Example #1
    def _get_workspace_docker_params(self, job_exe, task_workspaces,
                                     workspaces, volume_create,
        """Returns the Docker parameters needed for the given task workspaces

        :param job_exe: The job execution model (must not be queued) with related job and job_type fields
        :type job_exe: :class:`job.models.JobExecution`
        :param task_workspaces: List of the task workspaces
        :type task_workspaces: [:class:`job.configuration.job_parameter.TaskWorkspace`]
        :param workspaces: A dict of all workspaces stored by name
        :type workspaces: {string: :class:`storage.models.Workspace`}
        :param volume_create: Indicates if new volumes need to be created for these workspaces
        :type volume_create: bool
        :param docker_volumes: A list to add Docker volume names to
        :type docker_volumes: [string]
        :returns: The Docker parameters needed by the given workspaces
        :rtype: [:class:`job.configuration.job_parameter.DockerParam`]

        :raises Exception: If the job execution is still queued

        params = []
        for task_workspace in task_workspaces:
            name = task_workspace.name
            mode = task_workspace.mode
            if name in workspaces:
                workspace = workspaces[name]
                if workspace.volume:
                    vol = workspace.volume
                    if vol.host:
                        # Host mount is special, no volume name, just the host mount path
                        volume_name = vol.remote_path
                    elif volume_create:
                        # Create job_exe workspace volume for first time
                        volume_create_cmd = '$(docker volume create --driver=%s --name=%s %s)'
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(job_exe, name)
                        volume_name = volume_create_cmd % (
                            vol.driver, volume_name, vol.remote_path)
                        # Volume already created, re-use name
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(job_exe, name)
                    workspace_volume = '%s:%s:%s' % (
                        volume_name, get_workspace_volume_path(name), mode)
                    params.append(DockerParam('volume', workspace_volume))
        return params
Example #2
    def _get_workspace_docker_params(self, framework_id, job_exe_id,
                                     task_workspaces, workspaces,
        """Returns the Docker parameters needed for the given task workspaces

        :param framework_id: The scheduling framework ID
        :type framework_id: string
        :param job_exe_id: The job execution ID
        :type job_exe_id: int
        :param task_workspaces: List of the task workspaces
        :type task_workspaces: [:class:`job.configuration.configuration.job_configuration.TaskWorkspace`]
        :param workspaces: A dict of all workspaces stored by name
        :type workspaces: {string: :class:`storage.models.Workspace`}
        :param volume_create: Indicates if new volumes need to be created for these workspaces
        :type volume_create: bool
        :returns: The Docker parameters needed by the given workspaces
        :rtype: [:class:`job.configuration.configuration.job_configuration.DockerParam`]

        params = []
        for task_workspace in task_workspaces:
            name = task_workspace.name
            mode = task_workspace.mode
            if name in workspaces:
                workspace = workspaces[name]
                if workspace.volume:
                    vol = workspace.volume
                    if vol.host:
                        # Host mount is special, no volume name, just the host mount path
                        volume_name = vol.remote_path
                    elif volume_create:
                        # Create job_exe workspace volume for first time
                        volume_create_cmd = '$(docker volume create --driver=%s --name=%s %s)'
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(
                            framework_id, job_exe_id, name)
                        volume_name = volume_create_cmd % (
                            vol.driver, volume_name, vol.remote_path)
                        # Volume already created, re-use name
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(
                            framework_id, job_exe_id, name)
                    workspace_volume = '%s:%s:%s' % (
                        volume_name, get_workspace_volume_path(name), mode)
                    params.append(DockerParam('volume', workspace_volume))
        return params
Example #3
    def _get_workspace_docker_params(self, job_exe, task_workspaces, workspaces, volume_create, docker_volumes):
        """Returns the Docker parameters needed for the given task workspaces

        :param job_exe: The job execution model (must not be queued) with related job and job_type fields
        :type job_exe: :class:`job.models.JobExecution`
        :param task_workspaces: List of the task workspaces
        :type task_workspaces: [:class:`job.configuration.configuration.job_configuration.TaskWorkspace`]
        :param workspaces: A dict of all workspaces stored by name
        :type workspaces: {string: :class:`storage.models.Workspace`}
        :param volume_create: Indicates if new volumes need to be created for these workspaces
        :type volume_create: bool
        :param docker_volumes: A list to add Docker volume names to
        :type docker_volumes: [string]
        :returns: The Docker parameters needed by the given workspaces
        :rtype: [:class:`job.configuration.configuration.job_configuration.DockerParam`]

        :raises Exception: If the job execution is still queued

        params = []
        for task_workspace in task_workspaces:
            name = task_workspace.name
            mode = task_workspace.mode
            if name in workspaces:
                workspace = workspaces[name]
                if workspace.volume:
                    vol = workspace.volume
                    if vol.host:
                        # Host mount is special, no volume name, just the host mount path
                        volume_name = vol.remote_path
                    elif volume_create:
                        # Create job_exe workspace volume for first time
                        volume_create_cmd = '$(docker volume create --driver=%s --name=%s %s)'
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(job_exe, name)
                        volume_name = volume_create_cmd % (vol.driver, volume_name, vol.remote_path)
                        # Volume already created, re-use name
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(job_exe, name)
                    workspace_volume = '%s:%s:%s' % (volume_name, get_workspace_volume_path(name), mode)
                    params.append(DockerParam('volume', workspace_volume))
        return params
Example #4
    def _get_workspace_docker_params(self, framework_id, job_exe_id, task_workspaces, workspaces, volume_create):
        """Returns the Docker parameters needed for the given task workspaces

        :param framework_id: The scheduling framework ID
        :type framework_id: string
        :param job_exe_id: The job execution ID
        :type job_exe_id: int
        :param task_workspaces: List of the task workspaces
        :type task_workspaces: [:class:`job.configuration.configuration.job_configuration.TaskWorkspace`]
        :param workspaces: A dict of all workspaces stored by name
        :type workspaces: {string: :class:`storage.models.Workspace`}
        :param volume_create: Indicates if new volumes need to be created for these workspaces
        :type volume_create: bool
        :returns: The Docker parameters needed by the given workspaces
        :rtype: [:class:`job.configuration.configuration.job_configuration.DockerParam`]

        params = []
        for task_workspace in task_workspaces:
            name = task_workspace.name
            mode = task_workspace.mode
            if name in workspaces:
                workspace = workspaces[name]
                if workspace.volume:
                    vol = workspace.volume
                    if vol.host:
                        # Host mount is special, no volume name, just the host mount path
                        volume_name = vol.remote_path
                    elif volume_create:
                        # Create job_exe workspace volume for first time
                        volume_create_cmd = '$(docker volume create --driver=%s --name=%s %s)'
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(framework_id, job_exe_id, name)
                        volume_name = volume_create_cmd % (vol.driver, volume_name, vol.remote_path)
                        # Volume already created, re-use name
                        volume_name = get_workspace_volume_name(framework_id, job_exe_id, name)
                    workspace_volume = '%s:%s:%s' % (volume_name, get_workspace_volume_path(name), mode)
                    params.append(DockerParam('volume', workspace_volume))
        return params
Example #5
    def _configure_all_tasks(self, config, job_exe, job_type):
        """Configures the given execution with items that apply to all tasks

        :param config: The execution configuration
        :type config: :class:`job.configuration.json.execution.exe_config.ExecutionConfiguration`
        :param job_exe: The job execution model being scheduled
        :type job_exe: :class:`job.models.JobExecution`
        :param job_type: The job type model
        :type job_type: :class:`job.models.JobType`


        # Configure env vars describing allocated task resources
        for task_type in config.get_task_types():
            # Configure env vars describing allocated task resources
            env_vars = {}
            for resource in config.get_resources(task_type).resources:
                env_name = 'ALLOCATED_%s' % normalize_env_var_name(resource.name)
                env_vars[env_name] = '%.1f' % resource.value  # Assumes scalar resources

            # Configure workspace volumes
            workspace_volumes = {}
            for task_workspace in config.get_workspaces(task_type):
                workspace_model = self._workspaces[task_workspace.name]
                # TODO: Should refactor workspace broker to return a Volume object and remove BrokerVolume
                if workspace_model.volume:
                    vol_name = get_workspace_volume_name(job_exe, task_workspace.name)
                    cont_path = get_workspace_volume_path(workspace_model.name)
                    if workspace_model.volume.host:
                        host_path = workspace_model.volume.remote_path
                        volume = Volume(vol_name, cont_path, task_workspace.mode, is_host=True, host_path=host_path)
                        driver = workspace_model.volume.driver
                        driver_opts = {}
                        # TODO: Hack alert for nfs broker, as stated above, we should return Volume from broker
                        if driver == 'nfs':
                            driver_opts = {'share': workspace_model.volume.remote_path}
                        volume = Volume(vol_name, cont_path, task_workspace.mode, is_host=False, driver=driver,
                    workspace_volumes[task_workspace.name] = volume

            config.add_to_task(task_type, env_vars=env_vars, wksp_volumes=workspace_volumes)

        # Configure tasks for logging
        if settings.LOGGING_ADDRESS is not None:
            log_driver = DockerParameter('log-driver', 'syslog')
            # Must explicitly specify RFC3164 to ensure compatibility with logstash in Docker 1.11+
            syslog_format = DockerParameter('log-opt', 'syslog-format=rfc3164')
            log_address = DockerParameter('log-opt', 'syslog-address=%s' % settings.LOGGING_ADDRESS)
            if not job_type.is_system:
                pre_task_tag = DockerParameter('log-opt', 'tag=%s' % config.get_task_id('pre'))
                config.add_to_task('pre', docker_params=[log_driver, syslog_format, log_address, pre_task_tag])
                post_task_tag = DockerParameter('log-opt', 'tag=%s' % config.get_task_id('post'))
                config.add_to_task('post', docker_params=[log_driver, syslog_format, log_address, post_task_tag])
                # TODO: remove es_urls parameter when Scale no longer supports old style job types
                es_urls = None
                # Use connection pool to get up-to-date list of elasticsearch nodes
                if settings.ELASTICSEARCH:
                    hosts = [host.host for host in settings.ELASTICSEARCH.transport.connection_pool.connections]
                    es_urls = ','.join(hosts)
                # Post task needs ElasticSearch URL to grab logs for old artifact registration
                es_param = DockerParameter('env', 'SCALE_ELASTICSEARCH_URLS=%s' % es_urls)
                config.add_to_task('post', docker_params=[es_param])
            main_task_tag = DockerParameter('log-opt', 'tag=%s' % config.get_task_id('main'))
            config.add_to_task('main', docker_params=[log_driver, syslog_format, log_address, main_task_tag])
Example #6
    def _configure_all_tasks(self, config, job_exe, job_type):
        """Configures the given execution with items that apply to all tasks

        :param config: The execution configuration
        :type config: :class:`job.execution.configuration.json.exe_config.ExecutionConfiguration`
        :param job_exe: The job execution model being scheduled
        :type job_exe: :class:`job.models.JobExecution`
        :param job_type: The job type model
        :type job_type: :class:`job.models.JobType`


        for task_type in config.get_task_types():
            # Configure env vars describing allocated task resources
            env_vars = {}
            nvidia_docker_label = None

            for resource in config.get_resources(task_type).resources:
                env_name = 'ALLOCATED_%s' % normalize_env_var_name(
                    env_name] = '%.1f' % resource.value  # Assumes scalar resources
                if resource.name == "gpus" and int(resource.value) > 0:
                    gpu_list = GPUManager.get_nvidia_docker_label(
                        job_exe.node_id, job_exe.job_id)
                    nvidia_docker_label = DockerParameter(
                        'env', 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={}'.format(

            # Configure env vars for Scale meta-data
            env_vars['SCALE_JOB_ID'] = unicode(job_exe.job_id)
            env_vars['SCALE_EXE_NUM'] = unicode(job_exe.exe_num)
            if job_exe.recipe_id:
                env_vars['SCALE_RECIPE_ID'] = unicode(job_exe.recipe_id)
            if job_exe.batch_id:
                env_vars['SCALE_BATCH_ID'] = unicode(job_exe.batch_id)

            # Configure workspace volumes
            workspace_volumes = {}
            for task_workspace in config.get_workspaces(task_type):
                workspace_model = self._workspaces[task_workspace.name]
                # TODO: Should refactor workspace broker to return a Volume object and remove BrokerVolume
                if workspace_model.volume:
                    vol_name = get_workspace_volume_name(
                        job_exe, task_workspace.name)
                    cont_path = get_workspace_volume_path(workspace_model.name)
                    if workspace_model.volume.host:
                        host_path = workspace_model.volume.remote_path
                        volume = Volume(vol_name,
                        driver = workspace_model.volume.driver
                        driver_opts = {}
                        # TODO: Hack alert for nfs broker, as stated above, we should return Volume from broker
                        if driver == 'nfs':
                            driver_opts = {
                                'share': workspace_model.volume.remote_path
                        volume = Volume(vol_name,
                    workspace_volumes[task_workspace.name] = volume


        # Labels for metric grouping
        job_id_label = DockerParameter(
            'label', 'scale-job-id={}'.format(job_exe.job_id))
        job_execution_id_label = DockerParameter(
            'label', 'scale-job-execution-id={}'.format(job_exe.exe_num))
        job_type_name_label = DockerParameter(
            'label', 'scale-job-type-name={}'.format(job_type.name))
        job_type_version_label = DockerParameter(
            'label', 'scale-job-type-version={}'.format(job_type.version))
        main_label = DockerParameter('label', 'scale-task-type=main')
        if nvidia_docker_label:
            nvidia_runtime_param = DockerParameter('runtime', 'nvidia')
                                   job_id_label, job_type_name_label,
                                   job_execution_id_label, main_label,
                                   nvidia_docker_label, nvidia_runtime_param
                                   job_id_label, job_type_name_label,
                                   job_execution_id_label, main_label

        if not job_type.is_system:
            pre_label = DockerParameter('label', 'scale-task-type=pre')
            post_label = DockerParameter('label', 'scale-task-type=post')
                                   job_id_label, job_type_name_label,
                                   job_execution_id_label, pre_label
                                   job_id_label, job_type_name_label,
                                   job_execution_id_label, post_label

        # Configure tasks for logging
        if settings.LOGGING_ADDRESS is not None:
            log_driver = DockerParameter('log-driver', 'fluentd')
            fluent_precision = DockerParameter(
                'log-opt', 'fluentd-sub-second-precision=true')
            log_address = DockerParameter(
                'log-opt', 'fluentd-address=%s' % settings.LOGGING_ADDRESS)
            if not job_type.is_system:
                pre_task_tag = DockerParameter(
                    'log-opt', 'tag=%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' %
                    (config.get_task_id('pre'), job_type.name,
                     job_type.version, job_exe.job_id, job_exe.exe_num))
                                       log_driver, fluent_precision,
                                       log_address, pre_task_tag
                post_task_tag = DockerParameter(
                    'log-opt', 'tag=%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' %
                    (config.get_task_id('post'), job_type.name,
                     job_type.version, job_exe.job_id, job_exe.exe_num))
                                       log_driver, fluent_precision,
                                       log_address, post_task_tag
                # TODO: remove es_urls parameter when Scale no longer supports old style job types

                # Post task needs ElasticSearch URL to grab logs for old artifact registration
                es_param = DockerParameter(
                    'env', 'ELASTICSEARCH_URL=%s' % settings.ELASTICSEARCH_URL)
                config.add_to_task('post', docker_params=[es_param])
            main_task_tag = DockerParameter(
                'log-opt', 'tag=%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' %
                (config.get_task_id('main'), job_type.name, job_type.version,
                 job_exe.job_id, job_exe.exe_num))
                                   log_driver, fluent_precision, log_address,