def test_blockr_sync(setup_blockr, net, seed, gaplimit, showprivkey, method):
    jm_single().config.set("BLOCKCHAIN", "network", net)
    wallet = Wallet(seed, None, max_mix_depth=5)

    #copy pasted from wallet-tool; some boiled down form of
    #this should really be in in the joinmarket module.
    def cus_print(s):
        print s

    total_balance = 0
    for m in range(wallet.max_mix_depth):
        cus_print('mixing depth %d m/0/%d/' % (m, m))
        balance_depth = 0
        for forchange in [0, 1]:
            cus_print(' ' + ('external' if forchange == 0 else 'internal') +
                      ' addresses m/0/%d/%d/' % (m, forchange))

            for k in range(wallet.index[m][forchange] + gaplimit):
                addr = wallet.get_addr(m, forchange, k)
                balance = 0.0
                for addrvalue in wallet.unspent.values():
                    if addr == addrvalue['address']:
                        balance += addrvalue['value']
                balance_depth += balance
                used = ('used' if k < wallet.index[m][forchange] else ' new')
                if showprivkey:
                    privkey = btc.wif_compressed_privkey(
                        wallet.get_key(m, forchange, k), get_p2pk_vbyte())
                    privkey = ''
                if (method == 'displayall' or balance > 0
                        or (used == ' new' and forchange == 0)):
                        '  m/0/%d/%d/%03d %-35s%s %.8f btc %s' %
                        (m, forchange, k, addr, used, balance / 1e8, privkey))
        total_balance += balance_depth
        print('for mixdepth=%d balance=%.8fbtc' % (m, balance_depth / 1e8))
    assert total_balance == 96085297
Example #2
                xpub_key = ''
            cus_print(' ' + ('external' if forchange == 0 else 'internal') +
                      ' addresses m/0/%d/%d' % (m, forchange) + ' ' + xpub_key)

            for k in range(wallet.index[m][forchange] + options.gaplimit):
                addr = wallet.get_addr(m, forchange, k)
                balance = 0.0
                for addrvalue in wallet.unspent.values():
                    if addr == addrvalue['address']:
                        balance += addrvalue['value']
                balance_depth += balance
                used = ('used' if k < wallet.index[m][forchange] else ' new')
                if options.showprivkey:
                    privkey = btc.wif_compressed_privkey(
                    wallet.get_key(m, forchange, k), get_p2pk_vbyte())
                    privkey = ''
                if (method == 'displayall' or balance > 0 or
                    (used == ' new' and forchange == 0)):
                    cus_print('  m/0/%d/%d/%03d %-35s%s %.8f btc %s' %
                              (m, forchange, k, addr, used, balance / 1e8,
        if m in wallet.imported_privkeys:
            cus_print(' import addresses')
            for privkey in wallet.imported_privkeys[m]:
                addr = btc.privtoaddr(privkey, magicbyte=get_p2pk_vbyte())
                balance = 0.0
                for addrvalue in wallet.unspent.values():
                    if addr == addrvalue['address']:
                        balance += addrvalue['value']