Example #1
def test_numpy_persistence():
    filename = env['filename']
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = rnd.random_sample((10, 2))
    for compress in (False, True, 0, 3):
        # We use 'a.T' to have a non C-contiguous array.
        for index, obj in enumerate(((a,), (a.T,), (a, a), [a, a, a])):
            # Change the file name to avoid side effects between tests
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))

            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename,

            # All is cached in one file
            nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), 1)
            # Check that only one file was created
            nose.tools.assert_equal(filenames[0], this_filename)
            # Check that this file does exist
                os.path.exists(os.path.join(env['dir'], filenames[0])))

            # Unpickle the object
            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            # Check that the items are indeed arrays
            for item in obj_:
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(item, np.ndarray))
            # And finally, check that all the values are equal.
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.array(obj), np.array(obj_))

        # Now test with array subclasses
        for obj in (np.matrix(np.zeros(10)),
                    np.memmap(filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000)) + 'mmap',
                              mode='w+', shape=4, dtype=np.float)):
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename,
            # All is cached in one file
            nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), 1)

            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            if (type(obj) is not np.memmap and
                    hasattr(obj, '__array_prepare__')):
                # We don't reconstruct memmaps
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(obj_, type(obj)))

            np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_, obj)

        # Test with an object containing multiple numpy arrays
        obj = ComplexTestObject()
        filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename,
        # All is cached in one file
        nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), 1)

        obj_loaded = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
        nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(obj_loaded, type(obj)))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_float, obj.array_float)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_int, obj.array_int)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_obj, obj.array_obj)
Example #2
def test_memmap_with_big_offset(tmpdir):
    fname = tmpdir.join('test.mmap').strpath
    obj = [np.zeros(size, dtype='uint8'), np.ones(size, dtype='uint8')]
    dump(obj, fname)
    memmap = load(fname, mmap_mode='r')
    result, = Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(identity)(memmap) for _ in [0])
    assert isinstance(memmap[1], np.memmap)
    assert memmap[1].offset > size
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj, result)
Example #3
def test_pickle_highest_protocol(tmpdir):
    # ensure persistence of a numpy array is valid even when using
    # the pickle HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.
    # see https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/362

    filename = tmpdir.join('test.pkl').strpath
    test_array = np.zeros(10)

    numpy_pickle.dump(test_array, filename, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    array_reloaded = numpy_pickle.load(filename)

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(array_reloaded, test_array)
Example #4
def test_pickle_highest_protocol():
    # ensure persistence of a numpy array is valid even when using
    # the pickle HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.
    # see https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/362

    filename = env['filename'] + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
    test_array = np.zeros(10)

    numpy_pickle.dump(test_array, filename, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    array_reloaded = numpy_pickle.load(filename)

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(array_reloaded, test_array)
Example #5
def test_pickle_highest_protocol():
    # ensure persistence of a numpy array is valid even when using
    # the pickle HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.
    # see https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/362

    filename = env['filename'] + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
    test_array = np.zeros(10)

    numpy_pickle.dump(test_array, filename, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    array_reloaded = numpy_pickle.load(filename)

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(array_reloaded, test_array)
Example #6
def test_numpy_arrays_use_different_memory(mmap_mode):
    def func(arr, value):
        arr[:] = value
        return arr

    arrays = [np.zeros((10, 10), dtype='float64') for i in range(10)]

    results = Parallel(mmap_mode=mmap_mode, max_nbytes=0, n_jobs=2)(
        delayed(func)(arr, i) for i, arr in enumerate(arrays))

    for i, arr in enumerate(results):
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(arr, i)
Example #7
def test_numpy_arrays_use_different_memory(mmap_mode):
    def func(arr, value):
        arr[:] = value
        return arr

    arrays = [np.zeros((10, 10), dtype='float64') for i in range(10)]

    results = Parallel(mmap_mode=mmap_mode, max_nbytes=0, n_jobs=2)(
        delayed(func)(arr, i) for i, arr in enumerate(arrays))

    for i, arr in enumerate(results):
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(arr, i)
Example #8
def test_load_memmap_with_big_offset(tmpdir):
    # Test that numpy memmap offset is set correctly if greater than
    # https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/451 and
    # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/8443 for more details.
    fname = tmpdir.join('test.mmap').strpath
    obj = [np.zeros(size, dtype='uint8'), np.ones(size, dtype='uint8')]
    numpy_pickle.dump(obj, fname)
    memmaps = numpy_pickle.load(fname, mmap_mode='r')
    assert isinstance(memmaps[1], np.memmap)
    assert memmaps[1].offset > size
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj, memmaps)
Example #9
def test_numpy_persistence(tmpdir, compress):
    filename = tmpdir.join('test.pkl').strpath
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = rnd.random_sample((10, 2))
    # We use 'a.T' to have a non C-contiguous array.
    for index, obj in enumerate(((a, ), (a.T, ), (a, a), [a, a, a])):
        filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, filename, compress=compress)

        # All is cached in one file
        assert len(filenames) == 1
        # Check that only one file was created
        assert filenames[0] == filename
        # Check that this file does exist
        assert os.path.exists(filenames[0])

        # Unpickle the object
        obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(filename)
        # Check that the items are indeed arrays
        for item in obj_:
            assert isinstance(item, np.ndarray)
        # And finally, check that all the values are equal.
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.array(obj), np.array(obj_))

    # Now test with array subclasses
    for obj in (np.matrix(np.zeros(10)),
                np.memmap(filename + 'mmap',
        filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, filename, compress=compress)
        # All is cached in one file
        assert len(filenames) == 1

        obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(filename)
        if (type(obj) is not np.memmap and hasattr(obj, '__array_prepare__')):
            # We don't reconstruct memmaps
            assert isinstance(obj_, type(obj))

        np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_, obj)

    # Test with an object containing multiple numpy arrays
    obj = ComplexTestObject()
    filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, filename, compress=compress)
    # All is cached in one file
    assert len(filenames) == 1

    obj_loaded = numpy_pickle.load(filename)
    assert isinstance(obj_loaded, type(obj))
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_float, obj.array_float)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_int, obj.array_int)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_obj, obj.array_obj)
Example #10
def test_numpy_persistence():
    filename = env['filename']
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = rnd.random_sample((10, 2))
    for compress, cache_size in ((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 10)):
        # We use 'a.T' to have a non C-contiguous array.
        for index, obj in enumerate(((a,), (a.T,), (a, a), [a, a, a])):
            # Change the file name to avoid side effects between tests
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename,
            # Check that one file was created per array
            if not compress:
                nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), len(obj) + 1)
            # Check that these files do exist
            for file in filenames:
                    os.path.exists(os.path.join(env['dir'], file)))

            # Unpickle the object
            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            # Check that the items are indeed arrays
            for item in obj_:
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(item, np.ndarray))
            # And finally, check that all the values are equal.
            nose.tools.assert_true(np.all(np.array(obj) ==

        # Now test with array subclasses
        for obj in (
                    np.core.multiarray._reconstruct(np.memmap, (), np.float)
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename,
            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            if (type(obj) is not np.memmap
                        and hasattr(obj, '__array_prepare__')):
                # We don't reconstruct memmaps
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(obj_, type(obj)))

    # Finally smoke test the warning in case of compress + mmap_mode
    this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
    numpy_pickle.dump(a, this_filename, compress=1)
    numpy_pickle.load(this_filename, mmap_mode='r')
Example #11
def test_numpy_persistence():
    filename = env['filename']
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = rnd.random_sample((10, 2))
    for compress, cache_size in ((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 10)):
        # We use 'a.T' to have a non C-contiguous array.
        for index, obj in enumerate(((a,), (a.T,), (a, a), [a, a, a])):
            # Change the file name to avoid side effects between tests
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename,
            # Check that one file was created per array
            if not compress:
                nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), len(obj) + 1)
            # Check that these files do exist
            for file in filenames:
                    os.path.exists(os.path.join(env['dir'], file)))

            # Unpickle the object
            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            # Check that the items are indeed arrays
            for item in obj_:
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(item, np.ndarray))
            # And finally, check that all the values are equal.
            nose.tools.assert_true(np.all(np.array(obj) ==

        # Now test with array subclasses
        for obj in (
                    np.core.multiarray._reconstruct(np.memmap, (), np.float)
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename,
            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            if (type(obj) is not np.memmap
                        and hasattr(obj, '__array_prepare__')):
                # We don't reconstruct memmaps
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(obj_, type(obj)))

    # Finally smoke test the warning in case of compress + mmap_mode
    this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
    numpy_pickle.dump(a, this_filename, compress=1)
    numpy_pickle.load(this_filename, mmap_mode='r')
Example #12
def test_numpy_persistence():
    filename = env['filename']
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = rnd.random_sample((10, 2))
    for compress in (False, True, 0, 3):
        # We use 'a.T' to have a non C-contiguous array.
        for index, obj in enumerate(((a, ), (a.T, ), (a, a), [a, a, a])):
            # Change the file name to avoid side effects between tests
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))

            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj,

            # All is cached in one file
            nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), 1)
            # Check that only one file was created
            nose.tools.assert_equal(filenames[0], this_filename)
            # Check that this file does exist
                os.path.exists(os.path.join(env['dir'], filenames[0])))

            # Unpickle the object
            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            # Check that the items are indeed arrays
            for item in obj_:
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(item, np.ndarray))
            # And finally, check that all the values are equal.
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.array(obj), np.array(obj_))

        # Now test with array subclasses
        for obj in (np.matrix(np.zeros(10)),
                    np.memmap(filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000)) + 'mmap',
            this_filename = filename + str(random.randint(0, 1000))
            filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj,
            # All is cached in one file
            nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), 1)

            obj_ = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
            if (type(obj) is not np.memmap
                    and hasattr(obj, '__array_prepare__')):
                # We don't reconstruct memmaps
                nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(obj_, type(obj)))

            np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_, obj)

        # Test with an object containing multiple numpy arrays
        obj = ComplexTestObject()
        filenames = numpy_pickle.dump(obj, this_filename, compress=compress)
        # All is cached in one file
        nose.tools.assert_equal(len(filenames), 1)

        obj_loaded = numpy_pickle.load(this_filename)
        nose.tools.assert_true(isinstance(obj_loaded, type(obj)))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_float, obj.array_float)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_int, obj.array_int)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(obj_loaded.array_obj, obj.array_obj)