Example #1
def test_heavy_journey_ridesharing():
    the first time the duration of the ridesharing section is superior to the min value, so we keep the journey
    on the second test the duration is inferior to the min, so we delete the journey
    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Ridesharing
    journey.durations.ridesharing = journey.sections[-1].duration = 25

    # Ridesharing duration is superior to min_ridesharing value so we have ridesharing section
    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_ridesharing=20,
                                       orig_modes=['ridesharing', 'walking'])
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # Ridesharing duration is inferior to min_ridesharing value but there is no walking option
    # In this case we have ridesharing section
    journey.durations.ridesharing = journey.sections[-1].duration = 15
    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_ridesharing=20,
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # Ridesharing duration is inferior to min_ridesharing value and there is also walking option
    # In this case we have reject ridesharing section
    journey.durations.ridesharing = journey.sections[-1].duration = 15
    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_ridesharing=20,
                                       orig_modes=['ridesharing', 'walking'])
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)
Example #2
def test_heavy_journey_bike():
    the first time the duration of the biking section is superior to the min value, so we keep the journey
    on the second test the duration is inferior to the min but we still keep this journey,
    as filter does not apply on direct_path bike.
    Finally we add a pt section and we keep duration_bike inferior to min_bike so the journey will be discard
    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Bike
    journey.durations.bike = journey.sections[-1].duration = 15

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_car=20)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    journey.durations.bike = journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_car=20)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_car=20)
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)
Example #3
def test_activate_deactivate_mixed_min_taxi_bike_car():

    A          B               C      D           E
    A: origin
    E: Destination
    A->B : taxi
    B->C : public transport
    C->D : bike
    D->E : car

    # case 1: request with all duration_{mode} greater than min_{mode}

    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Taxi
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 10

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Bike
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 15

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Car
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 20

    journey.durations.taxi = 5
    journey.durations.car = 20
    journey.durations.bike = 15

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_taxi=2, min_bike=10, min_car=15)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 2: request with only duration_taxi less than min_taxi
    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_taxi=10, min_bike=10, min_car=15)
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 2: request with only duration_bike less than min_bike
    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_taxi=0, min_bike=20, min_car=0)
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 2: request with all duration_{mode} less than min_{mode}
    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_taxi=10, min_bike=20, min_car=25)
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)
Example #4
def test_heavy_journey_bss():
    we should not remove any bss journey since it is already in concurrence with the walking
    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Walking
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.BSS_RENT
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Bike
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.BSS_PUT_BACK
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Walking
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.durations.bike = 5
    journey.durations.walking = 10

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_car=20)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)
Example #5
def test_heavy_journey_taxi():
    the first time the duration of the taxi section is superior to the min value, so we keep the journey
    on the second test the duration is inferior to the min, so we delete the journey
    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Taxi
    journey.durations.taxi = journey.sections[-1].duration = 25

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_taxi=20)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    journey.durations.taxi = journey.sections[-1].duration = 15

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_taxi=20, orig_modes=['bike', 'walking'])
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)
Example #6
def test_heavy_journey_car():
    the first time the duration of the car section is superior to the min value, so we keep the journey
    on the second test the duration is inferior to the min, so we delete the journey
    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Car
    journey.durations.car = journey.sections[-1].duration = 25

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_car=20)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    journey.durations.car = journey.sections[-1].duration = 15

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_car=20)
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)
Example #7
def test_activate_deactivate_min_taxi():

    A                 B                           C            D
    A: origin
    D: Destination
    A->B : taxi
    B->C : public transport
    C->D : taxi

    # case 1: request with duration_taxi greater than min_taxi

    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Taxi
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 35

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Taxi
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 7

    journey.durations.taxi = 12

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_taxi=10)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 2: request with duration_taxi less than min_taxi
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 2
    journey.durations.taxi = 7

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_taxi=10)
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)
Example #8
def test_heavy_journey_walking():
    we don't filter any journey with walking
    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Walking
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_bike=10, min_car=20)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)
Example #9
def test_activate_deactivate_min_car():

      A                 B                           C            D
      A: origin
      D: Destination
      A->B : car
      B->C : public transport
      C->D : car

    # case 1: request without origin_mode and destination_mode

    journey = response_pb2.Journey()
    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Car
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.PUBLIC_TRANSPORT
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 35

    journey.sections[-1].type = response_pb2.STREET_NETWORK
    journey.sections[-1].street_network.mode = response_pb2.Car
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 7

    journey.durations.car = 12

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=10)
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 2: request without origin_mode
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 15
    journey.durations.car = 20

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=8,
                                       dest_modes=['car', 'walking'])
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 3: request without destination_mode
    journey.sections[0].duration = 15
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5
    journey.durations.car = 20

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=8,
                                       orig_modes=['car', 'walking'])
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 4: request without walking in origin_mode
    journey.sections[0].duration = 5
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 15
    journey.durations.car = 20

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=8, orig_modes=['car'])
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 5: request without walking in destination_mode
    journey.sections[0].duration = 15
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5
    journey.durations.car = 20

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=8, dest_modes=['car'])
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 6: request with car only in origin_mode destination_mode
    journey.sections[0].duration = 15
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 14
    journey.durations.car = 29

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=17,
    assert f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 7: request with walking in destination_mode
    journey.sections[0].duration = 15
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 5
    journey.durations.car = 20

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=8,
                                       dest_modes=['car', 'walking'])
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 8: request with walking in origin_mode
    journey.sections[0].duration = 5
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 15
    journey.durations.car = 20

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=8,
                                       orig_modes=['car', 'walking'])
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)

    # case 9: request with bike in origin_mode and bike, walking in destination_mode
    journey.sections[0].duration = 5
    journey.sections[-1].duration = 7
    journey.durations.car = 12

    f = jf.FilterTooShortHeavyJourneys(min_car=8,
                                       dest_modes=['car', 'walking'])
    assert not f.filter_func(journey)