Example #1
    def doTests(self):

        sc2 = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + DATA_SUFFIX, 'w')

        # Main control loop
        representatives = []                        # List of resulting final generations (stat boxe datatype)
        for problem in self.tests.problems:
            print "# " * 30
            for algorithm in self.tests.algorithms:


                # Initialize Data file for recording summary information [for just this problem + algorithm]
                backend = problem.name + "_" + algorithm.name + ".txt"
                # Decision Data
                # filename = problem.name + "-p" + str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + "-d" + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(len(problem.objectives))+"_"+algorithm.name+DATA_SUFFIX
                filename = problem.name + "-p" + str(100) + "-d" + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(len(problem.objectives))+"_"+algorithm.name+DATA_SUFFIX
                dbt = open(DATA_PREFIX + DECISION_BIN_TABLE + "_" + filename, 'w')
                sr = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + filename, 'w')
                rrs = open(DATA_PREFIX + RRS_TABLE + "_" + filename, 'w')
                # Results Record:
                # # # Every generation
                # # # Decisions + Objectives
                # Summary Record
                # - Best Generation Only
                # - Number of Evaluations + Aggregated Objective Score
                # - 
                fa = open("Data/results_"+filename, 'w')
                strings = ["NumEval"] \
                          + [obj.name + "_median,(%chg),"
                             + obj.name + "_spread" for obj in problem.objectives]\
                          + ["IBD,(%chg), IBS"] + ["IGD,(%chg)"]
                for s in strings: fa.write(s + ",")

                print "+ " * 30
                # Repeat Core
                for repeat in range(self.configurations["Universal"]["Repeats"]):
                    print "#<-------|" + problem.name + " + " + algorithm.name + " + " + str(repeat) + "|------->#"
                    # Run
                    start = time.time()
                    statBox = jmoo_evo(problem, algorithm, self.configurations)
                    end = time.time()

                    # Find best generation
                    representative = statBox.box[0]
                    for r,rep in enumerate(statBox.box):
                        # for indi in rep.population:
                        #     print indi
                        if rep.IBD < representative.IBD: 
                            representative = statBox.box[r]

                    # Decision Bin Data
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population: 
                        for dec in row.decisionValues:
                            s += str("%10.2f" % dec) + ","
                        if row.valid:
                            for obj in row.fitness.fitness:
                                s += str("%10.2f" % obj) + "," 
                            for obj in problem.objectives:
                                s += "?" + ","
                        s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                        s += "\n"

                    baseline = problem.referencePoint
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population:
                        #if not row.valid:
                        #    row.evaluate()
                        if row.valid:
                            for o,base,obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness, baseline, problem.objectives ):
                                c = percentChange(o, base, obj.lismore, obj.low, obj.up)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += str(representative.numEval) + "," 
                            for o,base,obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness, baseline, problem.objectives ):
                                c = str("%12.2f" % o)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += "\n"
                    #output every generation
                    for box in [representative]:
                        s_out = ""
                        s_out += str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + ","
                        s_out += problem.name + "-p" + str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + "-d"  + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(len(problem.objectives)) + ","
                        s_out += algorithm.name + ","
                        s_out += str(box.numEval) + ","
                        for low in representative.fitnessMedians:
                            s_out += str("%10.2f" % low) + ","
                        s_out += str("%10.2f" % box.IBD) + "," + str("%10.2f" % box.IBS) + "," + str((end-start))
                        sr.write(s_out + "\n")
                        sc2.write(s_out + "\n")

                    # Finish
                    print " # Finished: Celebrate! # " #+ " Time taken: " + str("%10.5f" % (end-start)) + " seconds."
Example #2
    def doTests(self):

        sc2 = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + DATA_SUFFIX, 'w')

        # Main control loop
        representatives = [
        ]  # List of resulting final generations (stat boxe datatype)
        record_string = "<Experiment>\n"
        for problem in self.tests.problems:

            record_string += "<Problem name = '" + problem.name + "'>\n"

            for algorithm in self.tests.algorithms:

                record_string += "<Algorithm name = '" + algorithm.name + "'>\n"

                print "#<------- " + problem.name + " + " + algorithm.name + " ------->#"

                # Initialize Data file for recording summary information [for just this problem + algorithm]
                backend = problem.name + "_" + algorithm.name + ".txt"

                # Decision Data
                filename = problem.name + "-p" + str(
                ) + "-d" + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(
                ) + "_" + algorithm.name + DATA_SUFFIX
                dbt = open(DATA_PREFIX + DECISION_BIN_TABLE + "_" + filename,
                sr = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + filename, 'w')
                rrs = open(DATA_PREFIX + RRS_TABLE + "_" + filename, 'w')

                # Results Record:
                # # # Every generation
                # # # Decisions + Objectives

                # Summary Record
                # - Best Generation Only
                # - Number of Evaluations + Aggregated Objective Score
                # -

                fa = open("Data/results_" + filename, 'w')
                strings = ["NumEval"] \
                          + [obj.name + "_median,(%chg),"
                             + obj.name + "_spread" for obj in problem.objectives] \
                          + ["IBD,(%chg), IBS"] + ["IGD,(%chg)"]
                for s in strings:
                    fa.write(s + ",")

                IGD_Values = []
                # Repeat Core
                for repeat in range(

                    foldername = "./RawData/PopulationArchives/" + algorithm.name + "_" + problem.name + "/" + str(
                    import os
                    if not os.path.exists(foldername):
                    # Run
                    record_string += "<Run id = '" + str(repeat + 1) + "'>\n"

                    start = time.time()
                    statBox = jmoo_evo(problem, algorithm, self.configurations)
                    end = time.time()

                    # Find best generation
                    representative = statBox.box[0]
                    for r, rep in enumerate(statBox.box):
                        # for indi in rep.population:
                        #     print indi
                        if rep.IBD < representative.IBD:
                            representative = statBox.box[r]

                    # Decision Bin Data
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population:
                        for dec in row.decisionValues:
                            s += str("%10.2f" % dec) + ","
                        if row.valid:
                            for obj in row.fitness.fitness:
                                s += str("%10.2f" % obj) + ","
                            for obj in problem.objectives:
                                s += "?" + ","

                        s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                        s += "\n"


                    baseline = problem.referencePoint
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population:
                        # if not row.valid:
                        #    row.evaluate()
                        if row.valid:
                            for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness,
                                c = percentChange(o, base, obj.lismore,
                                                  obj.low, obj.up)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                            for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness,
                                c = str("%12.2f" % o)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += "\n"

                    # output every generation
                    for box in [representative]:
                        s_out = ""
                        s_out += str(self.configurations["Universal"]
                                     ["Population_Size"]) + ","
                        s_out += problem.name + "-p" + str(
                        ) + "-d" + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(
                            len(problem.objectives)) + ","
                        s_out += algorithm.name + ","
                        s_out += str(box.numEval) + ","
                        for low in representative.fitnessMedians:
                            s_out += str("%10.2f" % low) + ","
                        s_out += str("%10.2f" % box.IBD) + "," + str(
                            "%10.2f" % box.IBS) + "," + str((end - start))
                        sr.write(s_out + "\n")
                        sc2.write(s_out + "\n")

                    record_string += "<Summary>\n"
                    record_string += "<NumEvals>" + str(
                        representative.numEval) + "</NumEvals>\n"
                    record_string += "<RunTime>" + str(
                        (end - start)) + "</RunTime>\n"
                    record_string += "<IBD>" + str(box.IBD) + "</IBD>\n"
                    record_string += "<IBS>" + str(box.IBS) + "</IBS>\n"
                    for i in range(len(problem.objectives)):
                        record_string += "<" + problem.objectives[
                            i].name + ">" + str(
                            ) + "</" + problem.objectives[i].name + ">\n"
                    record_string += "</Summary>"

                    # Finish
                    record_string += "</Run>\n"
                    print " # Finished: Celebrate! # " + " Time taken: " + str(
                        "%10.5f" % (end - start)) + " seconds."

                record_string += "</Algorithm>\n"
            record_string += "</Problem>\n"
        record_string += "</Experiment>\n"

        from time import strftime
        date_folder_prefix = strftime("%m-%d-%Y")
        if not os.path.isdir('./RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' +
            os.makedirs('./RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' + date_folder_prefix)
        record_number = len([
            name for name in os.listdir('./RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' +
        ]) + 1
        filename = './RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' + date_folder_prefix + '/Record' + "_" + str(
            "%02d" % record_number) + "_" + 'ExperimentRecords.xml'
        zOutFile = open(filename, 'w')
Example #3
    def doSingleTest(self, problem, algorithm, repeat_index):
        import os
        filename = problem.name + "-p" + str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + "-d" + str(
                len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(
                len(problem.objectives)) + "_" + algorithm.name + DATA_SUFFIX
        results_file = "Data/results_" + filename

        if not os.path.isfile(results_file):
            fa = open("Data/results_" + filename, 'w')
            strings = ["NumEval"] \
                      + [obj.name + "_median,(%chg),"
                         + obj.name + "_spread" for obj in problem.objectives] \
                      + ["IBD,(%chg), IBS"] + ["IGD,(%chg)"]
            for s in strings: fa.write(s + ",")
        print "#<-- " + problem.name + " + " + algorithm.name + " ---repeat: " + str(repeat_index) + "---->#"

        foldername = "./RawData/PopulationArchives/" + algorithm.name + "_" + problem.name + "/" + str(repeat_index)
        import os
        if not os.path.exists(foldername):

        representatives = []  # List of resulting final generations (stat box datatype)
        record_string = "<Run id = '" + str(repeat_index + 1) + "'>\n"
        start = time.time()
        statBox = jmoo_evo(problem, algorithm, self.configurations, repeat=repeat_index)
        end = time.time()

        # Find best generation
        representative = statBox.box[0]
        for r, rep in enumerate(statBox.box):
            # for indi in rep.population:
            #     print indi
            if rep.IBD < representative.IBD:
                representative = statBox.box[r]

        # Decision Bin Data
        s = ""
        sr = ""
        sc2 = ""
        for row in representative.population:
            for dec in row.decisionValues:
                s += str("%10.2f" % dec) + ","
            if row.valid:
                for obj in row.fitness.fitness:
                    s += str("%10.2f" % obj) + ","
                for obj in problem.objectives:
                    s += "?" + ","

            s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
            s += "\n"

        DBT = s

        baseline = problem.referencePoint
        s = ""
        for row in representative.population:
            # if not row.valid:
            #    row.evaluate()
            if row.valid:
                for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness, baseline, problem.objectives):
                    c = percentChange(o, base, obj.lismore, obj.low, obj.up)
                    s += c + ","
                s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness, baseline, problem.objectives):
                    c = str("%12.2f" % o)
                    s += c + ","
                s += "\n"

        RRS = s

        # output every generation
        for box in [representative]:
            s_out = ""
            s_out += str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + ","
            s_out += problem.name + "-p" + str(
                    self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + "-d" + str(
                    len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(len(problem.objectives)) + ","
            s_out += algorithm.name + ","
            s_out += str(box.numEval) + ","
            for low in representative.fitnessMedians:
                s_out += str("%10.2f" % low) + ","
            s_out += str("%10.2f" % box.IBD) + "," + str("%10.2f" % box.IBS) + "," + str((end - start))
            sr += (s_out + "\n")
            sc2 += (s_out + "\n")

        record_string += "<Summary>\n"
        record_string += "<NumEvals>" + str(representative.numEval) + "</NumEvals>\n"
        record_string += "<RunTime>" + str((end - start)) + "</RunTime>\n"
        record_string += "<IBD>" + str(box.IBD) + "</IBD>\n"
        record_string += "<IBS>" + str(box.IBS) + "</IBS>\n"
        for i in range(len(problem.objectives)):
            record_string += "<" + problem.objectives[i].name + ">" + str(
                    representative.fitnessMedians[i]) + "</" + problem.objectives[i].name + ">\n"
        record_string += "</Summary>"

        # Finish
        record_string += "</Run>\n"
        print " # Finished: Celebrate! # " + " Time taken: " + str("%10.5f" % (end - start)) + " seconds."

        runs = "./HpcData/" + algorithm.name + "_" + problem.name + "_" + str(repeat_index) + ".rundata"
        import pickle
        with open(runs, 'w+') as f:
            pickle.dump([DBT, RRS, sr, sc2, record_string], f)
Example #4
    def doTests(self):

        sc2 = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + DATA_SUFFIX, 'w')

        # Main control loop
        representatives = [
        ]  # List of resulting final generations (stat boxe datatype)
        for problem in self.tests.problems:
            print "# " * 30
            for algorithm in self.tests.algorithms:

                # Initialize Data file for recording summary information [for just this problem + algorithm]
                backend = problem.name + "_" + algorithm.name + ".txt"

                # Decision Data
                # filename = problem.name + "-p" + str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + "-d" + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(len(problem.objectives))+"_"+algorithm.name+DATA_SUFFIX
                filename = problem.name + "-p" + str(100) + "-d" + str(
                    len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(
                    ) + "_" + algorithm.name + DATA_SUFFIX
                dbt = open(DATA_PREFIX + DECISION_BIN_TABLE + "_" + filename,
                sr = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + filename, 'w')
                rrs = open(DATA_PREFIX + RRS_TABLE + "_" + filename, 'w')

                # Results Record:
                # # # Every generation
                # # # Decisions + Objectives

                # Summary Record
                # - Best Generation Only
                # - Number of Evaluations + Aggregated Objective Score
                # -

                fa = open("Data/results_" + filename, 'w')
                strings = ["NumEval"] \
                          + [obj.name + "_median,(%chg),"
                             + obj.name + "_spread" for obj in problem.objectives]\
                          + ["IBD,(%chg), IBS"] + ["IGD,(%chg)"]
                for s in strings:
                    fa.write(s + ",")

                print "+ " * 30
                # Repeat Core
                for repeat in range(
                    print "#<-------|" + problem.name + " + " + algorithm.name + " + " + str(
                        repeat) + "|------->#"
                    # Run
                    start = time.time()
                    statBox = jmoo_evo(problem, algorithm, self.configurations)
                    end = time.time()

                    # Find best generation
                    representative = statBox.box[0]
                    for r, rep in enumerate(statBox.box):
                        # for indi in rep.population:
                        #     print indi
                        if rep.IBD < representative.IBD:
                            representative = statBox.box[r]

                    # Decision Bin Data
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population:
                        for dec in row.decisionValues:
                            s += str("%10.2f" % dec) + ","
                        if row.valid:
                            for obj in row.fitness.fitness:
                                s += str("%10.2f" % obj) + ","
                            for obj in problem.objectives:
                                s += "?" + ","

                        s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                        s += "\n"


                    baseline = problem.referencePoint
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population:
                        #if not row.valid:
                        #    row.evaluate()
                        if row.valid:
                            for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness,
                                c = percentChange(o, base, obj.lismore,
                                                  obj.low, obj.up)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                            for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness,
                                c = str("%12.2f" % o)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += "\n"

                    #output every generation
                    for box in [representative]:
                        s_out = ""
                        s_out += str(self.configurations["Universal"]
                                     ["Population_Size"]) + ","
                        s_out += problem.name + "-p" + str(
                        ) + "-d" + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(
                            len(problem.objectives)) + ","
                        s_out += algorithm.name + ","
                        s_out += str(box.numEval) + ","
                        for low in representative.fitnessMedians:
                            s_out += str("%10.2f" % low) + ","
                        s_out += str("%10.2f" % box.IBD) + "," + str(
                            "%10.2f" % box.IBS) + "," + str((end - start))
                        sr.write(s_out + "\n")
                        sc2.write(s_out + "\n")

                    # Finish
                    print " # Finished: Celebrate! # "  #+ " Time taken: " + str("%10.5f" % (end-start)) + " seconds."
Example #5
    def doTests(self):

        sc2 = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + DATA_SUFFIX, 'w')

        # Main control loop
        representatives = []  # List of resulting final generations (stat box datatype)
        record_string = "<Experiment>\n"
        for problem in self.tests.problems:

            record_string += "<Problem name = '" + problem.name + "'>\n"

            for algorithm in self.tests.algorithms:

                record_string += "<Algorithm name = '" + algorithm.name + "'>\n"

                print "#<------- " + problem.name + " + " + algorithm.name + " ------->#"

                # Initialize Data file for recording summary information [for just this problem + algorithm]
                backend = problem.name + "_" + algorithm.name + ".txt"

                # Decision Data
                filename = problem.name + "-p" + str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + "-d" + str(
                        len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(
                        len(problem.objectives)) + "_" + algorithm.name + DATA_SUFFIX
                dbt = open(DATA_PREFIX + DECISION_BIN_TABLE + "_" + filename, 'w')
                sr = open(DATA_PREFIX + SUMMARY_RESULTS + filename, 'w')
                rrs = open(DATA_PREFIX + RRS_TABLE + "_" + filename, 'w')

                # Results Record:
                # # # Every generation
                # # # Decisions + Objectives

                # Summary Record
                # - Best Generation Only
                # - Number of Evaluations + Aggregated Objective Score
                # -

                fa = open("Data/results_" + filename, 'w')
                strings = ["NumEval"] \
                          + [obj.name + "_median,(%chg),"
                             + obj.name + "_spread" for obj in problem.objectives] \
                          + ["IBD,(%chg), IBS"] + ["IGD,(%chg)"]
                for s in strings: fa.write(s + ",")

                IGD_Values = []
                # Repeat Core
                for repeat in range(self.configurations["Universal"]["Repeats"]):

                    foldername = "./RawData/PopulationArchives/" + algorithm.name + "_" + problem.name + "/" + str(
                    import os
                    if not os.path.exists(foldername):
                    # Run
                    record_string += "<Run id = '" + str(repeat + 1) + "'>\n"

                    start = time.time()
                    statBox = jmoo_evo(problem, algorithm, self.configurations)
                    end = time.time()

                    # Find best generation
                    representative = statBox.box[0]
                    for r, rep in enumerate(statBox.box):
                        # for indi in rep.population:
                        #     print indi
                        if rep.IBD < representative.IBD:
                            representative = statBox.box[r]

                    # Decision Bin Data
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population:
                        for dec in row.decisionValues:
                            s += str("%10.2f" % dec) + ","
                        if row.valid:
                            for obj in row.fitness.fitness:
                                s += str("%10.2f" % obj) + ","
                            for obj in problem.objectives:
                                s += "?" + ","

                        s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                        s += "\n"


                    baseline = problem.referencePoint
                    s = ""
                    for row in representative.population:
                        # if not row.valid:
                        #    row.evaluate()
                        if row.valid:
                            for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness, baseline, problem.objectives):
                                c = percentChange(o, base, obj.lismore, obj.low, obj.up)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += str(representative.numEval) + ","
                            for o, base, obj in zip(row.fitness.fitness, baseline, problem.objectives):
                                c = str("%12.2f" % o)
                                s += c + ","
                            s += "\n"

                    # output every generation
                    for box in [representative]:
                        s_out = ""
                        s_out += str(self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + ","
                        s_out += problem.name + "-p" + str(
                                self.configurations["Universal"]["Population_Size"]) + "-d" + str(
                                len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(len(problem.objectives)) + ","
                        s_out += algorithm.name + ","
                        s_out += str(box.numEval) + ","
                        for low in representative.fitnessMedians:
                            s_out += str("%10.2f" % low) + ","
                        s_out += str("%10.2f" % box.IBD) + "," + str("%10.2f" % box.IBS) + "," + str((end - start))
                        sr.write(s_out + "\n")
                        sc2.write(s_out + "\n")

                    record_string += "<Summary>\n"
                    record_string += "<NumEvals>" + str(representative.numEval) + "</NumEvals>\n"
                    record_string += "<RunTime>" + str((end - start)) + "</RunTime>\n"
                    record_string += "<IBD>" + str(box.IBD) + "</IBD>\n"
                    record_string += "<IBS>" + str(box.IBS) + "</IBS>\n"
                    for i in range(len(problem.objectives)):
                        record_string += "<" + problem.objectives[i].name + ">" + str(
                                representative.fitnessMedians[i]) + "</" + problem.objectives[i].name + ">\n"
                    record_string += "</Summary>"

                    # Finish
                    record_string += "</Run>\n"
                    print " # Finished: Celebrate! # " + " Time taken: " + str("%10.5f" % (end - start)) + " seconds."

                record_string += "</Algorithm>\n"
            record_string += "</Problem>\n"
        record_string += "</Experiment>\n"

        from time import strftime
        date_folder_prefix = strftime("%m-%d-%Y")
        if not os.path.isdir('./RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' + date_folder_prefix):
            os.makedirs('./RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' + date_folder_prefix)
        record_number = len([name for name in os.listdir('./RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' + date_folder_prefix)]) + 1
        filename = './RawData/ExperimentalRecords/' + date_folder_prefix + '/Record' + "_" + str(
                "%02d" % record_number) + "_" + 'ExperimentRecords.xml'
        zOutFile = open(filename, 'w')