he[2] = (re[0] * v[1])**2 + (r[0] * ve[1])**2
        he[2] += (re[1] * v[0])**2 + (r[1] * ve[0])**2

        he = sqrt(he)
        he_mag = sqrt(((h * he)**2).sum()) / h_mag

        # Inclination
        u = -h[2] / h_mag
        incl = math.degrees(arccos(u))

        dudx = h[2] * (v[1] * h[2] - v[2] * h[1]) / h_mag**3
        dudx = dudx - (v[1] / h_mag)
        dudy = h[2] * (v[2] * h[0] - v[0] * h[2]) / h_mag**3
        dudy = dudy + (v[0] / h_mag)
        dudz = h[2] * (v[0] * h[1] - v[1] * h[0]) / h_mag**3
        dudvx = h[2] * (r[2] * h[1] - r[1] * h[2]) / h_mag**3
        dudvx = dudvx + (r[1] / h_mag)
        dudvy = h[2] * (r[0] * h[2] - r[2] * h[0]) / h_mag**3
        dudvy = dudvy - (r[0] / h_mag)
        dudvz = h[2] * (r[1] * h[0] - r[0] * h[1]) / h_mag**3

        incl_err = (dudvx * ve[0])**2 + (dudvy * ve[1])**2 + (dudvz * ve[2])**2
        incl_err += (dudx * re[0])**2 + (dudy * re[1])**2 + (dudz * re[2])**2
        incl_err = incl_err / (1.0 - u**2)  # derivative of acos
        incl_err = math.degrees(sqrt(incl_err))

        # eccentricity
        e = (util.cross_product(v, h) / GM) - (r / r_mag)
        e_mag = sqrt((e**2).sum())

        dedx = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        dedx[0] = (v[1]**2 + v[2]**2) / GM
        dedx[0] += (r[0]**2 / r_mag**3) - (1.0 / r_mag)
        dedx[1] = (-v[0] * v[1] / GM) + (r[0] * r[1] / r_mag**3)
        dedx[2] = (-v[0] * v[2] / GM) + (r[0] * r[2] / r_mag**3)

        dedy = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        dedy[0] = (-v[1] * v[0] / GM) + (r[1] * r[1] / r_mag**3)
        dedy[1] = ((v[0]**2 + v[2]**2) / GM)
        dedy[1] += (r[1]**2 / r_mag**3) - (1.0 / r_mag)
        dedy[2] = (-v[1] * v[2] / GM) + (r[1] * r[2] / r_mag**3)

        dedz = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        dedz[0] = (-v[2] * v[0] / GM) + (r[2] * r[0] / r_mag**3)
        dedz[1] = (-v[2] * v[1] / GM) + (r[2] * r[1] / r_mag**3)
        dedz[2] = ((v[0]**2 + v[1]**2) / GM)
        dedz[2] += (r[2]**2 / r_mag**3) - (1.0 / r_mag)

        dedvx = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        dedvx[0] = -(v[1] * r[1] + v[2] * r[2]) / GM
        dedvx[1] = (2.0 * v[0] * r[1] - v[1] * r[0]) / GM
        dedvx[2] = (2.0 * v[0] * r[2] - v[2] * r[0]) / GM

        dedvy = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        dedvy[0] = (2.0 * v[1] * r[0] - v[0] * r[1]) / GM
        dedvy[1] = -(v[0] * r[0] + v[2] * r[2]) / GM
        dedvy[2] = (2.0 * v[1] * r[2] - v[2] * r[1]) / GM

        dedvz = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        dedvz[0] = (2.0 * v[2] * r[0] - v[0] * r[2]) / GM
        dedvz[1] = (2.0 * v[2] * r[1] - v[1] * r[2]) / GM
        dedvz[2] = -(v[0] * r[0] + v[1] * r[1]) / GM

        ee_mag = ((dedx * e).sum() * re[0] / e_mag)**2
        ee_mag += ((dedy * e).sum() * re[1] / e_mag)**2
        ee_mag += ((dedz * e).sum() * re[2] / e_mag)**2
        ee_mag += ((dedvx * e).sum() * ve[0] / e_mag)**2
        ee_mag += ((dedvy * e).sum() * ve[1] / e_mag)**2
        ee_mag += ((dedvz * e).sum() * ve[2] / e_mag)**2

        ee = zeros(3, dtype=float64)
        ee[0] = (v[1] * he[2])**2 + (ve[1] * h[2])**2
        ee[0] += (v[2] * he[1])**2 + (ve[2] * h[1])**2

        ee[1] = (v[2] * he[0])**2 + (ve[2] * h[0])**2
        ee[1] += (v[0] * he[2])**2 + (ve[0] * h[2])**2

        ee[2] = (v[0] * he[1])**2 + (ve[0] * h[1])**2
        ee[2] += (v[1] * he[0])**2 + (ve[1] * h[0])**2

        ee /= GM**2
        ee += (r / r_mag)**2 * ((re / r)**2 + (re_mag / r_mag)**2)
        ee = sqrt(ee)
        ee_mag2 = sqrt(((e * ee)**2).sum()) / e_mag

        # Line of nodes vector
        Om = util.cross_product(array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), h)
        Om_mag = sqrt((Om**2).sum())

        Ome = array([he[1], he[2], 0.0])
        Ome_mag = sqrt(((Om * Ome)**2).sum()) / Om_mag

        # bigOmega = PA to the ascending node
        bigOm = math.degrees(arctan2(Om[0], Om[1]))

        bigOme = v[2]**2 * ((re * h)**2).sum()
        bigOme += r[2]**2 * ((ve * h)**2).sum()
        bigOme /= Om_mag**4
        bigOme = math.degrees(sqrt(bigOme))

        # omega = angle from bigOmega to periapse
        cos_om = ((Om / Om_mag) * (e / e_mag)).sum()
        omega = math.degrees(arccos(cos_om))

        # dot product of Om and e
        Om_e = (Om * e).sum()

        dodx = -(Om_e * Om[0] * v[2]) / (e_mag * Om_mag**3)
        dodx += ((e[0] * v[2]) + (Om * dedx).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag)
        dodx -= (Om_e * (e * dedx).sum()) / (e_mag**3 * Om_mag)

        dody = -(Om_e * Om[1] * v[2]) / (e_mag * Om_mag**3)
        dody += ((e[1] * v[2]) + (Om * dedy).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag)
        dody -= (Om_e * (e * dedy).sum()) / (e_mag**3 * Om_mag)

        dodz = (Om_e * (Om * v).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag**3)
        dodz += ((-e[0] * v[0]) + (-e[1] * v[1]) +
                 (Om * dedz).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag)
        dodz -= (Om_e * (e * dedz).sum()) / (e_mag**3 * Om_mag**3)

        dodvx = (Om_e * Om[0] * r[2]) / (e_mag * Om_mag**3)
        dodvx += ((-e[0] * r[2]) + (Om * dedvx).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag)
        dodvx -= (Om_e * (e * dedvx).sum()) / (e_mag**3 * Om_mag)

        dodvy = (Om_e * Om[1] * r[2]) / (e_mag * Om_mag**3)
        dodvy += ((-e[1] * r[2]) + (Om * dedvy).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag)
        dodvy -= (Om_e * (e * dedvy).sum()) / (e_mag**3 * Om_mag)

        dodvz = (-Om_e * (Om * r).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag**3)
        dodvz += ((e[0] * r[0]) + (e[1] * r[1]) +
                  (Om * dedvz).sum()) / (e_mag * Om_mag)
        dodvz -= (Om_e * (e * dedvz).sum()) / (e_mag**3 * Om_mag)

        omega_err = (dodvx * ve[0])**2 + (dodvy * ve[1])**2 + (dodvz *
        omega_err += (dodx * re[0])**2 + (dody * re[1])**2 + (dodz * re[2])**2
        omega_err = omega_err / (1.0 - cos_om**2)
        omega_err = math.degrees(sqrt(omega_err))

        if (omega_err > 180.0):
            omega_err = 179.999

        if (e[2] < 0):
            omega = 360.0 - omega

        # Semi major axis
        tmp = (2.0 / r_mag) - (v_mag**2 / GM)
        if (tmp == 0): tmp = 0.00001
        a = 1.0 / tmp

        ae = ((r * re / r_mag**3)**2).sum() + ((v * ve / GM)**2).sum()
        ae = sqrt(ae) * 2.0 * a**2

        # Period
        a_AU = a / cc.cm_in_au
        ae_AU = ae / cc.cm_in_au

        p = sqrt((a_AU / cc.mass) * a_AU**2)
        pe = (3.0 / 2.0) * p * ae_AU / a_AU

        # Thiele-Innes Constants
        cos_om = cos(math.radians(omega))
        sin_om = sin(math.radians(omega))
        cos_bigOm = cos(math.radians(bigOm))
        sin_bigOm = sin(math.radians(bigOm))
        cos_i = cos(math.radians(incl))
        sin_i = sin(math.radians(incl))

        conA = a * (cos_om * cos_bigOm - sin_om * sin_bigOm * cos_i)
        conB = a * (cos_om * sin_bigOm + sin_om * cos_bigOm * cos_i)
        conC = a * (sin_om * sin_i)
        conF = a * (-sin_om * cos_bigOm - cos_om * sin_bigOm * cos_i)
        conG = a * (-sin_om * sin_bigOm + cos_om * cos_bigOm * cos_i)
        conH = a * (cos_om * sin_i)

        # Eccentric Anomaly
        cos_E = (r[1] * conG - r[0] * conF) / (conA * conG - conF * conB)
        cos_E += e_mag
        sin_E = (r[0] * conA - r[1] * conB) / (conA * conG - conF * conB)
        sin_E /= sqrt(1.0 - e_mag**2)
        eccA = arctan2(sin_E, cos_E)

        # Eccentric Anomaly
        eccAe = (r_mag / (e_mag * a))**2 * ((re_mag / r_mag)**2 + (ae / a)**2)
        eccAe += (tmp * ee_mag / e_mag)**2
        eccAe /= (1.0 - tmp**2)
        eccAe = sqrt(eccAe)

        # Time of periapse passage
        tmp = p / (2.0 * math.pi)
        t0 = tmp * (eccA - e_mag * sin_E)
        t0 = epoch - t0

        deedv = array([(e * dedvx).sum(), (e * dedvy).sum(),
                       (e * dedvz).sum()])
        deedr = array([(e * dedx).sum(), (e * dedy).sum(), (e * dedz).sum()])

        t0e3 = (tmp * (eccA - e_mag * sin_E) * pe / p)**2
        t0e3 = t0e3 + (tmp * (1 - e_mag * cos_E) * eccAe)**2
        t0e3 = t0e3 + (tmp * sin_E * ee_mag)**2
        t0e3 = sqrt(t0e3)
        t0e = t0e3

        phase = abs(epoch - t0) * 2.0 / p
        phaseErr = sqrt((2.0 * t0e / p)**2 + (phase * pe / p)**2)

        eccA = math.degrees(eccA)
        eccAe = math.degrees(eccAe)

        # Fix bigOmega
        if (bigOm < 0.0):
            bigOm = bigOm + 360.0

        # Orbital Parameters
        self.w = omega
        self.we = omega_err
        self.o = bigOm
        self.oe = bigOme
        self.i = incl = incl_err
        self.e = e_mag = ee_mag
        self.p = p = pe
        self.t0 = t0
        self.t0e = t0e = phase
        self.phe = phaseErr
        self.a = a

        # Vectors useful for later calculations
        self.hvec = h
        self.hevec = he
        self.evec = e
        self.eevec = ee
        self.ovec = Om
        self.oevec = Ome

        # Thiele-Innes Constants - convert from cm to AU
        self.conA = conA / cc.cm_in_au
        self.conB = conB / cc.cm_in_au
        self.conC = conC / cc.cm_in_au
        self.conF = conF / cc.cm_in_au
        self.conG = conG / cc.cm_in_au
        self.conH = conH / cc.cm_in_au
    def kep2xyz(self, epochs, mass=None, dist=None):
        After setting all the orbital elements on this orbit object, call
        kep2xyz in order to return a tuple containing:
        r -- radius vector [arcsec]
        v -- velocity vector [mas/yr]
        a -- acceleration vector [mas/yr^2]

        An example call is:

        orb = orbits.Orbit()
        orb.w = omega
        orb.o = bigOm
        orb.i = incl
        orb.e = e_mag
        orb.p = p
        orb.t0 = t0

        (r, v, a) = orb.kep2xyz(array([refTime]))
        cc = objects.Constants()

        if (mass != None):
            cc.mass = mass
        if (dist != None):
            cc.dist = dist
            cc.asy_to_kms = cc.dist * cc.cm_in_au / (1.0e5 * cc.sec_in_yr)

        GM = cc.mass * cc.msun * cc.G

        ecnt = len(epochs)

        # Semi-major axis in AU
        axis = (self.p**2 * cc.mass)**(1.0 / 3.0)

        # meanMotion in radians per year
        meanMotion = 2.0 * math.pi / self.p
        ecc_sqrt = sqrt(1.0 - self.e**2)

        # Now for each epoch we compute the x and y positions

        # Mean anomaly
        M = meanMotion * (epochs - self.t0)
        #print 't0: ', self.t0, ' meanMotion: ', meanMotion
        #print 'M should be ', meanMotion * (epochs[0] - self.t0)

        # Eccentric anomaly
        E = self.eccen_anomaly(M, self.e)

        #for ee in range(len(E)):
        #    print 'Epoch[ee] = ', epochs[ee]
        #    print 'E: %7.4f\t meanAnom: %7.4f' % (E[ee], M[ee])

        #E = zeros(len(M), dtype=float64)
        #for ii in range(len(M)):
        #    E[ii] = self.eccen_anomaly2(M[ii], self.e)
        #    print E[ii]

        cos_E = cos(E)
        sin_E = sin(E)

        Edot = meanMotion / (1.0 - (self.e * cos_E))

        X = cos_E - self.e
        Y = ecc_sqrt * sin_E

        # Calculate Thiele-Innes Constants
        cos_om = cos(math.radians(self.w))
        sin_om = sin(math.radians(self.w))
        cos_bigOm = cos(math.radians(self.o))
        sin_bigOm = sin(math.radians(self.o))
        cos_i = cos(math.radians(self.i))
        sin_i = sin(math.radians(self.i))

        self.conA = axis * (cos_om * cos_bigOm - sin_om * sin_bigOm * cos_i)
        self.conB = axis * (cos_om * sin_bigOm + sin_om * cos_bigOm * cos_i)
        self.conC = axis * (sin_om * sin_i)
        self.conF = axis * (-sin_om * cos_bigOm - cos_om * sin_bigOm * cos_i)
        self.conG = axis * (-sin_om * sin_bigOm + cos_om * cos_bigOm * cos_i)
        self.conH = axis * (cos_om * sin_i)

        r = zeros((ecnt, 3), dtype=float64)
        v = zeros((ecnt, 3), dtype=float64)
        a = zeros((ecnt, 3), dtype=float64)

        r[:, 0] = (self.conB * X) + (self.conG * Y)
        r[:, 1] = (self.conA * X) + (self.conF * Y)
        r[:, 2] = (self.conC * X) + (self.conH * Y)

          0] = Edot * ((-self.conB * sin_E) + (self.conG * ecc_sqrt * cos_E))
          1] = Edot * ((-self.conA * sin_E) + (self.conF * ecc_sqrt * cos_E))
          2] = Edot * ((-self.conC * sin_E) + (self.conH * ecc_sqrt * cos_E))

        # Calculate accleration
        for ii in range(ecnt):
            rmag_cm = sqrt((r[ii, :]**2).sum()) * cc.cm_in_au
            a[ii, :] = -GM * r[ii, :] * cc.cm_in_au / rmag_cm**3

        # Unit conversions
        # r  from AU     to arcsec
        # v  from AU/yr  to mas/yr
        # a  from cm/s^2 to mas/yr^2
        r /= cc.dist
        v *= 1000.0 / cc.dist
        a *= 1000.0 * cc.sec_in_yr**2 / (cc.cm_in_au * cc.dist)

        return (r, v, a)
Example #6
def loadYoungStars(root, align='align/align_d_rms_1000_abs_t',
                   fit='polyfit_c/fit', points='points_c/',
                   radiusCut=0.8, relErr=1, verbose=False,
                   withRVonly=False, silent=False, mosaic=False):

    if not os.path.exists(root + align + '.trans'):
        align = 'align/align_d_rms_100_abs_t'
        #align = 'align/align_d_rms1000_t'
    # Load up the absolute position of Sgr A* based on S0-2's orbit
    t = objects.Transform()

    # Load up position/velocity information
    s = starset.StarSet(root + align, relErr=relErr, trans=t)
    s.loadPolyfit(root + fit, arcsec=1, silent=silent)
    if mosaic == False:
        s.loadPolyfit(root + fit, arcsec=1, accel=1, silent=silent)

    yng = youngStarNames()
    # Tables in database w/ RV information
    ucla = tabs.UCLAstars()
    bart = tabs.Bartko2009()
    paum = tabs.Paumard2006()

    cc = objects.Constants()

    # Pull out from the set of stars those that are young
    # stars.
    stars = []
    names = [ for star in s.stars]

    for name in yng:
        # Find the star in our star lists
            idx = names.index(name)
            star = s.stars[idx]

            if (star.r2d >= radiusCut):

            # Number of Epochs Detected should be corrected
            # for epochs trimmed out of the *.points files.
            pntsFile = '%s%s%s.points' % (root, points,
            _pnts =
            star.velCnt = _pnts.nrows

            pntDate = _pnts[0].tonumpy()
            pntX = _pnts[1].tonumpy()
            pntY = _pnts[2].tonumpy()
            pntXe = _pnts[3].tonumpy()
            pntYe = _pnts[4].tonumpy()

            # Load up data from the points files.
            for ee in range(len(star.years)):
                tt = (where(abs(pntDate - star.years[ee]) < 0.001))[0]

                if (len(tt) == 0):
                    star.e[ee].x_pnt = -1000.0
                    star.e[ee].y_pnt = -1000.0
                    star.e[ee].xe_pnt = -1000.0
                    star.e[ee].ye_pnt = -1000.0
                    tt = tt[0]
                    star.e[ee].x_pnt = pntX[tt]
                    star.e[ee].y_pnt = pntY[tt]
                    star.e[ee].xe_pnt = pntXe[tt]
                    star.e[ee].ye_pnt = pntYe[tt]

            if mosaic == True: # We only have 3 epochs (as of 2011)
	        star.fitXv.v *= cc.asy_to_kms
	        star.fitYv.v *= cc.asy_to_kms
	        star.fitXv.verr *= cc.asy_to_kms
	        star.fitYv.verr *= cc.asy_to_kms

	        star.vx = star.fitXv.v
	        star.vy = star.fitYv.v
	        star.vxerr = star.fitXv.verr
	        star.vyerr = star.fitYv.verr
	        star.fitXa.v *= cc.asy_to_kms
	        star.fitYa.v *= cc.asy_to_kms
	        star.fitXa.verr *= cc.asy_to_kms
	        star.fitYa.verr *= cc.asy_to_kms

	        star.vx = star.fitXa.v
	        star.vy = star.fitYa.v
	        star.vxerr = star.fitXa.verr
	        star.vyerr = star.fitYa.verr

            star.rv_ref = 'None'

            def other_RV_tables():
                # If not found in UCLA tables, then check Bartko+2009
                idx = np.where(bart.ourName == name)[0]
                if len(idx) > 0:
                    star.vz = bart.vz[idx][0] 
	            star.vzerr = bart.vzerr[idx][0]
	            star.vzt0 = bart.t0_spectra[idx][0] 
                    star.rv_ref = 'Bartko+2009'
                    # Next check Paumard+2006
                    idx = np.where(paum.ourName == name)[0]
                    if len(idx) > 0:
                        star.vz = paum.vz[idx][0] 
                        star.vzerr = paum.vzerr[idx][0]
                        star.vzt0 = paum.t0_spectra[idx][0]
                        star.altName =[idx][0]
                        star.rv_ref = 'Paumard+2006'
                    #    print 'Could not find radial velocity for %s' % name

	    # Find the radial velocity for each star
            # First look in OSIRIS data, then Bartko, then Paumard
            idx = np.where(ucla.ourName == name)[0]
            if len(idx) > 0:
	        star.vz = ucla.vz[idx][0]
	        star.vzerr = ucla.vzerr[idx][0]
	        star.vzt0 = ucla.t0_spectra[idx][0]
                star.rv_ref = 'UCLA'

                # A star could be in the stars table but still not have vz
                if star.vz == None: # then check other tables
                    star.rv_ref = None

            if withRVonly == True:
                if star.rv_ref == None:
                    # remove this star

            if (verbose == True):
                print('Matched %15s to %12s' % (name, star.rv_ref))

	    star.jz = (star.x * star.vy) - (star.y * star.vx)
	    star.jz /= (star.r2d * hypot(star.vx, star.vy))	    
	except ValueError as e:
	    # Couldn't find the star in our lists

    # Set the starset's star list
    s.stars = stars

    print('Found %d young stars' % len(stars))
    return s
Example #7
def loadAllYoungStars(root, radiusCut=0.8, withRVonly=False):
    cc = objects.Constants()
    # Use our data if available. Otherwise use Paumards.
    ours = loadYoungStars(root, radiusCut=radiusCut, withRVonly=withRVonly)

    # Now get all other young star info from Paumard2006
    paum = tabs.Paumard2006()

    # Paumard doesn't have positional uncertainties so we
    # need to figure out what to use. Do this by comparing
    # to stars that are in both.
    ourNames = ours.getArray('name')

    for ii in range(len(ourNames)):
        star = ours.stars[ii]

	# Find the star in our star lists
	    #idx = paum.ourName.index(ourNames[ii])
	    idx = np.where(paum.ourName == ourNames[ii])[0]
            star.paumDiffX = paum.x[idx] - star.fitXa.p
            star.paumDiffY = paum.y[idx] - star.fitYa.p
            star.paumDiff = sqrt(star.paumDiffX**2 + star.paumDiffY**2)
	except ValueError as e:
    # We now have young stars that are not in Paumard, so must account
    # for this
    diff = ours.getArray('paumDiff')
    mtch = np.where(diff > 0)[0] # This will find all but the NaN's
    avgDiff = diff[mtch].mean()
    print('The average error in Paumard distances is', avgDiff)

    # Loop through all the young stars in Paumard's list.
    for ii in range(len(
        name = paum.ourName[ii]
	# Find the star in our star lists
	    #idx = ourNames.index(name)
	    idx = np.where(ourNames == name)[0]
	    star = ours.stars[idx]
	except ValueError as e:
	    # Couldn't find the star in our lists. Use Paumard info.
            if (name == ' ' or name == ''):
                name = 'paum' +[ii]

            # Only keep if there is 3D velocity
            if (paum.vx[ii] == 0 and paum.vy[ii] == 0):

            if (sqrt(paum.x[ii]**2 + paum.y[ii]**2) < radiusCut):
	    star = objects.Star(name)

            star.x = paum.x[ii]
            star.y = paum.y[ii]
            star.vx = paum.vx[ii]
            star.vy = paum.vy[ii]
            star.vz = paum.vz[ii]

            star.mag = paum.mag[ii]

            star.xerr = avgDiff
            star.yerr = avgDiff
            star.vxerr = paum.vxerr[ii]
            star.vyerr = paum.vyerr[ii]
            star.vzerr = paum.vzerr[ii]

            star.velCnt = 0

            # Proper motions need to be fixed for a different distance.
            # Paumard assumed 8kpc.
            star.vx *= cc.dist / 8000.0
            star.vy *= cc.dist / 8000.0
            star.vxerr *= cc.dist / 8000.0
            star.vyerr *= cc.dist / 8000.0

            # Need to set the positional errors to something.

            # We don't know the epoch of the Paumard measurements:
            t0 = 2005.495
            star.setFitXv(t0, star.x, star.xerr,
                          star.vx/cc.asy_to_kms, star.vxerr/cc.asy_to_kms)
            star.setFitYv(t0, star.y, star.yerr,
                          star.vy/cc.asy_to_kms, star.vyerr/cc.asy_to_kms)

	    star.jz = (star.x * star.vy) - (star.y * star.vx)
	    star.jz /= (star.r2d * hypot(star.vx, star.vy))
    # Return the starlist 
    return ours