Example #1
def emit_keymap(samp, keyLo, keyHi):
    print >> gl.ofile, "  SAMP:%s:%d:%d:%d:\t(%3s - %3s)" % (
        samp.fname, keyLo, keyHi, samp.mnote, jmidi.mnote_name(
            keyLo, None), jmidi.mnote_name(keyHi, None))

    print >> gl.sfzf
    print >> gl.sfzf, "<region> sample=%s" % samp.fname
    print >> gl.sfzf, "lokey=%s" % jmidi.mnote_name(keyLo, None)
    print >> gl.sfzf, "hikey=%s" % jmidi.mnote_name(keyHi, None)
    print >> gl.sfzf, "pitch_keycenter=%s" % jmidi.mnote_name(samp.mnote, None)
Example #2
def showmap(grid, layerdata):

    # Generate heading showing "piano keyboard" in three lines:
    # first line is octave number
    # second line is key name, omitting sharp or flat
    # third line is "b" for flats and " " for naturals
    # Example:
    #    111111111111222222222222333333333333444444444444...
    #     b b  b b b  b b  b b b  b b  b b b  b b  b b b ... 

    line1 = line2 = line3 = ""
    for col in range(LO_KEY, HI_KEY+1):
        notename = jmidi.mnote_name(col, pad=None)
	line2 += notename[0]
	if notename[1] == "b":
	    line3 += "b"
	    octave = notename[2]
	    line3 += " "
	    octave = notename[1]
	line1 += octave

    # print "keyboard"
    print >>gl.ofile, "#", line1
    print >>gl.ofile, "#", line2
    print >>gl.ofile, "#", line3
    print >>gl.ofile, "#"

    # print key assignments

    for row in range(len(layerdata)-1, -1, -1):
	line = ""
    	for col in range(LO_KEY, HI_KEY+1):
	    samp = gl.grid[row][col]
	    if samp:
		if samp.layer == row and samp.mnote == col:
		    line += " "
		    line += samp.char
		line += "!"
	print >>gl.ofile, (
	    "# %s Layer %-6s v=%03d"
	    % (line, layerdata[row][LNAME], layerdata[row][LVEL]))

    print >>gl.ofile, "#"
    print >>gl.ofile, "#  Key:"
    print >>gl.ofile, "#    space = unity-mapped key"
    print >>gl.ofile, "#    !     = unmapped key"
    print >>gl.ofile, "#    anything else: see sample layer list above"
Example #3
def showmap(grid, layerdata):

    # Generate heading showing "piano keyboard" in three lines:
    # first line is octave number
    # second line is key name, omitting sharp or flat
    # third line is "b" for flats and " " for naturals
    # Example:
    #    111111111111222222222222333333333333444444444444...
    #     b b  b b b  b b  b b b  b b  b b b  b b  b b b ...

    line1 = line2 = line3 = ""
    for col in range(LO_KEY, HI_KEY + 1):
        notename = jmidi.mnote_name(col, pad=None)
        line2 += notename[0]
        if notename[1] == "b":
            line3 += "b"
            octave = notename[2]
            line3 += " "
            octave = notename[1]
        line1 += octave

    # print "keyboard"
    print >> gl.ofile, "#", line1
    print >> gl.ofile, "#", line2
    print >> gl.ofile, "#", line3
    print >> gl.ofile, "#"

    # print key assignments

    for row in range(len(layerdata) - 1, -1, -1):
        line = ""
        for col in range(LO_KEY, HI_KEY + 1):
            samp = gl.grid[row][col]
            if samp:
                if samp.layer == row and samp.mnote == col:
                    line += " "
                    line += samp.char
                line += "!"
        print >> gl.ofile, (
            "# %s Layer %-6s v=%03d" %
            (line, layerdata[row][LNAME], layerdata[row][LVEL]))

    print >> gl.ofile, "#"
    print >> gl.ofile, "#  Key:"
    print >> gl.ofile, "#    space = unity-mapped key"
    print >> gl.ofile, "#    !     = unmapped key"
    print >> gl.ofile, "#    anything else: see sample layer list above"
Example #4
def emit_keymap(samp, keyLo, keyHi):
    print >>gl.ofile, "  SAMP:%s:%d:%d:%d:\t(%3s - %3s)" % (
        samp.fname, keyLo, keyHi, samp.mnote,
	jmidi.mnote_name(keyLo, None),
	jmidi.mnote_name(keyHi, None))
Example #5
def load_filenames(args):
    global gl

    warnings = []
    errors = []

    for arg in args: 
	for sampfname in glob.glob(arg):

	    if True:
		    sampf = file(sampfname, "rb")
		except IOError, msg:

		if sampf:

	    samp = Samp()

	    # strip directory
	    basename = sampfname.replace("\\", "/")
	    basename = sampfname.split("/")[-1]

	    # strip ".wav" extension
	    basename = basename.split(".")
	    basename = ".".join(basename[0:-1])
	    basename = jtrans.tr(basename, DELIMS, " ")

	    # get layer name

	    parts = basename.split(" ")
	    if len(parts) <= abs(LAYER_LOC):
	        loc = LAYER_LOC
		if loc >= 0:
		    loc += 1
	        print >>sys.stderr, (
		    "After splitting filename '%s' delimiters,"
		    % (basename))
	        print >>sys.stderr, (
		    "there aren't enough parts to find part number %d." % loc)
	    layername  = parts[LAYER_LOC]

	    # get note: might be MIDI number or note name

	    if len(parts) <= abs(NOTE_LOC):
	        loc = NOTE_LOC
		if loc >= 0:
		    loc += 1
	        print >>sys.stderr, (
		    "After splitting filename '%s' at delimiters, there aren't"
		    % (basename))
	        print >>sys.stderr, (
		    "there aren't enough parts to find part number %d." % loc)
	    notespec   = parts[NOTE_LOC]

	    mnote = jmidi.notenum(notespec)
	    if mnote == None:
	        print >>sys.stderr, (
		    "Invalid MIDI note designation '%s' in '%s'"
		    % (notespec, basename))

	    # print sampfname, mnote, layername, jmidi.mnote_name(mnote)[0]
	    samp.fname = sampfname
	    samp.mnote = mnote
	    samp.notename = jmidi.mnote_name(mnote, pad=None)
	    samp.layername = layername
	    if layername not in gl.layernum:
	        warnings.append("Sample for unconfigured layer '%s': %s"
		    % (samp.layername, samp.fname))
	    samp.layer = gl.layernum[layername]

	    if samp.layer == None:
	        warnings.append("Sample for missing layer '%s': %s"
		    % (samp.layername, samp.fname))

	    if (samp.mnote < max(0, LO_KEY - MAX_NOTE_SHIFT)
		or samp.mnote > HI_KEY + MAX_NOTE_SHIFT):

		warnings.append("Sample outside useful note range (%s): %s" 
		    % (samp.notename, samp.fname))

	    samp.char = None
	    gl.samps[sampfname] = samp
	    gl.grid[samp.layer][mnote] = samp
Example #6
def emit_keymap(samp, keyLo, keyHi):
    print >> gl.ofile, "  SAMP:%s:%d:%d:%d:\t(%3s - %3s)" % (
        samp.fname, keyLo, keyHi, samp.mnote, jmidi.mnote_name(
            keyLo, None), jmidi.mnote_name(keyHi, None))
Example #7
def load_filenames(args):
    global gl

    warnings = []
    errors = []

    for arg in args:
        for sampfname in glob.glob(arg):

            if True:
                    sampf = file(sampfname, "rb")
                except IOError, msg:

                if sampf:

            samp = Samp()

            # strip directory
            basename = sampfname.replace("\\", "/")
            basename = sampfname.split("/")[-1]

            # strip ".wav" extension
            basename = basename.split(".")
            basename = ".".join(basename[0:-1])
            basename = jtrans.tr(basename, DELIMS, " ")

            # get layer name

            parts = basename.split(" ")
            if len(parts) <= abs(LAYER_LOC):
                loc = LAYER_LOC
                if loc >= 0:
                    loc += 1
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    "After splitting filename '%s' delimiters," % (basename))
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    "there aren't enough parts to find part number %d." % loc)
            layername = parts[LAYER_LOC]

            # get note: might be MIDI number or note name

            if len(parts) <= abs(NOTE_LOC):
                loc = NOTE_LOC
                if loc >= 0:
                    loc += 1
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    "After splitting filename '%s' at delimiters, there aren't"
                    % (basename))
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    "there aren't enough parts to find part number %d." % loc)
            notespec = parts[NOTE_LOC]

            mnote = jmidi.notenum(notespec)
            if mnote == None:
                print >> sys.stderr, (
                    "Invalid MIDI note designation '%s' in '%s'" %
                    (notespec, basename))

            # print sampfname, mnote, layername, jmidi.mnote_name(mnote)[0]
            samp.fname = sampfname
            samp.mnote = mnote
            samp.notename = jmidi.mnote_name(mnote, pad=None)
            samp.layername = layername
            if layername not in gl.layernum:
                warnings.append("Sample for unconfigured layer '%s': %s" %
                                (samp.layername, samp.fname))
            samp.layer = gl.layernum[layername]

            if samp.layer == None:
                warnings.append("Sample for missing layer '%s': %s" %
                                (samp.layername, samp.fname))

            x = LO_KEY - MAX_NOTE_SHIFT
            if (samp.mnote < max(0, LO_KEY - MAX_NOTE_SHIFT)
                    or samp.mnote > HI_KEY + MAX_NOTE_SHIFT):

                warnings.append("Sample outside useful note range (%s): %s" %
                                (samp.notename, samp.fname))

            samp.char = None
            gl.samps[sampfname] = samp
            gl.grid[samp.layer][mnote] = samp